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PTS Patch Notes v3.0.0

  • timidobserver

    You missed the Templar healing ultimate changes in the patch notes.
    V16 Uriel Stormblessed EP Magicka Templar(main)
    V16 Derelict Vagabond EP Stamina DK
    V16 Redacted Ep Stam Sorc
    V16 Insolent EP Magicka Sorc(retired)
    V16 Jed I Nyte EP Stamina NB(retired)

  • knifeinthedark
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Maybe they looked at the stats and decided that too many players are completing the content too quickly? If that's the case, then an additional reasoning behind the changes is that they're wanting to make the top end content PvE more challenging. Of course there needs to be a balance though between "more challenging" and "impossible".

    Too quickly? .22% of console eso players have *completed* vMA and probably less vMaw. And how many less have gotten flawless?

    With the exception of vMaw I have done those things and the other vet trials. Ever try Sanctum hard mode? How about Maw on hard? That stuff would not be able to be completed with these changes.

    A lot of people are thinking of this the wrong way.
    Rittings wrote: »
    I play with a LOT of casual players that were struggling BEFORE this patch. Now, they'll be forced to either quit playing the game they enjoy, or just resolve to the fact they'll never get certain content completed without paying an elitist crew for a carry. They aren't bad players, they are just older gamers who don't have the dexterity to light-weave or get consistent rotations going. I doubt they'll even get some of the vet dungeons done now that they used to be able to struggle through. Sad...

    This guy gets it.

    If the top 2% of players in the current patch could not, with the CP nodes that make a huge impact, complete the content or get 30k+ dps, or a great tank or healer, then how in the world with this nerf shotgun are people who do not practice much going to be able to even participate?

    Let's not forget, most of you guys agreeing with this change seem to think the only reason people like me push those numbers is CP and gear, but then you get there on par with me and push 10-12k less, and realize it is your gameplay and skill, not gear and CP that will do it. You need that CP more than I do. And yet you still want it nerfed???

    If you ever knew me, I'm the least elitist, most helpful guy you can run into. But I also acknowledge that people better than me or not as good as me merely practice less or more and are more or less well thought out in their approach than I am. I am ok with that, why can't everyone else be?

    It seems ZOS wants to shoehorn the warden in and nerf the crap out of everyone else, whilst simultaneously appearing to help newer players find this game more appealing, but will really find even just the vet dungeons near impossible without CP passively helping so much. If they go through with this, I know I will not want to play.

    It would probably be a better change to leave PvE alone and take CP out of PvP. That would fix the infinite resource OP builds while allowing hard PvE content to be beatable.
    Edited by knifeinthedark on 19 April 2017 14:17
  • templesus
    If you do anything other then revert the major mending changes ZOS PLEASE revert the caltrops change...PvEers have cried for Stam buffs but this will just ruin PvP as a whole...balance PvE separately from PvP please before PvP is made worse then it already is because of the constant PvE powercreep.
  • SevierePaine
    Soul Shriven
    I just cancelled my Morrowind preorder. I am going to wait for news from the PTS to figure out whether I want to continue playing this game after Morrowind drops.

    I am not trying to be dramatic or hyperbolic, I am *very* unhappy with the changes indicated in these Patch Notes. I haven't played this game for nearly two years to be forced to focus almost exclusively on resource management, nor do I like the Care Bear approach of decreasing the gap between newer players and established endgame players.

    I noted a lack of information on adjusting the endgame content to the new, post-nerf meta. These changes make it harder for tanks to tank, for healers to heal and maintain resources, and for DPS to deal damage. In other words, the crucial mechanics of vet trials. Sure, there are guilds out there that will handle these changes in stride, but they are inarguably the best players in the game. What about the rest of us? I mean, on XB1 we can't even run some of the trials (like vMoL) due to them being broken. Assuming they don't get fixed until after these changes are implemented, well...the difficulty of the content will be significantly higher relative to the characters.

    I am only one person, perhaps my opinion doesn't matter. Perhaps my one preorder doesn't matter. Never fear, I am going to reach out to lots of other players with these concerns and let them make their own determination as to whether this game will be fun for them after you have reduced their coveted builds into smoking ruins.

    Good flippin' job, Zeni.

    +1 this.

    While nerfing all the established classes everyone has been working on gearing/statting up ZOS apparently felt it unnecessary to actually fix any of the long standing issues in ESO.

    This is played on console BTW as I'm sure PC works just fine.....

    MoL/vMoL - broken/unplayable
    HelRa - almost unplayable
    Craglorn - crash zone
    Orsinium - crash zone
    Cyrodiil/Imperial City - crash zone
    Dye stations - crash zone


    Giving us the Warden class so you can play a weed smoking, bear humping hybrid do-it all class because the rest won't be worth playing all in the name of diversity.

