Maintenance for the week of July 1:
• NA megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• EU megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 8:00 UTC (4:00AM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

PTS Patch Notes v3.0.0

  • soupyacorn88
    Soul Shriven
    Just, wow.

    I've played this game Daily with my fiancé for over a year, created an amazing guild with 400+ active players, spent SO much money/time on this game, crowns, extras... just for you guys to cater to undedicated noobs, that will now pretty much be as powerful as people playing for a looong time. Great. Glad I spent that much time on this game for nothing. When will you guys learn that it's not the new players you should be catering too, it's veterans that pay up so you guys can keep the game going.. (I won't even go into how every single thing in game is broken) ... Realistically we'd all be happier if you just made the current content work verses just bombarding us with all this new stuff, housing, content, *** updates...

    If this pattern of "doesn't matter how much you've put into the game, everyone gets a gold star" continues, you will watch revenue drop, as valued players move on to the next best game to dump their money into.

  • Gomumon
    When will you guys learn that it's not the new players you should be catering too, it's veterans that pay up so you guys can keep the game going.

    I feel the same way. This is the first non-Nintendo, non-Guitar Hero game that my wife and I have played together since it was released on Xbox One. We have since moved to PC (buying the game a total of 4 times), and spent a lot of money with ZOS. She was very sad to hear that I was going to look for a different game to play for a while.

    I honestly do not understand why they spend THIS MUCH effort making ALL THESE changes, when there are SO MANY OTHER PROBLEMS that need fixed. Again, it seems more like they care more about the Warden cash grab and appealing to new players who aren't used to this game being a certain way than they are their vets who have higher expectations.

    Most people who are picking up an MMO know what MMOs are about, and don't expect to be doing end-game content in the first week. As someone said earlier, it's like ZOS really thinks both their old and new audience is stupid. Maybe other people are more forgiving, but I know once I make up my mind about a company, that's that. I haven't played a DICE/EA, Activision, or Bungie game in years and I never will again because of the constant BS they pull with their customers. And none of that was even this extreme.

  • Glamdring
    The most powerful class both in pve and pvp Sorcs, got nerfed the least? Can we get a comment on that? @ZOS_GinaBruno
  • Thannazzar
    Have had limited time on the pts with these changes, however IMHO they appear to be positive. The changes emphasise fast paced combat rather than button pushing resource slogs, and return to the build and play your toon with variety and effectiveness rather than having to shoehorn a net-build min maxed toon to your play style in order to be effective at endgame.

    Diminishing returns is a welcome sight, as is balancing abilities against each other.

    Didn't see a great difference in outcome for solo and group play. Other than speed of dungeon runsets which improved.

  • Unlikely_Ghostbuster
    Speaking as someone who started playing three years ago, quit two years ago, came back one year ago, and am now struggling to find reasons to keep playing, I'm oddly ambivalent about the changes.

    For a moment, I thought about weighing-in on every little tiny thing I liked and disliked (like many others have for some 19 pages), but what would be the point?

    I think I'm going to keep playing. I pre-ordered Morrowind in good faith that the game is improving and I don't believe I was mistaken. For me personally, the problem is precisely overcoming the huge gap between ultra-specialized builds that run endgame content vs. new players trying to learn the ropes. But likewise, I have to admit ZOS has this tendency to make decisions that, on the surface, appear to devalue the time invested by players who have "put in the time" in favor of players who haven't -- a bias for "filthy casuals."

    Full confession, I was coaxed into playing this game in 2014 having never played a single TES game, ever (took months to figure out what TES stood for). In the biggest twist of irony ever, those friends don't play anymore. You see, they have fairly busy lives outside ESO (eg, they were filthy casuals) who couldn't even begin to ride the edge of the build specialization curve, which is necessary if you want to succeed doing any type of endgame content. Whenever they tried, whatever they tried, the experience would be horrible. So they drifted away from the game. It wasn't fun for them. I don't blame them in the least because they had a point. If you've ever been booted from a dungeon group because you couldn't cut it, then you know how they felt. When a player has more bad experiences than good, they're going to stop playing.

    Since then, I've managed to convince other people to try ESO. All of them try, but eventually quit because they can't even begin to compete with min-max builds with infinite sustainability. I don't blame them, either. Frankly, I wish they still played. A friend of mine started playing last year, has invested over 500 hours, but hasn't cracked 300 CP and has almost stopped playing altogether because the bad experiences for new, under-powered, or simply non-specialized players are numerous and unforgiving. So yes -- they stopped playing. They all stop playing.

    What bothers me, really, is that the game didn't drive them away. It was the competition curve, which is driven by players who may or may not have the purest motivations.

    Let's be honest: a lot of people are upset about the changes because their perception is that the niche builds which have allowed them infinite sustainability and ungodly DPS are only "good" because they outperform *other* players. To both reduce ridiculous resource regeneration while simultaneously elevating players who made different choices (who haven't "put in the time") is to incur the wrath of a certain type of player who only feel like they're winning if other people are losing (or otherwise doing it "wrong"). Thus, any decision that favors build-diversity and encourages hybrid, non-standard builds and reduces the effectiveness of min-max "cancer" builds will be resisted by those players who need others to fail (or otherwise fall short) to feel like their efforts to achieve OP accolades have been worthwhile.

