Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 30:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – September 30, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
We will be performing maintenance for patch 10.2.2 on the PTS on Monday at 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC).

PTS Patch Notes v3.0.0

  • Ocelot9x
    It still baffles me how they thought the major mending being tied to our shield for a dk sounded like a good idea. Out 2k shield which can be literally light attacked off, In a 1vx situation it's near impossible to actually have major mending. The sustain impact on dk will be very noticeable but can be worked around with sustain sets paired with food and damaging sets will be the work around. All the builds I make for dk usually center around max stat or ult Regen or the resources gained from ults which in turn help me sustain as a dk in no cp. What brought me towards dk when I read the passives it had, I was actually interested in the class. Not for tanking but for resource return as well. I didn't have to rely on Regen as much and I could focus on other things that helped the class sustain on its own ex: being ult Regen for battleroar. Not only did this help, but the healing the class had and the natural tankyness made it extremely fun to 1vx with or group play with. Not gonna lie when I read the changes to igneous shield, a inner demon filled with fire and rage literally bursted out of me and I think the same goes for every other dk main on this forum and in game as well. Igneous shield made the class, not just battleroar or helping hands but igneous. The shield even tho very minor helped us mitigate some dmg that came to use and the major mending also helped tremendously. But once you put major mending to be only up when the shield is up, you'd might as well just take away mending from the ability. There is no longer any use for igneous shield, your literally better off using molten armaments for the heavy attack dmg because if your a do in heavy armor, all your gonna be doing after this patch is heavy attacking so might as well increase the dmg of it. And for everyone saying this helps the class be more balances please don't talk to me in game or on the forums because I will eat you alive like a wild animal eating it's prey. I will devour you. And also my condolences for every stamplar out there, except for your power of the light. That needs a defined nerf. The only way to counter that ability is to dodge roll it. Might as well be an ultimate, I've seen that ability hit for 13k. All in all I hate this patch and everything it stands for good bye. Good thing I didn't buy wardenfall. :):

    This post should be sticked. +10
  • commanderofthegray
    Soul Shriven
    More pandering to casual players and totally ignoring your base hardcore players smart move NOT!!!
  • Villious
    The inability to seperate PvE and PvP balance is killing this game.
  • CireNesnomis
    Forsakiin wrote: »
    I've only ever played a Templar healer throughout my long time on ESO, and these nerfs just make me so, so sad...

    What am I supposed to now? I now have to direct my BoL, which is supposed to be a high cost, non-spammable, EMERGENCY heal. I already know that a lot of low health people are going to die in trials due to that split second it takes the healer to look for them and use the skill. Then we have the repentance nerf, dear god, nothing even needs to be said to emphasize how harmful that is to a Templar overall. Am I now supposed to slot seducer instead of SPC so that I can sustain? Is the intention to force me into a more selfish build at the expense of group utility? And healing CP nerfs to put the cherry on the cake, because, you know, people's healing is too OP these days and it's impossible to die with healers around...

    I wanna cry. I'd already come to terms that it would just be sustain nerfs in the CP tree, but this is beyond my worst nightmare.

    I wanna cry, for Templar Healers, and for me and EVERY Undaunted Pledge or other PUG. As DPS, I spend precious playing time praying a healer comes along and that I can invite them to the group before the other 20+ PUGS snatch them up. Then I pray that player is experienced enough to manage their resources so they can keep us alive AND do some damage when possible.

    Now what? These precious Templars either quit, play a new class, or begin to adjust all the while get raged at by players who don't read the patch notes and understand they are going thru a learning curve, have to spend time aiming the heals, and now apparently giving WORTHLESS stamina to my MagDPS character. Don't get me started on the DKstam Tank I was looking for as well.
    GM - Daggerfall Outfitters Crafting Post (DC) NA, PC - Dedicated to helping all become Master Crafters
    Free Mats given to Guildmates for Crafting Writs and Gear: 18,344 and lost count
    Nhoj Nesnomis (DC) - Breton Magicka Sorcerer
    Krafticious (DC) - High Elf Sorcerer and Master Crafter
    Cire Ravenloft (DC) - Breton Vampire Magicka Nightblade sworn to the Dark Brotherhood
    Yaj Nesnomis (AD) - High Elf Templar noob Healer
    Deep-in-Cup (EP) - Argonian Magicka Dragon Knight
    Me Carry Too Much (DC) - Wood Elf Nightblade and dedicated Mule before Crafting Bag of Infinite Holding acquired in ESO+
  • Eradrann
    No fix for the end boss(es) (Ilthag Ironblood, Vosh, Rahk) for Ilthag's Undertower in Craglorn? Or did I just pass over it?

