I_killed_Vivec wrote: »
I have a feeling this might be the case. I think their new masters (Microsoft) have come in and asked how the game can be monetized without significant expenditure - they can see a vast game that most people go through once and then completely abandon. 1T and things like surveys encouraged people to go back to "starter" zones a bit more... endeavours had a minor impact (and maybe encouraged people into PvP on occasion).
The game now seems to concentrate on events to get us back into specific zones we might not revisit... Golden Pursuits looks to go even further, taking people into PvP, trials and dungeons. Encouraging people to be happy with what we already have... "Oooo look, a new event!".
I'm not an accountant but I bet someone said something like "Remonetize historic assets".
I would not be surprised if they announced that the 2025 Chapter would be the last one, at least for a while, or that the 2025 Chapter would be canceled, or postponed, so they can focus the studio attention on New Game and New Game launch. Every day, we get closer to New Game announce.
I do think that will have a very dire impact on ESO daily player numbers, if they dial back ESO development any further. People are only going to show up for so long to do content reheats (Golden Pursuits and Events).
Maybe I'm the outlier here but if "remonetize historic assets" means visually upgrade old zones and add content to them giving players reasons to revisit them and gain rewards, I'm all for it!
That's exactly what I want, aside from more snowy zones... But if it's not snowy than I'd definitely rather upgrade older ones.
I've been yearly ESO+ subbed for years and I've bought crowns regularly - new console "sustainability" features, disconnections, and the feeling the game is going down made me renew for only 3 months for the first time, until the next reveal, and I skipped crowns purchases lately, redirecting those money to another game.
I really hope for the future of ESO, I want the best for it, but the gaming industry situation overall seems rocky these days, for some reasons.
barney2525 wrote: »Population is shrinking?
I dunno. characters seem to be as tall as they were at creation.
I don't play as much anymore because my main is a sorc, I do NOT play MK, and parse sorcs aren't wanted in trials because arcanist is bloody OP.
OtarTheMad wrote: »
This is just my opinion but it’s more how the classes are than Arcanist. Players have put the classes in a situation where all of them have the same buffs now, so none are unique. So for leaderboard chasers it’s easy to just stack a HM vet trial with one class. Even if (or when really) Arcanist is overnerfed another class will take its place and then the threads will start on that class.
I stopped playing because of that and recent stuff. Tired of my class (I play all but Magcro is my main) being nerfed because of one part of the game I don’t even play. It’s exhausting.
moderatelyfatman wrote: »I've definitely noticed over the last couple of years that people are a lot less chatty and willing to socialise. I guess the problem with catering more to short term players is that you also take away a lot of incentive for players to stay long term.
Less chatting in zones and even guilds is something I've noticed from some years back now, along with other people I know. ESO is one of the games with the most dead chat, even compared to so called "less popular" MMOs or ones with smaller servers instead of the "superior" megaserver. And I myself am someone that will only occasionally chat in games.... but even with that being the case, I do know that many people do like to chat in online games and believe dead chats say something about how active a game actually is.Oceanchanter wrote: »To throw my 5 cents here, as one of those "less chatty players".
I don't know about others, but I've always been playing solo and chat as little as possible for 2 reasons:
Less chatting in zones and even guilds is something I've noticed from some years back now, along with other people I know. ESO is one of the games with the most dead chat, even compared to so called "less popular" MMOs or ones with smaller servers instead of the "superior" megaserver. And I myself am someone that will only occasionally chat in games.... but even with that being the case, I do know that many people do like to chat in online games and believe dead chats say something about how active a game actually is.
moderatelyfatman wrote: »
I think everyone is scared now that they will say the wrong thing or even type something completely innocent that will trip the AI and get them banned.
I've heard stories of new players getting banned after a few hours of playing because something they said in zone chat or messaged privately because the enforcement here is so much stricter than other MMOs; and never coming back to ESO.
Arcanist can parse well using three key binds. It's easy to play, hard to mess up, and high damage with a really low skill floor.
moderatelyfatman wrote: »
I think everyone is scared now that they will say the wrong thing or even type something completely innocent that will trip the AI and get them banned.
I've heard stories of new players getting banned after a few hours of playing because something they said in zone chat or messaged privately because the enforcement here is so much stricter than other MMOs; and never coming back to ESO.
OtarTheMad wrote: »
Well dummies don't move, and PvE NPC's are dumb enough to let themselves be beamed. Meanwhile in PvP Arcanist is good but not at the top, pretty much in the middle (in my opinion). So nerfing Arcanist will just lead to them being useless in PvP and some other game modes.