    Trust me, I've been there. The reason I quit the first time was that ZOS promised they were tracking our XP prior to the implementation of the champion system so that the experience points earned in the autumn and winter of 2014 would be CONVERTED into CP when the champion system was implemented. Turns out, ZOS either wasn't telling the truth or they changed their minds -- either way, it didn't happen. In October 2014, they told us to "keep playing!" despite the lack of any decent endgame content or progression and that our time and effort would be recognized. In December 2014, right before leaving for the holidays, they announce everyone would get a flat 30 champion points (there would be no XP-to-CP conversion).

    To put it bluntly, ZOS screwed the players who invested the *most* in the game in terms of both time AND money -- ESO was not yet free to play. I was so furious that I was deceived into resubscribing and leveling alt characters when I otherwise would not have that I rage-quit before the new year, not returning until ZOS finally delivered both the endgame content and progression ESO was horribly lacking. So believe me, I feel the anger associated with feeling as though your best efforts have been devalued (or in my case, counted for precisely nothing).

    But put your anger into perspective. Logically extend what you're asking for when you oppose any/all changes that benefit "newbies" and "filthy casuals."

    This game *WILL* die if the only people who enjoy playing it are the ones who have been able to spend the most time creating OP builds newer players can't even begin to compete against. Those new players try to play, don't enjoy it, and quit. Dedicated casuals who try their best, but still fall short also grow tired of the need for niche build specialization and they quit as well. This trend continues. The player-base gets pruned more and more (at a rate far faster than new players join). Eventually, only a few hundred "elite" people will be left, there won't be enough revenue to keep the lights on, ZOS will shutter its doors, and the servers will shutdown forever.

    Can the elite players settle for being 50% stronger than the average player instead of 300%, if it helps sustain the player population, and thus, sustain the game as a whole? Honestly, it's a fun game. Mistakes have been made. People, generally speaking, suck. These are constants. We don't have to be happy about them, but we CAN choose whether or not we allow these constants to drown all the fun out of ESO.
  • soll
    Me not playing templar in Morrowind

    EU PC
    I like to heal
    Triggered Tryhards/ HighRisk
    EP – Sollencia
    AD – Sollencia Overdose
    When you've invested time and money into a company, you have the right to be upset over changes that will negatively affect your experience and gameplay.

  • Alucu
    skwherl wrote: »
    "This passive ability now restores an equal amount of Health, Magicka, and Stamina when you use an Ultimate ability, and the amounts are now based on your character level instead of your Max Resource(s)"

    Ah i see you are catering to the casual players and not caring about the hardcore players who put time into their builds to get the best possible. Amazing decision... truly just... amazing

    If you could literally just revert back to thieves guild and leave it there for eternity that would be better than you trying and failing to make the game better. I do have my opinion on what you guys are doing to your game and i think i would get banned from the forums if i gave my opinion.

    Also why introduce a new class when you can't even handle the 4 you already have? This will just create more bugs and problems.

    And when will you stop making ideas yourselves and actually listen to what the people who have been here for 3 years+ want in the game and know whats best for it?

    I'm really looking forward to this changes now lol
    And when will you stop making ideas yourselves and actually listen to what the people who have been here for 3 years+ want in the game and know whats best for it?

    Translation: we own the server, we should dictate the rules of the game. What would the devs know? Is not like they created the game or something or like it's their job and specilization...
    Speaking as someone who started playing three years ago, quit two years ago, came back one year ago, and am now struggling to find reasons to keep playing, I'm oddly ambivalent about the changes.

    For a moment, I thought about weighing-in on every little tiny thing I liked and disliked (like many others have for some 19 pages), but what would be the point?

    I think I'm going to keep playing. I pre-ordered Morrowind in good faith that the game is improving and I don't believe I was mistaken. For me personally, the problem is precisely overcoming the huge gap between ultra-specialized builds that run endgame content vs. new players trying to learn the ropes. But likewise, I have to admit ZOS has this tendency to make decisions that, on the surface, appear to devalue the time invested by players who have "put in the time" in favor of players who haven't -- a bias for "filthy casuals."

    Full confession, I was coaxed into playing this game in 2014 having never played a single TES game, ever (took months to figure out what TES stood for). In the biggest twist of irony ever, those friends don't play anymore. You see, they have fairly busy lives outside ESO (eg, they were filthy casuals) who couldn't even begin to ride the edge of the build specialization curve, which is necessary if you want to succeed doing any type of endgame content. Whenever they tried, whatever they tried, the experience would be horrible. So they drifted away from the game. It wasn't fun for them. I don't blame them in the least because they had a point. If you've ever been booted from a dungeon group because you couldn't cut it, then you know how they felt. When a player has more bad experiences than good, they're going to stop playing.

    Since then, I've managed to convince other people to try ESO. All of them try, but eventually quit because they can't even begin to compete with min-max builds with infinite sustainability. I don't blame them, either. Frankly, I wish they still played. A friend of mine started playing last year, has invested over 500 hours, but hasn't cracked 300 CP and has almost stopped playing altogether because the bad experiences for new, under-powered, or simply non-specialized players are numerous and unforgiving. So yes -- they stopped playing. They all stop playing.

    What bothers me, really, is that the game didn't drive them away. It was the competition curve, which is driven by players who may or may not have the purest motivations.

    Let's be honest: a lot of people are upset about the changes because their perception is that the niche builds which have allowed them infinite sustainability and ungodly DPS are only "good" because they outperform *other* players. To both reduce ridiculous resource regeneration while simultaneously elevating players who made different choices (who haven't "put in the time") is to incur the wrath of a certain type of player who only feel like they're winning if other people are losing (or otherwise doing it "wrong"). Thus, any decision that favors build-diversity and encourages hybrid, non-standard builds and reduces the effectiveness of min-max "cancer" builds will be resisted by those players who need others to fail (or otherwise fall short) to feel like their efforts to achieve OP accolades have been worthwhile.