    Although it has been fun to go "troll" the players and stop their boss spawn abuse when I occasionally solo the Grey Passage quest...
    Xbox Series X - GT: VintageVinyl450 NA Player on the EU Server (always looking for help with dungeon/job dailies)Main - Eradrann, AD, Wood Elf, Bow/Bow Stamblade, 1500+CP
  • Aeolwind
    Now what? These precious Templars either quit, play a new class,

    Sorc will be the new meta healer. Matriarch > BOL now.
  • Mutey

    Sucks for PvE healplars, but everyone who has ever brought a magplar into Cyrodiil has had this coming for a long time. You should have anticipated it earlier.

    This is a grossly unfair comment. You are seriously saying that by choosing a templar and coming into cyro you deserve a nerf just for that. It's like if I said Sorcs coming into Cyrodiil and applying a shield, oh too stronk, pls nerf. No one has had it coming, we play the game with the tools we are given. Some find ways to succeed, others have more challenges, that doesn't mean you should take tools away from those who are succeeding.

    Templar is my main from the start (and I mean from beta testing) and I play mostly with 2 other people, less often in a group of around 12. The game develops over time and classes go in and out of meta, right now yes Templars are very strong, but nerfing the essence of the class is not the way to fix them. If you think that it is then why have Sorcs, another very strong class, not had any significant changes?

    I chose Templar because I know I like small group PvP and I support my teammates. I haven't been able to test yet but I am concerned that these changes will severely impact on my ability to do this. Also, the feedback so far from people who have been testing hasn't been very positive.

    Edited by Mutey on 20 April 2017 07:54
  • athalantar
    Soul Shriven
    Another templar nerf...yeeeeee
    ok when will we be able to change class through crownstore?
  • Yamenstein
    Some of you are expecting the devs to throw in all the systems that have been discussed from the release of the game to now, in one single patch. Which sounds like a horrible idea. They have to add them one bit at a time, the team isn't THAT big that they can do that + patch and fix each area at a reasonable time as well. As for the gameplay changes, why don't you just try it all out in PTS and then give feedback, maybe if enough of you show that it is something that needs to be looked at then they will take it seriously.
    Crown Crates are a trap. Don't fall for the gamble! Balance? What Balance? Balance, smellance.
    Necro for them RP feels.
  • Gert_Salo
    Gert_Salo wrote: »
    Well, unless we see a lot of the nerfs rolled back... I'm not paying for Morrowind. Sure I like the PvE game to be challenging, but I don't want to spend 3 hours doing the same content it use to take 45 minutes to complete. This game was fine, it was fast paced and fun... and the challenge was learning how to get the most out of your build and class. But this just seams like ZOS wants to take the 4 base game classes back to a plain brown rapper so that the Warden can shine. This is the wrong way to do this... just make the Warden OPAF for the first few months, then nerf it down to balance once everyone gets use to it.

    As for PvP, these nerfs just re-enforce the "zerg mentality". I don't see anything here making the PvP game "better" or dealing with the real issues in PvP.

    Battlegrounds? ... I don't know yet, I guess we'll find out.

    Honestly it seems like ZOS is trying to level the playing field for "new players", but that completely insults the people who have been the lights on for the last 3+ years. And to that I say... thanks, but no thanks.


    Over-reactions. Over-reactions everywhere!

    Platitudes. Platitudes everywhere!

