Maintenance for the week of June 3:
· [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
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PVP Mass Exodus: Give them a reason to return

  • NagualV
    This is my opinion, but here goes -

    I think people here are missing the point - ZOS doesn't WANT to focus on PVP in this game. All of these suggestions, all of these requests, over the years..... they arent unaware of them. They have CHOSEN this path. THINGS ARE NOT GONNA CHANGE!!!!

    If you enjoy the pvp content this game has, great. But if you are dissatisfied, and are waiting for there to be some kind of "shift", and then you come and post suggestions here, I mean, if it isnt evident by now, I mean, wow.

    ZOS has an incredibly successful game, and they know their core playerbase well. PVP is an afterthought, and has been, for a long time. Just accept it already.
  • wildbear247
    Well fixing the lag in Cyrodiil would get me to come back. Not sure when/if that will ever happen though. So alternatives to that would be:

    -- Larger Battlegrounds options which are team vs. team (10x10, 20x20)
    -- An instanced castle siege in which 30 defenders try to prevent 30 attackers from capturing the flags. Give it a time limit (30 mins?), and victory conditions.

    And ensure the rewards are good. One thing I like about the 30-day campaign is the Tier 1 50 transmute stone rewards, would like for good transmute awards to continue to be a part of whatever changes they make to keep PvP fun and playable.
    PC NA
    The Ironwood Clan (all DC): Karbal Ironwood (Stamblade, PvP); Galtan Ironwood (Magblade, crafter, PvE, some PvP)

    MY #1 ESO REQUEST: An overhauled way in which ZOS gathers, assesses, responds to, and incorporates player feedback on the current and future state of the game.
  • martinhpb16_ESO
    NagualV wrote: »
    This is my opinion, but here goes -

    I think people here are missing the point - ZOS doesn't WANT to focus on PVP in this game. All of these suggestions, all of these requests, over the years..... they arent unaware of them. They have CHOSEN this path. THINGS ARE NOT GONNA CHANGE!!!!

    If you enjoy the pvp content this game has, great. But if you are dissatisfied, and are waiting for there to be some kind of "shift", and then you come and post suggestions here, I mean, if it isnt evident by now, I mean, wow.

    ZOS has an incredibly successful game, and they know their core playerbase well. PVP is an afterthought, and has been, for a long time. Just accept it already.

    Can you reference where Zos have specified that please?
    At least the spelling is difficult for you.
    Hew's Bane*
  • NagualV
    NagualV wrote: »
    This is my opinion, but here goes -

    I think people here are missing the point - ZOS doesn't WANT to focus on PVP in this game. All of these suggestions, all of these requests, over the years..... they arent unaware of them. They have CHOSEN this path. THINGS ARE NOT GONNA CHANGE!!!!

    If you enjoy the pvp content this game has, great. But if you are dissatisfied, and are waiting for there to be some kind of "shift", and then you come and post suggestions here, I mean, if it isnt evident by now, I mean, wow.

    ZOS has an incredibly successful game, and they know their core playerbase well. PVP is an afterthought, and has been, for a long time. Just accept it already.

    Can you reference where Zos have specified that please?

    It's my opinion, I'm not stating it as an absolute fact.

    If you believe ZOS is super invested, super interested in PVP in this game, great! If you feel the current state of PVP in this game reflects that they are focused on pvp, great! If there is a roadmap, or plan, for pvp that I havent seen, that outlines/expresses their ongoing commitment to pvp, then I stand corrected!

    My opinion is based on my observations over the years, and my in game experiences. I would disagree with someone who feels differently, nothing more.
  • martinhpb16_ESO
    NagualV wrote: »
    If there is a roadmap, or plan, for pvp that I havent seen, that outlines/expresses their ongoing commitment to pvp, then I stand corrected!

    You make a very good point here
    At least the spelling is difficult for you.
    Hew's Bane*
  • NagualV
    NagualV wrote: »
    If there is a roadmap, or plan, for pvp that I havent seen, that outlines/expresses their ongoing commitment to pvp, then I stand corrected!

    You make a very good point here

    Truth is, deep down, I still care and I always enjoyed this game. I wouldnt bother posting here if that wasnt the case; I already stopped playing and unsubbed.
  • EdmondDontes
    NagualV wrote: »
    This is my opinion, but here goes -

    I think people here are missing the point - ZOS doesn't WANT to focus on PVP in this game. All of these suggestions, all of these requests, over the years..... they arent unaware of them. They have CHOSEN this path. THINGS ARE NOT GONNA CHANGE!!!!

    If you enjoy the pvp content this game has, great. But if you are dissatisfied, and are waiting for there to be some kind of "shift", and then you come and post suggestions here, I mean, if it isnt evident by now, I mean, wow.

    ZOS has an incredibly successful game, and they know their core playerbase well. PVP is an afterthought, and has been, for a long time. Just accept it already.