    Trust me, I've been there. The reason I quit the first time was that ZOS promised they were tracking our XP prior to the implementation of the champion system so that the experience points earned in the autumn and winter of 2014 would be CONVERTED into CP when the champion system was implemented. Turns out, ZOS either wasn't telling the truth or they changed their minds -- either way, it didn't happen. In October 2014, they told us to "keep playing!" despite the lack of any decent endgame content or progression and that our time and effort would be recognized. In December 2014, right before leaving for the holidays, they announce everyone would get a flat 30 champion points (there would be no XP-to-CP conversion).

    To put it bluntly, ZOS screwed the players who invested the *most* in the game in terms of both time AND money -- ESO was not yet free to play. I was so furious that I was deceived into resubscribing and leveling alt characters when I otherwise would not have that I rage-quit before the new year, not returning until ZOS finally delivered both the endgame content and progression ESO was horribly lacking. So believe me, I feel the anger associated with feeling as though your best efforts have been devalued (or in my case, counted for precisely nothing).

    But put your anger into perspective. Logically extend what you're asking for when you oppose any/all changes that benefit "newbies" and "filthy casuals."

    This game *WILL* die if the only people who enjoy playing it are the ones who have been able to spend the most time creating OP builds newer players can't even begin to compete against. Those new players try to play, don't enjoy it, and quit. Dedicated casuals who try their best, but still fall short also grow tired of the need for niche build specialization and they quit as well. This trend continues. The player-base gets pruned more and more (at a rate far faster than new players join). Eventually, only a few hundred "elite" people will be left, there won't be enough revenue to keep the lights on, ZOS will shutter its doors, and the servers will shutdown forever.

    Can the elite players settle for being 50% stronger than the average player instead of 300%, if it helps sustain the player population, and thus, sustain the game as a whole? Honestly, it's a fun game. Mistakes have been made. People, generally speaking, suck. These are constants. We don't have to be happy about them, but we CAN choose whether or not we allow these constants to drown all the fun out of ESO.

    First words of wisdom I read here, bravo sir, you got my respect

    P.D: PUG Groups will now be more reliable thanks to these changes
    Edited by Alucu on 19 April 2017 09:48
    Building communities since 2017

    Para los Jugadores Hispanos: LA FUNDACION GM
    For advanced PvE: DRAGON VOID Officer
    For advanced PvP: PROJECT NOVA Member
  • Virender
    Soul Shriven
    Dear ZOS,

    For the past couple months my friends, girlfriend and I have been playing your wonderful game. We're a group of former hardcore PvE raiders, that went on to a different game that revolved around open-world PvP and economy and accidentally destroyed that entire server (couple thousand people) because we made a guild of 50 that was too strong. We came here and we're loving it. The general idea behind the patchnotes we love as well, but here's a couple pointers that might be taken into consideration.
    • The Warden class might be your latest lovechild, it shouldn't outperform every other class in every single role. Pick a role and let it outperform the others there to "bait" people into buying Morrowind to fix later. As it stands with Major Mending only really available on Warden and the other buffs, it's going to be too OP.
    • No more Heavy Armor solo players 1vx'ing as easy as they're doing now! This kind of stuff will still be available with a healer behind said Heavy Armor player, which should be a good thing. Though only applying a buff to a Dragon Knight's healing whilst the shield from Igneous is up is not a great idea. Bring it to Minor Mending for 6 seconds instead?
    • Doing the veteran pledges every day is going to end up being quite difficult even if you ignore the DLC ones with the stacking of some changes. Worm Cult 1% nerf isn't a big deal. CP changes causing you to focus more on resource managament is a good thing. Magickasteal getting reduced by 25% on it's own isn't so bad either. Stack them all together and people are going to run into massive resource issues. Obviously this will mean Necrotic Orbs/Spear Shards will have to be thrown around for more magicka return, but I didn't think PvE needed to become more difficult? Magickasteal in PvP doesn't have a large impact, in all honesty.
    • Granting cp300 the full buff at 20% is a bit premature in my opinion. This system should be rewarding the loyal players whom have invested countless hours in the game. Not to mention, I'm currently sitting at cp480 after only 2-3 months of playing. It really isn't that big of a deal.
    • As many have said before, don't let Caltrop stacking become a thing. I'd like to still get around the place rather than having to go through 20 caltrops on every bridge, door, nook or cranny.
    • Rushed Ceremony changes. If that 180 degrees cone will heal everything, allright, healers will have to play more skilled than before. If it still only heals 2 targets with the Breath of Life form while needing to be looking at your intended target will make it a dead ability in my opinion.

    All in all this game is trying to bring the gap of casual players and highly skilled hardcore's closer. Which obviously is fine, but if every Jack and Jill is going to be able to do the same as the good players as long as they have the right skills on their bars and the right gear equipped, it will be far from healthy as well.

    Could I also suggest perhaps some changes to diminish the effectiveness of players not knowing one another nor grouping up zerging everything? It's going to become quite the issue if it will be harder for the organised and skilled players to hold them back. Perhaps make skills like Rushed Ceremony and Regeneration apply only to members of the caster's own group, while Grand Healing, Blessing of Protection, Healing Ritual and Cleansing ritual heal everyone as they are all more-or-,less ground effects.
    CP500+ - EU
  • Naerri
    "Having players make choices between abilities, buffs and gear that provide more damage, or ones that provide more resource sustain, ultimately helps ensure that ESO's combat stays balanced and healthy for years to come."