    Giving us buff timers which I can almost guarantee won't function as intended when you need them to due to lag/etc.

    I could go on but why bother as ZoS doesn't listen unless you're one of those who are in the top 1%, play on PC, have all kinds of mods/addons to make your game a cheesefest and have a YouTube channel.

    My ESO + sub just rolled over so I can enjoy it for 30 more days but I see no reason to order Morrowind and am already looking for another MMO to play.

    Hopefully TeS 6 will be out soon.
  • masterbroodub17_ESO
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Maybe they looked at the stats and decided that too many players are completing the content too quickly? If that's the case, then an additional reasoning behind the changes is that they're wanting to make the top end content PvE more challenging. Of course there needs to be a balance though between "more challenging" and "impossible".

    Too quickly? .22% of console eso players have *completed* vMA and probably less vMaw. And how many less have gotten flawless?

    With the exception of vMaw I have done those things and the other vet trials. Ever try Sanctum hard mode? How about Maw on hard? That stuff would not be able to be completed with these changes.

    A lot of people are thinking of this the wrong way.
    Rittings wrote: »
    I play with a LOT of casual players that were struggling BEFORE this patch. Now, they'll be forced to either quit playing the game they enjoy, or just resolve to the fact they'll never get certain content completed without paying an elitist crew for a carry. They aren't bad players, they are just older gamers who don't have the dexterity to light-weave or get consistent rotations going. I doubt they'll even get some of the vet dungeons done now that they used to be able to struggle through. Sad...

    This guy gets it.

    If the top 2% of players in the current patch could not, with the CP nodes that make a huge impact, complete the content or get 30k+ dps, or a great tank or healer, then how in the world with this nerf shotgun are people who do not practice much going to be able to even participate?

    Let's not forget, most of you guys agreeing with this change seem to think the only reason people like me push those numbers is CP and gear, but then you get there on par with me and push 10-12k less, and realize it is your gameplay and skill, not gear and CP that will do it. You need that CP more than I do. And yet you still want it nerfed???

    If you ever knew me, I'm the least elitist, most helpful guy you can run into. But I also acknowledge that people better than me or not as good as me merely practice less or more and are more or less well thought out in their approach than I am. I am ok with that, why can't everyone else be?

    It seems ZOS wants to shoehorn the warden in and nerf the crap out of everyone else, whilst simultaneously appearing to help newer players find this game more appealing, but will really find even just the vet dungeons near impossible without CP passively helping so much. If they go through with this, I know I will not want to play.

    It would probably be a better change to leave PvE alone and take CP out of PvP. That would fix the infinite resource OP builds while allowing hard PvE content to be beatable.

    Right, game is dead eh? Might as well jump ship now! /bye
  • Celas_Dranacea
    I feel like Eso's best players will still find ways to excel despite the sustain changes - welcome the challenge.

    Don't particularly like the impact to my class (stamblade) but whatever... not gonna cry.

    I agree that it is weird to not have touched mSorc when they are already very strong
    Edited by Celas_Dranacea on 19 April 2017 15:25
    A Bosmer Nightblade Werewolf
  • Tanis-Stormbinder
    Eso's best players may but how about the rest of us
  • masterbroodub17_ESO
    I feel like Eso's best players will still find ways to excel despite the sustain changes - welcome the challenge.

    Don't particularly like the impact to my class (stamblade) but whatever... not gonna cry.

    I agree that it is weird to not have touched mSorc when they are already very strong

    There's also still PTS time. I don't see them reverting all of these changes but adding additional adjustments I could see.
  • BNOC
    Too quickly? .22% of console eso players have *completed* vMA and probably less vMaw. And how many less have gotten flawless?

    How are you getting to that number? From EVERY player that has ever entered The Wailing Prison?
    That's not accurate at all.
    With the exception of vMaw I have done those things and the other vet trials. Ever try Sanctum hard mode? How about Maw on hard? That stuff would not be able to be completed with these changes.

    Ok, scores will go down, granted - Why will the content not be doable? Players will just have to rethink their strats a bit - Big deal, it happens all the time.
    Rittings wrote: »
    I play with a LOT of casual players that were struggling BEFORE this patch. Now, they'll be forced to either quit playing the game they enjoy, or just resolve to the fact they'll never get certain content completed without paying an elitist crew for a carry. They aren't bad players, they are just older gamers who don't have the dexterity to light-weave or get consistent rotations going. I doubt they'll even get some of the vet dungeons done now that they used to be able to struggle through. Sad...

    This guy gets it.

    If the top 2% of players in the current patch could not, with the CP nodes that make a huge impact, complete the content or get 30k+ dps, or a great tank or healer, then how in the world with this nerf shotgun are people who do not practice much going to be able to even participate?

    No he doesn't, he's just waffling on - This was where I stopped reading that
    Rittings wrote: »
    They aren't bad players, they are just older gamers who don't have the dexterity to light-weave or get consistent rotations going.