    Can you reference where Zos have specified that please?

    It's possible to judge people and companies by their actions and results. We have seven plus years of history that proves that PvE became the main focus due to monetization aspects and PvP doesn't even make it onto their radar for consideration. They've reduced population caps in cyro so many times we are now down to less than 100 players/faction when the cap used to be 500/faction. There has been essentially no new PvP content since release, and in fact, two of the three BG modes have been terminated.

    We absolutely can look at the previous track record and behaviors and accurately predict future behavior. Sometimes it's much better to judge actions and results rather than words. Sometimes the words are meant to mislead and misdirect. So it's always better to judge based on actual physical evidence rather than words.
    Edited by EdmondDontes on 22 October 2021 19:17
  • Vaoh
    coop500 wrote: »
    New World is trash, once the new-ness wears off they'll be back. ESO has way too much content and different ways to play to be fully replaced by New World.

    Didn’t ESO almost die soon after launch until the $15 monthly sub was dropped? And we’re talking about a game which had enormous free publicity via The Elder Scrolls franchise.....

    New World has only just launched yet has created its own (currently massive) following. There’s no way to tell if it will maintain this popularity ofc, but I don’t think it’s fair to say “tHiS iS tRaSh” about a popular new game just because it’s not ESO lol. There are a lot of really interesting things I’ve seen from New World too. Like all MMOs it will depend heavily on how the devs handle the game for years to come.

    Plus ESO has objectively done a terrible job on the PvP-side of things over the years. Anyone who isn’t super attached to this game will laugh at you when you show them how laggy PvP is. I love ESO but I’m not going to pretend it doesn’t have severe issues (mainly unplayable pvp lag).
  • Hanokihs
    Vaoh wrote: »
    coop500 wrote: »
    New World is trash, once the new-ness wears off they'll be back. ESO has way too much content and different ways to play to be fully replaced by New World.

    Didn’t ESO almost die soon after launch until the $15 monthly sub was dropped? And we’re talking about a game which had enormous free publicity via The Elder Scrolls franchise.....

    To be fair, the game "almost died" because people expected Skyrim: With Friends, and what they really got was MMO: With Elder Scrolls - which is an entirely different game in terms of interface and aesthetic. And they had to pay to play? A lot of them were unsatisfied, so they bailed. Then the casual players slowly trickled in, not getting what they expected but not quite hating what the game was. A few years rolled by and here we are - with PVP relatively obsolete and a loooooot of players looking forward to the new stickerbook feature so they can quit grinding to keep up with every update and actually play the game.

    Also, I've always felt like PVP wouldn't be so laggy if they'd learn to manage the server-strain of their "fast paced combat" nonsense, where hundreds of people are encouraged to spam buttons every second. But that's just me, I guess; a lot of people like the animation canceling, regardless of drawbacks.
    "I haven't really played much yet, but lemme tell you all about how the game should include X and be a lot more like Y!" - Half the posters on this forum.
    "I've been here for years, and lemme tell you all about how they should never change or evolve Z, because then the game would be ruined forever." - The other half of posters on this forum.
  • martinhpb16_ESO
    There has been essentially no new PvP content since release, ........... So it's always better to judge based on actual physical evidence rather than words.

    I agree with a lot of what you said but want to focus on two things.

    I am not a Zos apologist, I have huge gripes with their direction on pvp.

    There has been essentially no new PvP content since release, well not true, IC, BG, and some modifications in in Cyro like gate and bridge attacking and hammer, no CP campaigns

    So it's always better to judge based on actual physical evidence rather than words Totally agree that their recent direction with pvp has been a total miss-fire -endless meta changes, no lag fix, failing to cope with population imbalances, gated p2w class favouritism, and the straw on the camel's back - Dark Convergence.

    At least the spelling is difficult for you.
    Hew's Bane*
  • Amottica
    The issue with ZOS doing too much in PVP is that PVP players typically are not the one making the MMO company money. The PVE players typically make the company money.

    PVP players want new content but what would it be, another map like Imperial City? The lack of PVP players isn't a result of ZoS. It is a result of outside forces that ZoS can't control. For instance people simply stop playing video games, people go over to new games, etc... people outside life takes priority and the time they do have to play is significantly reduced.

    This happens in both PVE and PVP. The thing is though, more players come to play ESO for its PVE content. You want players in PVP, recruit players to PVP and show them how much fun PVP can be. Get enough players playing or Qing into PVP maps and eventually ZoS will be like, yup time for us to get more PVP content.

    You are basing this on opinion and not statistics. To imagine that pvp players don't pve as well and spend money either on crowns or eso plus is inaccurate.

    The forum and creator feedback is definitely indicating that lag + constant 'rebalancing' + constant meta changes + no meaningful new content + meta misfires like Dark Convergence have had a negative impact on the pvp population.