    That is a pure lie. No you dont. You just force everyone to use sustain sets. You cant do more damage if you run out of resources in 10 seconds. Now where is the diversity in that?
  • Naerri
    Virender wrote: »
    [*] Doing the veteran pledges every day is going to end up being quite difficult even if you ignore the DLC ones with the stacking of some changes. Worm Cult 1% nerf isn't a big deal. CP changes causing you to focus more on resource managament is a good thing. Magickasteal getting reduced by 25% on it's own isn't so bad either. Stack them all together and people are going to run into massive resource issues. Obviously this will mean Necrotic Orbs/Spear Shards will have to be thrown around for more magicka return, but I didn't think PvE needed to become more difficult? Magickasteal in PvP doesn't have a large impact, in all honesty.

    You forgot to mention Repentance. You can basically have a nice tea break after each trash pull to recover. So fekin ***.
    Virender wrote: »
    [*] As many have said before, don't let Caltrop stacking become a thing. I'd like to still get around the place rather than having to go through 20 caltrops on every bridge, door, nook or cranny..

    Leave Caltrops as is for PvP, its a damn Aliance War skill!
    Instead make a new one for PvE content to compensate.
  • Zvorgin
    It seems like we are still at 4 classes. Templars have lost all relevance and most of their group utility. Glad I play a DK but these sweeping, game altering changes are getting really really old every patch.

    Zos brings a blow torch where they need a hot glue gun.
  • elven.were_wolf
    I feel sad after reading the patch notes.
    So many nerfes!!
    I've been playing stamblade as my main for over 2 years now. I always felt like I had 1% chance to fully complete trails and get all the achievements ( Dromathra destroyer, etc.) Now I feel like it's 0%.

    I already can hardly get into trail groups, because they tell me stamblade is useless in trails and just kick me out.

    I feel really sad :'(

    Excited for seeing Naryu again in Morrowind, but really upset that my character will be in the bottom of the food chain. :(

    Edit: Corrected minor typos.
    Edited by elven.were_wolf on 19 April 2017 10:49
    Achievement hunter and secret admirer of Naryu Virian.
  • Weps
    Naerri wrote: »
    "Having players make choices between abilities, buffs and gear that provide more damage, or ones that provide more resource sustain, ultimately helps ensure that ESO's combat stays balanced and healthy for years to come."

    That is a pure lie. No you dont. You just force everyone to use sustain sets. You cant do more damage if you run out of resources in 10 seconds. Now where is the diversity in that?

    I'm afraid it's even worse than that.
    It looks more like you'll force yourself into an Orc stamsorc with Viper, Velidreth and Red Mountain.
    Boom boom, two shots kill, Dark Deal, Streak, bye bye.

    It's a new era for proc sets, everything that will give you damage for free will be like a drunk lavish millionaire in Las Vegas.
    Who will care about sustain when you can burst people down in 2 shots because they either move or block or heal / shield themselves?
    PS4 EU - CP 1000+ - EP Loyal

    My EU Preciouses
    Aemon Dk | Imperial Dragonknight Tank
    Guari Gaburiefu | PvP Stamplar - Soon PvE tank
    Nadija Zenobia | 45k+ PvE Dk - PvP Leaper
    Naga del Serpente | High Elf Magicka Sorc PVE DPS - Soon tb 2nd crafter
    Azor Ahai V | Dunmer Magicka DK for PVP and Pve
    Jabba D'Cat | Khajiit Stamplar
    Gennarino Auditore | 7k Weapon damage Bosmer Stamblade / Ganking experimental build
    Rina Inbasu | Dunmer Magblade, my bomblade
    Zelgadis Greywords | High Elf Magplar
    Nachael Jordan | Redguard Stamsorc DPS
    Orghuz Diul | StamWar DPS
    This-Will-Buff-If | Argonian Warden Trial Off tank
    Amelia Tesla Sallilune | Breton Magden PvP DD / PvE healer
    Sap-My-Shield | PvP Nooblade, now dead PvE Tank
  • gard
    This is going to be the death of this game.
    Is it too late to cancel /refund my Morrowind pre-order?
    My wife complains that I never listen to her. (Or something like that.)
    -- I'm a one man smurf zerg!

    My ESO addons:
    Midnight - Find out when midnight is so that you can check for ww/vamp spawn.
    Goto - Adds a tab to the map pane allowing you to teleport to a friend, guildmate, or groupmate for free.
  • Blackbird_V
    gard wrote: »
    This is going to be the death of this game.
    Is it too late to cancel /refund my Morrowind pre-order?

    But how do you then play the only playable class?

    Blessed be @Wrobel as he is the great unbalancer.
    Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 25 DLCs. 41 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game.
  • ljb2k5_ESO
    Alucu wrote: »
    skwherl wrote: »
    "This passive ability now restores an equal amount of Health, Magicka, and Stamina when you use an Ultimate ability, and the amounts are now based on your character level instead of your Max Resource(s)"

    Ah i see you are catering to the casual players and not caring about the hardcore players who put time into their builds to get the best possible. Amazing decision... truly just... amazing

    If you could literally just revert back to thieves guild and leave it there for eternity that would be better than you trying and failing to make the game better. I do have my opinion on what you guys are doing to your game and i think i would get banned from the forums if i gave my opinion.

    Also why introduce a new class when you can't even handle the 4 you already have? This will just create more bugs and problems.

