Magical_Cat wrote: »This looks to be just what I've been looking for. Would love an invite please.
GT. OrdinalCougar31
Magical_Cat wrote: »This looks to be just what I've been looking for. Would love an invite please.
GT. OrdinalCougar31
Hey there, invite me plsGT = Velothis
EuclioAntonite wrote: »Hi there, would love an invite. EuclioAntonite is my GT
earthdweller_matej wrote: »would love an invite, i got back into eso after a while of not playing so i could use a nice guild to join GT: mathieucallaert
KingofAnnwn wrote: »Can I get an invite please? GT - YDdraigGymraeg. Could do with some help with the IC bosses
Could you invite me please?
GT: Krasendo
jamesistheocean wrote: »Hey, can I get an invite too please? GT: ox SnipezZ
Thanks in advance
Solo players you say? No hassle or commitment? Those are my middle names! Would love an invite if one is still available.
GT: PhilskiGB
This is just the guild for me hit me up GT: LaQ 7
ifightlions wrote: »Heey finally able to use the forums! This sounds perfect as a mostly solo player.
Would really appreciate an invite
Didnt get invite
ifightlions wrote: »Me neither! I'm sure we'll get added when they get the chance!
GT is RhysBwoii
Solo players you say? No hassle or commitment? Those are my middle names! Would love an invite if one is still available.
GT: PhilskiGB
WindsweptSnake wrote: »Invite please. Gamertag WindsweptSnake. Thank you.
scouserman wrote: »Please invite me - Gamertag : scouserman007.
Hi, please invite me. Thanks. GT= Twist ZA
I would love an invite, sounds like the perfect guild for me
GT: Ayur2000