    It is not the players job to market pvp to new players, we are already paying Zos our hard earned money to do that as well as provide a game that works and evolves with players not against them.

    I played LOTRO for 7 years. For years there was no new trials or pvp development. There was constant feedback on the forums from trial and pvp players. It became even more grating because casual pve players were constantly saying, it is casual content that makes the money, the devs don't want to waste their time on pvp or trials.

    Then ESO released - the pvp population moved from LOTRO to ESO. From my LOTRO server alone we practically filled a guild with pvp players. People left in droves because ESO had trials and new and exciting pvp. My LOTRO server actually closed, as did other servers. Warner Brothers eventually sold the game. Yes LOTRO is still going but you can bet your bottom dollar it doesn not make as much money as it did.

    Be careful what you are arguing for - pvp players spend money, they pve, they organise guilds and trial runs. They also create a lot of content which does actually market the game. If pvp players are warning that this side of the game is in crisis from a player perspective you should be joining them in solidarity because it will definitely effect the ESO you know if they all move on.

    My pvp guild is pretty much all playing NW now. I'm still here because I am GM of a 7 year old trade guild that is always full and is very successful. If I go that guild also goes.

    In fact the other day a player who does not pvp said to me that the comradery in our trade guild was pretty much the only reason he still plays ESO. He is actually a big crown seller as well.

    Think of it like Brexit - so many people said we don't need foreign workers here in the UK we can do it by ourselves. Now - we have a labour shortage, supermarket shelves are empty, our health service is suffering, crops are going unpicked in the fields, restaurants are closing for lunch because they have less staff. You may think you don't need PVP players, just see what happens when they all leave and stop spending their money and contributing to other aspects of life in Tamriel.

    I agree that many PvP focused players have probably left ESO due to the performance in Cyrodiil and constant changes to the game requiring changes to our builds. However, the PvE side remains very popular and successful. This has a lot to do with the game that has always had a PvE focus. I expect it is not by accident that the larger budget MMORPGs have more of a PvE focus with a splash of PvP.
  • DtOG
    I would take two years ago bad performance over today’s bad performance.
  • BalticBlues
    Rex-Umbra wrote: »
    ZOS only listened to the PvX streamers last few years has been hurting PvP. Lost 24 man groups for no reason caused large loss of casual pvpers whom could no longer find a PUG and running around ungrouped just made them PvX food. Then the PvX crowd got in ZOSes ear asking for ear demanding no proc PvP causing more casuals to quit cause none of their gear worked now. Then they demanded anti Zerg sets so we got those sets... Then they ruined objective based BGs causing all non elite meta following pvpers to quit that too. Game has so many more casual pvpers who want to chill in a group play objective based PvP than the loud forum all day PvXers that think regular players will stick around when they are being treated like prey.
    QFT. ZOS ruined PvP to cater a handful of YouTube/Twitch Streamers.

    I could add a lot to the list above, like ruining pet builds for PvP, like ruining healers for PvP (when they were not allowed to heal outside of a goup), like ruining LightArmor builds (except OP Bombers) so the PvP meta is now 90% Stambuilds etc. etc. Three years ago you could play almost anything in PvP effectively and it was a lot of fun to try different things, but Streamers took care that today we have a boring PvP stam meta where almost anybody runs around with a 2H.

    Edited by BalticBlues on 24 October 2021 03:16
  • AuraStorm43
    DtOG wrote: »
    I would take two years ago bad performance over today’s bad performance.

    Not for me on PS4 NA, Dragonhold was the worst state the games ever been in, crashes were so frequent they needed an incremental, which made combat chug instead of constantly crash
  • newtinmpls
    RoninMB wrote: »
    There are plenty of pvp players spending money on new content when it comes out and other stuff from the crown store.

    The PvE "I want to play with friends" "I want housing" "I want cosmetics" crowd gets all this, and pays for it in the crown store.

    One question would be what can be sold in the crown store that would appeal to a PvPer (and not a PvE'er/roleplayer) AND would NOT be classified as "pay to win"?
    Tenesi Faryon of Telvanni - Dunmer Sorceress who deliberately sought sacrifice into Cold Harbor to rescue her beloved.
    Hisa Ni Caemaire - Altmer Sorceress, member of the Order Draconis and Adept of the House of Dibella.
    Broken Branch Toothmaul - goblin (for my goblin characters, I use either orsimer or bosmer templates) Templar, member of the Order Draconis and persistently unskilled pickpocket
    Mol gro Durga - Orsimer Socerer/Battlemage who died the first time when the Nibenay Valley chapterhouse of the Order Draconis was destroyed, then went back to Cold Harbor to rescue his second/partner who was still captive. He overestimated his resistance to the hopelessness of Oblivion, about to give up, and looked up to see the golden glow of atherius surrounding a beautiful young woman who extended her hand to him and said "I can help you". He carried Fianna Kingsley out of Cold Harbor on his shoulder. He carried Alvard Stower under one arm. He also irritated the Prophet who had intended the portal for only Mol and Lyris.
    Order Draconis - well c'mon there has to be some explanation for all those dragon tattoos.
    House of Dibella - If you have ever seen or read "Memoirs of a Geisha" that's just the beginning...
    Nibenay Valley Chapterhouse - Where now stands only desolate ground and a dolmen there once was a thriving community supporting one of the major chapterhouses of the Order Draconis
  • Grandchamp1989
    newtinmpls wrote: »
    RoninMB wrote: »
    There are plenty of pvp players spending money on new content when it comes out and other stuff from the crown store.

