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Would you still play if ESO went Monthly Subscription

  • Gorreck
    Linaleah wrote: »
    which doesn't do anything about direct purchases. crown crates are a fraction of what is sold on a cash shop. should they be banned, all the contents of crates will be sold directly. some - at much higher prices than you'd hope.

    The prices are still high; if you look at average odds then the prices for some things are already eyewatering high, the difference is people don't realise the price because it is hidden.

  • Lysette
    Other (no reason for this but it seems to upset people not to include other because....reasons) :)
    There is certainly a reason for "other" - I like subscription and am subscribed when I'm playing - but in my mind the crown store is not a bad thing - and with subscription crowns as well a necessity to have - but it adds something to the game, like costumes. I don't want having to earn them. If I like them I want to be able to outright buy them - same goes for pretty much anything else. I would like gamble crates being scrapped though and limited time offers to be abandoned as well.
    Edited by Lysette on 8 August 2020 15:01
  • Davor
    For me, no, I would quit and never come back until the subscription is gone. I quit the PC version after only one month of playing since I didn't like the game and why pay to keep playing? I am old school that way. Buy game, and play forever.

    Maybe I didn't come with the times now, but will not play a game with a FORCED subscription.

    Funny enough I can't play ESO without ESO+. Zenimax got me hooked with the craft bag and other perks we get with it.

    The way I see it, is Zenimax is actually trying to get my money by giving me something I want. I was not getting the enjoyment with a sub so that taught me never to play a game with a sub.

    I tried a few games when it went free to play or buy to play, but will never ever buy a game where I need to buy to play and sub to play as well.

    To me that is just ludicrous paying for a game we already bought and not getting anything else out of it.
    Not my quote but I love this saying

    "I would pay It for support. But since they choosed we are just numbers and not customers, i dont mind if game and zos goes to oblivion"
  • Ryath_Waylander
    Other (no reason for this but it seems to upset people not to include other because....reasons) :)
    Tammany wrote: »
    SydneyGrey wrote: »
    I already pay for ESO +, so sure, why not.
    But the popularity of the game exploded after they stopped the mandatory subscription model, so they'd be fools to go back to that.

    And now we have nodes half empty half looted.
    Was fun to play during summerset event to dig rune stone for 1x Ta rune because some non ESO plus dude does not bother gathering all items.

    Guess not everyone can afford eso+ :(
    Edited by Ryath_Waylander on 8 August 2020 15:35
  • scorpius2k1
    PizzaCat82 wrote: »
    A large portion of people already pay for ESO plus. What makes you think they'd change that model when the crown store makes them so much?

    Totally agree BUT a monthly sub would be a more solid source of monthly income for ESO whereas the Crown Store is volatile and unpredictable source of income. What happens if the Crown Store eventually doesn't financially meet demands? Why not have a sub and keep the crown store, seems they would make even more than they do now imho. Have a jubilee cake and eat it too type of thing. Since a large portion of players already pay for ESO+ then they wouldn't notice any difference really. The hard part here again is potential pushback from players feeling they are being "forced" to choose from an optional sub vs a required sub. As I said above, maybe allow free to play up to level 50 on any toon but require sub after that.

    Not going to mention any names but other MMO's have done just what this topic is discussing and have been far more successful. Not only that, but they haven't had to rely on microtransactions to keep the entire game going.
    🌎 PC/NA
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    🧑‍💻 ESO Addon Dev
    ⚔️ Stamplar | Magplar | Stamcro | Magsorc | Magcro Healer
  • Jaraal
    I've been paying for Plus for years, nothing would change.
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • Rungar
    They have the best and most flexible model now. Cant see them making more money with 60%( or more ) less players.

    Everyone who would pay has eso plus anyway and dont assume everyone else would just pay it.

    It's 0.0666 of a second to midnight.

    Rungar's Mystical Emporium
  • Destai
    I've paid it since day 1. Unless I'm taking a break, I'm subscribed. I'd love to see this game go full sub again, but those days are long gone.