    And when will you stop making ideas yourselves and actually listen to what the people who have been here for 3 years+ want in the game and know whats best for it?

    I'm really looking forward to this changes now lol
    And when will you stop making ideas yourselves and actually listen to what the people who have been here for 3 years+ want in the game and know whats best for it?

    Translation: we own the server, we should dictate the rules of the game. What would the devs know? Is not like they created the game or something or like it's their job and specilization...
    Speaking as someone who started playing three years ago, quit two years ago, came back one year ago, and am now struggling to find reasons to keep playing, I'm oddly ambivalent about the changes.

    For a moment, I thought about weighing-in on every little tiny thing I liked and disliked (like many others have for some 19 pages), but what would be the point?

    I think I'm going to keep playing. I pre-ordered Morrowind in good faith that the game is improving and I don't believe I was mistaken. For me personally, the problem is precisely overcoming the huge gap between ultra-specialized builds that run endgame content vs. new players trying to learn the ropes. But likewise, I have to admit ZOS has this tendency to make decisions that, on the surface, appear to devalue the time invested by players who have "put in the time" in favor of players who haven't -- a bias for "filthy casuals."

    Full confession, I was coaxed into playing this game in 2014 having never played a single TES game, ever (took months to figure out what TES stood for). In the biggest twist of irony ever, those friends don't play anymore. You see, they have fairly busy lives outside ESO (eg, they were filthy casuals) who couldn't even begin to ride the edge of the build specialization curve, which is necessary if you want to succeed doing any type of endgame content. Whenever they tried, whatever they tried, the experience would be horrible. So they drifted away from the game. It wasn't fun for them. I don't blame them in the least because they had a point. If you've ever been booted from a dungeon group because you couldn't cut it, then you know how they felt. When a player has more bad experiences than good, they're going to stop playing.

    Since then, I've managed to convince other people to try ESO. All of them try, but eventually quit because they can't even begin to compete with min-max builds with infinite sustainability. I don't blame them, either. Frankly, I wish they still played. A friend of mine started playing last year, has invested over 500 hours, but hasn't cracked 300 CP and has almost stopped playing altogether because the bad experiences for new, under-powered, or simply non-specialized players are numerous and unforgiving. So yes -- they stopped playing. They all stop playing.

    What bothers me, really, is that the game didn't drive them away. It was the competition curve, which is driven by players who may or may not have the purest motivations.

    Let's be honest: a lot of people are upset about the changes because their perception is that the niche builds which have allowed them infinite sustainability and ungodly DPS are only "good" because they outperform *other* players. To both reduce ridiculous resource regeneration while simultaneously elevating players who made different choices (who haven't "put in the time") is to incur the wrath of a certain type of player who only feel like they're winning if other people are losing (or otherwise doing it "wrong"). Thus, any decision that favors build-diversity and encourages hybrid, non-standard builds and reduces the effectiveness of min-max "cancer" builds will be resisted by those players who need others to fail (or otherwise fall short) to feel like their efforts to achieve OP accolades have been worthwhile.

    Trust me, I've been there. The reason I quit the first time was that ZOS promised they were tracking our XP prior to the implementation of the champion system so that the experience points earned in the autumn and winter of 2014 would be CONVERTED into CP when the champion system was implemented. Turns out, ZOS either wasn't telling the truth or they changed their minds -- either way, it didn't happen. In October 2014, they told us to "keep playing!" despite the lack of any decent endgame content or progression and that our time and effort would be recognized. In December 2014, right before leaving for the holidays, they announce everyone would get a flat 30 champion points (there would be no XP-to-CP conversion).

    To put it bluntly, ZOS screwed the players who invested the *most* in the game in terms of both time AND money -- ESO was not yet free to play. I was so furious that I was deceived into resubscribing and leveling alt characters when I otherwise would not have that I rage-quit before the new year, not returning until ZOS finally delivered both the endgame content and progression ESO was horribly lacking. So believe me, I feel the anger associated with feeling as though your best efforts have been devalued (or in my case, counted for precisely nothing).

    But put your anger into perspective. Logically extend what you're asking for when you oppose any/all changes that benefit "newbies" and "filthy casuals."

    This game *WILL* die if the only people who enjoy playing it are the ones who have been able to spend the most time creating OP builds newer players can't even begin to compete against. Those new players try to play, don't enjoy it, and quit. Dedicated casuals who try their best, but still fall short also grow tired of the need for niche build specialization and they quit as well. This trend continues. The player-base gets pruned more and more (at a rate far faster than new players join). Eventually, only a few hundred "elite" people will be left, there won't be enough revenue to keep the lights on, ZOS will shutter its doors, and the servers will shutdown forever.

    Can the elite players settle for being 50% stronger than the average player instead of 300%, if it helps sustain the player population, and thus, sustain the game as a whole? Honestly, it's a fun game. Mistakes have been made. People, generally speaking, suck. These are constants. We don't have to be happy about them, but we CAN choose whether or not we allow these constants to drown all the fun out of ESO.

    First words of wisdom I read here, bravo sir, you got my respect

    P.D: PUG Groups will now be more reliable thanks to these changes

    Not really, he's basically saying its a good idea to make a game that A: doesn't reward the effort put into it, which is stupid and B: the game should attempt to cater to people who didn't like it that much to begin with. Dumb and dumber.