    The PvE "I want to play with friends" "I want housing" "I want cosmetics" crowd gets all this, and pays for it in the crown store.

    One question would be what can be sold in the crown store that would appeal to a PvPer (and not a PvE'er/roleplayer) AND would NOT be classified as "pay to win"?

    Call of Duty did map packs. New fleshed out maps for multiplayer only.

    I'm not sure of the ESO PvP community is big enough to split the community into players with only basegame maps and DLC maps but it worked for COD.
  • Relladen
    The issue was never with the AMOUNT of PvP content. The people that left for New World would never have left in the first place if Cyrodiil performance was good. Not to mention they got sick of hearing over and over again that ZOS is gonna fix PvP performance only for it to get neglected year after year.
  • Kwoung
    newtinmpls wrote: »
    RoninMB wrote: »
    There are plenty of pvp players spending money on new content when it comes out and other stuff from the crown store.

    The PvE "I want to play with friends" "I want housing" "I want cosmetics" crowd gets all this, and pays for it in the crown store.

    One question would be what can be sold in the crown store that would appeal to a PvPer (and not a PvE'er/roleplayer) AND would NOT be classified as "pay to win"?

    Well actually, if you want to see a wide variety of the best mounts in the game, go to Cyrodiil. It's like half the players have the rarest crown mounts available. It kinda cracks me up when folks say PVPers don't support the game... do people even know how many crown crates it generally takes on average to get one of those mounts, like 800 or something? So PVPers are either the luckiest players in ESO, or they are spending a crap ton of cash in the crown store.
  • deleted220614-000183
    Don't want to be impolite, but ESO PVP is nteresting for vast minority of ESO players only.
    On the other hand, it consumes majority of server resources.
    I suppose 70-90 percent of ESO performance problems are related to PVP.
    The whole ESO game crashed recently couple of times because of PVP , lags and issues are mainly related to PVP.
    We have 7 hours of maintnanace once per week and it seems not to be enough to patch all of that problems.

    So who really cares about PVP and losing somebody friends playing PVP ? Not me.
    Let them go, the less PVP players, the less problems.
    Cyrodil in current state of decay is a nightmare zone not good for anything.

    PVP in ESO is what it is and it can't be fixed easily.
    ZOS seems not to be interested in refactoring and code optimalization and server capacity enhancement as it is a pure loss. they will rather develop a new chapter and sell it in crownstore and let PVP players struggle.

    Just my opinion.

  • Kryptonite_Kent
    One of the main turn offs for pvp is the current meta, which is in large part due to how ZOS decides to nerf any dps into the ground, while avoiding damage mitigation and healing, especially cross healing... there are people in CP camps that can literally just stand there solo and take on a small army, granted they cant kill anyone, but the simple fact that theres THAT MUCH mitigation and healing is so obvious of a problem that Ray Charles could see it
    Former Emperor
    Animus Impetum -DC- Magplar
    Animus Impetus -AD- Magplar
    Impetus Animus -EP- Magplar
    Kryptonite Kent -AD- Stamblade
    Kenobi Wan -AD- Magsorc
  • ZOS_Volpe

    Recently we've had to remove several posts for baiting and flaming, content that is against the Forum Rules. For further posts be sure to stay constructive and respectful to avoid thread derailment.

    Thank you for understanding.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
    Forum Rules | Code of Conduct | Terms of Service | Home Page | Help Site
    Staff Post
  • TequilaFire
    trpajzla wrote: »
    Don't want to be impolite, but ESO PVP is nteresting for vast minority of ESO players only.
    On the other hand, it consumes majority of server resources.
    I suppose 70-90 percent of ESO performance problems are related to PVP.
    The whole ESO game crashed recently couple of times because of PVP , lags and issues are mainly related to PVP.
    We have 7 hours of maintnanace once per week and it seems not to be enough to patch all of that problems.

    So who really cares about PVP and losing somebody friends playing PVP ? Not me.
    Let them go, the less PVP players, the less problems.
    Cyrodil in current state of decay is a nightmare zone not good for anything.

    PVP in ESO is what it is and it can't be fixed easily.
    ZOS seems not to be interested in refactoring and code optimalization and server capacity enhancement as it is a pure loss. they will rather develop a new chapter and sell it in crownstore and let PVP players struggle.

