Lone Wolf Help - new Xbox EU branch for solo players needing occasional help

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 17
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
  • a-dog
    Can I get an invite please
    Gt funkybanjo
  • dilvid
    Can I get an Invite please.

    GT: Dilvid83

  • Stupidtag
    Soul Shriven
    Hello, can I get an invite please?

    GT: StupidTag
  • StewieMorrin
    Soul Shriven
    Hey there,

    Can I have an invite please.

    My gamer tag is StewieM

    Thank you
  • Raddy67
    Hi can i have an invite please
    GT : rad1rew
  • whiskeyalpha
    Hey, could I get an invite? My GT XWHiSKEYALPHA
  • Grimbaile
    Soul Shriven

    I'd like to join too.

    GT: Grimbaile
  • dynamicbook
    Soul Shriven
    I'm interested

    GT: Dynamicbook
  • UnityChronicler
    Thanks all - particularly those who have been waiting a while. My connection speed + "real life" commitments have meant it's taken a long, long while to download the latest update. All invitations have been sent now!
    smitha10 wrote: »
    Hi I'm new to all this, and am curious as to what is involved in being part of a group like this? I've pretty much always been a solo player, but it has become apparent to me that some areas of Tamriel require a little help. Just wondering how it all works is all.

    Hi Smitha! This group is very casual, really intended to be little more than a list of like-minded players who come together when they feel like grouping for a while. We don't organise scheduled runs or anything like that - we leave that to the individual players themselves. You're very welcome to join and use our roster to find players to group with, join our facebook group and have a chat - whatever takes your fancy.

    Let me know if you'd be interested in an invitation!
  • Tida2Yuna
    GT: kyaribobon
  • Arkangeloski
    GT: Arkangeloski
  • Coilspun
    GT: Hidio

    My thanks
  • Fab_JP
    Soul Shriven
    Can I get an add GT JPowderly
  • UnityChronicler
    Thanks all - invitations sent.
  • tomk940
    Hi can i have an invite please :)
    GT : jokerdragon940
  • Dazzaw
    this sounds perfect, the amount of times ive asked in zone for help with world bosses, or the odd dungeon and got no replys
    would i need to leave my current guild? its just me for extra storage space
    GT: dazzaw17

    Edited by Dazzaw on 11 March 2017 00:48
  • UnityChronicler
    Invitations sent!
    Dazzaw wrote: »
    this sounds perfect, the amount of times ive asked in zone for help with world bosses, or the odd dungeon and got no replys
    would i need to leave my current guild? its just me for extra storage space
    GT: dazzaw17


    If it's a single-member guild you created, I believe you would have to leave it; I'm not able to join any other guilds while in control of this one. I've sent you an invitation anyway, we'll be happy to have you if you can join.
  • UnityChronicler
    Dazzaw wrote: »
    this sounds perfect, the amount of times ive asked in zone for help with world bosses, or the odd dungeon and got no replys
    would i need to leave my current guild? its just me for extra storage space
    GT: dazzaw17


    On second glance, it looks like I might be able to *join* other guilds, just can't *create* other new ones. So you might not have to leave yours!
  • Els98765
    Soul Shriven
    Could I have an invite to your guild? I'm Level 27 and need a guild which allows me to complete dungeons and can trade.
    My gamer tag is Els98765
  • Graceyvee
    Soul Shriven
    Sounds perfect for me and my friend
  • mrmthompson
    Soul Shriven
    I am 100% new to this game, and loving it. Looking for a guild to join, to enhance my enjoyment of the game and hopefully to learn new stuff about the game and more. my gamertag is grumpymarkt, if you don't mind letting a total newbie join in.
  • dherbel
    Soul Shriven
    If you're still giving invites I'd love one!

    GT: DHerbel
  • Thomazzzrtbk
    Soul Shriven
    I'd love an invite ^_^

    GT: Thomazzzrtbk
  • ozzynx
    Soul Shriven
    I'd like an invite also please. The limited game time I have means this sounds really good.

    GT: OzzyNX
  • Ebonhowl
    Soul Shriven
    Hi Im interested

    GT: Eb0nh0wl
  • DanEllis93
    Soul Shriven
    GT: Dan Ellis 93 (With Spaces)
  • Warrilad
    Could I join please.
    Gt. Warrilad
  • ScytheNL
    Would LOVE an invite, as this is exactly what I was looking for :)

    My GT = Scythe NL

    Ezekiel Zakriah, Redguard Nightblade

    Xbox One, GT= Scythe NL
  • Shep1985
    Soul Shriven
    GT: Captain Shep
  • sickgirlBE
    Soul Shriven
    Hope there's still room for one more? :)
    Gt: sick girleh
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