    This is especially silly in light of upcoming battlegrounds which already will be non-CP. They could also make brackets for them if that might help, so pugs aren't paired with premades. In a competitive environment there will always be someone with more skill or better gear, folks who cannot handle losing are non-competitive, and PVP isn't for them to begin with. Trying to accommodate them is to attempt the impossible: no winners or losers competition, its an oxymoron.
    Edited by ljb2k5_ESO on 19 April 2017 11:40
  • EvilKiwi
    So certain classes are getting a nerf instead of a buff if they have over a certain amount of stamina or magicka. (This will be a buff if your Maximum Stamina is below 29,700 and a nerf if it is above.) Way to go ZOS, punishing players is a perfect way to keep them playing your game. :(
    No Lollygagging.
  • Adenoma
    @waitwhat , I'll admit that it's going to be difficult to run two breaches with 6-10 people, but I can run the hell out of one breach using the same number. Assuming that there's enough educated pugs or literally a single other organizer group that other breach can also be made into a death trap.

    I just don't think that it's going to be fun to die to caltrops moving like molasses through breaches. Sure, you can slot mistform or shuffle. If I'm not running medium armor it's mistform and only half of classes reliably slot that (magplar and magDK).
  • ljb2k5_ESO
    waitwhat wrote: »
    Also, PSA: the 50% cost reduction means that caltrops will now cost 3-4k stamina, down from 6-7k. Definitely not spammable, even without all these resource changes.

    Sure if you are dealing with only 1 person, but the abuse that was highlighted is that the damage from multiple casts from different people will now stack. So a zerg dumping them on a choke point, even if you roll, if you get hit once by 5-10 different overlapping casts, you are dead. Also from a PVE side, same thing, it will be healer, tank, rest magsorcs with caltrops...LOL Faceroll.
    Edited by ljb2k5_ESO on 19 April 2017 11:47
  • Spaghettiknight
    RIP Nerf Scrolls Online
  • PS4_ZeColmeia
    I am so pleased with the resource recovery changes. This makes choices in CP, sets, and food/drink buff actually mattering. Right now everyone looks at sets with recovery with a sneer of "wish that said max ____" or immediately removes the recovery on jewelry with spell/weapon damage. resource steal enchantments are rare. Drinks, outside of event ones, are never used in the meta.

    This changes that by making resource monkeys, balanced, high damage actually have pros and cons, vs high damage having no negatives whatsoever. Trust me, I'm sad as well that I can't just toss up high numbers and careless about resources in a way, but from a balance this will do a lot to put classes in line with each other because its not just high damage bonus game. Each class has a balance of resource gain in certain pools, damage bonuses, and max stat bonuses.

    With the other segment of build making being balanced, classes will start to trend towards some CP and set bonuses based on recovery methods in the class. This makes every class instantly more balanced. This also helps increase health importance by having more diversity in the build since the meta of damage will drop the instances of insta-death being the most effective method of pvp will reduce and therefore free up options to spend points elsewhere (especially if building your character around sustain).

    Overall I think this "little" change will massively fix a lot of complaints we have about a lot of areas in the game. Step back a bit (and from the ledge) and think of all of the issues we talk about and this is a very positive tweak that i think will make refining the classes towards balance much easier moving forward.
    PSN: ***___Chan (3 _s)
    Hybrid, All-Role NB
  • mr_wazzabi
    I am so pleased with the resource recovery changes. This makes choices in CP, sets, and food/drink buff actually mattering. Right now everyone looks at sets with recovery with a sneer of "wish that said max ____" or immediately removes the recovery on jewelry with spell/weapon damage. resource steal enchantments are rare. Drinks, outside of event ones, are never used in the meta.

    This changes that by making resource monkeys, balanced, high damage actually have pros and cons, vs high damage having no negatives whatsoever. Trust me, I'm sad as well that I can't just toss up high numbers and careless about resources in a way, but from a balance this will do a lot to put classes in line with each other because its not just high damage bonus game. Each class has a balance of resource gain in certain pools, damage bonuses, and max stat bonuses.

    With the other segment of build making being balanced, classes will start to trend towards some CP and set bonuses based on recovery methods in the class. This makes every class instantly more balanced. This also helps increase health importance by having more diversity in the build since the meta of damage will drop the instances of insta-death being the most effective method of pvp will reduce and therefore free up options to spend points elsewhere (especially if building your character around sustain).

    Overall I think this "little" change will massively fix a lot of complaints we have about a lot of areas in the game. Step back a bit (and from the ledge) and think of all of the issues we talk about and this is a very positive tweak that i think will make refining the classes towards balance much easier moving forward.

    Have fun in vma and hard mode trials. Get killed in round 5 by giant boss as your dps is too low and she breaks your last platform.
    Bosmer Stamina NB
    Altmer Magicka TEMP
    Dunmer DK both stam/mag (depends what I feel like)
    Altmer Magicka NB
    Breton Magicka Sorc
    Redguard Stam Sorc
    Max CP
  • Enodoc
    mr_wazzabi wrote: »
    I am so pleased with the resource recovery changes. This makes choices in CP, sets, and food/drink buff actually mattering. Right now everyone looks at sets with recovery with a sneer of "wish that said max ____" or immediately removes the recovery on jewelry with spell/weapon damage. resource steal enchantments are rare. Drinks, outside of event ones, are never used in the meta.

    This changes that by making resource monkeys, balanced, high damage actually have pros and cons, vs high damage having no negatives whatsoever. Trust me, I'm sad as well that I can't just toss up high numbers and careless about resources in a way, but from a balance this will do a lot to put classes in line with each other because its not just high damage bonus game. Each class has a balance of resource gain in certain pools, damage bonuses, and max stat bonuses.