    Just my opinion.

    Could you please provide some links backing up your "opinion" that PvP consumes the majority of server resources?
  • Adremal
    I sank more than 300 hours in New World out of curiosity. It's pretty and has a nice little lore (albeit a niche one, and presented in a very goofy manner through journals). Seeing the settlements grow is a nice touch, but mostly, it's a very pretty game.

    That being said, the reason for me liking New World so much is that it rekindled my ESO cravings like no other game ever managed to do. The PvP is instanced. The "open" PvP consists of "trains" of flagged people running around uselessly because the vast majority of people play unflagged and only flag to form other "trains". Design flaws are everywhere, separate servers meant unbearable queues at launch, and a game-wrecking series of knee-jerk reactions on AGS' part; the two servers I played on are down to 800 to 1200 players (the latter at peak hours), from 2000, and other servers had the faction balance utterly destroyed over the course of just a week. Housing is horrible, the travel system makes me want to figuratively kick puppies, the weapon balance is horrible, the dungeons are barely decent, and its team fails at fixing stuff, communicating and just about everything. The community is also the worse I've ever seen in a MMO, probably thanks to the Twitch integration and "hype".

    So, if you feel like you're getting tired of ESO, go and play New World. You'll be back to ESO more enthusiastically than ever, mark my words.
  • deleted220614-000183
    trpajzla wrote: »
    Don't want to be impolite, but ESO PVP is nteresting for vast minority of ESO players only.
    On the other hand, it consumes majority of server resources.
    I suppose 70-90 percent of ESO performance problems are related to PVP.
    The whole ESO game crashed recently couple of times because of PVP , lags and issues are mainly related to PVP.
    We have 7 hours of maintnanace once per week and it seems not to be enough to patch all of that problems.

    So who really cares about PVP and losing somebody friends playing PVP ? Not me.
    Let them go, the less PVP players, the less problems.
    Cyrodil in current state of decay is a nightmare zone not good for anything.

    PVP in ESO is what it is and it can't be fixed easily.
    ZOS seems not to be interested in refactoring and code optimalization and server capacity enhancement as it is a pure loss. they will rather develop a new chapter and sell it in crownstore and let PVP players struggle.

    Just my opinion.

    Could you please provide some links backing up your "opinion" that PvP consumes the majority of server resources?

    Of course I can do.
    Cyrodiil is one huge bottleneck on server performance.
    Group dungeons are not so bad but they are the second biggest problem
    In PVE world you can always load balance and split groups of players to different nodes so they never use the same capacity in your HW environment. Network bandwitch, CPU cores ore memory cells are today scalable and virtualized and can be added on the fly.
    But this is not the case in PVP because big groups fighting each other long fights must work together (or against each other) from the start till the end, no reloads, no leaving the area, whatever giving the program opportunity to break and realocate
    So when 40 palyers are casting all they could cast at once against another group doing the same to kill each other, things starting to be pretty rough on server side. Ping goes high , CPU performance down and memory is full. You can divert the load to another node because all is happening in one place and if you do so, all will lag or crash which is happening all the time
    If you allocate biug reserve of resources, they will be used for the fraction capacity nearly all the time just to be able to serve in the peaks when huge battle occurs. And allocation of big resources costs big money.
  • TequilaFire
    trpajzla wrote: »
    trpajzla wrote: »
    Don't want to be impolite, but ESO PVP is nteresting for vast minority of ESO players only.
    On the other hand, it consumes majority of server resources.
    I suppose 70-90 percent of ESO performance problems are related to PVP.
    The whole ESO game crashed recently couple of times because of PVP , lags and issues are mainly related to PVP.
    We have 7 hours of maintnanace once per week and it seems not to be enough to patch all of that problems.

    So who really cares about PVP and losing somebody friends playing PVP ? Not me.
    Let them go, the less PVP players, the less problems.
    Cyrodil in current state of decay is a nightmare zone not good for anything.

    PVP in ESO is what it is and it can't be fixed easily.
    ZOS seems not to be interested in refactoring and code optimalization and server capacity enhancement as it is a pure loss. they will rather develop a new chapter and sell it in crownstore and let PVP players struggle.

    Just my opinion.

    Could you please provide some links backing up your "opinion" that PvP consumes the majority of server resources?

    Of course I can do.
    Cyrodiil is one huge bottleneck on server performance.
    Group dungeons are not so bad but they are the second biggest problem
    In PVE world you can always load balance and split groups of players to different nodes so they never use the same capacity in your HW environment. Network bandwitch, CPU cores ore memory cells are today scalable and virtualized and can be added on the fly.
    But this is not the case in PVP because big groups fighting each other long fights must work together (or against each other) from the start till the end, no reloads, no leaving the area, whatever giving the program opportunity to break and realocate
    So when 40 palyers are casting all they could cast at once against another group doing the same to kill each other, things starting to be pretty rough on server side. Ping goes high , CPU performance down and memory is full. You can divert the load to another node because all is happening in one place and if you do so, all will lag or crash which is happening all the time
    If you allocate biug reserve of resources, they will be used for the fraction capacity nearly all the time just to be able to serve in the peaks when huge battle occurs. And allocation of big resources costs big money.