    Also "how in the world with this nerf shotgun are people who do not practice much going to be able to even participate?" - How about start practicing? We're about to have buff timers, we've got dummies, what else do you need? These guys who are top 2% didn't fall from the heavens overnight.

    Just because the content is there, doesn't mean you NEED to be able to do it in a day, or at all - But your friends certainly aren't going to complete it if they don't try it.

    I'm pretty sure HM trials weren't designed with Casuals in mind, and rightly so.
    But I also acknowledge that people better than me or not as good as me merely practice less or more and are more or less well thought out in their approach than I am. I am ok with that, why can't everyone else be?

    Everyone is fine with the concept, that's the skill gap - The real questions are:
    Would you, doing 30k DPS want someone doing 15k in your group?
    Would you, doing 30k DPS, be embarrassed if you were the bottom of the meter and everyone else was pulling 50k+?

    I know I wouldn't and would respectively.
    It would probably be a better change to leave PvE alone and take CP out of PvP. That would fix the infinite resource OP builds while allowing hard PvE content to be beatable.

    I agree with this slightly edited comment.
    vMSA - Magplar - Xbox EU - 15/11/16
    578,000 - 36 Minutes 58 Seconds (Top 2 World?)

    vMSA - Magplar - Xbox NA
    569,000 - 40 minutes (350CP, Non optimised runs)
  • hesobad
    Siphoning Strikes:
    This ability now causes your Light and Heavy Attacks to restore Health instead of Magicka or Stamina.
    Increased the duration of this ability and its morphs to 20 seconds from 15 seconds.
    Developer Comments:
    This is a significant reduction to the Magicka and Stamina restored by these abilities, but the addition of Health restore should give Nightblades more healing to improve their survivability.

    LMFAO this is a joke right??? How is nerfing their resource sustain going to help them survive?? No resources = dead Nightblade... RIP nightblades, hope you all had fun in vMA. That's dead and gone now!
    Ad Victoriam!
  • MrGorv
    So, now cost of every ability is increased, sustain passives nerfed, Siphoner's here and... we still have those cost poisons, which were crazy already? You must be joking. Remove those before it's too late. Please.
    Gorven Savius | Stamina DK | Tamriel Hero | Covenant Lieutenant
    Gorvam Sathri | Magicka DK | Sun's Dusk Reaper
    Gorvand-al-Savia | Stamina Templar | Covenant Veteran
    Gorvean Saniar | Magicka Templar | Magnanimous
  • xWooKa
    Soul Shriven
    To start, I want to say that I have been playing this game since launch and have never once felt the need to comment on the forums though I visit and read through them frequently. But that changed today as I just finished reading the patch notes for this update.

    Each patch there seems to be slightly controversial changes that has a mixed review from players depending on who you speak to, but this entire list of changes is hands down the most insanely ridiculous concept I've seen ZOS put forth since launch. It is apparent that there are 2 main focus' with this update..

    1) Nerfing the *** out of sustain across the board. My condolences go out to the DK and Stamplar players out there.. Battle Roar and Repentance nerfs were not only unwanted across the board but also 100% unnecessary and it breaks my heart but does not surprise me to see ZOS make these changes.. because they never listen to the players anyways.

    Removing cost reduction from CP tree.. just what everyone wanted.. nerfing reduction from light/medium.. perfect.. helping hand, battle roar, and major mending get nerfed into the ground... yes that's exactly what the community has been asking for, because dk's should never be competitive, ever.. and Stamplar sustain has been perfect and inline with all other classes, most definitely. I hope you're picking up on my sarcasm....

    2) ZOS is obviously doing this to make bank off the Warden class. Making all the classes obsolete to force you into buying the expansion to play the Warden so you can be relevant.

    "With a similar goal to reducing uptime on Major Mending as noted with the Igneous Shield change, Templars having 100% uptime on Major Mending by just standing within their areas of protection is stronger than we’d like and is one of the reasons they are the most desirable healer in endgame situations. We’ve changed the bonus to Minor Mending instead, but have increased the bonus from the Mending passive to compensate slightly."

    But, you give Major Mending to the Warden in which they can keep up 100% of the time... if you're really gonna try to dig money out of your player base, at least try to hide it a little and not make it so damn obvious.

    Overall, I'm extremely disappointed to say the least. Not only with the changes proposed, but with ZOS in general for their greed and arrogance while ignoring the community in the manner they have for the last 3 years.
  • MyKillv2.0
    I heard Deltia say this yesterday and have since heard it repeated time and time again...I need clarification.

    How does the Warden have 100% uptime on Major Mending? I only saw a passive that read that "healing a player with a skill from that skill tree would grant major mending for 6 seconds".

