Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

PTS Patch Notes v3.0.0

  • necronomniconb14_ESO
    Darkrift wrote: »
    They are trying to make the game more tactical than spammie (or is it spammy? not the stuff in the can, although just as bad). I for one appreciate the changes instead of mag <insert class> max your magicka and nothing else, etc and so forth. Makes for more complex decisions, builds and gameplay.

    make the game tab based, with interval damage received fromt he enemies so i can tap tab and let an auto attack work for me while I play a more stimulating game and pointlessly grind this one in a tiny window then.
  • Kalebron
    One change is all they need to do. GET RID of animation canceling!
  • Mojmir
    Kalebron wrote: »
    One change is all they need to do. GET RID of animation canceling!

    nah they need to get rid of wayshrines, games too easy now
  • Kalebron
    juise92 wrote: »
    Why you sell this game PLAY AS YOU WANT but you make stamina useless in pve and pvp? stop making these stupid nerf to stamina characters, stamina is useless in pve and there is only 2 classes who are able to fight vs magicka classes in pvp. StamDK and stamplar. Now you nerf stamdk so there is only stamplar what you can play in cyrodil on pve there is no point to try to play stamina because magicka is safer and makes more dmg. if you want make magicka better dps then stam i am fine but then you need to make magicka more risky to play. ATM cyrodil is boring to play because you make magicka classes so op in groups so there is only 50man groups runing around and farming ap. In pve you make 50k dps whit petsorc even if you have no idea how to play, and you cant die because shields are 20k+. nerf magicka buff stamina and mb we get small scale groups in cyrodil and pve players can play stamina as dps too....

    Edit: And i forgot to say give stamina roots, in cyrodil you cant move atm because everyone is playing sorc or magickadk you are rooted 24/7 do you even play this game?

    They did nerf rooting so that it has a period of time to allow the person to respond.
  • Gomumon
    From the developers' perspectives, if there are champion point passives that nobody ever invests a single point into while there are a relatively small number of other passives into which players invest heavily, then there are balance issues.

    If that's the case, and their vision is more diversity, then it would be better to make the other champion passives more useful than to take the most useful ones and Nerf them. If they wanted people to use more than 8 builds (utility aside), then they should've conceived of a better way to do damage than scaling solely off either max stamina/phys or magicka/spell.

    If they wanted people to use the "thousands upon thousands" of combinations of gear, maybe they should've made thousands of viable combinations. In reality, sets are either offensive (damage, crit, proc, resource buff), defensive (resistance, shielding, reduction to negative effects, healing), with some applying to oneself and some applying to the group. For both there's just some sets that are better or more useful all around than others. BSW > Netch's Touch. Seducer > Magnus. Viper > Sunderflame. Etc.

    As long as there are only two ways to scale damage, then some sets will always be better than others. And if they were all the same, then there'd be no point in multiple sets that did the same thing. Frankly, the fact that there's so many sets just seems more of a way to oversaturate the loot table, inflating gameplay hours with farming. Most people farming WGT aren't going​ for Imperium. People aren't spending days farming in Malabal Tor for Savior's Hide. Nobody clears City of Ash for the 100th time and gets excited about an Infused Embershield helm. My friend called this game "Farm Simulator." Like Deltia said in his "Leaving ESO" video, having to spend 95% of the time getting what you need to be effective in fun content every six months is bad design and boring.

    If they really wanted diversity, they would create more "win conditions."
    -Make some moves scale of max health, or have some that do both stamina and magicka damage, or some scale off movement speed, weight, regen, resistance, etc.
    -Let some moves damage magicka or stamina instead of health.
    -Make synergies more useful and allow complex combinations incentivizing teamwork, e.g. "Crystal Fragments deals 10% more damage if the target is afflicted by an Ardent Flame ability."
    -Make one morph do (more) damage to monsters and the other to players.
    -Hell, create a rock, paper, scissors dynamic with light, medium, and heavy armor, where light injures/interrupts medium > heavy > light. Classify certain attacks as light, medium, or heavy, and give a bonus, neutral or penalty to the skill depending what the caster is wearing. Let them all affect all resources, but differently. For example, light gives cost reduction and healing, medium more recovery and mitigation (either full or crit), and heavy more max pools. Let cast/channel times, cooldowns, and damage scale accordingly for the same move. Etc.