    So are you trying to tell me how to spend my money or that the distinct feeling I get from seeing what's actually on the PTS as being disheartening is wrong? Trying to figure out the rudimentary communications you're displaying here.
    Mads - Pavia - Gethren - V I I
  • Natas013
    bubbygink wrote: »
    This ability and its morphs now last for 3.5 seconds, down from 6 seconds, but can no longer be removed with Break Free. After the effect ends, enemies will gain CC-immunity.
    This is a significant reduction to the Magicka and Stamina restored by these abilities [siphoning strikes].

    I feel like somehow ZoS has manged to nerf Magblade significantly even though everyone pokes fun at how bad we already are. There are now two classes that have very strong hard counters to us - DKs with wings and Templars with Eclipse and the one thing we had going for us (great sustain with siphoning attacks) is significantly nerfed. Is there any reason what so ever to play Magblade over Sorc in any content in the game, PVE or PVP?

    Shade costs less than sorc pets, scale off cp, and now have a better crit chance. That being said though, the king of pets is the Warden. I've not seen the numbers yet, but after reading the skills I'd say that unless the Warden is included as part of the 3.1 patch, Morrowind is a definitive p2w. Not that there's anything wrong with that mind you, all mmos do it to some degree or another. If @zos is ok with p2w then we should get real skill lines for the TG and DB in the near future. If @zos isn't ok with p2w then the Warden should be available to all in 3.1 and available to ESO plus members this patch, provided they purchase at least 3 months in advance.
    RIP Ellania Delome
    June 9, 2015-June 14, 2016
    A skilled crafter, competent sorcerer, and denizen of the night
    Along came the Dark Brotherhood and summarily ended it all
  • Natas013
    North_esp wrote: »

    • Shadow
      • Shadow Cloak: Fixed an issue where the invisibility from this ability and its morphs was being broken by numerous abilities including Reflective Light, Silver Shards, and Burning Talon’s damage over time effect.
      • Shadow Image (Summon Shade morph): Fixed an issue where the pet summoned by this morph was not critically striking based on your Spell Critical.
    • Siphoning
      • Leeching Strikes (Siphoning Strikes morph): This morph now converts the ability into a Stamina ability and causes your Light and Heavy Attacks to restore Stamina based on your character level.
      • Siphoning Attacks (Siphoning Strikes morph): This morph now causes your Light and Heavy Attacks to also restore Magicka based on your character level.
      • Siphoning Strikes:
        • This ability now causes your Light and Heavy Attacks to restore Health instead of Magicka or Stamina.
        • Increased the duration of this ability and its morphs to 20 seconds from 15 seconds.
          Developer Comments:
          This is a significant reduction to the Magicka and Stamina restored by these abilities, but the addition of Health restore should give Nightblades more healing to improve their survivability.

    Rip saptank. Still no help for merciless resolve. I guess we'll have to see how it plays out but the siphoning change looks like a nasty nerf. 0 reason for this imo. Balance team seems bound and determined to keep pve NBs at the bottom of the barrel. I REALLY hope they take a closer look at this before it hits live.

    Saptank will be fine. Siphoning strikes was over performing when coupled with magicsteal. It's only a slight nerf compared to pre magick steal, unless you were using leeching as a stam saptank… to which I'd say why?
    RIP Ellania Delome
    June 9, 2015-June 14, 2016
    A skilled crafter, competent sorcerer, and denizen of the night
    Along came the Dark Brotherhood and summarily ended it all
  • Chilly-McFreeze
    Although these nerfs read horrible, I'm hoping it solves some of the major pvp issues. Healing multiple times from nearly 0 to 100 to withstand a severe gang beating, perma roots and the insane damage you recieve even while wearing heavy armor is getting out of hand. If only damage wouldn't scale from the same resource as shields and I could probably be happy about these changes.
  • aeowulf
    Saptank will not be fine. They don't get a class magickasteal. Maybe thats where siphoning strikes morph should go, and leeching for staminasteal
  • Stamicka
    ESO 3.0
    -Fixed an issue where Stamina Dragonknights were unique and viable in PVP.