    Still just all opinion with no statements linked to by devs as to PvP being the cause of problems other than in PvP.
    It is a little selfish to want to remove the play mode of others who pay just as much or more than you to be here.
    But I realize I am being baited, so I'm done.
    Edited by TequilaFire on 28 October 2021 16:11
  • AuraStorm43
    trpajzla wrote: »
    trpajzla wrote: »
    Don't want to be impolite, but ESO PVP is nteresting for vast minority of ESO players only.
    On the other hand, it consumes majority of server resources.
    I suppose 70-90 percent of ESO performance problems are related to PVP.
    The whole ESO game crashed recently couple of times because of PVP , lags and issues are mainly related to PVP.
    We have 7 hours of maintnanace once per week and it seems not to be enough to patch all of that problems.

    So who really cares about PVP and losing somebody friends playing PVP ? Not me.
    Let them go, the less PVP players, the less problems.
    Cyrodil in current state of decay is a nightmare zone not good for anything.

    PVP in ESO is what it is and it can't be fixed easily.
    ZOS seems not to be interested in refactoring and code optimalization and server capacity enhancement as it is a pure loss. they will rather develop a new chapter and sell it in crownstore and let PVP players struggle.

    Just my opinion.

    Could you please provide some links backing up your "opinion" that PvP consumes the majority of server resources?

    Of course I can do.
    Cyrodiil is one huge bottleneck on server performance.
    Group dungeons are not so bad but they are the second biggest problem
    In PVE world you can always load balance and split groups of players to different nodes so they never use the same capacity in your HW environment. Network bandwitch, CPU cores ore memory cells are today scalable and virtualized and can be added on the fly.
    But this is not the case in PVP because big groups fighting each other long fights must work together (or against each other) from the start till the end, no reloads, no leaving the area, whatever giving the program opportunity to break and realocate
    So when 40 palyers are casting all they could cast at once against another group doing the same to kill each other, things starting to be pretty rough on server side. Ping goes high , CPU performance down and memory is full. You can divert the load to another node because all is happening in one place and if you do so, all will lag or crash which is happening all the time
    If you allocate biug reserve of resources, they will be used for the fraction capacity nearly all the time just to be able to serve in the peaks when huge battle occurs. And allocation of big resources costs big money.

    This is a bunch of generic buzzwords with no actual evidence

    Least on PS5 its a similar issue for me both in Cyrodil and Trials, random freezes then everyone zips to where they’re supposed to

    Imagine you’re trying to run vet cloudrest and you get siroria’s fire or hoarfrost on you and your game freezes, thats what i deal with, its not frequent but it happens enough to be an issue
    Edited by AuraStorm43 on 28 October 2021 17:14
  • newtinmpls
    I had said:
    newtinmpls wrote: »
    The PvE "I want to play with friends" "I want housing" "I want cosmetics" crowd gets all this, and pays for it in the crown store.

    One question would be what can be sold in the crown store that would appeal to a PvPer (and not a PvE'er/roleplayer) AND would NOT be classified as "pay to win"?
    Kwoung wrote: »
    Well actually, if you want to see a wide variety of the best mounts in the game, go to Cyrodiil. It's like half the players have the rarest crown mounts available. It kinda cracks me up when folks say PVPers don't support the game... do people even know how many crown crates it generally takes on average to get one of those mounts, like 800 or something? So PVPers are either the luckiest players in ESO, or they are spending a crap ton of cash in the crown store.

    I see super rare mounts everywhere, especially in the month or so after they first came out. I think of them as the "whale mounts" because you are right - these are the "crap ton of cash" items.

    That being the case, I started to wonder what COULD be in the crown store that would be of interest to PvPers (potentially) and would NOT be pay to win?

    My sweetie and I came up with a few things:

    -a private "mini arena" as part of housing. Say the equivalent of a dueling area, but with the option to change things; maybe make it possible (depending on the size of the house) to include "more than two" in a duel; maybe max size and then an option to have free for all or groups. This would also mean that various housing items could be used to make some really cool terrain.

    -"terrain housing" could include water (to wade or swim through); "fog of war" effects; small gates that go back and forth between where they are placed.