    There's literally thousands of things they could do for variety besides add more diminishing returns to CP and crush resource management. In fact, that's going to make the variety even worse, as everyone will be forced into using sustain sets. Further, with no CP in battlegrounds or necessary for Cyrodiil, and most PVE content doable after level 50 due to scaling, there's no excuse for new players to act like they don't have a place.

    Simply put, the only thing "short-sighted" are the devs who know this won't bring any true balance or diversity to ESO, but are making it public anyway
    Edited by Gomumon on 21 April 2017 14:11
  • aeowulf
    Kalebron wrote: »
    One change is all they need to do. GET RID of animation canceling!

    This is what makes the big difference between a new player who doesn't know it exists/how to do it and a vet. At a complete guess it's responsible for +50% DPS? if they want to narrow the gap between new and experienced players, this is probably the biggest area to hit.
  • DPShiro
    mr_wazzabi wrote: »
    I am so pleased with the resource recovery changes. This makes choices in CP, sets, and food/drink buff actually mattering. Right now everyone looks at sets with recovery with a sneer of "wish that said max ____" or immediately removes the recovery on jewelry with spell/weapon damage. resource steal enchantments are rare. Drinks, outside of event ones, are never used in the meta.

    This changes that by making resource monkeys, balanced, high damage actually have pros and cons, vs high damage having no negatives whatsoever. Trust me, I'm sad as well that I can't just toss up high numbers and careless about resources in a way, but from a balance this will do a lot to put classes in line with each other because its not just high damage bonus game. Each class has a balance of resource gain in certain pools, damage bonuses, and max stat bonuses.

    With the other segment of build making being balanced, classes will start to trend towards some CP and set bonuses based on recovery methods in the class. This makes every class instantly more balanced. This also helps increase health importance by having more diversity in the build since the meta of damage will drop the instances of insta-death being the most effective method of pvp will reduce and therefore free up options to spend points elsewhere (especially if building your character around sustain).

    Overall I think this "little" change will massively fix a lot of complaints we have about a lot of areas in the game. Step back a bit (and from the ledge) and think of all of the issues we talk about and this is a very positive tweak that i think will make refining the classes towards balance much easier moving forward.

    Have fun in vma and hard mode trials. Get killed in round 5 by giant boss as your dps is too low and she breaks your last platform.

    Won't matter, everything will melt in VMA anyway because of the soggy resistances.
    Clearly a l2p issue.
    ~ Gryphon Heart ~
    ~ Immortal Redeemer ~
    ~ Grand Master Crafter ~
    ~ Master Angler ~
    ~ Former Emperor ~
  • DPShiro
    I feel like Eso's best players will still find ways to excel despite the sustain changes - welcome the challenge.

    Don't particularly like the impact to my class (stamblade) but whatever... not gonna cry.

    I agree that it is weird to not have touched mSorc when they are already very strong

    So much this^

    Great players will just figure out new setups, change some strategies and team setups and keep going, I'm actually looking forward to adapt.

    Casuals and mediocre players will suffer though, but there is always normal modes to work on until they are good enough.
    ~ Gryphon Heart ~
    ~ Immortal Redeemer ~
    ~ Grand Master Crafter ~
    ~ Master Angler ~
    ~ Former Emperor ~
  • BillNye_Eso
    Kalebron wrote: »
    One change is all they need to do. GET RID of animation canceling!
    Animation cancelling is a part of the game, not their fault if you cant keep up

    PC Na
    Animosity Founder
    Ep Orc Stam Dk
    Only believes in 10k+ Leaps
    Changed to Warden since Dk is dead class
    Changed back to dk since dead inside
  • DPShiro
    Log on the PTS and play the game. I can't believe how people blindly nod their head to those honeyed words.

