Maintenance for the week of June 3:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 3, 2:00AM EDT (6:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)

PTS Patch Notes v3.0.0

  • Mojmir
    ap1230 wrote: »
    Gomumon wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno - It has begun: Farewell @Deltia

    If you don't like what a company is doing, you don't have to keep giving them your money. Doing content you don't want 95% of the time, just to get gear for content you love, then having to repeat that every six months is NOT balance; it's artificial gameplay hours they can report to their shareholders. I, for one, am done paying for fluff.


    You know those changes are bad when someone who feeds their kid by playing your game would rather find another way to do it than continue.

    maybe find a new job? no really like an actual job?
  • masterbroodub17_ESO
    Gomumon wrote: »
    He cried the same way about champion points. Guess who still plays....

    He straight up says in the video that CP is a broken system that keeps being patched instead of removed and replaced with a real end-game progression system.

    And yet, here he is. Not much merit to the threats eh?
  • Gomumon
    And yet, here he is. Not much merit to the threats eh?
    He's not threatening anyone. He's just making an announcement to his subscribers--one he's never made before.

    Boy, you sure have been white knighting for ZOS pretty hard in this thread. No matter how much you brown nose, you won't get extra Crowns, you know. :wink:
    Edited by Gomumon on 20 April 2017 17:00
  • masterbroodub17_ESO
    Gomumon wrote: »
    And yet, here he is. Not much merit to the threats eh?
    He's not threatening anyone. He's just making an announcement to his subscribers--one he's never made before.

    Boy, you sure have been white knighting for ZOS pretty hard in this thread. No matter how much you brown nose, you won't get extra Crowns, you know. :wink:

    Who said he was threatening anyone? I wasn't specific but I figure it was implied that the threat was in regards to quitting since it's such a *** system :)
    Apparently that wasn't clear though.
  • Gomumon
    Who said he was threatening anyone?

    Threat: a statement of an intention to inflict pain, injury, damage, or other hostile action (e.g. unsubscribing and quitting) on someone (e.g. a game developer) in retribution for something done or not done.

    Deltia hasn't threatened ZOS before. He's stated a declining interest, sure. But this is the first time he's confirmed that he's done with ESO as far as content creation and funding ZOS goes.

    Simple, no?

  • ap1230
    Mojmir wrote: »
    ap1230 wrote: »
    Gomumon wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno - It has begun: Farewell @Deltia

    If you don't like what a company is doing, you don't have to keep giving them your money. Doing content you don't want 95% of the time, just to get gear for content you love, then having to repeat that every six months is NOT balance; it's artificial gameplay hours they can report to their shareholders. I, for one, am done paying for fluff.


    You know those changes are bad when someone who feeds their kid by playing your game would rather find another way to do it than continue.

    maybe find a new job? no really like an actual job?

    Content creation is a job. A job that makes more money in a month for some content creators than what a good chunk of this forum's users make in a year. How about you tell us what you do for a living, which for all I know, could be absolutely nothing, before you judge others. And it becomes a boring, tedious job, when that content is about a game that is forcefully turning into a chore by a developer that has continuously proven to be ignorant towards their community and its more prominent members, like Deltia.
    Edited by ap1230 on 20 April 2017 17:13
  • Sandman929
    ap1230 wrote: »
    Mojmir wrote: »
    ap1230 wrote: »
    Gomumon wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno - It has begun: Farewell @Deltia

    If you don't like what a company is doing, you don't have to keep giving them your money. Doing content you don't want 95% of the time, just to get gear for content you love, then having to repeat that every six months is NOT balance; it's artificial gameplay hours they can report to their shareholders. I, for one, am done paying for fluff.


    You know those changes are bad when someone who feeds their kid by playing your game would rather find another way to do it than continue.

    maybe find a new job? no really like an actual job?

    Content creation is a job. A job that makes more money in a month for some content creators than what a good chunk of this forum's users make in a year. How about you tell us what you do for a living, which for all I know, could be absolutely nothing, before you judge others. And it becomes a boring, tedious job, when that content is about a game that is forcefully turning into a chore by a developer that has continuously proven to be ignorant towards their community and its more prominent members, like Deltia.