    -A Leaderboard trophy that would display highest rank you have achieved with respect to any given category/achievement.
    Tenesi Faryon of Telvanni - Dunmer Sorceress who deliberately sought sacrifice into Cold Harbor to rescue her beloved.
    Hisa Ni Caemaire - Altmer Sorceress, member of the Order Draconis and Adept of the House of Dibella.
    Broken Branch Toothmaul - goblin (for my goblin characters, I use either orsimer or bosmer templates) Templar, member of the Order Draconis and persistently unskilled pickpocket
    Mol gro Durga - Orsimer Socerer/Battlemage who died the first time when the Nibenay Valley chapterhouse of the Order Draconis was destroyed, then went back to Cold Harbor to rescue his second/partner who was still captive. He overestimated his resistance to the hopelessness of Oblivion, about to give up, and looked up to see the golden glow of atherius surrounding a beautiful young woman who extended her hand to him and said "I can help you". He carried Fianna Kingsley out of Cold Harbor on his shoulder. He carried Alvard Stower under one arm. He also irritated the Prophet who had intended the portal for only Mol and Lyris.
    Order Draconis - well c'mon there has to be some explanation for all those dragon tattoos.
    House of Dibella - If you have ever seen or read "Memoirs of a Geisha" that's just the beginning...
    Nibenay Valley Chapterhouse - Where now stands only desolate ground and a dolmen there once was a thriving community supporting one of the major chapterhouses of the Order Draconis
  • Kwoung
    trpajzla wrote: »
    trpajzla wrote: »
    Don't want to be impolite, but ESO PVP is nteresting for vast minority of ESO players only.
    On the other hand, it consumes majority of server resources.
    I suppose 70-90 percent of ESO performance problems are related to PVP.
    The whole ESO game crashed recently couple of times because of PVP , lags and issues are mainly related to PVP.
    We have 7 hours of maintnanace once per week and it seems not to be enough to patch all of that problems.

    So who really cares about PVP and losing somebody friends playing PVP ? Not me.
    Let them go, the less PVP players, the less problems.
    Cyrodil in current state of decay is a nightmare zone not good for anything.

    PVP in ESO is what it is and it can't be fixed easily.
    ZOS seems not to be interested in refactoring and code optimalization and server capacity enhancement as it is a pure loss. they will rather develop a new chapter and sell it in crownstore and let PVP players struggle.

    Just my opinion.

    Could you please provide some links backing up your "opinion" that PvP consumes the majority of server resources?

    Of course I can do.
    Cyrodiil is one huge bottleneck on server performance.
    Group dungeons are not so bad but they are the second biggest problem
    In PVE world you can always load balance and split groups of players to different nodes so they never use the same capacity in your HW environment. Network bandwitch, CPU cores ore memory cells are today scalable and virtualized and can be added on the fly.
    But this is not the case in PVP because big groups fighting each other long fights must work together (or against each other) from the start till the end, no reloads, no leaving the area, whatever giving the program opportunity to break and realocate
    So when 40 palyers are casting all they could cast at once against another group doing the same to kill each other, things starting to be pretty rough on server side. Ping goes high , CPU performance down and memory is full. You can divert the load to another node because all is happening in one place and if you do so, all will lag or crash which is happening all the time
    If you allocate biug reserve of resources, they will be used for the fraction capacity nearly all the time just to be able to serve in the peaks when huge battle occurs. And allocation of big resources costs big money.

    Hate to burst your bubble, but Cyrodiil runs on separate servers and doesn't affect normal gameplay. The only time it gets extra resources, is for Mayhem events so all the extra folks going there don't have to experience the lag filled stuttering mess of gameplay that normally exists there. They have probably also systematically lowered the resources assigned to Cyrodiil over the years, as it used to host about 500 players per faction, now it is 100 or less in each campaign.

    Oh, and all the lag and disconnects you are seeing in PVE now, that isn't because of Cyrodiil, it is because of decisions they made and stuff coded into the game over the years. The issues just showed up long ago in Cyrodiil most likely because of size, but were bound to happen in the rest of the game sooner or later. Be prepared for cities/zones being lowered to 4-6 players per instance and becoming empty wastelands, because they apparently don't have the first clue about what is causing the issue, nevermind how to actually fix it.
  • deleted220614-000183
    trpajzla wrote: »
    trpajzla wrote: »
    Don't want to be impolite, but ESO PVP is nteresting for vast minority of ESO players only.
    On the other hand, it consumes majority of server resources.
    I suppose 70-90 percent of ESO performance problems are related to PVP.
    The whole ESO game crashed recently couple of times because of PVP , lags and issues are mainly related to PVP.
    We have 7 hours of maintnanace once per week and it seems not to be enough to patch all of that problems.

    So who really cares about PVP and losing somebody friends playing PVP ? Not me.
    Let them go, the less PVP players, the less problems.
    Cyrodil in current state of decay is a nightmare zone not good for anything.

    PVP in ESO is what it is and it can't be fixed easily.
    ZOS seems not to be interested in refactoring and code optimalization and server capacity enhancement as it is a pure loss. they will rather develop a new chapter and sell it in crownstore and let PVP players struggle.