    How is that up all the time? Your telling me that you are going to keep your players at around 50%health all the time to trigger this?
  • Gravord
    MyKillv2.0 wrote: »
    I heard Deltia say this yesterday and have since heard it repeated time and time again...I need clarification.

    How does the Warden have 100% uptime on Major Mending? I only saw a passive that read that "healing a player with a skill from that skill tree would grant major mending for 6 seconds".

    How is that up all the time? Your telling me that you are going to keep your players at around 50%health all the time to trigger this?

    Means anytime you or your team need it, you will get the proc for free. Without relying on crappy absorb that will vanish from 1 light attack and leave you without buff (dk) or now nerfed to pathetic 8%, forced to stand in specific area and recasting when it expire which also cost magicka (templar).
    Edited by Gravord on 19 April 2017 17:18
  • Mutey
    xWooKa wrote: »
    To start, I want to say that I have been playing this game since launch and have never once felt the need to comment on the forums though I visit and read through them frequently. But that changed today as I just finished reading the patch notes for this update.

    Each patch there seems to be slightly controversial changes that has a mixed review from players depending on who you speak to, but this entire list of changes is hands down the most insanely ridiculous concept I've seen ZOS put forth since launch. It is apparent that there are 2 main focus' with this update..

    1) Nerfing the *** out of sustain across the board. My condolences go out to the DK and Stamplar players out there.. Battle Roar and Repentance nerfs were not only unwanted across the board but also 100% unnecessary and it breaks my heart but does not surprise me to see ZOS make these changes.. because they never listen to the players anyways.

    Removing cost reduction from CP tree.. just what everyone wanted.. nerfing reduction from light/medium.. perfect.. helping hand, battle roar, and major mending get nerfed into the ground... yes that's exactly what the community has been asking for, because dk's should never be competitive, ever.. and Stamplar sustain has been perfect and inline with all other classes, most definitely. I hope you're picking up on my sarcasm....

    2) ZOS is obviously doing this to make bank off the Warden class. Making all the classes obsolete to force you into buying the expansion to play the Warden so you can be relevant.

    "With a similar goal to reducing uptime on Major Mending as noted with the Igneous Shield change, Templars having 100% uptime on Major Mending by just standing within their areas of protection is stronger than we’d like and is one of the reasons they are the most desirable healer in endgame situations. We’ve changed the bonus to Minor Mending instead, but have increased the bonus from the Mending passive to compensate slightly."

    But, you give Major Mending to the Warden in which they can keep up 100% of the time... if you're really gonna try to dig money out of your player base, at least try to hide it a little and not make it so damn obvious.

    Overall, I'm extremely disappointed to say the least. Not only with the changes proposed, but with ZOS in general for their greed and arrogance while ignoring the community in the manner they have for the last 3 years.

    I have to agree with the above. I have played since launch, left a couple of times but come back again and I was super excited for Morrowind. Largely this is nostalgia for the original Morrowind, which remains one of my favourite games.

    To be frank, I had no intention of playing the Warden class in any endgame but I would have bought Morrowind and leveled a warden anyway just to get a feel for it so I can play better against it and to have the new zone. Many people would have done the same.

    The fact that ZOS are so obviously trying to force sales by gutting the other classes just means I probably won't bother at all. I will reserve judgement until I test on pts but if the major mending 'too stonk but actually wardens can have it' buff removal makes it to live then I will cancel my sub again and play something else. This is not just because they nerf my favoured class but because if they felt they had to nerf every class to make the Warden stand ahead (or even equal) then I have no confidence that they have done a good job creating the class anyway.
    Edited by Mutey on 19 April 2017 17:16
  • masterbroodub17_ESO
    xWooKa wrote: »
    To start, I want to say that I have been playing this game since launch and have never once felt the need to comment on the forums though I visit and read through them frequently. But that changed today as I just finished reading the patch notes for this update.

    Each patch there seems to be slightly controversial changes that has a mixed review from players depending on who you speak to, but this entire list of changes is hands down the most insanely ridiculous concept I've seen ZOS put forth since launch. It is apparent that there are 2 main focus' with this update..

    1) Nerfing the *** out of sustain across the board. My condolences go out to the DK and Stamplar players out there.. Battle Roar and Repentance nerfs were not only unwanted across the board but also 100% unnecessary and it breaks my heart but does not surprise me to see ZOS make these changes.. because they never listen to the players anyways.

    Removing cost reduction from CP tree.. just what everyone wanted.. nerfing reduction from light/medium.. perfect.. helping hand, battle roar, and major mending get nerfed into the ground... yes that's exactly what the community has been asking for, because dk's should never be competitive, ever.. and Stamplar sustain has been perfect and inline with all other classes, most definitely. I hope you're picking up on my sarcasm....

    2) ZOS is obviously doing this to make bank off the Warden class. Making all the classes obsolete to force you into buying the expansion to play the Warden so you can be relevant.