    Not too long ago creating computer games wasn't a "real job" either.
  • Docmandu
    If I had to describe the PTS patch notes in 1 sentence, it would be:

    "Glad I have a sorc!"
  • Autolycus
    This has to be the worst example of proper rebalancing I've ever seen. I'm losing faith in your teams, ZOS. I used to think you listened to players, but now I'm convinced you don't even try to see through it through our eyes. Get a grip guys, you're making really stupid decisions here.
  • altemriel
    "All Battlegrounds currently restrict Champion Points."

    what was the reason for this weird decision?????

    why are there not two modes:
    1. with CPs
    2. without CPs

  • t3hdubzy
    altemriel wrote: »
    "All Battlegrounds currently restrict Champion Points."

    what was the reason for this weird decision?????

    why are there not two modes:
    1. with CPs
    2. without CPs


    To prevent steam rolling
  • altemriel
    any more info on this pls?

    "Inverse Kinematic System (Beta)
    The Inverse Kinematic (IK) System is a new feature in development that helps connect your character’s feet to the ground."

  • trbrelinskib14_ESO
    First - This looks interesting, I'm looking forward to seeing how this plays out. Something definitely needs to be done on the over the top results from some builds... Frankly, I'd say bring back caps or soft caps...but we'll see how this goes.

    Second - It's no surprise that there would be massive complaining on here... Something changes, and "OH NO THE WORLD HAS ENDED!!!! ZOS doesn't know what's best for their game... But I do" - Really? You think the developers and designers at ZOS have no clue as to how their game works and how they want it to work? I think you need to take off your blinders and take a step back. A bit arrogant to say the least.

    Do not freak out until you actually jump in the game and play it with the changes and see how it actually works instead of obsessing about a specific thing changing without taking the whole as a package and seeing how it all fits together. That's what the PTS is for. So the public can, you know, test stuff and give feedback before it goes live. And while you are testing... do not look at it from only your point of view but try to be objective and take a step back and look at it from a higher perspective than just your own biased narrow view point.

    The ones I see complaining most on here seem to typically be the min/max munchkin types that can only see the game as a spreadsheet of numbers and nothing more. And on top of that seem to only like the game when they can dominate others in PvP because somehow that makes them better than others... So if there is a change that makes their build more in line with others... they take it personally and think ZOS is out to ruin their game... well, it's not YOUR game, it's OUR game as a whole and the developers are tying to make it balanced as possible so different play styles can exist along side each other and have some semblance of balance. Of course that is a continual process...this is one step in that process. Play it and see.

    To say ZOS never listens to players is just plain stupid. There have been a lot of changes in this game based on player feedback. Think a bit before ranting... Also, just because some players want something doesn't mean it's good for the game either.

    And oh, what's wrong with casual players? That is pretty much the main bulk of players... so in order to make sure they stay alive and can still provide a game for everyone, making the game more casual friendly is a no-brainer. And frankly is the better choice. A game should be a game... not something you have to live on in order to compete or succeed in. That isn't healthy for anyone and something ZOS should not encourage. If you are a hardcore player... great, but that doesn't make you more important or better than the casual player. If you think it does...well, you might have some issues...

    Sure you can say I'm brown nosing or defending ZOS all you want. That's not my intent. I'm just pointing out immature behavior that is ridiculous, I would do the same no matter who the company was.
  • Docmandu
    Really? You think the developers and designers at ZOS have no clue as to how their game works

    Judging by the Infinite Loading Screens, Toppling Charge having never worked, Streak bug, Stuck flappy wings, ... I think that question deserves a sound YES.

    Then add in the cr.ap that comes out of the combat team's pit.. it's a an overwhelming YES.

    Complete reshuffling of the entire game every DLC.. pretty clear they have no clue where to go.
  • Takis1979
    We all are paying for a product if we find that this product does not meet what we want we change it. At every game at some point devellopers make a choice either to trully provide entertainment (that is what we paying for) and wait for their product to flurish or just make some quick dolla with a commercial title like morrowind.
    Too bad that they are ruinning gameplay for some classes they should have thought it out better. I read carefully the changes and i agree with the CP adjustments, but taking away the uniqueness of templars and dragonknights it is demolishing for many players.
    Looks like that there is going now to be a warden tank and a warden healer. The dragonknights and templars will be put away (if players do not leave the game because they have invested on their characters).
  • Autolycus
    Docmandu wrote: »
    Complete reshuffling of the entire game every DLC.. pretty clear they have no clue where to go.

    Exactly. We shouldn't have to re-learn how to play on a fundamental level every time a new update releases. It's ridiculous that they can't figure out how to segregate pvp and pve by now... Every time we cry loud enough in pvp, pve gets demolished. Every. Single. Time.