    The current model is ok aside from a few things - no crown to gold conversion, astronomical prices on certain items, and the sheer existence of crown crates. I'm happy to buy cosmetic packs, and when they're at 1k crowns or below, easy buy. The rest are too highly priced. I'd hope with a sub those things would be easier to unlock. I think the sub needs more incentives as the game's products widen and mature.
  • Tandor
    Davor wrote: »
    For me, no, I would quit and never come back until the subscription is gone. I quit the PC version after only one month of playing since I didn't like the game and why pay to keep playing? I am old school that way. Buy game, and play forever.

    Maybe I didn't come with the times now, but will not play a game with a FORCED subscription.

    Funny enough I can't play ESO without ESO+. Zenimax got me hooked with the craft bag and other perks we get with it.

    The way I see it, is Zenimax is actually trying to get my money by giving me something I want. I was not getting the enjoyment with a sub so that taught me never to play a game with a sub.

    I tried a few games when it went free to play or buy to play, but will never ever buy a game where I need to buy to play and sub to play as well.

    To me that is just ludicrous paying for a game we already bought and not getting anything else out of it.

    That's a fair enough attitude, towards offline single-player games that the developers have moved on from.
  • CyberSkooma
    Iluvrien wrote: »
    Yes, obviously.

    I pre-ordered the game when in was P2P only. That is the game I wanted then.

    I wasn’t happy about B2P or any of the Crown based shenanigans. I’m still not.

    I’d go back to P2P tomorrow if I could.

    Might be an unpopular opinion but I absolutely don't blame you. The current system has allowed many of my friends to give the game a shot, but it has also introduced the horrendous "Crown based shenanigans" that you mentioned. I'd also go P2P tomorrow, as long as it meant the crown content became in-game reward.
    I play this game a little bit I guess
  • Linaleah
    Other (no reason for this but it seems to upset people not to include other because....reasons) :)
    Gorreck wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    which doesn't do anything about direct purchases. crown crates are a fraction of what is sold on a cash shop. should they be banned, all the contents of crates will be sold directly. some - at much higher prices than you'd hope.

    The prices are still high; if you look at average odds then the prices for some things are already eyewatering high, the difference is people don't realise the price because it is hidden.

    correct. so if crates are gone, the costs are simply going to be more visible. because as you have said - people don't realize actual costs of things, because - distraction of rng.

    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • Linaleah
    Other (no reason for this but it seems to upset people not to include other because....reasons) :)
    PizzaCat82 wrote: »
    A large portion of people already pay for ESO plus. What makes you think they'd change that model when the crown store makes them so much?

    Totally agree BUT a monthly sub would be a more solid source of monthly income for ESO whereas the Crown Store is volatile and unpredictable source of income. What happens if the Crown Store eventually doesn't financially meet demands? Why not have a sub and keep the crown store, seems they would make even more than they do now imho. Have a jubilee cake and eat it too type of thing. Since a large portion of players already pay for ESO+ then they wouldn't notice any difference really. The hard part here again is potential pushback from players feeling they are being "forced" to choose from an optional sub vs a required sub. As I said above, maybe allow free to play up to level 50 on any toon but require sub after that.

    Not going to mention any names but other MMO's have done just what this topic is discussing and have been far more successful. Not only that, but they haven't had to rely on microtransactions to keep the entire game going.

    please do name names of those mythical mmo's that have no cash shop or microtransactions. i would LOVE to know, personaly.

    that said, ESO has enough people playing without ESO plus and buying DLC's individually that both ZoS AND the players left - WILL notice their absence.
    Edited by Linaleah on 8 August 2020 16:49
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • Aendruu
    I've already paid for the game once, so I see no need to have to continue paying for it each month. Besides, the exchange rate in my country at present is over 20:1; I simply couldn't afford it.
    "So, drinking is a sacrament to Y'ffre... because it's his way of reminding us not to take things too seriously... You know how the other Elves are. Altmer have their crystal towers, and that's how they want to be — cold and perfect. And Dunmer are just like their Red Mountain — smouldering and dark. We just want to have a drink and not worry about it."
    - Regring the Spinner
  • lillybit
    Other (no reason for this but it seems to upset people not to include other because....reasons) :)
    It would depend how they did it.

    They could make it so that the current eso+ became compulsory and everyone gets the benefits of it and I'd be fine continuing that. I think that would be really unlikely tho.

