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PVP Mass Exodus: Give them a reason to return

  • neferpitou73
    Stefirex wrote: »
    PVPer's whine that nobody wants to PVP with them. Yet, when players do show up and put lfg in zone chat, they are consistently ignored when groups are running, and they're not all full. You guys damage your own play. ZOS doesn't need to.

    Because we don't have enough room in group : )
  • ResidentContrarian
    Stefirex wrote: »
    PVPer's whine that nobody wants to PVP with them. Yet, when players do show up and put lfg in zone chat, they are consistently ignored when groups are running, and they're not all full. You guys damage your own play. ZOS doesn't need to.

    To be fair, what's happening in PvP spaces in the game these days isn't really PvP...
  • Jackey
    Nogawd wrote: »

    Groups died years before they cut down the group limit.

    PVP guilds died many years ago as well.

    I have no idea how it's like on other servers but this is not what happened on PS EU.
    The group limit stopped guilds from adding players from zone chat in to the groups, but they're still in Cyrodiil and forming their own groups.
    PS | EU
  • Vindold
    What we need is new BG maps\mods, new PvP stuff, something fresh, something new...after Morrowind no new BG maps, no new pvp stuff, that's really, really sad.
    Edited by Vindold on 16 October 2021 09:37
  • Sythen88411
    Skoomah wrote: »
    My friends list is now suddenly half inactive with people last being logged into the game 4+ days ago. They’ve all gone to a new game and if that game successfully keeps their attention, there is little to no chance half my friends are coming back to play ESO.

    ZOS... you need to give people a reason to play your game. There have been no announcements and no indication through years of content releases that brand new PVP content is going to be released. Without anything new to play, discover, or learn, then people have absolutely no incentive to come back to your game.

    Are you going to release some new PVP content soon? If not, say goodbye forever to a large chunk to your long time player

    If this is the right person don't you just play no skiled carred ww in bgs? Could just try to find ur carried build in NW?
    Edited by Sythen88411 on 16 October 2021 12:06
  • NagualV
    Amottica wrote: »
    Nogawd wrote: »
    I have played since beta.

    Nothing was like that first year of PvP. The Q's to get in would sometimes reach over a hundred. There were handfuls and handfuls of guilds on every alliance. Ever since, however, it has dropped. The Q's got smaller. The guilds vanished. Sure, new guilds would pop up, but never last too long or be how it was in that first year.
    Blame this, blame that, there is a lot of blame to go around, but it's always back to the lag. No one wants to play in it. It's been a problem since day one and most have just come to the conclusion that it will never be fixed. It is what it is.

    It's a business, and ZOS seems to have found their bread and butter and they will milk it for everything they can get. I understand it, but it's just frustrating that we never got those huge large scale battles that was promoted before the game even hit beta.

    I remember the hype and the claims. Huge battles with hundreds of players. Siege everywhere. Bows all over the top of the keeps. Players able to climb the walls. Battles that would seemingly last hours.

    Instead that first year in huge fights, all you would get on your screen was insane choppiness and rubber banding. You would be smashing buttons and just hoping to see your side still alive after the server caught up.

    ZOS has tried some things in hopes to try and patch it up, but these tests and cheap shots in the dark just never work. I get that they want to try and patch it before committing to upgrading server hardware, but it's beyond that time now. They have killed the entire PvP community. This is the worst state this part of the game has ever been in. Yes, it's basically at an unplayable point right now with the server performance and the lack of PvP players.

    I have no idea what is going to go on from here.

    From what I understand, that wait was with multiple campaigns being cap locked on slow weeknights and having a much larger cap lock to begin with. If that is true then that mass exodus happened years ago.

    I am certainly not leaving ESO for NW even though I am playing NW hoping there is something good in it eventually. I played in NW since Alpha when it was more hardcore in every aspect than it is today.

    It is funny how little PvP that is happening in the game since most players are not flagged. It used to be full-time PvP for everyone even though few players actually attacked me back then and when they did they seemed to be pretty bad at it. You could loot them once you killed them. It was a pretty good idea but they could not cease the PvP greifing so they tried to go PvE.