    -Fixed an issue where players could sustain their resources for more than 30 seconds

    -Fixed a group of issues that made the upcoming Warden class less appealing than Templars

    PC NA and Xbox NA
  • Sandman929
    Stamicka wrote: »
    ESO 3.0
    -Fixed an issue where Stamina Dragonknights were unique and viable in PVP.

    -Fixed an issue where players could sustain their resources for more than 30 seconds

    -Fixed a group of issues that made the upcoming Warden class less appealing than Templars

    This one is pretty damned funny. I'm not really upset that players are going to have to rebuild with resource management in mind....I'm a little upset that Stam Sorcs are the only class that won't have to.
  • masterbroodub17_ESO
    Gert_Salo wrote: »
    Gert_Salo wrote: »
    Well, unless we see a lot of the nerfs rolled back... I'm not paying for Morrowind. Sure I like the PvE game to be challenging, but I don't want to spend 3 hours doing the same content it use to take 45 minutes to complete. This game was fine, it was fast paced and fun... and the challenge was learning how to get the most out of your build and class. But this just seams like ZOS wants to take the 4 base game classes back to a plain brown rapper so that the Warden can shine. This is the wrong way to do this... just make the Warden OPAF for the first few months, then nerf it down to balance once everyone gets use to it.

    As for PvP, these nerfs just re-enforce the "zerg mentality". I don't see anything here making the PvP game "better" or dealing with the real issues in PvP.

    Battlegrounds? ... I don't know yet, I guess we'll find out.

    Honestly it seems like ZOS is trying to level the playing field for "new players", but that completely insults the people who have been the lights on for the last 3+ years. And to that I say... thanks, but no thanks.


    Over-reactions. Over-reactions everywhere!

    Platitudes. Platitudes everywhere!

    So are you trying to tell me how to spend my money or that the distinct feeling I get from seeing what's actually on the PTS as being disheartening is wrong? Trying to figure out the rudimentary communications you're displaying here.

    Nope, just using something more than emotional reaction to judge the proposed changes.
  • Uriel_Nocturne
    Sandman929 wrote: »
    Stamicka wrote: »
    ESO 3.0
    -Fixed an issue where Stamina Dragonknights were unique and viable in PVP.

    -Fixed an issue where players could sustain their resources for more than 30 seconds

    -Fixed a group of issues that made the upcoming Warden class less appealing than Templars

    This one is pretty damned funny. I'm not really upset that players are going to have to rebuild with resource management in mind....I'm a little upset that Stam Sorcs are the only class that won't have to.
    Actually, the resource management is going to be a very huge issue.

    I Main a Magicka Templar DPS (Dunmer). I retooled all his gear with a specific mind to maximize Resource regen (5x Seducer [including Destro Flame Staff], 3x Magnus's Gift, and 3x Destruction Mastery [jewelry])(for armor I went with all Light).

    With this set-up, I sacrificed a lot in DPS in favor of maximizing resource return; but I figured "what the hell, it may take me a bit longer, but if this resource gear works well, I can handle an increase in TTK, because I'll have the Magicka to back up a longer fight".

    I am still rampantly running out of Magicka, and it takes me 30 seconds or longer to replenish a fully spent Magicka pool...

    I'm having trouble completing DELVES with the reduction in CP resource management and the nerf to the resource return for Light Armor. The Mobs were a hassle, but I found I could wipe them out at about the same time my Magicka ran out fully. The Delve Boss? I had to fully run out of it's aggro area to the point that the tether kicked in and reset the Boss back to its spawn point... even using Potions I crafted myself (which are infinitely more potent than the ones the game gives you), I couldn't regen Magicka fast enough to take out a Delve Boss. Even in a group, the only reason we beat the Boss is due to combined DPS, and even then, our resources were completely depleted.

    I was not able to complete a Public Dungeon. Period.

    I couldn't get through the tougher, higher number Mobs at all, and mitigation through Potions helped in the same manner as for the Delves (as in; so little that it was like I didn't use a potion at all).

    So our little group then tried a World Boss. That was a *** joke. On us. And we were the punchline.

