moderatelyfatman wrote: »
I agree with you about not needing another superfluous zone or ToT decks and mythics. However, I do think that we need more trials and would be happy to buy them for 2500 crowns in the crown store.
manukartofanu wrote: »
A trial for 2500 crowns? We have recolor for 2000 crowns, a trial should be at least 10.000
dk_dunkirk wrote: »
I main a sorc, and tire of the flappy bird myself so when it came up, I bought it with crowns I already had, but I did not feel good about this purchase. Sure, you can see through it now, but that's not really what we wanted, was it? So they took one of the longest and most widespread complaints in the entire game, and found a way to expensively monetize a partial fix. Do you think this made me feel good? To allow my OCD to be abused like this? Do you think I'm eager to do this again for the clanfear?
There's no way this game is funded by subscriptions alone. ZOS needs crown store money to make this thing work, and a lot of it. I've spent many thousands of dollars in the crown store over the past couple of years, but I haven't made a new crown purchase since the performance problems started in May, and they haven't been able to fix them. I spent my last crowns on that stupid bird, but that was money already spent on ESO's balance sheet. I won't buy again until we see some progress on these problems and whatever else needs to happen to make the player counts start going up again.
I know it's a huge ask but if they have any ambition for the future cross play should be a serious consideration for a long term goal to keep populations high consistently
I know it's a huge ask but if they have any ambition for the future cross play should be a serious consideration for a long term goal to keep populations high consistently
I know it's a huge ask but if they have any ambition for the future cross play should be a serious consideration for a long term goal to keep populations high consistently
AvalonRanger wrote: »I don't feel shrinking in the PC-NA.
AvalonRanger wrote: »I don't feel shrinking in the PC-NA.
dk_dunkirk wrote: »
Over the past couple of days, it's been taking me 10 minutes to queue for randoms and pledges as a healer. I am definitely feeling it. (I play in the evening in EDT on PC NA.)
moderatelyfatman wrote: »
I think it also depends at what time you play. Remember that the game can feel quite full even with a reduced population by reducing the number of active instances.
What I've noticed is that outside of US primetime things such as BGs (before the latest disaster) and Random Dungeons (even on a tank or healer) take a lot longer to pop than 2 years ago. You can also take a look at the population in Cyrodiil (a single instance) which is a lot emptier for much of the day.
Trade is another one.
Franlky...ESO lost me as a regular player with the necessity for "Weaving" to get damage numbers good enough to stay with a hard mode trial guild. That was what...4 years ago?
I understand having to know what abilities maximize damage, I understand having to stay on top of a rotation to ensure maximum uptimes. I understand having to know boss mechanics. What I hate is having to weave light attacks in.... I already feel like a rabbid hamster clicking away, bar swapping..etc
Couple that with the never ending buffing and debuffing abilities, and the constant gear grinds due to gear nerfing, I just couldnt keep up. I dont have HOURS and HOURS to spend grinding new gear every patch.
Just not interested in the current mechanics or the constant gear grind. I dropped out of my guilds. And with that my interest in ESO has waned to where I MAY play ESO a few hours per week (where I used to play every night).
dk_dunkirk wrote: »
I was in the same boat, but came back to the game to find oakensoul-based builds and arcanists, and they've gone a long way to addressing those of us who couldn't master the weaving game. In fact, the arcanist swung the meta so hard, it's now the preferred DPS for "hard mode trial guilds." Have you not made one yet? Drop a couple dots, flail, flail, beam, rinse, repeat. I still struggle to do 100K DPS on the dummy with a "standard" build, but I'm consistently in the top 3 DPS's with my arcanist when I run vet trials with a semi-serious guild. If it weren't for my oakensorc main, and my arc DPS for trials, I would have quit as well. Now everyone complains about how OP the arcanist is. (I suspect it's just the people who can do 120K with a sweaty 2-bar build), and I fear ZOS will nerf it, and take it away from us mid players, rather than buff other classes to compete. If that happens, I'm definitely gone.
Mandragora wrote: »ESO was aiming always for story lovers and dungeon lovers, maybe that is the teams they can manage and it gave them actually enough of work to do, I don't know.
ESO has always been friendly to casuals/soloists, though that has slowly begun to change, and my reading of the studio letter is that ZOS is shifting its focus in another direction. For me, the drop in population started to become noticeable with Gold Road. My theory is that it's because ZOS dropped the Q4 story DLC not too long ago. That meant people who only show up for a story content drop didn't have anything to come back to at the end of last year, and I believe that quite a few of them didn't come back for Gold Road.
The problem with MMOs is that once someone gets off the hamster wheel for a good amount of time, they rarely jump in again. A few months between story content drops was okay, but a full year was too much in a game that set up the expectation of year long chapters. Not having any new story content for a year is more than enough time for someone to become fully invested in another game and forget ESO exists.
I could see the population continuing to sink with the new model. On the one hand, it'll be nice to not have to wait a full year for more story content. On the other hand, if whatever drops every quarter takes one day to complete, and the rest is just busy work chasing shinies, I think this ship will take on even more water.
AvalonRanger wrote: »
When I'm in playing time, most of same time zone people are going log off.
And, American people wake up from bed. Hello American people and good night for me.
Seriously, my friends list has been dead for years now. Maybe 2-3 people login for a week or so every six months or something, but that's about it.moderatelyfatman wrote: »But most haven't.
And hm, idk.... maybe they could learn to appeal to their community instead of releasing content/updates that they don't announce or run past them until it's a finished product that they're putting in the game whether or not the community is in favor of it?My question is, how exactly do you propose Zeni to fix what's ultimately a community problem?
Considering you also haven't actively played the game during the majority of it's existence.... maybe it's just me, but I don't know how you're comfortable choosing to speak (especially in defense of it) on the games long-term playability and it's ability to retain consistent players.Not necessarily. I took six years off, came back. *shrug*. Then another couple.
Seriously, my friends list has been dead for years now. Maybe 2-3 people login for a week or so every six months or something, but that's about it. And hm, idk.... maybe they could learn to appeal to their community instead of releasing content/updates that they don't announce or run past them until it's a finished product that they're putting in the game whether or not the community is in favor of it?
Considering you also haven't actively played the game during the majority of it's existence.... maybe it's just me, but I don't know how you're comfortable choosing to speak (especially in defense of it) on the games long-term playability and it's ability to retain consistent players.
My question is, how exactly do you propose Zeni to fix what's ultimately a community problem?
This is Zeni's problem. It's on Zeni to keep their customers. I'd guess the big things from this year that are causing population dips are lack of questing content, another being the performance problems going on since early this year which are being investigated, and another being the various problems arising from the new battlegrounds. These are major items and are in addition to old griefs such as Cyrodiil lag, YO-YO mech changes to name 2 things out of many. It's not that players hate the game (generalizing here, some do), it's just not enjoyable to waste free time on what appears to be an unreliable system. Heck, there is lag inside my eso house and it's just me in there.