    Just my opinion.

    Could you please provide some links backing up your "opinion" that PvP consumes the majority of server resources?

    Of course I can do.
    Cyrodiil is one huge bottleneck on server performance.
    Group dungeons are not so bad but they are the second biggest problem
    In PVE world you can always load balance and split groups of players to different nodes so they never use the same capacity in your HW environment. Network bandwitch, CPU cores ore memory cells are today scalable and virtualized and can be added on the fly.
    But this is not the case in PVP because big groups fighting each other long fights must work together (or against each other) from the start till the end, no reloads, no leaving the area, whatever giving the program opportunity to break and realocate
    So when 40 palyers are casting all they could cast at once against another group doing the same to kill each other, things starting to be pretty rough on server side. Ping goes high , CPU performance down and memory is full. You can divert the load to another node because all is happening in one place and if you do so, all will lag or crash which is happening all the time
    If you allocate biug reserve of resources, they will be used for the fraction capacity nearly all the time just to be able to serve in the peaks when huge battle occurs. And allocation of big resources costs big money.

    This is a bunch of generic buzzwords with no actual evidence

    Least on PS5 its a similar issue for me both in Cyrodil and Trials, random freezes then everyone zips to where they’re supposed to

    Imagine you’re trying to run vet cloudrest and you get siroria’s fire or hoarfrost on you and your game freezes, thats what i deal with, its not frequent but it happens enough to be an issue

    Nobody cares about your PS5 and it's graphics limits, we are all (the whole PC EU megaserver community) experiencing lags and connection lost problems because backend (game server) is way to often not able to sustain big PVP group fights. End of the story.

    [Edited for Rude Comments]
    Edited by Psiion on 28 October 2021 19:14
  • AuraStorm43
    trpajzla wrote: »
    trpajzla wrote: »
    trpajzla wrote: »
    Don't want to be impolite, but ESO PVP is nteresting for vast minority of ESO players only.
    On the other hand, it consumes majority of server resources.
    I suppose 70-90 percent of ESO performance problems are related to PVP.
    The whole ESO game crashed recently couple of times because of PVP , lags and issues are mainly related to PVP.
    We have 7 hours of maintnanace once per week and it seems not to be enough to patch all of that problems.

    So who really cares about PVP and losing somebody friends playing PVP ? Not me.
    Let them go, the less PVP players, the less problems.
    Cyrodil in current state of decay is a nightmare zone not good for anything.

    PVP in ESO is what it is and it can't be fixed easily.
    ZOS seems not to be interested in refactoring and code optimalization and server capacity enhancement as it is a pure loss. they will rather develop a new chapter and sell it in crownstore and let PVP players struggle.

    Just my opinion.

    Could you please provide some links backing up your "opinion" that PvP consumes the majority of server resources?

    Of course I can do.
    Cyrodiil is one huge bottleneck on server performance.
    Group dungeons are not so bad but they are the second biggest problem
    In PVE world you can always load balance and split groups of players to different nodes so they never use the same capacity in your HW environment. Network bandwitch, CPU cores ore memory cells are today scalable and virtualized and can be added on the fly.
    But this is not the case in PVP because big groups fighting each other long fights must work together (or against each other) from the start till the end, no reloads, no leaving the area, whatever giving the program opportunity to break and realocate
    So when 40 palyers are casting all they could cast at once against another group doing the same to kill each other, things starting to be pretty rough on server side. Ping goes high , CPU performance down and memory is full. You can divert the load to another node because all is happening in one place and if you do so, all will lag or crash which is happening all the time
    If you allocate biug reserve of resources, they will be used for the fraction capacity nearly all the time just to be able to serve in the peaks when huge battle occurs. And allocation of big resources costs big money.

    This is a bunch of generic buzzwords with no actual evidence

    Least on PS5 its a similar issue for me both in Cyrodil and Trials, random freezes then everyone zips to where they’re supposed to

    Imagine you’re trying to run vet cloudrest and you get siroria’s fire or hoarfrost on you and your game freezes, thats what i deal with, its not frequent but it happens enough to be an issue

    Nobody cares about your PS5 and it's graphics limits, we are all (the whole PC EU megaserver community) experiencing lags and connection lost problems because backend (game server) is way to often not able to sustain big PVP group fights. End of the story.

    [Edited for Rude Comments]

    Nor do you nobody but the people inside ZOS really know what the issue is, and they honestly dunno either least from what I see

    Remember, we had months of “tests” with ZOS trying to pinpoint the issue and it didn’t fix the lag issue in Cyrodil, whether i’m on PS5 or not isn’t really relevant to the conversation, i’m simply stating the issues also plauging PVE in some areas, heck i get input lag at times just questing with Mirri
    Edited by Psiion on 28 October 2021 19:15
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