    "With a similar goal to reducing uptime on Major Mending as noted with the Igneous Shield change, Templars having 100% uptime on Major Mending by just standing within their areas of protection is stronger than we’d like and is one of the reasons they are the most desirable healer in endgame situations. We’ve changed the bonus to Minor Mending instead, but have increased the bonus from the Mending passive to compensate slightly."

    But, you give Major Mending to the Warden in which they can keep up 100% of the time... if you're really gonna try to dig money out of your player base, at least try to hide it a little and not make it so damn obvious.

    Overall, I'm extremely disappointed to say the least. Not only with the changes proposed, but with ZOS in general for their greed and arrogance while ignoring the community in the manner they have for the last 3 years.

    It's a shake-up to the meta, so what? Now wardens will have access to a healing buff that Templars don't, so what? Wardens might end up being the new meta healer, so what? Metas change with the patch cycle, why is this any different?

    There will always be a meta and if your only concern is constantly being top of the food chain then you do what you have to do in order to stay there. The vast majority of the player base will not care because it won't be necessary to be min/maxed to enjoy the majority of the game.
  • HoolDog
    Changes are horrendous butchering of the classes and the game as a whole.

    What's the point in battlegrounds with no CP options? You can fight one person at a time in the no CP campaigns, not exactly massively popular on all platforms are they.

    The warden has all the benefits stripped back from other classes... great, this is exactly why I won't play one.

    In conclusion should I buy morrowind?

    •Zos gutted the game
    •My hard work to build skills and characters is being scaled back
    •Battlegrounds pointless
    •Questing is boring
    •new gear is meh

    So no, morrowind is a pointless purchase.

    I am a long time player and a subscriber... this strange need to make newer players feel better is to much. Years ago when I was new and struggling, I zerged up and died a lot. I didn't cry about it... I practiced and worked on all aspects of my game. After a while I no longer needed to Zerg, I could solo or just play with my immediate friends in smaller 3-5 man groups.

    We learned the dungeons, scored in VDSA, completed VMA on most classes, completed all the trails (except MAW).

    I had no catch mechanic to help for most my CP or nerfs to make itsbakey, imtryingdammit, jamielions, johnnyb, @Chapmaaaan seems less indestructible. I had only hard work and big learning curve ahead.

  • aeowulf
    these changes are actually making me unhappy :(

    i can't see how they will make playing this game more fun for anyone, new players especially when they have even more trouble getting resources back. yes there is a big gap between a 600 cp guy with maxed out gear and 500 hours experience, and someone who has been playing a week. There should be a HUGE difference from any one of those things alone. Look at deltia with his no cp builds, they are tough as nails but thats because of his skill and how he plays them. thats experience & knowledge - there is no amount of tweaking skills that will reduce this, all these things are available to someone with less hours. it's the same in any game, fact of gaming life. good players dedicated hundreds of hours getting good and that shows.

    otherwise there is absolutely no point in investing those hours, and if thats the case people will go where they are appreciated and they do stand out above the general player base.

    class balance is tough, but you have one thing no other game has - the chance to open up all skill lines to everyone. allow any character to select any three class skill lines where they have the relevant expansion unlocked, kinda like how the single player games work. you then won't have people complaining a sorc is stronger than a dk or whatever. then you can do whatever you want with them. People don't like them, they can switch a skill line.

    Overrall this resource 'tweak' is a huge huge huge change, changes annoy players, the bigger they are the more the playerbase get annoyed. annoy them enough they will leave. However these changes do not attract new players... so you can only do damage to your player base by implementing them. It's also probably one of your biggest advertising areas, and right now i have nothing positive to say about these changes at all.

    Please reconsider you motives for this, and then please actually look at overall balance rather than just individual skills.

  • SevierePaine
    Soul Shriven
    I just cancelled my Morrowind preorder. I am going to wait for news from the PTS to figure out whether I want to continue playing this game after Morrowind drops.

    I am not trying to be dramatic or hyperbolic, I am *very* unhappy with the changes indicated in these Patch Notes. I haven't played this game for nearly two years to be forced to focus almost exclusively on resource management, nor do I like the Care Bear approach of decreasing the gap between newer players and established endgame players.

    I noted a lack of information on adjusting the endgame content to the new, post-nerf meta. These changes make it harder for tanks to tank, for healers to heal and maintain resources, and for DPS to deal damage. In other words, the crucial mechanics of vet trials. Sure, there are guilds out there that will handle these changes in stride, but they are inarguably the best players in the game. What about the rest of us? I mean, on XB1 we can't even run some of the trials (like vMoL) due to them being broken. Assuming they don't get fixed until after these changes are implemented, well...the difficulty of the content will be significantly higher relative to the characters.