    You want us to start putting our CP into different stars? Then stop designed every "mechanic" in pve around only dps. Even the most mechanic-intensive fights (like Rhakkat, the Twins) are a matter of "simply move over here at this time, then all-out dps" (Yes, I am drastically over-simplifying this). If you want us to consider any of those other points useful, then maybe try adding mechanics where those things are necessary. How often do we dodge-roll on Rhakkat? Once at the very end, to pick up the orb, and that's it? We don't even break free from Unstable Void, we just wait for it to run out. DPS and Damage Shields Online, Sorcs Online, etc. Take your pick.

    I fail to see how stamina builds are going to be viable with these updates. They had the same sustain problems, equal or lower single-target dps, sub-par AoE damage, and all with a complete inability to survive basic mechanics. Is a 10% DR removal going to help them survive? Think again. Major Ward and Resolve for the whole group with Warden is not even going to make up this difference; the benefit is even lower if these dps are blocking mechanics when it is appropriate to do so.

    The changes to skills like Necrotic Orb are nice and will help offset these changes, but only to a minor extent. It's simply not enough to counter-balance the complete re-work of virtually all builds in pve that are now necessary. Assuming this is even enough, Moondancer is practically mandatory for magicka dps now... a set that comes from a trial with abhorrent drop rates and a massive barrier to entry. It's as if they don't realize we're already doing a dozen things to help dps sustain in trials... like they don't understand their game or something.
    Edited by Autolycus on 20 April 2017 21:05
  • norpor
    Ehh this patch and content is fustrating again. Battleground and warden is cool.. but.. nothing more interesting developement... just nerf and more nerf... no new and interesting changes to the older skill lines. Its not too cheering... why dont improwe the another 4 class, crafing, and the skill lines?? Its turn a bit boring by now....
  • GreenSoup2HoT
    Sneak attacks no longer grant a bonus to Critical Damage when used against other players. Sneak attacks will continue to guarantee a Critical Strike and stun the target, and will also still grant a bonus to Critical Damage when used against monsters.

    How much of a bonus to Critical Damage was this sneak bonus before?
    How much of a bonus will be retained against monsters?

    Numbers please @ZOS_GinaBruno :)

    Side question:

    Has the "stuck in combat" situation been cleared up?
    PS4 NA DC
  • t3hdubzy
    altemriel wrote: »
    any more info on this pls?

    "Inverse Kinematic System (Beta)
    The Inverse Kinematic (IK) System is a new feature in development that helps connect your character’s feet to the ground."

    Theres a pts feedback thread that might have the info you seek.
  • t3hdubzy
    Honestly i think there will be some balancing issues upon go live, but this reset is necessary to keep the game healthy.

    There are a lot of issues still not addressed, but we will have to wait and see.

    Imperial city being something that is overlooked and would be a sweet win if they made it more appealing or just simply made access easier. Obviously theres more that can be done, but it has no impact on campaigns, its old dlc that probably doesnt sell much by itself standalone, and most of the sets from there are not as great as they once were, especially after updates.

    So, id recommend that most of the people in disgust just wait and see. This patch wont be perfect but its setting the right things in motion in my opinion.
  • moiraleafcull
    t3hdubzy wrote: »
    altemriel wrote: »
    "All Battlegrounds currently restrict Champion Points."

    what was the reason for this weird decision?????

    why are there not two modes:
    1. with CPs
    2. without CPs


    To prevent steam rolling

    Still makes zero sense...
    Don't have CP...duel. Besides...getting to level 50 takes very little time.
    Have CP...These new changes in CP scaling makes the difference between 100 CP and 600 CP marginal.
    And given the changes to CP scaling...why bother after a certain point (do the math...the return is simply not worth the time.)
    I have subbed since day 1 and kept CP maxed.
    Every increase since the cap was imposed has penalized those who at the cap, those who have played the longest.
    I am better off cancelling sub, not logging in till after the DLC and playing some CP catchup at a reduced cost.

    Edited by moiraleafcull on 20 April 2017 22:43
    @moiraleafcull == 551+ Champion
    Daggerfall Covenant: Moira Leafcull - Temp AR 27 | Fara Nightsky - NB AR 6
    Proud to wear the tabards of Daggerfall Pride and LoM

  • Kinnahz
    Lol so much salt, I thInk I'm starting to get high cholesterol.