    Talking to the guys in our group of four, our Stamina characters were depleting their Stamina pools just as fast (our StamDK Sword & Board had it worse off than the rest of us) as the Magicka Characters were. Not even our Sorc was able to keep his Magicka pool at a decent flow rate.

    Every one was running out of resources fast enough that we couldn't complete the base content.

    We briefly discussed trying one of the 4-man Group Dungeons, but quickly decided that was simply out of the question with how our performance in the above content acted out.

    If these changes to resource sustain/cost reduction remain "as is", I have no idea how players (even the "elite" end-game players) are going to complete ANY of the Trials.

    Stack that Resource sustain/cost reduction with the changes to how the Class Skills and abilities act, and I can easily see Trials and Group Dungeons would be simply unplayable.

    This Update 3.0 is going to be a cancer, and actually being able to play a Class (any class really...) is going to be a monumental increase in difficulty.

    This coming update is abhorrent, and my wife and I signed out of the PTS in disgust. All we could do was shake our heads at how bad of an experience it was.
    Edited by Uriel_Nocturne on 20 April 2017 15:23

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say no to Crown Crates!

  • masterbroodub17_ESO
    Sandman929 wrote: »
    Stamicka wrote: »
    ESO 3.0
    -Fixed an issue where Stamina Dragonknights were unique and viable in PVP.

    -Fixed an issue where players could sustain their resources for more than 30 seconds

    -Fixed a group of issues that made the upcoming Warden class less appealing than Templars

    This one is pretty damned funny. I'm not really upset that players are going to have to rebuild with resource management in mind....I'm a little upset that Stam Sorcs are the only class that won't have to.
    Actually, the resource management is going to be a very huge issue.

    I Main a Magicka Templar DPS (Dunmer). I retooled all his gear with a specific mind to maximize Resource regen (5x Seducer [including Destro Flame Staff], 3x Magnus's Gift, and 3x Destruction Mastery [jewelry])(for armor I went with all Light).

    With this set-up, I sacrificed a lot in DPS in favor of maximizing resource return; but I figured "what the hell, it may take me a bit longer, but if this resource gear works well, I can handle an increase in TTK, because I'll have the Magicka to back up a longer fight".

    I am still rampantly running out of Magicka, and it takes me 30 seconds or longer to replenish a fully spent Magicka pool...

    I'm having trouble completing DELVES with the reduction in CP resource management and the nerf to the resource return for Light Armor. The Mobs were a hassle, but I found I could wipe them out at about the same time my Magicka ran out fully. The Delve Boss? I had to fully run out of it's aggro area to the point that the tether kicked in and reset the Boss back to its spawn point... even using Potions I crafted myself (which are infinitely more potent than the ones the game gives you), I couldn't regen Magicka fast enough to take out a Delve Boss. Even in a group, the only reason we beat the Boss is due to combined DPS, and even then, our resources were completely depleted.

    I was not able to complete a Public Dungeon. Period.

    I couldn't get through the tougher, higher number Mobs at all, and mitigation through Potions helped in the same manner as for the Delves (as in; so little that it was like I didn't use a potion at all).

    So our little group then tried a World Boss. That was a *** joke. On us. And we were the punchline.

    Talking to the guys in our group of four, our Stamina characters were depleting their Stamina pools just as fast (our StamDK Sword & Board had it worse off than the rest of us) as the Magicka Characters were. Not even our Sorc was able to keep his Magicka pool at a decent flow rate.

    Every one was running out of resources fast enough that we couldn't complete the base content.

    We briefly discussed trying one of the 4-man Group Dungeons, but quickly decided that was simply out of the question with how our performance in the above content acted out.

    If these changes to resource sustain/cost reduction remain "as is", I have no idea how players (even the "elite" end-game players) are going to complete ANY of the Trials.

    Stack that Resource sustain/cost reduction with the changes to how the Class Skills and abilities act, and I can easily see Trials and Group Dungeons would be simply unplayable.

    This Update 3.0 is going to be a cancer, and actually being able to play a Class (any class really...) is going to be a monumental increase in difficulty.