    I am only one person, perhaps my opinion doesn't matter. Perhaps my one preorder doesn't matter. Never fear, I am going to reach out to lots of other players with these concerns and let them make their own determination as to whether this game will be fun for them after you have reduced their coveted builds into smoking ruins.

    Good flippin' job, Zeni.

    +1 this.

    While nerfing all the established classes everyone has been working on gearing/statting up ZOS apparently felt it unnecessary to actually fix any of the long standing issues in ESO.

    This is played on console BTW as I'm sure PC works just fine.....

    MoL/vMoL - broken/unplayable
    HelRa - almost unplayable
    Craglorn - crash zone
    Orsinium - crash zone
    Cyrodiil/Imperial City - crash zone
    Dye stations - crash zone


    Giving us the Warden class so you can play a weed smoking, bear humping hybrid do-it all class because the rest won't be worth playing all in the name of diversity.

    Giving us buff timers which I can almost guarantee won't function as intended when you need them to due to lag/etc.

    I could go on but why bother as ZoS doesn't listen unless you're one of those who are in the top 1%, play on PC, have all kinds of mods/addons to make your game a cheesefest and have a YouTube channel.

    My ESO + sub just rolled over so I can enjoy it for 30 more days but I see no reason to order Morrowind and am already looking for another MMO to play.

    Hopefully TeS 6 will be out soon.

  • Gomumon
    gard wrote: »
    This is going to be the death of this game.
    Is it too late to cancel /refund my Morrowind pre-order?

    No. I did. I encourage everyone who doesn't like this direction to do the same. After all, it's YOUR money. They're not entitled to it.
  • Gomumon
    This. People QQ'ing about their time investment. If you only play the game to feel your epeen grow via champ points then that's on you.

    The entire reason to play an MMORPG is to feel a sense of growth and strength. Nobody grinds vMA 200 times because it's just that fun! RPGs have always separated themselves from other games with a very noticeable increase to your strength over time from better equipment, skills, and stat points. With an MMO, it takes even LONGER to see those results. So for ZOS to turn around and basically diminish veteran's efforts to appease newbies and perpetuate this participation trophy culture deviates from what an MMO ought to be.

    If people want to jump into a game and be on equal footing as everyone else, go play COD. If you want to grow and feel your character get stronger, find a different game... because everything's scaled to max level anyway, and you'll feel exactly the same after years as you did in your first weeks of playing. SMH.
    Edited by Gomumon on 19 April 2017 18:13
  • masterbroodub17_ESO
    Gomumon wrote: »
    This. People QQ'ing about their time investment. If you only play the game to feel your epeen grow via champ points then that's on you.

    The entire reason to play an MMORPG is to feel a sense of growth and strength. Nobody grinds vMA 200 times because it's just that fun! RPGs have always separated themselves from other games with a very noticeable increase to your strength over time. With an MMO, it takes even LONGER to see those results. So for ZOS to turn around and basically diminish veteran's efforts to appease newbies and perpetuate this participation trophy culture deviates from what an MMO ought to be.

    If people want to jump into a game and be on equal footing as everyone else, go play COD. If you want to grow and feel your character get stronger, find a different game... because everything's scaled to max level anyway, and you'll feel exactly the same after years as you did in your first weeks of playing. SMH.

    Then why are you still around Stockholm Syndrome?

    You'd rather have *** levels of power creep like other mmos where content gets trivialized to the point of nobody ever doing it and it not being relevant?
    That is the WHOLE upside to this game. Everything stays relevant, nothing is ever pointless. Go play WoW if you want to one-shot entire dungeons in 5 minutes.
    Edited by masterbroodub17_ESO on 19 April 2017 18:12
  • Cubagaming
    Soooooo instead of fixing some major issues like trials for the end game community, you cater to the people that play this game and then leave for months at a time until they get bored and come back for another month and then leave again.

    How about you listen to the members that have been playing the game non-stop.

    If you are nerfing things for pvp, how about you change those things in pvp! There's absolutely no need to change things in pve with the reduction. Zero!!!!!!

    Pvp is absolutely horrible right now because all it is are zergs running around, and Zos, you are doing nothing to deal with it.
  • Gomumon
    You'd rather have *** levels of power creep like other mmos where content gets trivialized to the point of nobody ever doing it and it not being relevant?
    That is the WHOLE upside to this game. Everything stays relevant, nothing is ever pointless. Go play WoW if you want to one-shot entire dungeons in 5 minutes.

    The only "relevant" content is Trials or PVP. Everything else is just a grind to get gear to grind harder content to get gear to be on the leaderboards. It's a shame that ZOS feels they have to pander to people like you who 'd rather be spoon fed instead of earning a top tier build. Like, who cries about that? "OMG, I bought this MMO last month that's been out for 3 years and I can't catch up. It's no fun. There's ZONES I can't explore because they're meant for higher level players, and content I can't do as well that was released for people who hit end-game. Rather than working to be able to do it, I sure wish they'd make me strong enough to go do everything right off the bat."