    But seriously, be constructive on your forum post. Play the PTS and go through the appropriate channels to voice your concerns.

    ZoS have shown in the past they will listen and change things up according to player feedback, gotta remember this is for the PTS... hasn't gone live yet... no need to get your knickers in a knot at the moment.
    Xbox Gamertag: KINNAHZ
    vHRC HM, vAA HM, vSO HM, vMoL HM, vHoF HM, vAS+2, vCR+3, EoF, SoTN, Oax HM, Lyl & Tur HM vDSA, Unchained, Flawless, Spirit Slayer
  • mwo1480
    mmm, the patch has good and really really really really really really really really really really really really really bad things but what one thing most ppl forget is that this is a pts patch, they are testing /let us test these stuff , meaning things in this patch still can change for the live version

    go play the pts and try everything out before complaining (the class skills changes should be able for non beta testers to see) ,.....then complain anyways after trying it

    note- for who that got the beta key- go to the closed beta forum (dont think ppl without key can see) and check -- Sustain in PvE for Morrowind --
    and see what zeni said (basicly without telling here forbidden info, its the same as i said its a test on the pts and it can chance before going live)
    Edited by mwo1480 on 21 April 2017 00:18
    every char has a story

    anne-susan ...breton sorch DC
    seline kay .... bosmer dk AD
    julia-noor ...bosmer temp DC
    elle wolf .... breton temp AD
    Mari-Lynn.... woodelf nb AD former empress
    Mari-chan... woodelf warden AD
    (and more chars)
  • mwo1480
    t3hdubzy wrote: »
    altemriel wrote: »
    " ."

    what was the reason for this weird decision?????

    why are there not two modes:
    1. with CPs
    2. without CPs


    To prevent steam rolling

    Still makes zero sense...
    Don't have CP...duel. Besides...getting to level 50 takes very little time.
    Have CP...These new changes in CP scaling makes the difference between 100 CP and 600 CP marginal.
    And given the changes to CP scaling...why bother after a certain point (do the math...the return is simply not worth the time.)
    I have subbed since day 1 and kept CP maxed.
    Every increase since the cap was imposed has penalized those who at the cap, those who have played the longest.
    I am better off cancelling sub, not logging in till after the DLC and playing some CP catchup at a reduced cost.

    first of all its a pts note so they are testing it without cp

    second of all on the live stream where they showcased battleground they telled why theres only non cp for the moment (something about making everyone equal, sorry forgot what they said)

    third off ali: All Battlegrounds currently restrict Champion Points, b]currently[/b meaning there maybe/willbe a cp version later, probaly when morrowind goes live cuz like i said these arre pts patch notes

    4th of all u dont have a reason to complain about no cp battleground if u dont play on pts, complain on other things that are importnant, like not being with me
    every char has a story

    anne-susan ...breton sorch DC
    seline kay .... bosmer dk AD
    julia-noor ...bosmer temp DC
    elle wolf .... breton temp AD
    Mari-Lynn.... woodelf nb AD former empress
    Mari-chan... woodelf warden AD
    (and more chars)
  • mwo1480
    altemriel wrote: »
    any more info on this pls?

    "Inverse Kinematic System (Beta)
    The Inverse Kinematic (IK) System is a new feature in development that helps connect your character’s feet to the ground."

    if im right u can check it out and try on the pts, havent tried myself yet so cant tell u, but the best experience is by trying your self
    every char has a story

    anne-susan ...breton sorch DC
    seline kay .... bosmer dk AD
    julia-noor ...bosmer temp DC
    elle wolf .... breton temp AD
    Mari-Lynn.... woodelf nb AD former empress
    Mari-chan... woodelf warden AD
    (and more chars)
  • t3hdubzy
    t3hdubzy wrote: »
    altemriel wrote: »
    "All Battlegrounds currently restrict Champion Points."

    what was the reason for this weird decision?????

    why are there not two modes:
    1. with CPs
    2. without CPs


    To prevent steam rolling

    Still makes zero sense...
    Don't have CP...duel. Besides...getting to level 50 takes very little time.
    Have CP...These new changes in CP scaling makes the difference between 100 CP and 600 CP marginal.
    And given the changes to CP scaling...why bother after a certain point (do the math...the return is simply not worth the time.)
    I have subbed since day 1 and kept CP maxed.
    Every increase since the cap was imposed has penalized those who at the cap, those who have played the longest.
    I am better off cancelling sub, not logging in till after the DLC and playing some CP catchup at a reduced cost.