    With the other segment of build making being balanced, classes will start to trend towards some CP and set bonuses based on recovery methods in the class. This makes every class instantly more balanced. This also helps increase health importance by having more diversity in the build since the meta of damage will drop the instances of insta-death being the most effective method of pvp will reduce and therefore free up options to spend points elsewhere (especially if building your character around sustain).

    Overall I think this "little" change will massively fix a lot of complaints we have about a lot of areas in the game. Step back a bit (and from the ledge) and think of all of the issues we talk about and this is a very positive tweak that i think will make refining the classes towards balance much easier moving forward.
    Have fun in vma and hard mode trials. Get killed in round 5 by giant boss as your dps is too low and she breaks your last platform.
    That only means that they need to make sure bosses are adjusted for the changes. Nothing more.
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
    Join us on Discord -
  • pbgamer7
    Soul Shriven
    Thank you ZoS. You now have confirmed everything I feared. People were hesitant to buy Morrowind. I had stayed loyal and payed ESO plus for ages, accumulating to WAY more than all the DLCs and Morowind combined and multiplied a few times, so, I bought the DLC and said goodbye to my craft bag. I wasn't planning on ESO plus again (less money for you) you have now needed to add another benefit to ESO plus that makes no sence and you are just making the subscription more and more needed instead of catering to people 's needs. You bring more and more sets and bank space has not increased.
    I will now not be getting Morrowind as you have killed nearly every build except THE WARDEN! ALL HAIL THE WARDEN! If you want to be able to play ESO and be a strong player, hes there for you. All the other classes are irrelevant. The stam DK who has little dmg but loads of sustain (too much yes but that was going to be nerfed with the champion points) is now completely useless! Mag DK is not far behind, they are unplayable if you take their sustain. Templars were going to be nefed with the champion points change next patch anyways but now have lost their major mending. Nightblades no siphoning attacks and Sorcs had the smallest nerf (in my opinion). You are ruining the game with your money grabbing tactics and CONSTANTLY ignoring your loyal players. Unless this is sorted I will leave this game that I have loved through the years and even through the last few patches, as much as I could.
  • Spaghettiknight
    EvilKiwi wrote: »
    So certain classes are getting a nerf instead of a buff if they have over a certain amount of stamina or magicka. (This will be a buff if your Maximum Stamina is below 29,700 and a nerf if it is above.) Way to go ZOS, punishing players is a perfect way to keep them playing your game. :(

    You'd think they would realize that nerfing everything into oblivion won't make people want to play the Warden. Just make the Warden good enough to be appealing and leave the other things the way they are. Trying to force people to play Warden will just ruin the game by promoting a lack of diversity.

    I'm not sure if I understand the sustain changes properly, but it seems like it's getting nerfed to hell. I don't want to choose between good damage and not having sustain nerfed. It sounds like fights will get longer.

    I can say with unquestionable certainty that I will not be buying Morrowind. A lack of content and game ruining changes do not a good expansion make.
  • Rittings
    waitwhat wrote: »

    As a stamblade who is often told that it would be "too hard" and "not worth the risk" to bring me into vet Maw, making life harder for everyone else works to my advantage. I just need to see how sorc plays out, and if the sustain does impact them, I'm all set.

    Sure, it will be nice if they lower vet bosses' health pools and damage numbers a bit, but being comparable to the other classes in terms of PvE viability is to stamblades' advantage.

    tl;dr: There have been plenty of people complaining about the glacial PvE meta. It just seems a lot of the people succeeding in that meta weren't listening.

    There will always be a meta... its unavoidable I'm afraid. Even with these new numbers, there will be a meta - unfortunately - it's going to become even more elitist due to the fact that players skill levels will have to be even HIGHER to compete and complete end game content.

    If they haven't changed the mechanics or functionality of dungeons/trials to match this nerf - then I'm sorry to say, if your stamblade wasn't good enough before it sure as heck won't be now.

    I'd have like to have seen stam classes given a few buffs here and there to see their re-introduction into PVE content, I have 6 stam characters myself, but instead we see a nerfing of everything. I knew it was coming - they done nothing but nerf from the get go.

    I play with a LOT of casual players that were struggling BEFORE this patch. Now, they'll be forced to either quit playing the game they enjoy, or just resolve to the fact they'll never get certain content completed without paying an elitist crew for a carry. They aren't bad players, they are just older gamers who don't have the dexterity to light-weave or get consistent rotations going. I doubt they'll even get some of the vet dungeons done now that they used to be able to struggle through. Sad...
  • mr_wazzabi
    Enodoc wrote: »
    mr_wazzabi wrote: »
    I am so pleased with the resource recovery changes. This makes choices in CP, sets, and food/drink buff actually mattering. Right now everyone looks at sets with recovery with a sneer of "wish that said max ____" or immediately removes the recovery on jewelry with spell/weapon damage. resource steal enchantments are rare. Drinks, outside of event ones, are never used in the meta.

    This changes that by making resource monkeys, balanced, high damage actually have pros and cons, vs high damage having no negatives whatsoever. Trust me, I'm sad as well that I can't just toss up high numbers and careless about resources in a way, but from a balance this will do a lot to put classes in line with each other because its not just high damage bonus game. Each class has a balance of resource gain in certain pools, damage bonuses, and max stat bonuses.

    With the other segment of build making being balanced, classes will start to trend towards some CP and set bonuses based on recovery methods in the class. This makes every class instantly more balanced. This also helps increase health importance by having more diversity in the build since the meta of damage will drop the instances of insta-death being the most effective method of pvp will reduce and therefore free up options to spend points elsewhere (especially if building your character around sustain).

