Lone Wolf Help - new Xbox EU branch for solo players needing occasional help

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 17
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
  • Nygasaki
    Count me in if possible! GT: Nygasaki
  • UnityChronicler
    Thanks all! Invitations sent.
  • Osiris0742
    Soul Shriven
    I'd like to join your guild!
    GT: Osiris0742
  • Sim71
    Soul Shriven
    New player starting with morrowind
    Would love an invite

    G.T sim71
    Edited by Sim71 on 6 June 2017 08:19
  • kate_louise19
    Soul Shriven
    Hello I'm interested in joining
    GT: sugarplum145
  • EvBogaert
    Soul Shriven
    I'd like to join
    GT: bogie73
  • OldeEnglishBoy
    Soul Shriven
    Hi just started playing adult adventurer GT OldeEnglishBoy

  • EupathicImpulse
    Soul Shriven
    Sounds like a perfect guild for me, any chance of an invite.
  • blackelf74
    like to join the guild,my gamertag is II ENTITY IT II
    hope to play costantly with a group here :)
  • BollaZee
    Same, would like to join: GT: BollaZeeZA
    | PC | MAC | XBOX ONE |
  • Oldenphart
    Soul Shriven
    Sounds like my kind of guild. Please add me. Gamertag - Oldenphart
  • DarknytBahamut
    I'd like to join also been playing on PS4 since it launched on consoles and new to the Xbox version GT DarkniteBahamut
  • raveniarre
    sorry, disregard
    Edited by raveniarre on 28 June 2017 19:29
  • Mordan
    Hey can I join?
    New to mmos and sometimes feel like I dunno what the heck i am doing?:)

    Gt. SunnyArtist4282
    Edited by Mordan on 9 July 2017 23:09
  • UnityChronicler
    Hi all, invitations have now been sent - sorry it's taken so long in some cases! To be honest, I've had less and less time to devote to the game lately, so if there's anyone regularly active and fancies the job, I'm thinking of stepping down. Send me a message on XBL if you're interested. Experience of managing a Guild is probably beneficial, but there's not a great deal to it so more important is to just keep the Guild an open, friendly resource for like-minded Lone Wolves!
  • Mordan
    Hi all, invitations have now been sent - sorry it's taken so long in some cases! To be honest, I've had less and less time to devote to the game lately, so if there's anyone regularly active and fancies the job, I'm thinking of stepping down. Send me a message on XBL if you're interested. Experience of managing a Guild is probably beneficial, but there's not a great deal to it so more important is to just keep the Guild an open, friendly resource for like-minded Lone Wolves!
    Thanks :)
    Edited by Mordan on 10 July 2017 20:33
  • cleanupspace
    Soul Shriven
    Not sure how guilds work, Im a new and infrequent player, so maybe this is a guild for me? If so, can I get an invite please. GT - cleanupspace.

  • QuiddityofQuern
    Infrequent play is fine, guilds can provide as much or as little as you want. There are guilds which focus on traders (normally charge a weekly fee), crafters (we help with this), pve (environment) or pvp (player), or game choice such as vampire or werewolf. Our members often solo play but do group up for dungeons, bosses and to help each other. Guilds are a source of advice on text or voice chat. Will send you an invite :)
    Quiddity: essence of; Quern: millstone. Grind down all opposition. Great scrabble scores too, dovakin;)
  • sabretalon
    GT sabretalon

    Would like to join if room
    Xbox One EU servers

    GamerID: Sabretalon

    Also have it on PS4 but not my focus console

    Casual play, explorer and altaholic. ESO+ member

  • Youdey

    Gt = Youdey

    Could I get an invite please?

  • QuiddityofQuern
    Hi, invites sent, welcome to the guild:)
    Quiddity: essence of; Quern: millstone. Grind down all opposition. Great scrabble scores too, dovakin;)
  • ilkerhekimoglu
    Soul Shriven

    I am veteran wow , new eso player .

    I want to come your guild if possible.


    GT = ilkerHekimoglu

  • QuiddityofQuern
    Will send an invite later today :) welcome to ESO.
    Quiddity: essence of; Quern: millstone. Grind down all opposition. Great scrabble scores too, dovakin;)
  • QuiddityofQuern
    Here is a useful intro guide to guilds and guild traders on YouTube for newbies unsure of what a guild is. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=r3NJkXM9pAk
    Quiddity: essence of; Quern: millstone. Grind down all opposition. Great scrabble scores too, dovakin;)
  • Dub_Witchcraft
    Soul Shriven
    Hello, I'm new to ESO and only level 44 but I would like to join your guild if that is possible, please

    GT: Dub Witchcraft
  • AdamskiAlders
    I wouldn't mind an invite, sounds right up my street.

    GT - Adamski Alders
  • Eradrann
    I'd be interested in this!

    Xbox Series X - GT: VintageVinyl450 NA Player on the EU Server (always looking for help with dungeon/job dailies)Main - Eradrann, AD, Wood Elf, Bow/Bow Stamblade, 1500+CP
  • zombi8slay8r
    Soul Shriven
    Hi can i get an invite please GT zombi8slay8r thanks
  • QuiddityofQuern
    Hi all, invites sent except zombi8slay8r as Gt not found in Europe Xbox server? Welcome to the guild, our current message of day shows our crafter details. :)
    Quiddity: essence of; Quern: millstone. Grind down all opposition. Great scrabble scores too, dovakin;)
  • Nostromo1956
    Soul Shriven
    Count me in...just what I was looking for
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