    Im so far past cap it doesnt matter... ha
  • Zvorgin
    Why do we have to keep overhauling classes every patch?! It's like Zos can't come up with content for endgame so they force new metas through the nerfhammer. Different patch, same old story once again.
  • Gomumon
    @trbrelinskib14_ESO What was the point in that ramble? This is a post about patch notes. Players who pay for the game have the right to voice their concerns or anger about the patch notes, or to subsequently quit playing.

    You're not paying for a pleasant discussion. You didn't have any financial or emotional investment in the comments compelling you to sit there and read all the "immature" comments, and reply to them. You have no reason to feel any sort of way about other people disliking the changes. Yet, you're talking about people being immature? If you don't like the comments, don't read them.

    TL;DR: Bitching about a game you pay for going south is understandable. Bitching about other people bitching when you could easily avoid it, just because you wanna defend someone or something from criticism, is white knighting.
  • Gomumon
    Zvorgin wrote: »
    Why do we have to keep overhauling classes every patch?! It's like Zos can't come up with content for endgame so they force new metas through the nerfhammer. Different patch, same old story once again.
    There's really only a few possibilities:
    1. They couldn't get it right the first time...or the second... or third...
    2. As you said, it's easier to fabricate gameplay hours by changing skills, gear, traits, etc. than it is to add fresh content with true replay value.
    3. That Warden, tho...
  • Unlikely_Ghostbuster
    This rage-storm is probably why there wasn't another episode of ESO Live, this month. Can't blame them. If I was a dev, then I think I'd let this barn fire wear itself out before I willingly went on camera with a chat feed.

    After skimming many of these comments, I've yet to see a single argument in *favor* of builds capable of infinite sustainability. Not one.

    Maybe I'm being idealistic, but I like to think that the ungodly variety in this game was always intended to encourage a much wider variety than what we have reduced it to: a "stam" or "mag" build of each class. In other words, there are literally thousands upon thousands of ways we can vary our gear, CP passives, and spell weaving -- but we've reduced the playing field to eight builds (soon to be ten, counting the Warden). All things left unchanged, eventually, the ideal "min/max" load-out for each of these eight builds becomes the only way to compete. Not only is that an affront to the spirit of a game that, in my opinion, was made to encourage play-style diversity (not pigeon-hole everyone into flavor-of-the-month builds), it makes it nearly impossible for any NEW players to join the game, succeed, and enjoy themselves.

    Honestly, if the only people who quit are the ones who are complaining, then no big loss. Think about it -- they wouldn't be complaining if they weren't using ________ (insert complaint here) as a crutch. If they weren't perfectly aware their builds were overpowered, then they wouldn't be complaining about the changes.

    I made a post before about friends of mine who, since 2014, have tried to play this game on my recommendation. All of them quit, and their reason was almost universal: "The game is fun, but there's far too wide a gap between beginners and experts." Some dungeon groups boot anyone with less than 400 CP as a matter of course. Likewise for some trials. And let's not try to pretend it's reasonable for somebody to be able to 1v7 a group in Cyrodiil without being Emperor.

    Obviously, I'm not an elite player. I pay far too much attention to the experiences I can enjoy with little-to-no risk of having my evening ruined by some troll (the figurative kind). I get angry over things like the mounting inconsistencies with Master Crafting Writs and the awful effort/reward ratios, mostly. It's whenever I try to expand my sphere of gameplay that I'm confronted by players with a lot of expert advice this update is rendering moot.

    I always listen when "experts" give me advice, but I rarely act on it because, generally, it's encouraging me to use some specific min/max build. The reason I think that's a bad idea is reflected in this patch. Consider why the Champion System gives diminishing returns as you invest points: in theory, you get "more" out of your investment if you put some variety into your point distribution. That, in a nutshell, tells us the developers WANT build diversity, not pigeon-hole min/max builds. So it's prudent to expect the changes that come with each patch to reflect that fact.

    From the developers' perspectives, if there are champion point passives that nobody ever invests a single point into while there are a relatively small number of other passives into which players invest heavily, then there are balance issues. Those issues are expressed by players who have seemingly infinite resources and crazy DPS. That's why I don't rework my gear, points, and play-style to accommodate every flavor-of-the-month build that emerges -- the payout can only be short-term.

    Simply put, unless you're incredibly short-sighted, you have to expect OP builds to get nerfed in this game.
This discussion has been closed.