    Seriously, do it.

    All you people out there who go off with "Oh I am so glad about these changes, huehuehue." did not log on the PTS and test ***, I guarantee you that.

    Do it.

    Find out yourself how you can only run 10 seconds of dps/healing while making your 'decision' they encourage so well here for one thing. I went full regeneration. Ran out of ressources in said 10 seconds. didn't got them back in 30 even considering combat keeps going and doesn't just stops and smiles to wait for your bar to fill up again.

    We tried Hel-Ra.

    We didn't even get through normal.

    People are struggling on the PTS to do delves, man. DELVES! Now try to get through Maelstrom Arena with that.

    This has absolutely nothing to do with a silverspoon mentality when the game is entirely and utterly unplayable with those changes and the players don't even know anymore wtf ZOS is expecting us to play the game.

    Let's add to that the oh so wonderful RNG to get that one desired item from dungeon/location XY. No one will like this, believe me. No. One.

    If you are struggling on normal Trials then maybe work on your build, rotation and practice in delves, quests etc.
    ~ Gryphon Heart ~
    ~ Immortal Redeemer ~
    ~ Grand Master Crafter ~
    ~ Master Angler ~
    ~ Former Emperor ~
  • Silver_Strider
    Leave for a few months and get welcomed to a flood of tears from the player base (I'd have drowned if I wasn't an Argonian lol) Jokes aside, I do want to express some of my feelings on these changes, despite having more or less quit ESO until a time ZOS did something to impress me enough to return and these notes are fairly impressive but I'm also concerned.

    I do feel this will be another patch in which Stamina builds get left behind, even more so than previously. A overall cost increase as well as a huge nerf to several resource sustain methods (CP, passives, etc.) just feels like a bit much. The changes to class skills and passives is probably the nail in the coffin for End Game stamina builds though. With the changes to Siphoning Strikes, Helping Hands, Battle Roar, Repentence, etc. sustain for Stamina builds nigh impossible without constantly Heavy Attack weaving to get back resources, as well as a healthy bit of potion chugging and shard/orb collecting. This isn't even just a DPS problem but a tanking problem too, considering that Puncture is going to cost more and blocking will be much more draining then ever before. The way I'm seeing this, trials are going to require Tank swapping in order to actually maintain their resources. With Repentence gone and shards no longer giving a guarantee for Stamina (Heaven forbid your magic gets lower than your Stamina when you outright NEED stamina more than magic), there's too much margin for things to go wrong should the tank not be able to block a hit because he was given Magic instead of Stamina, which is a very real possibility considering that the Tank will spam himself dry trying to get Helping Hands/Siphoning Attacks to actually help and give him Stamina.

    Another thing is, how will this affect Dark Deal? Considering that you trade your worthless stat for your useful one, getting a Orb/shard after the fact just gives you back your useless stat again. You can go into another Dark Deal but that's time not doing DPS and more time managing your resources. Considering how stiff some of the DPS checks in the, unless there is significant changes made to them, it will be nigh impossible to complete some content as it currently is.

    I'm not against this change but I do feel that ZOS might be pushing it a little too far.
    Argonian forever
  • rusila22
    "Heavy Armor
    Constitution: Reduced the Magicka and Stamina restored by this passive ability by approximately 42%"