    This coming update is abhorrent, and my wife and I signed out of the PTS in disgust. All we could do was shake our heads at how bad of an experience it was.

    Thank you for bringing in some first-hand experience. I hope you left the same feedback in the PTS forums so that ZoS will see it. Here it's buried in ramblings, etc.
  • Sandman929
    Sounds like there may need to be some PvE adjustments to accommodate this change. If only it were possible to foresee that a huge change like this might imbalance things....sadly, it's not....for ZOS.
  • Uriel_Nocturne
    Sandman929 wrote: »
    Stamicka wrote: »
    ESO 3.0
    -Fixed an issue where Stamina Dragonknights were unique and viable in PVP.

    -Fixed an issue where players could sustain their resources for more than 30 seconds

    -Fixed a group of issues that made the upcoming Warden class less appealing than Templars

    This one is pretty damned funny. I'm not really upset that players are going to have to rebuild with resource management in mind....I'm a little upset that Stam Sorcs are the only class that won't have to.
    Actually, the resource management is going to be a very huge issue.

    I Main a Magicka Templar DPS (Dunmer). I retooled all his gear with a specific mind to maximize Resource regen (5x Seducer [including Destro Flame Staff], 3x Magnus's Gift, and 3x Destruction Mastery [jewelry])(for armor I went with all Light).

    With this set-up, I sacrificed a lot in DPS in favor of maximizing resource return; but I figured "what the hell, it may take me a bit longer, but if this resource gear works well, I can handle an increase in TTK, because I'll have the Magicka to back up a longer fight".

    I am still rampantly running out of Magicka, and it takes me 30 seconds or longer to replenish a fully spent Magicka pool...

    I'm having trouble completing DELVES with the reduction in CP resource management and the nerf to the resource return for Light Armor. The Mobs were a hassle, but I found I could wipe them out at about the same time my Magicka ran out fully. The Delve Boss? I had to fully run out of it's aggro area to the point that the tether kicked in and reset the Boss back to its spawn point... even using Potions I crafted myself (which are infinitely more potent than the ones the game gives you), I couldn't regen Magicka fast enough to take out a Delve Boss. Even in a group, the only reason we beat the Boss is due to combined DPS, and even then, our resources were completely depleted.

    I was not able to complete a Public Dungeon. Period.

    I couldn't get through the tougher, higher number Mobs at all, and mitigation through Potions helped in the same manner as for the Delves (as in; so little that it was like I didn't use a potion at all).

    So our little group then tried a World Boss. That was a *** joke. On us. And we were the punchline.

    Talking to the guys in our group of four, our Stamina characters were depleting their Stamina pools just as fast (our StamDK Sword & Board had it worse off than the rest of us) as the Magicka Characters were. Not even our Sorc was able to keep his Magicka pool at a decent flow rate.

    Every one was running out of resources fast enough that we couldn't complete the base content.

    We briefly discussed trying one of the 4-man Group Dungeons, but quickly decided that was simply out of the question with how our performance in the above content acted out.

    If these changes to resource sustain/cost reduction remain "as is", I have no idea how players (even the "elite" end-game players) are going to complete ANY of the Trials.

    Stack that Resource sustain/cost reduction with the changes to how the Class Skills and abilities act, and I can easily see Trials and Group Dungeons would be simply unplayable.

    This Update 3.0 is going to be a cancer, and actually being able to play a Class (any class really...) is going to be a monumental increase in difficulty.

    This coming update is abhorrent, and my wife and I signed out of the PTS in disgust. All we could do was shake our heads at how bad of an experience it was.

    Thank you for bringing in some first-hand experience. I hope you left the same feedback in the PTS forums so that ZoS will see it. Here it's buried in ramblings, etc.
    I'm currently cruising threads to find the right one to put this in. Barring that, I'll create my own.

    This sucked so badly last night...

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say no to Crown Crates!

