Francescolg wrote: »Lol @ all those who still deny or do not want to discuss the major anti-zerg argument about siege weapons, focused fire, etc. ... You do not want to understand, or you have bad manners, not taking into account all strategies vs. any form of zerg/blob/wth...Or (worser) you have never taken 5 friends and tried to coordinate your siege fire for massive kills.. (but you keep coming to the forums and complaining about bombing strategies)
Francescolg wrote: »Or, you believe in "Purge" and think that the skill alone, one/two healers spamming purge, should always help vs. coordinated siege fire. In fact, they help a little bit, but they do not "help enough".
Francescolg wrote: »Actually, you can win with 3 vs 30, you can be in a bomb-group, you can even win vs a bomb-group just by oil, just by using oil-catapult to cut the end of the tail, hea-debuffing with meatbag, combined with fire-dmg, or effective positioning of healers, even healing through walls is a viable strategy, etc. etc., what matters is: strategy (!), combined ultimates, combos, the correct use of skills/shields (rotation) and skills like rememberance, as well some other decisive ultimate skills, just to mention: Negate Magic. Beside that: oil, oil, oil and more oil, more caltrops, more meatbag, more negates, more dedicated specs (non-main healer purger for example). Also very important is ultimate-regeneration and to put people with a higher ultimate reg in the first place in ultimate-rotations!
I aggree. These are not "higher strategies". We already use them. And who else uses all these? The zerg blobs. Yep. Shocking. They have people to heal, purge,different buffs, refill stamina, etc.Francescolg wrote: »All those "higher strategies" (which they ain't) need two things: a skilled leader calling for them, and a correct specialization of each group member, diversified roles/specs: for healers: one doing aoe healing/spot/gtae healing + one healing dmg-spikes, etc. There are many "roles" a class may fullfill in a group, like stamina-reggen templars, etc.
If you force your templar to purge all the time, his "real specialty" and other very strong templar builds, will have their effectiveness cut 50%+!
Francescolg wrote: »It seems to me that some negative posts here come from people who still haven't found a good pvp group (as usual). Again: search for guild / pvp groups that use Teamspeak. Doing PvP then right way is more difficult than pve, needs more skill and if you go into main chat and type LFG DO NOT expext any form of "higher strategy" and DO NOT come to the forums and cry about it..
The only disturbing thing about bomb-squads is the lag-/crash-causing and some spammable skills that are beeing modified within the next patches, nothing else! If you do not understand pvp-mechanics, skill/ultimate rotation, which shields to take, that it is not all about AoE/Impulse Spamming, etc. etc., please try other games that suit better to you!