    So if i understand wearing a full set 5 + 2 heavy armor is no more effective :(
    Rusila CP :600
    Title : Monster Hunter
    Currently : Beta Tester in Morrowind
  • Franieck
    For this update, we are supplying three character templates with 630 Champion Points (one Template per Alliance). Much like previous PTS cycles, you will have wayshrines unlocked in every zone's capital city (excluding starter zones). You will have all the same items available from the previous PTS testing cycle for Homestead, in addition to some new items made available in Morrowind:
    • The template contains a new item in your inventory, "Battleground Sets". This crate contains further crates, each of which houses the armor, weapons, and jewelry for item sets that can be earned and purchased by participating in Battlegrounds.
    • The container for Trials item sets has been updated, and now includes the item sets found in the Halls of Fabrication.
    • The container for Overland item sets has been updated, and now includes the item sets found in Vvardenfell proper.
    • The Crafter's Limitless Library, found within the Ultimate Crafting Crate, now includes the new Motifs found in Morrowind: Ashlander, Buoyant Armiger, Militant Ordinator, and Morag Tong.
    • Similarly, the Traveled Crafter's Crate now contains the style items needed to craft in these styles.
    • Much like with the Dragonknight, Templar, Nightblade, and Sorcerer classes, creating a Warden with these templates will start you with all class skill lines and individual skills fully maxed out.

    Unfortunately the new trial sets and VVardenfell sets are still not obtainable through the aforementioned containers...
  • Vidalas
    Soul Shriven
    In my opinion people were completly spoilt resouce-wise , substaining was made way to easy ,people will finally have to worry about their resouce and cant go full damage/tanking/healing anymore .It was about time the changes happend .GOOD JOB ZENIMAX !!!!!
    Edited by Vidalas on 21 April 2017 11:49
  • BillNye_Eso
    Vidalas wrote: »
    In my opinion people were completly spoilt resouce-wise , substaining was made way to easy ,people will finally have to worry about their resouce and cant go full damage/tanking/healing anymore .It was about time the changes happend .GOOD JOB ZENIMAX !!!!!
    cp change was honestly enough to put a dent in peoples sustain, everything else they put in was overkill

    PC Na
    Animosity Founder
    Ep Orc Stam Dk
    Only believes in 10k+ Leaps
    Changed to Warden since Dk is dead class
    Changed back to dk since dead inside
  • EldritchPenguin
    DPShiro wrote: »
    Log on the PTS and play the game. I can't believe how people blindly nod their head to those honeyed words.

    Seriously, do it.

    All you people out there who go off with "Oh I am so glad about these changes, huehuehue." did not log on the PTS and test ***, I guarantee you that.

    Do it.

    Find out yourself how you can only run 10 seconds of dps/healing while making your 'decision' they encourage so well here for one thing. I went full regeneration. Ran out of ressources in said 10 seconds. didn't got them back in 30 even considering combat keeps going and doesn't just stops and smiles to wait for your bar to fill up again.

    We tried Hel-Ra.

    We didn't even get through normal.

    People are struggling on the PTS to do delves, man. DELVES! Now try to get through Maelstrom Arena with that.

    This has absolutely nothing to do with a silverspoon mentality when the game is entirely and utterly unplayable with those changes and the players don't even know anymore wtf ZOS is expecting us to play the game.

    Let's add to that the oh so wonderful RNG to get that one desired item from dungeon/location XY. No one will like this, believe me. No. One.

    If you are struggling on normal Trials then maybe work on your build, rotation and practice in delves, quests etc.
    I love this post and everything about it. "It's perfectly fine for the devs to repeatedly stomp on your throat because you need to L2P."

    Here's the problem with this mentality: On live right now, perfecting your build and your rotation is additional progression available to you. After the changes, people are going to have to do the same thing, just to get close to the place they were before.

    Meanwhile, high-level trial runners, who are supposed to be hit the hardest by these changes, are going to be able to adapt almost seamlessly, while the remaining 99% of the playerbase is going to have to grind and practice and struggle for a long time just to adapt to the changes.