    I'll say a couple more things in this thread and then I'm out...

    I believe the reason NW switched from the early alpha full loot to what it is now is to draw in more players....based on information I've read, full loot hardcore pvp is extremely niche. I like the idea, but as a person with a family, 3 kids, a house, a job, it requires a lot of time to play that sort of thing, and people like me just don't have the time.

    For me personally, on my server, on average, I get a fight every two hours or so. I have been flagged since I hit level 10. Havent taken off the flag. Some may think wow that isnt that much. The difference between eso and NW is that in NW THE ENTIRE GAME WORLD is a possible pvp location. As I'm playing the pve content, I can get into a random fight with one, or more people. Having, on average, a fight every couple of hours turns out to be a nice sort of timing, where I can do quests and harvest/gather enough while not being interrupted too much. This has been my strategy for leveling. You cannot get that "overland" experience in ESO. Once I hit max level, and max crafting, I can focus more on pvp end game. For me ESO pvp end game is....stale.

    Which leads me to my final point. Sometimes I think people want NW to fail out of spite, or just to be able to say 'I told you so'. They say there are already problems in NW, it wont last, etc....I would like to remind everyone of ESO's launch....

    I have more faith that like ESO, NW will be able to correct the issues it had/has at their respective launches and retain healthy pvp(in NW case) than I have confidence that ESO will give some level, any level of priority to Pvp. If NW does fail, as others have said, what is there to come back to here?
    Edited by NagualV on 16 October 2021 13:40
  • Emmagoldman
    More importantly its about coms. Coms have a massive advantage and a random outside of coms is generally dead weight
    That's not whining and obviously a part of end game pve as well. Want to do hm trials for time? you're not taking up randoms either. In fact, pve guilds that are serious require gear set up and parse scores

    Edited by Emmagoldman on 16 October 2021 13:16
  • Mumbles_the_Tank
    NagualV wrote: »
    Which leads me to my final point. Sometimes I think people want NW to fail out of spite, or just to be able to say 'I told you so'. They say there are already problems in NW, it wont last, etc....I would like to remind everyone of ESO's launch....

    I find the jibes and barbs thrown at that other game in these forums utterly hilarious.

    At no point during the initial years of ESO, even if you are extremely generous with the assumed % of players on steam vs not, did we ever see comparable player numbers. Even accounting for grass is greener, new car smell, opening week player numbers - the numbers just aren’t even close to each other. Yet there are many here who dismiss such an obvious disparity as being meaningless.

    Fiddle while Rome burns by all means but competition has arrived with more on the way. Zenimax really have to pull up their quality control socks across all areas of the game, not just PvP, though it certainly has deserved a special kind of extra attention based on the last few years of steady degradation. Take a dive into all the YT dissection of WoW numbers this year if you don’t believe how fast things can turn for a live service game.

    End of the day I hope NW does well and stays on top of a healthy PvP environment - and I hope that sustained competition also leads to ZOS doing just a little bit more than the bare minimum they’ve coasted on for so very long. That is a scenario where no one loses, not any type of player in either game. Compared to what we have here now where many are left out in the cold patch after patch just waiting and hoping. It’s honestly a sad status quo that a very few, very verbose people in this thread and elsewhere seem to find strangely gratifying.
  • TequilaFire
    NW won't get as many jabs if everyone would stop trying to show how much better it is than ESO, what do you expect.
    It is a different game attracting a different player type. So go play NW and please stop trying to turn ESO into NW.
    Most of my friends would be back in a heartbeat if ESO fixed performance.
  • NagualV
    Most of my friends would be back in a heartbeat if ESO fixed performance.

    Good luck.
  • kargen27
    techyeshic wrote: »
    New World can flop; but for me the problem is that when I play ESO now, with limited skills but not as limited as NW which has cooldowns to go along with having only 3; I realize that I still am activating abilities more reliably and with timing in NW than I could ever dream with ESO. It makes it real hard to come back.