    More realistically they would keep eso+ as a premium service and add an additional sub and that would be a payment too far for me - I already have eso+ which I wouldn't want to drop and ps+ that I have to get exclusively to play this. Another payment would be hard to justify
    PS4 EU
  • amm7sb14_ESO
    Other (no reason for this but it seems to upset people not to include other because....reasons) :)
    Only if the crafting bag wasn't an additional $15 / month. The crafting bag would have to come standard at that point.
  • dcam86b14_ESO
    i've been paying $15 for almost 6 years so wouldn't be any skin off my teeth. i enjoy ESO enough to support it , period.
  • Danel_Vadan
    Other (no reason for this but it seems to upset people not to include other because....reasons) :)
    Imagine thinking that a sub means no cash shop. *looks at FFXIV*
    Tam! RUGH!
  • x48rph
    Not a chance. For me to be forced to pay $15 a month on top of having to buy the game, it would have to work right. Meaning they'd have to fix the lag and endless issue in cyrodil and provide a smooth gameplay experience. And they'd also have to stop with the endless massive combat set and ability changes every three months. If I'm force to pay just to log in, I shouldn't be forced to regrind everything every three months on top of it.
  • Finedaible
    Other (no reason for this but it seems to upset people not to include other because....reasons) :)
    I would, but only if Gamble crates ceased to exist.

    There's no reason Gamble Crates should exist on top of an "ESO+" subscription - which is pretty much mandatory if you want to enjoy any aspect of the game with all the inventory fodder they introduce with each update - and the exorbitantly priced crown store. Especially when random "balancing" changes are blatantly in favor of making new DLC attractive.
  • MerguezMan
    I have doubts if it would be legally legit to go from B2P to P2P model.

    I wouldn't spend so much every month on a single game.
  • linoge63
    I unsubed and have not logged in since the last time I attempted a snipe from my nerf-batted NB wherein I stood there bow pulled back facing the clouds for like 10 seconds...not to mention every set getting mangled to hell and back ..and you wonder about monthly's LOL
  • UGotBenched91
    Imagine thinking that a sub means no cash shop. *looks at FFXIV*

    Again my friend. This is a hypothetical fun question. No need to take it so serious. I still love you though
  • Kiralyn2000
    Imagine thinking that a sub means no cash shop. *looks at FFXIV*

    Again my friend. This is a hypothetical fun question. No need to take it so serious. I still love you though

    So, hypothetically, what would your scenario do with the Crowns you get every month from the sub?
  • theyancey
    Roll Plus into a mandatory sub like it used to be. Keep the crown store too. Make the forums for subscribers only.
  • Guyle
    Other (no reason for this but it seems to upset people not to include other because....reasons) :)
    My answer is a yes, but with the caveat that performance would need to be fixed. I cancelled my sub because of how bad it has gotten, I am not going to re-up it simply because they moved away from the crown store. But yes, if performance was improved, I would stay if it went to mandatory sub.
  • DaveMoeDee
    Other (no reason for this but it seems to upset people not to include other because....reasons) :)
    Gorreck wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    which doesn't do anything about direct purchases. crown crates are a fraction of what is sold on a cash shop. should they be banned, all the contents of crates will be sold directly. some - at much higher prices than you'd hope.

    The prices are still high; if you look at average odds then the prices for some things are already eyewatering high, the difference is people don't realise the price because it is hidden.

    Depends how many items you like in the crate. If you only want a single super-rare item and anything else has zero value to you, sure.

    But if you buy crates hoping to get a whatever they call the rarest mount, you haven't been paying attention.
  • JamieAubrey
    They already did have this plus I still pay the £8 for ESO+ anyway so I don't see why not
  • UGotBenched91
    Imagine thinking that a sub means no cash shop. *looks at FFXIV*

    Again my friend. This is a hypothetical fun question. No need to take it so serious. I still love you though

    So, hypothetically, what would your scenario do with the Crowns you get every month from the sub?

    Hypothetically there’s no crown store anymore so there’s no crowns.
  • MasterSpatula
    I legit think this is the only way things should be, but it's never happening.
    "A probable impossibility is preferable to an improbable possibility." - Aristotle
  • pod88kk
    Other (no reason for this but it seems to upset people not to include other because....reasons) :)
    If it stayed at the same price yes, if it went up no.
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