    Trials are already absolutely unavailable for the overwhelming majority of the playerbase. There is no justification for making that floor even higher, especially when the devs explicitly stated that they want to lower the floor.
    Lilelle Adlis - Dark Elf Dragonknight

    Vaynothah Sailenar - Dark Elf Templar

    Sherivah Telvanni - Dark Elf Sorcerer

    Nephiah Telvanni - Dark Elf Nightblade
  • dreamer
    Miscellaneous UI Updates
    We’ve added several new features and options, called out below, that will better improve your UI experience.
    • You can now enable buff and debuff trackers! These are found in Settings under the Combat section.
      • You can track debuffs on your target from everyone or just from yourself, or track buffs and debuffs on just yourself.
      • You can also toggle the visibility of permanent effects with no defined duration (such as Mundus Stones) and effects lasting longer than a minute (such as food buffs).
      • With the addition of this system, Major and Minor effects have updated with more consistent iconography. Viewing the effect in the character sheet will show the source of the buff.

    I was wondering if these changes will allow us to remove the giant, annoying buff sparkles in first person view? I truly hope so, have been wishing for this forever!
  • Gomumon
    Vidalas wrote: »
    In my opinion people were completly spoilt resouce-wise , substaining was made way to easy ,people will finally have to worry about their resouce and cant go full damage/tanking/healing anymore .It was about time the changes happend .GOOD JOB ZENIMAX !!!!!

    This is contrary to their own statement though that this game is supposed to be fast paced and exciting. What, now we're supposed to pause so we can heavy attack a larger percentage of the time? Cast slower? Even with 100 into arcanist and 100 into magician, hitting synergy, drinking pots, and using ultimates, I still already need to use heavy attacks on longer fights. Doing LESS damage AND having LESS resources is going to make for VERY SLOW boss fights.

    Also nobody goes full healing or tanking. Healers are also helping with sustain while tanks help increase DPS damage with debuffs. They came out with sets like Spell Power Cure and Alkosh for a reason.
    Edited by Gomumon on 21 April 2017 14:37
  • jakeyura
    I'm done with this game if they go through with the Templar nerfs. My first character was a stamblade which turned out to be the weakest class. My second character was a stamplar which is about to be on par with stamblade as weakest class.

    I'm not grinding another character I don't have time for that BS. I'm not going to make a magicka sorcerer just so I can enjoy PVP. I'll just play another game. *** Zos.
    Edited by jakeyura on 21 April 2017 14:28
  • Gomumon
    rusila22 wrote: »
    So if i understand wearing a full set 5 + 2 heavy armor is no more effective :(

    Nothing but running the Warden will be effective. :wink:

  • masterbroodub17_ESO
    jakeyura wrote: »
    I'm done with this game if they go through with the Templar nerfs. My first character was a stamblade which turned out to be the weakest class. My second character was a stamplar which is about to be on par with stamblade as weakest class.

    I'm not grinding another character I don't have time for that BS. I'm not going to make a magicka sorcerer just so I can enjoy PVP. I'll just play another game. *** Zos.

    I love all these types of posts.

    No game in history has ever been both balanced and provided options. It will never exist.

    If you want perfectly balanced and tuned classes play something like FFXIV, seriously....not meant as a "gtfo" statement but it's the truth.
  • Uriel_Nocturne
    DPShiro wrote: »
    Log on the PTS and play the game. I can't believe how people blindly nod their head to those honeyed words.

    Seriously, do it.

    All you people out there who go off with "Oh I am so glad about these changes, huehuehue." did not log on the PTS and test ***, I guarantee you that.

    Do it.

    Find out yourself how you can only run 10 seconds of dps/healing while making your 'decision' they encourage so well here for one thing. I went full regeneration. Ran out of ressources in said 10 seconds. didn't got them back in 30 even considering combat keeps going and doesn't just stops and smiles to wait for your bar to fill up again.

    We tried Hel-Ra.

    We didn't even get through normal.

    People are struggling on the PTS to do delves, man. DELVES! Now try to get through Maelstrom Arena with that.

    This has absolutely nothing to do with a silverspoon mentality when the game is entirely and utterly unplayable with those changes and the players don't even know anymore wtf ZOS is expecting us to play the game.

    Let's add to that the oh so wonderful RNG to get that one desired item from dungeon/location XY. No one will like this, believe me. No. One.