  • Arkady
    Every time you "add value" behind your subscription the more you devalue the box fee and crown costs of DLC,

    The costs of DLC and the xpacs range from $20 - $80, but that's not enough to get double storage or any storage that doesn't suck. If I have to sub to get perks that don't make the game feel like a cheap F2P then why should I even buy Morrowind or any future DLC?

    Short read: I'm getting less interested in jumping through your monetary hoops and they seem excessive. I'm passing on the xpac for now. It's bad enough you've been okay with poor balance until a paid xpac came along.
  • masterbroodub17_ESO
    Sandman929 wrote: »
    Stamicka wrote: »
    ESO 3.0
    -Fixed an issue where Stamina Dragonknights were unique and viable in PVP.

    -Fixed an issue where players could sustain their resources for more than 30 seconds

    -Fixed a group of issues that made the upcoming Warden class less appealing than Templars

    This one is pretty damned funny. I'm not really upset that players are going to have to rebuild with resource management in mind....I'm a little upset that Stam Sorcs are the only class that won't have to.
    Actually, the resource management is going to be a very huge issue.

    I Main a Magicka Templar DPS (Dunmer). I retooled all his gear with a specific mind to maximize Resource regen (5x Seducer [including Destro Flame Staff], 3x Magnus's Gift, and 3x Destruction Mastery [jewelry])(for armor I went with all Light).

    With this set-up, I sacrificed a lot in DPS in favor of maximizing resource return; but I figured "what the hell, it may take me a bit longer, but if this resource gear works well, I can handle an increase in TTK, because I'll have the Magicka to back up a longer fight".

    I am still rampantly running out of Magicka, and it takes me 30 seconds or longer to replenish a fully spent Magicka pool...

    I'm having trouble completing DELVES with the reduction in CP resource management and the nerf to the resource return for Light Armor. The Mobs were a hassle, but I found I could wipe them out at about the same time my Magicka ran out fully. The Delve Boss? I had to fully run out of it's aggro area to the point that the tether kicked in and reset the Boss back to its spawn point... even using Potions I crafted myself (which are infinitely more potent than the ones the game gives you), I couldn't regen Magicka fast enough to take out a Delve Boss. Even in a group, the only reason we beat the Boss is due to combined DPS, and even then, our resources were completely depleted.

    I was not able to complete a Public Dungeon. Period.

    I couldn't get through the tougher, higher number Mobs at all, and mitigation through Potions helped in the same manner as for the Delves (as in; so little that it was like I didn't use a potion at all).

    So our little group then tried a World Boss. That was a *** joke. On us. And we were the punchline.

    Talking to the guys in our group of four, our Stamina characters were depleting their Stamina pools just as fast (our StamDK Sword & Board had it worse off than the rest of us) as the Magicka Characters were. Not even our Sorc was able to keep his Magicka pool at a decent flow rate.

    Every one was running out of resources fast enough that we couldn't complete the base content.

    We briefly discussed trying one of the 4-man Group Dungeons, but quickly decided that was simply out of the question with how our performance in the above content acted out.

    If these changes to resource sustain/cost reduction remain "as is", I have no idea how players (even the "elite" end-game players) are going to complete ANY of the Trials.

    Stack that Resource sustain/cost reduction with the changes to how the Class Skills and abilities act, and I can easily see Trials and Group Dungeons would be simply unplayable.

    This Update 3.0 is going to be a cancer, and actually being able to play a Class (any class really...) is going to be a monumental increase in difficulty.

    This coming update is abhorrent, and my wife and I signed out of the PTS in disgust. All we could do was shake our heads at how bad of an experience it was.

    Thank you for bringing in some first-hand experience. I hope you left the same feedback in the PTS forums so that ZoS will see it. Here it's buried in ramblings, etc.
    I'm currently cruising threads to find the right one to put this in. Barring that, I'll create my own.

    This sucked so badly last night...
    To be clear, I still don't think getting rid of the infinite resources is a bad thing. Perhaps they need to adjust the amount of magicka/stamina that each point into it gives, or increase the regen from gear a bit, but I still think this is the right way to go.