    I do trials and stuff while waiting to see what ZoS does with Dark Convergence before hopping back into PvP for long periods of time. I did do a lot of PvP though and remember when it worked well. I have the opposite reaction. When I go to New World it takes me quite a few fights to slow down so things work. All the skills are on what I think are unnecessarily long timers. The time between attacking and getting your block up is long. The time between attacking and bar switching is long. With PvE most the fights end up being light attack, roll and repeat until skills are back. I haven't done any big PvP yet so maybe it works well for that. I hope so.
    I like the flow of animation canceling though. I like to be able to self heal while on the move and I like that it is instant. I like being able to throw down an AoE then before it is finished change my mind and replace it. I like being able to flank the enemy while I am attacking the enemy. Combat is faster in ESO. Took me a while to get used to it and my fingers still sometimes don't do what my brain says but it is a lot more fluid and so far I like it better.

    Other game is still young though. First two months of ESO I hated the game and only stuck around because I liked Oblivion and other Elder Scroll games.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • Pauwer
    On console the grey host campaing is still full on prime time, as always. The other campains 0 bars. Pvp still going strong. In one campaing. Like it always was, in the old 7 day shor campaing there was action too, but it is gone.

    They should delete blackreach and replace it with 7 day cp-enabled, no proc, campaing. On console. Many of us would play that.

    I still love pvp cyro, i have played daily for many hours, will never stop. Best content in the game. Don't know how anyone can think pvp is repetitive compared to trials, dungeons or questing. Lol
  • EdmondDontes
    Pauwer wrote: »
    On console the grey host campaing is still full on prime time, as always. The other campains 0 bars. Pvp still going strong. In one campaing. Like it always was, in the old 7 day shor campaing there was action too, but it is gone.

    They should delete blackreach and replace it with 7 day cp-enabled, no proc, campaing. On console. Many of us would play that.

    I still love pvp cyro, i have played daily for many hours, will never stop. Best content in the game. Don't know how anyone can think pvp is repetitive compared to trials, dungeons or questing. Lol

    Population caps have been reduced to right about 60 players/faction, maybe 75/faction. The cap used to be 500/faction.
  • JJOtterBear
    Edited by JJOtterBear on 17 October 2021 01:42
  • tonyblack
    Pauwer wrote: »
    On console the grey host campaing is still full on prime time, as always. The other campains 0 bars. Pvp still going strong. In one campaing. Like it always was, in the old 7 day shor campaing there was action too, but it is gone.

    They should delete blackreach and replace it with 7 day cp-enabled, no proc, campaing. On console. Many of us would play that.

    I still love pvp cyro, i have played daily for many hours, will never stop. Best content in the game. Don't know how anyone can think pvp is repetitive compared to trials, dungeons or questing. Lol

    And how 7 day campaign would be more attractive than 30 days one? It was mostly used for farming/selling emperor but rewards was worse so not many home it. If you have characters on different alliance Blackreach is good alternative to GH even if it’s dead on other servers though on pc eu it still has consistent 2 bars pop and reaching 3 bars pops on weekends sometimes and more importantly much less laggy than GH.
  • RevJJ
    Cyrodiil is nothing but a meme now. Constant disconnects due to EP faction stacks, ping ponging between purple balls from Dark Conzerglings, being pulled off walls and siege weapons… it is an absolute joke. Lag was bad before but it’s the worst I’ve ever seen.

    ZOS, when are you going to admit that you just want to completely remove pvp from the game? Just pull the bandaid off, prolonging this is making it worse. Either that or admit you don’t know anymore what to do to fix it.
  • techyeshic
    NW won't get as many jabs if everyone would stop trying to show how much better it is than ESO, what do you expect.
    It is a different game attracting a different player type. So go play NW and please stop trying to turn ESO into NW.
    Most of my friends would be back in a heartbeat if ESO fixed performance.

    That's a big "if."

    All my friends play ESO. People I know play NW. I'd join my friends but my visits in always remind me as I struggle to finish off players with actual combos that won't fire while dodging enemy procs. I want to actually play my character beyond farming sets to take care of things for me
  • mayasunrising
    Skoomah wrote: »
    ZOS... you need to give people a reason to play your game.