    If you are struggling on normal Trials then maybe work on your build, rotation and practice in delves, quests etc.
    I love this post and everything about it. "It's perfectly fine for the devs to repeatedly stomp on your throat because you need to L2P."

    Here's the problem with this mentality: On live right now, perfecting your build and your rotation is additional progression available to you. After the changes, people are going to have to do the same thing, just to get close to the place they were before.

    Meanwhile, high-level trial runners, who are supposed to be hit the hardest by these changes, are going to be able to adapt almost seamlessly, while the remaining 99% of the playerbase is going to have to grind and practice and struggle for a long time just to adapt to the changes.

    Trials are already absolutely unavailable for the overwhelming majority of the playerbase. There is no justification for making that floor even higher, especially when the devs explicitly stated that they want to lower the floor.
    So very much this!

    Well said.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say no to Crown Crates!

  • masterbroodub17_ESO
    DPShiro wrote: »
    Log on the PTS and play the game. I can't believe how people blindly nod their head to those honeyed words.

    Seriously, do it.

    All you people out there who go off with "Oh I am so glad about these changes, huehuehue." did not log on the PTS and test ***, I guarantee you that.

    Do it.

    Find out yourself how you can only run 10 seconds of dps/healing while making your 'decision' they encourage so well here for one thing. I went full regeneration. Ran out of ressources in said 10 seconds. didn't got them back in 30 even considering combat keeps going and doesn't just stops and smiles to wait for your bar to fill up again.

    We tried Hel-Ra.

    We didn't even get through normal.

    People are struggling on the PTS to do delves, man. DELVES! Now try to get through Maelstrom Arena with that.

    This has absolutely nothing to do with a silverspoon mentality when the game is entirely and utterly unplayable with those changes and the players don't even know anymore wtf ZOS is expecting us to play the game.

    Let's add to that the oh so wonderful RNG to get that one desired item from dungeon/location XY. No one will like this, believe me. No. One.

    If you are struggling on normal Trials then maybe work on your build, rotation and practice in delves, quests etc.
    I love this post and everything about it. "It's perfectly fine for the devs to repeatedly stomp on your throat because you need to L2P."

    Here's the problem with this mentality: On live right now, perfecting your build and your rotation is additional progression available to you. After the changes, people are going to have to do the same thing, just to get close to the place they were before.

    Meanwhile, high-level trial runners, who are supposed to be hit the hardest by these changes, are going to be able to adapt almost seamlessly, while the remaining 99% of the playerbase is going to have to grind and practice and struggle for a long time just to adapt to the changes.

    Trials are already absolutely unavailable for the overwhelming majority of the playerbase. There is no justification for making that floor even higher, especially when the devs explicitly stated that they want to lower the floor.
    So very much this!

    Well said.

    Except all of the pts reports I've seen (except yours) say the curtains aren't on fire like everyone thinks they are.

  • IlCanis_LupuslI
    jakeyura wrote: »
    I'm done with this game if they go through with the Templar nerfs. My first character was a stamblade which turned out to be the weakest class. My second character was a stamplar which is about to be on par with stamblade as weakest class.

    I'm not grinding another character I don't have time for that BS. I'm not going to make a magicka sorcerer just so I can enjoy PVP. I'll just play another game. *** Zos.

    Still playing stamblade since day 1 on console launch... Still doing fine... Not the strongest class in pvp but i manage.... My advice> Play 1 char and get a bit of practise on it. dont chase the whatever class is strongest each patch thats not how things are supposed to work..... And beleave it or not>>> I enjoy pvp as a stamblade in medium armor(no i dont use incap :P)
    Cp 1490
    Khajiit Night blade Healer(BiS for cuteness)-Flawless Conquerer Grand Overlord
    Khajiit Stamsorc Werewolf, Flawless Conquerer (1st attempt ww form during the entire dungeon) main
    Khajiit(Master Race) Templar Healer, Flawless Conquerer
    Khajiit Stam dk, Flawless conquerer, 2nd attempt
    Werewolf Veteran player, Since Wrathstone-DLC "Raid-Wolf", 50k dps with fracture, Pvp Healer.
  • Alcynia
    Soul Shriven
    Just tossing in my $0.02;

    Unbalanced gameplay looks like everyone flocking towards a specific build because they get better results with that build (which is what Stam builds were for the longest time until everyone flocked to Mag builds).