    Overall I think this "little" change will massively fix a lot of complaints we have about a lot of areas in the game. Step back a bit (and from the ledge) and think of all of the issues we talk about and this is a very positive tweak that i think will make refining the classes towards balance much easier moving forward.
    Have fun in vma and hard mode trials. Get killed in round 5 by giant boss as your dps is too low and she breaks your last platform.
    That only means that they need to make sure bosses are adjusted for the changes. Nothing more.

    Then why have all the bosses been left untouched?

    Are they waiting until the next dlc to nerf high end pve to work with these changes? If they are, that is way too long and MANY players will be gone. They'd better have a plan to nerf it before release. They need to nerf during the pts. If they do, I might be ok with the changes.
    Bosmer Stamina NB
    Altmer Magicka TEMP
    Dunmer DK both stam/mag (depends what I feel like)
    Altmer Magicka NB
    Breton Magicka Sorc
    Redguard Stam Sorc
    Max CP
  • Enodoc
    mr_wazzabi wrote: »
    Enodoc wrote: »
    mr_wazzabi wrote: »
    I am so pleased with the resource recovery changes. This makes choices in CP, sets, and food/drink buff actually mattering. Right now everyone looks at sets with recovery with a sneer of "wish that said max ____" or immediately removes the recovery on jewelry with spell/weapon damage. resource steal enchantments are rare. Drinks, outside of event ones, are never used in the meta.

    This changes that by making resource monkeys, balanced, high damage actually have pros and cons, vs high damage having no negatives whatsoever. Trust me, I'm sad as well that I can't just toss up high numbers and careless about resources in a way, but from a balance this will do a lot to put classes in line with each other because its not just high damage bonus game. Each class has a balance of resource gain in certain pools, damage bonuses, and max stat bonuses.

    With the other segment of build making being balanced, classes will start to trend towards some CP and set bonuses based on recovery methods in the class. This makes every class instantly more balanced. This also helps increase health importance by having more diversity in the build since the meta of damage will drop the instances of insta-death being the most effective method of pvp will reduce and therefore free up options to spend points elsewhere (especially if building your character around sustain).

    Overall I think this "little" change will massively fix a lot of complaints we have about a lot of areas in the game. Step back a bit (and from the ledge) and think of all of the issues we talk about and this is a very positive tweak that i think will make refining the classes towards balance much easier moving forward.
    Have fun in vma and hard mode trials. Get killed in round 5 by giant boss as your dps is too low and she breaks your last platform.
    That only means that they need to make sure bosses are adjusted for the changes. Nothing more.
    Then why have all the bosses been left untouched?

    Are they waiting until the next dlc to nerf high end pve to work with these changes? If they are, that is way too long and MANY players will be gone. They'd better have a plan to nerf it before release. They need to nerf during the pts. If they do, I might be ok with the changes.
    Maybe they looked at the stats and decided that too many players are completing the content too quickly? If that's the case, then an additional reasoning behind the changes is that they're wanting to make the top end content PvE more challenging. Of course there needs to be a balance though between "more challenging" and "impossible".
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
    Join us on Discord -
  • masterbroodub17_ESO
    I am so pleased with the resource recovery changes. This makes choices in CP, sets, and food/drink buff actually mattering. Right now everyone looks at sets with recovery with a sneer of "wish that said max ____" or immediately removes the recovery on jewelry with spell/weapon damage. resource steal enchantments are rare. Drinks, outside of event ones, are never used in the meta.

    This changes that by making resource monkeys, balanced, high damage actually have pros and cons, vs high damage having no negatives whatsoever. Trust me, I'm sad as well that I can't just toss up high numbers and careless about resources in a way, but from a balance this will do a lot to put classes in line with each other because its not just high damage bonus game. Each class has a balance of resource gain in certain pools, damage bonuses, and max stat bonuses.

    With the other segment of build making being balanced, classes will start to trend towards some CP and set bonuses based on recovery methods in the class. This makes every class instantly more balanced. This also helps increase health importance by having more diversity in the build since the meta of damage will drop the instances of insta-death being the most effective method of pvp will reduce and therefore free up options to spend points elsewhere (especially if building your character around sustain).

    Overall I think this "little" change will massively fix a lot of complaints we have about a lot of areas in the game. Step back a bit (and from the ledge) and think of all of the issues we talk about and this is a very positive tweak that i think will make refining the classes towards balance much easier moving forward.

    This. People QQ'ing about their time investment. If you only play the game to feel your epeen grow via champ points then that's on you.
  • Mishkaiel
    Such qq. Much complaint. Oh well.

    I'm one of those "casual" players. Been playing since January 2k16 and having a blast. Yah I'm the first to admit that I complain about a lot, ask my guildies lol. But in the end I keep coming back because I have fun progressing and playing with my friends.

    These changes? Sure I hate them. My build and play style in PVP revolve around max regen and survivability. PVE, I take pride in being a good healer (rip templar ;-;). So I'm shot in the foot this update. Hopefully some changes will be reverted, but meh if not then time to relearn the game lol. (If you're on the pts, please send as much feedback as possible)

    I doubt I'm the only casual player out there. There are many like me who will find this next udpate difficult to deal with when it goes through. But doubtless we will continue playing. Keep in mind that Homestead update was somewhat dreaded, yet we adapted. I think the same will happen with this update. So here's to Morrowind... *teatime*
This discussion has been closed.