    Personally, I didn't stop pvp'ing in the game because of mechanics or boredom, I stopped because the toxicity of the pvp community was just getting out of hand where I didn't want to deal with it anymore. Would new pvp content be great? Sure. But if I have to deal with constant griefing, t-bagging, and plain ol' rudeness it's not going to make any difference.

    As a community, pvp'ers need to police ourselves and treat each other better. There's nothing ZOS can do to make that happen.

    "And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." Anaïs Nin

    “There’s a difference between wanting to be looked at and wanting to be seen." Amanda Palmer

    “A game is an opportunity to focus our energy, with relentless optimism, at something we’re good at (or getting better at) and enjoy. In other words, gameplay is the direct emotional opposite of depression.” Jane McGonigal

    “They'll tell you you're too loud, that you need to wait your turn and ask the right people for permission. Do it anyway." Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
  • slimwaffle
    There are a lot of experienced pvp players playing new world yes its true. That doesn't automatically make it a great game. (I'm personally on the fence with it)

    The thing about ESO pvp is its impressively bad. Yes I have played alot of pvp because that is what I like in any game. But it doesn't mean eso pvp is good. Its just preferable to pve.

    Eso is an old game. Its honestly impressive that after being out for so many years it still has so many issues. And ESO has been stale for a lot of people for along time. Especially when it comes to pvp.

    There is the obvious novelty factor with a new game. Which will wear off and you will see some people come back to ESO.
    But the truth is if it hadn't been New World it would have been the next thing to come out.

    A lot of people in the pvp community have just been waiting for the next game because as I have already stated eso is impressively bad at its current age.

    Take Australian players for example, even if New World flops they are better of going to other games like WOW or Final fantasy because they at least have oceanic servers. (Which New World also has)

    There won't be one game that kills eso. You will just slowly watch more and more people leave.

    Just food for thought guys. If it hadn't been New World it would have been the next thing to release or the one after that.
  • Pauwer
    tonyblack wrote: »
    Pauwer wrote: »
    On console the grey host campaing is still full on prime time, as always. The other campains 0 bars. Pvp still going strong. In one campaing. Like it always was, in the old 7 day shor campaing there was action too, but it is gone.

    They should delete blackreach and replace it with 7 day cp-enabled, no proc, campaing. On console. Many of us would play that.

    I still love pvp cyro, i have played daily for many hours, will never stop. Best content in the game. Don't know how anyone can think pvp is repetitive compared to trials, dungeons or questing. Lol

    And how 7 day campaign would be more attractive than 30 days one? It was mostly used for farming/selling emperor but rewards was worse so not many home it. If you have characters on different alliance Blackreach is good alternative to GH even if it’s dead on other servers though on pc eu it still has consistent 2 bars pop and reaching 3 bars pops on weekends sometimes and more importantly much less laggy than GH.

    Yes but on console blackreach is a dead ghost town, never ever any bars on it. On prime time the queue to the last place alliance is 30 or so, so it might be more on winning side. But still no one plays blackreach. 7 day campaing would be more attractive alternative, as it would bring a different option. Also, since lately the 30 day campaing is so that ep has nitecapped the score within few days so there is no option for others than to settle for playing on losing side for a month. I really think the 7 day campaing would bring back some fun and variety.
  • Elo106
    No new content, excuse being "we want to fix performance first", performance has been getting worse and worse, even after the "year of performance".

    If performance cant be fixed (anytime soon) give us small scale pvp, something new to show pvpers that we are still a priority, even a small one. Right now we are getting neither.

    At the very least group vs group duels so we can host our own events like guild vs guilds, 2vs2, gladiator team battles etc

    Instead we get nothing.
  • Ballermfrau
    The problem is NW has the same performance problems as ESO... NW is FULL of bugs.

  • Emmagoldman
    The problem is NW has the same performance problems as ESO... NW is FULL of bugs.