    If you wanna feel powerful without putting in any work, stay on the PTS... or go to an FPS.

    EDIT: Also, far from Stockholm Syndrome. I got a refund for Morrowind and my 180 days of Plus and will use that to find a few new games to play. Hopefully companies with a mission to inspire growth and won't dole out band-aids and participation trophies to spare all your feels.
    Edited by Gomumon on 19 April 2017 18:29
  • BillNye_Eso
    It still baffles me how they thought the major mending being tied to our shield for a dk sounded like a good idea. Out 2k shield which can be literally light attacked off, In a 1vx situation it's near impossible to actually have major mending. The sustain impact on dk will be very noticeable but can be worked around with sustain sets paired with food and damaging sets will be the work around. All the builds I make for dk usually center around max stat or ult Regen or the resources gained from ults which in turn help me sustain as a dk in no cp. What brought me towards dk when I read the passives it had, I was actually interested in the class. Not for tanking but for resource return as well. I didn't have to rely on Regen as much and I could focus on other things that helped the class sustain on its own ex: being ult Regen for battleroar. Not only did this help, but the healing the class had and the natural tankyness made it extremely fun to 1vx with or group play with. Not gonna lie when I read the changes to igneous shield, a inner demon filled with fire and rage literally bursted out of me and I think the same goes for every other dk main on this forum and in game as well. Igneous shield made the class, not just battleroar or helping hands but igneous. The shield even tho very minor helped us mitigate some dmg that came to use and the major mending also helped tremendously. But once you put major mending to be only up when the shield is up, you'd might as well just take away mending from the ability. There is no longer any use for igneous shield, your literally better off using molten armaments for the heavy attack dmg because if your a do in heavy armor, all your gonna be doing after this patch is heavy attacking so might as well increase the dmg of it. And for everyone saying this helps the class be more balances please don't talk to me in game or on the forums because I will eat you alive like a wild animal eating it's prey. I will devour you. And also my condolences for every stamplar out there, except for your power of the light. That needs a defined nerf. The only way to counter that ability on live is to dodge roll it. Might as well be an ultimate, I've seen that ability hit for 13k. All in all I hate this patch and everything it stands for good bye. Good thing I didn't buy wardenfall. :):
    Edited by BillNye_Eso on 20 April 2017 04:22
    PC Na
    Animosity Founder
    Ep Orc Stam Dk
    Only believes in 10k+ Leaps
    Changed to Warden since Dk is dead class
    Changed back to dk since dead inside
  • SilverArrowsMP
    Soul Shriven
    What I seem to be reading from comments is this: The majority that are happy with these changes are PVP'ers, those finding these ridiculous are PVE'ers.

    I started ESO when it first released on console. I hit VR6, got bored, and left even before ICP hit. Came back a few months ago, and was enjoying playing. While I will admit I am 99% a PVE'er, I still liked Blackwater Blade on occasion. I have never played in a CP PVP campaign, so I cannot comment of that.

    I am now CP 241, and honestly, don't see a point to continuing. Maybe I am just not good enough to handle the changes. Maybe I am not skilled enough. I can admit that. But the truth is, I want to feel like I don't have to be the best in the world or a hardcore player to enjoy a video game. Do I think noobs should be equal to veterans? Of course not. The people who have played hours on hours should obviously be rewarded for their efforts. So I can understand some of the hardcore players being upset with making noobs almost equal in some senses.

    Secondly (from a PVE perspective), the current (and almost every) meta means playing classes the same. You tout diversity, yet what is meta for stamina? Vigor, Flurry, Steel Tornado, Twin Slashes, Poison Injection, Arrow Barrage/Endless Hail, and maybe 2 or 3 class skills. And while I may be a bit off on the specifics, the point is, there really isn't variety in builds if everyone is using the same skills and the same CP point allotments. Magicka gets a little more variety, to be fair. I would love, love to play a bow only build. But would I ever be in end-game content? Of course not. Because all high-end damage is tied to dual-wield and destro respectively. Make bow damage more viable in PVE. Make using 2-handed in PVE end-game more viable than just buffing.

    What bothers me most is that of all the time played (while the duration may be brief, the hours, I assure you, is not), all the research, all the knowledge I have sought to make myself better, this one glaring fact still remains: things do not get fixed. And maybe I have crappy luck with this game. But the fact of the matter is that paying ZOS money to play a buggy game is something I refuse to do. I think at one point I had 8 or 9 tickets open for glitches. And the responses I got all revolved around the glitches not being the games fault. Here were the things I was told to do: set up port forwarding, delete my settings, rebuild my PS4 database, and finally, reinstall the game. All of which I did. All of which fixed nothing. And trust me when I tell you, people I play this game with experience the same issues. It's not just me. I am sure there are people who play this game and it functions perfectly for them. If you are one of these people, congrats.