    In essence, we always blame the developers for "not listening to us" when they were...we just led them in the wrong direction and now our actions have consequences. Anyone who has ever played any other game and forum warriored or had their own interests in mind when giving feedback would know that the impact is like a ripple effect but sooner or later the balance will shift in the other direction. That's why no game will ever be balanced; especially with new content constantly being released.

    Scrubs will complain and follow the current fad, while the great players make the best of their situations and figure out how to work through the problems. Been running Stam DK DPS since the very beginning of ESO and I have always adapted to the absurd amount of nerfs thrown at my character as I will continue to do.

    That being said, ZOS gives us multiple character slots and shared CP across all characters. Leveling up is not hard and can be done in a matter of days. Any intelligent person playing this game would have kept set pieces for various builds for the purpose of having other characters. I understand a lot of people who complain don't have many characters and don't experiment with builds (they just go online and look up what other people are doing, which is fine but you are severely gimping yourself by not figuring out how to work around those builds).

    TLDR: Ongoing development games will always be unbalanced. Think outside the box. If you really enjoy the game you will find a way to make yourself relevant.
  • KramUzibra
    Phinix1 wrote: »
    I hoped they would have added some long awaited features in the first big chapter update:
    • Jewelry crafting and improvement.
    • Gear re-styling (even for Crowns what the heck?)
    • Weapon dying (like, seriously?)
    • Token system for dungeon gear.
    • Spellmaking?

    I guess I am just sort of lost with the direction this is taking...

    I am trying to understand the WHY of it all. I see the affect, on the game and player's perceptions, and it isn't a very positive one. So, WHAT IS GAINED BY THIS to offset all that downside?

    Are they trying to improve hybrid builds, with the "scales off level, nerf if resource pool above X buff if below Y" mechanics? Because you don't need complex math to tell you nerfing resources isn't the way to do that. Hybrids starve for resources more than single-resources classes by a landslide.

    I honestly can't think of anything.

    Of course I will play and enjoy the game for what it does offer. It's Morrowind! Exploring will be AWESOME. Questing there will be AWESOME. Experimenting with a new class will be AWESOME.

    But in terms of game mechanics this patch is looking to be all downside with no upside to me.

    All for what? All I keep coming back to is that it is just too much to set up a separate balance template for PVE and PVP so that when some Rockstar Streamer tells everyone what build meta to chase in one or the other, they can make tweaks to that side without dropping a load of bricks on the other.

    I heard some people on the forums complaining about infinite sustain builds in PVP. Is that really a reason to wreck Templar healers, destroy sustain needed for higher end content, and sweep the last year and a half of CP progress out from under everyone?

    It literally makes no sense. JUST BALANCE PVE AND PVP SEPARATELY!

    Right!! Weapon dying is long over due
  • KramUzibra
    They need to revert the change to redguard, it was unnecessary and is outshined by bosmer instead of being comparable at the very least.
  • masterbroodub17_ESO
    KramUzibra wrote: »
    They need to revert the change to redguard, it was unnecessary and is outshined by bosmer instead of being comparable at the very least.

    You mean compared to all this time Bosmer has been pointless? Nah son, it's Redguards turn to take an L.
  • norpor
    New quests for older Dlcs and daily crafting?? were is the innovation in the old part of the game?? where is the game reform??? Always just retouching , mending and nerfing... were is the write up for dlc-s??? Why dont happen anithing with wrafting system and traiding???
    -Adapt and overcome.
    -Get ready for BGs and step up your resource management/weaving game.
    -Be forum active with logical and reasoned arguments.
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