    It just released. I can't think of a single game, mmo or single player that isn't released with bugs. A vast majority of people I use to pvp with have left and are enjoying the performance better with NW along with the change of pace and open world pvp
  • maxjapank
    Watched some clips of New World. One with Shroud in some 50v50 war. And I was shocked at how bad the lag was. I've experienced lag in ESO, but my goodness that NW fight was terrible. I do hope that NW can succeed, but I'm not itching to go there quite yet after seeing that.
  • BlackCatOnline-
    Skoomah wrote: »
    My friends list is now suddenly half inactive with people last being logged into the game 4+ days ago. They’ve all gone to a new game and if that game successfully keeps their attention, there is little to no chance half my friends are coming back to play ESO.

    ZOS... you need to give people a reason to play your game. There have been no announcements and no indication through years of content releases that brand new PVP content is going to be released. Without anything new to play, discover, or learn, then people have absolutely no incentive to come back to your game.

    Are you going to release some new PVP content soon? If not, say goodbye forever to a large chunk to your long time player base.

    Yeah. All I hear is, ZOS is catering to new players, there's old bugs that in my opinion are being treated as an inside joke to which they laugh about but don't fix (Deadlands preview stream), people are tired of performance issues. Regarding performance it's been noticed during events there's a lot less lag so if ZOS would simple pay a little extra for better servers year round... But it's also been suggested that they don't want to invest so heavily into an approximate eight-year old game that has no clear and promising future. Thing is though, that same reluctance to go "all in" would likely lead to the downfall of the player base. Or rather a game populated by noobs and perhaps a handful of subjectively experienced players who would stay in PvP just to crush said noobs, clinging to a game long past its prime.
  • Skoomah
    I can't stress how big of a problem this is... if ZOS is reading this... now out of all other times would be the time to take this lack of care for the PVP community seriously. Do whatever you can to keep whoever is left, or you won't have much of a PVP player base left to service. This is a defining pivot point for ESO PVP...
  • Vylaera
    Seeing casual players talking about how PvP players are "loud" and "entitled" is really funny, because if we didn't make it funny, it'd be infuriating. Clearly they don't understand anything about the issues PvP players face.

    Let me put it into perspective.

    Imagine you're editing an outfit, and you hit the confirm button to spend 13k gold on the outfit you spent an hour getting just right. The editor proceeds to eat your gold but doesn't actually update your outfit.

    Imagine you spend the better half of a week trying to get an achievement and you just met all the prerequisites to unlock it. The game doesn't award you the achievement, or any dyes or collectibles associated with it.

    Imagine you're decorating your house, and you buy a Regal Sauna Pool with crowns. The editor eats your crowns and you don't get the sauna pool.

    Imagine you're fighting a world boss or dungeon boss you're more than capable of fighting. You get desynced and the boss kills you even though you didn't do anything wrong. Imagine this happens in half fights you engage in.

    Imagine you buy a really expensive motif on a guild trader. The trader eats your gold, but you don't get your motif page in the mail.

    Imagine ZOS updates the mechanics of NPCs on the overland, which is a highly requested feature to make the gameplay more dynamic. The mechanics are over-tuned and you keep getting one shot by an enemy that was an easy or fair fight prior to the update.

    Now imagine when you ask ZOS to fix all of this, they ignore you, and proceed to release a gimmicky emote as the only content for the entire year.

    Now imagine when you come to the forums to complain and vent about this state of affairs, people come to mock you and tell you you're entitled and loud, and you should find another game to play.
    Vy • lae • ra
  • novemberhhh
    This game is already dead, the lag is just so bad you haven't been hit by it yet...
  • coletas
    Maybe if the game is playable again and i dont have to l2p and swap all gear every 3-6 months. There are many games I missed all these years with teso. And ALL deserves my money more than this (and not talking about nw, which im not going to buy). Microsoft didnt changed anything either... So sorry, but wont give more oportunities in some time. Promises during years... In a near 200 friends guild no one play again since its unplayable... Many things (including project leaders) have to change to this game have some future (At least on PvP because, for me, pve was death years ago)
  • moo_2021
    Seeing casual players talking about how PvP players are "loud" and "entitled" is really funny, because if we didn't make it funny, it'd be infuriating. Clearly they don't understand anything about the issues PvP players face.

    The performance problem is now hitting PvE as well and it's getting worse.
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