    I guess my long-winded point is that I could care less about balancing and nerfs/buffs when what I really want to see is bug fixes that are common and known, and true build variety. I could handle adjusting to the changes. I could handle grinding CP and new gear because the FOTM calls for it. But to continue playing a game that they refuse to fix and instead just keep pushing new content is absurd. Lipstick on a pig as it were. And maybe I am just a clueless noob who doesn't have any idea what I am talking about. This is just my experience/wishes for a game I want to love, but just can't seem to.
  • masterbroodub17_ESO
    Gomumon wrote: »
    You'd rather have *** levels of power creep like other mmos where content gets trivialized to the point of nobody ever doing it and it not being relevant?
    That is the WHOLE upside to this game. Everything stays relevant, nothing is ever pointless. Go play WoW if you want to one-shot entire dungeons in 5 minutes.

    The only "relevant" content is Trials or PVP. Everything else is just a grind to get gear to grind harder content to get gear to be on the leaderboards. It's a shame that ZOS feels they have to pander to people like you who 'd rather be spoon fed instead of earning a top tier build. Like, who cries about that? "OMG, I bought this MMO last month that's been out for 3 years and I can't catch up. It's no fun. There's ZONES I can't explore because they're meant for higher level players, and content I can't do as well that was released for people who hit end-game. Rather than working to be able to do it, I sure wish they'd make me strong enough to go do everything right off the bat."

    If you wanna feel powerful without putting in any work, stay on the PTS... or go to an FPS.

    EDIT: Also, far from Stockholm Syndrome. I got a refund for Morrowind and my 180 days of Plus and will use that to find a few new games to play. Hopefully companies with a mission to inspire growth and won't dole out band-aids and participation trophies to spare all your feels.

    You should have been gone after One Tamriel if that's your line of reasoning. least SOME form of Stockholm :)
  • xWooKa
    Soul Shriven

    It's a shake-up to the meta, so what? Now wardens will have access to a healing buff that Templars don't, so what? Wardens might end up being the new meta healer, so what? Metas change with the patch cycle, why is this any different?

    You can try to define it however you like, but the bottom line is that this entire patch is a money grab. I'm not, and I don't believe anyone out there, is against variety and balance.. But this is a clear example of an imbalance and more so one that was done intentionally. My view is strictly opinion and I understand that, but as a business you're main goal today is making money while taking customer suggestion as a secondary course. With this patch, it's about making money. They are capitalizing on the Morrowind name while debuffing current classes to introduce a new one with all the bonus' they are gutting from the old ones.

    Look at ZOS' own words when they described the Warden.. "If you like to take hits, deal damage, or heal, this class is for you" I mean what else is there to do in this game, literally... Tank, DPS, Heal... but no, this is definitely about "shaking up the meta" and not about making a *** load of money.
    Edited by xWooKa on 19 April 2017 18:40
  • Gomumon
    Cubagaming wrote: »
    How about you listen to the members that have been playing the game non-stop.

    Agreed. These current "fixes" seem more like frustration at being too inept to develop some long lasting and sustainable synergy and harmony between classes, sets, and races. They're cutting off their nose to spite their face. That, or it's really more of a ploy to herd everyone to a Warden meta until Morrowind sales plateau, after which they will fix everything again... making EVERYONE HAPPY. >.>

    The marketing is contrary to the "bird in the hand worth more than two in the bush" idiom. That is, they're more concerned with drawing in new players who may, or may not, spend money more than once on this game than they are the customers who spend $14.99 a month on this game + Crowns whenever they can, who have made this game their home and would remain loyal as long as ZOS did.

    All forms of entertainment can thrive forever on a cult following alone. Look at mediocre shows like Supernatural that show no signs of being cancelled after 13 seasons, despite not having the ratings they used to. Slow and steady wins the race.

    I don't know. I'm not a marketing expert. Maybe their strategy will pay off in the end. Maybe the discussion behind these changes just isn't being communicated as clearly as it could be. But I stand firm that I personally don't feel like giving ZOS anymore money until they figure out who their audience is. And again, I wish they'd hire some devs from like a trading card game that successfully deals with balance on a huge scale... like Wizards of the Coast.
  • Gomumon
    You should have been gone after One Tamriel if that's your line of reasoning. least SOME form of Stockholm :)

    1T honestly didn't stifle motivation for growth. I'm only pulling 3000 more DPS at 600 than our guildie is at 250 in parses. The disparity was already subtle enough. Now there's literally no point in grinding past 300. But these changes don't make sense since there's already a NO CP Campaign and Battlegrounds won't be using CP either. There was no harm in having a zone where max levels had a place to play.
This discussion has been closed.