This game doesn't revolve around HM-Trifecta-Leaderboard chasing Trials, it has many modes. Arcanist will probably get nerfed (or overnerfed if history repeats) and then all those at the top will just pick a new class to stack to get high numbers. So, anyone sitting around and thinking "Finally, Arc is nerfed so now groups will allow me to play my...." Wrong, unless the main you play is the one they pick anyway.
Other things should change, how NPC's think being one, make them smarter. You could also vary trials mechanics so that it pushes the idea to bring other classes. Just so many things you can do besides the same thing that has been happening for 10 years and has NOT worked at all and has not gotten us closer to any sort of balance. If anything it's gotten us further away because complaints/feedback has put us in a position where all classes have the same buffs pretty much so none are that unique anymore, making it easier to stack. I've been dealing with this for 10 years and I am just tired.
OtarTheMad wrote: »
Well dummies don't move, and PvE NPC's are dumb enough to let themselves be beamed. Meanwhile in PvP Arcanist is good but not at the top, pretty much in the middle (in my opinion). So nerfing Arcanist will just lead to them being useless in PvP and some other game modes.
This game doesn't revolve around HM-Trifecta-Leaderboard chasing Trials, it has many modes. Arcanist will probably get nerfed (or overnerfed if history repeats) and then all those at the top will just pick a new class to stack to get high numbers. So, anyone sitting around and thinking "Finally, Arc is nerfed so now groups will allow me to play my...." Wrong, unless the main you play is the one they pick anyway.
Other things should change, how NPC's think being one, make them smarter. You could also vary trials mechanics so that it pushes the idea to bring other classes. Just so many things you can do besides the same thing that has been happening for 10 years and has NOT worked at all and has not gotten us closer to any sort of balance. If anything it's gotten us further away because complaints/feedback has put us in a position where all classes have the same buffs pretty much so none are that unique anymore, making it easier to stack. I've been dealing with this for 10 years and I am just tired.
manukartofanu wrote: »
The Arcanist is overpowered in all types of content except PvP, starting from level 1 characters. Leaderboards only confirm that the Arcanist remains overpowered even at the highest levels. I hope it's not up for debate that the Arcanist deals an absurd amount of AoE damage with the press of a single button? The question here is, what's more engaging when you're new to the game: effortlessly annihilating everything around you or putting in at least some effort? The Arcanist specifically allows you to effortlessly dominate everything unrelated to what you see on the leaderboards.
I play HA sorc, as does my SO. he really can't play a two bar build due to neurological damage in his hands. He can't get in trials. I can, but not as many as I'd like, because 80k isn't good enough.
Tired of it. I rerolled.... But I refuse to play arc.
moderatelyfatman wrote: »
I think everyone is scared now that they will say the wrong thing or even type something completely innocent that will trip the AI and get them banned.
I've heard stories of new players getting banned after a few hours of playing because something they said in zone chat or messaged privately because the enforcement here is so much stricter than other MMOs; and never coming back to ESO.
OtarTheMad wrote: »Question is: why does it matter that HM sweats use Arc to get high scores? Not like you can’t do the content on another class, might just take more effort and have a more complicated rotation but you can get it done. Arc being used by that population, which is a small part of the game, doesn’t hurt anyone.
I've noticed this drop in chat activity long before the AI situation.moderatelyfatman wrote: »I think everyone is scared now that they will say the wrong thing or even type something completely innocent that will trip the AI and get them banned.
OtarTheMad wrote: »
And like I said Arcanist will very likely get nerfed and people will think they won until the score pushing sweats pick another class to stack and that will be at the top and then people will be calling for that class next. It never ends.
You can do the entire game on any class you want, only when you get to the top 5% of the game like HM sweats leaderboard stuff does Arc show that it dominates because of how the game is set up. Thats the real reason it dominates too is because NPC’s are stupid, they don’t dodge or CC break or counter or heal… makes them easy.
Question is: why does it matter that HM sweats use Arc to get high scores? Not like you can’t do the content on another class, might just take more effort and have a more complicated rotation but you can get it done. Arc being used by that population, which is a small part of the game, doesn’t hurt anyone.
moderatelyfatman wrote: »
I think everyone is scared now that they will say the wrong thing or even type something completely innocent that will trip the AI and get them banned.
I've heard stories of new players getting banned after a few hours of playing because something they said in zone chat or messaged privately because the enforcement here is so much stricter than other MMOs; and never coming back to ESO.
Twohothardware wrote: »Would be great if they just said ESO 2 is around the corner because ESO has run it's course being 10+ years old with no game engine update.
Yes, I completely agree. Using AI to monitor all of the chat options is a low-blow to the community. It's having a chilling effect.