    The alternative would be to adjust all encounters to match it, but I don't see that happening so likely one of the former.
  • Gomumon
    @ZOS_GinaBruno - It has begun: Farewell @Deltia

    If you don't like what a company is doing, you don't have to keep giving them your money. Doing content you don't want 95% of the time, just to get gear for content you love, then having to repeat that every six months is NOT balance; it's artificial gameplay hours they can report to their shareholders. I, for one, am done paying for fluff.
    Edited by Gomumon on 20 April 2017 16:21
    Ya know, all of you BYE MY STAM DK people missed the fact that they probably didnt touch any of the block reduction buffs. The only thing this so called "debuffapalooza" does is make food and potions more viable endgame the an they already are, basically making them a necessity and making you less reliant on resource management buffs. Lots of people are only good BECAUSE OF THESE EASY STREET BUFFS. This update will seperate the pretenders from the ones who are actually good at the game and know what they are doing. I for one will love to see how this affects gameplay, Especially on The Xbox.
    Xbox one NA server
    Current CP level: 481
    Main= Clan-Mother Ra'Zaria: Khajiit Dragonknight EP (Toxic Shock Build)
    Hlevala Redoran: Dark elf Sorcerer DC (Daedric Sorcerer Build)(race subject to change)
    Tsudajiti-Ri: Level 23 Kajiit Nightblade AD (Magicka, 3 hit ko Build)
    Tulara Ayrenn: High Elf Templar DC (Right Hand of Mara Build)
    One-Who-Breaks-Mountains: Argonian Templar EP (Left Hand of Mara Build)
    Lillca Boulder-Child: Nord Dragonknight EP (Indominable Tank Build)(no purge)
    Logranka-Gra-Orsinium: Level Orc Dragonknight AD (Volcanic Incineration Build)
    Nivinora Night-Hollow: Wood Elf Nightblade DC (Jaqspur Build)(bow abilities only)
    High Queen Atmorra: Level 10 Redguard Templar EP (Tireless Stamplar)
    Rakkiza Mane-Sister: Level 7 Khajiit nightblade DC (in progress)
    Vavakra Telvanni: Level 36 Dunmer Warden AD (in progress) (race subject to change)
  • Gomumon
    @ZOS_MattFiror - Please hire some developers who've worked at Wizards of The Coast. :wink:
  • flash2783
    Soul Shriven
    well the patch notes for Morrowind it going to break this game nerfing temp and dk and other classes is a bad move these changes will put eso under and i have talked to everyone they are upset about the changes i am also upset about all these new changes you better to not allow this to happened or i will leave the game and lots of people are going to leave the game i work so hard on my character and it this goes into effect my hard work well be for nothing i urge you to listen to the other gamers i have been on this game since pc and moved over to ps4 so please do not mess up the game for me please and my soc is my main just keep the templer and others the way they are . thanks for your time
  • masterbroodub17_ESO
    Gomumon wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno - It has begun: Farewell @Deltia

    If you don't like what a company is doing, you don't have to keep giving them your money. Doing content you don't want 95% of the time, just to get gear for content you love, then having to repeat that every six months is NOT balance; it's artificial gameplay hours they can report to their shareholders. I, for one, am done paying for fluff.

    He cried the same way about champion points. Guess who still plays....
  • ap1230
    Gomumon wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno - It has begun: Farewell @Deltia

    If you don't like what a company is doing, you don't have to keep giving them your money. Doing content you don't want 95% of the time, just to get gear for content you love, then having to repeat that every six months is NOT balance; it's artificial gameplay hours they can report to their shareholders. I, for one, am done paying for fluff.


    You know those changes are bad when someone who feeds their kid by playing your game would rather find another way to do it than continue.
    Edited by ap1230 on 20 April 2017 16:42
  • Gomumon
    He cried the same way about champion points. Guess who still plays....
    He straight up says in the video that CP is a broken system that keeps being patched instead of removed and replaced with a real end-game progression system.
    ap1230 wrote: »
    You know those changes are bad when someone who feeds their kid by playing your game would rather find another way to do it than continue.
    Edited by Gomumon on 20 April 2017 16:52
This discussion has been closed.