Can I get an invite please?
Xbox GT is dyn0saw
DarthWookie007 wrote: »Hi, Would love to join a guild like this.
GT: DarthWookie007
hey could I get an invite ?
GT SoberGolding
Invite sentDonkeyKick wrote: »I'm inGT: EquineCandy8887
I’d like an invite too please, currently looking for a guild to run pledges & trials with
my is GT: Shadow Akula 96
I'll shoot over an invite shortly, nothing set for pledges or trials but sure we'd be up for it if you asked
Thanks for the invite, and fair enough all one needs for pledges are 3 people willing to run them with themUntil I can find a trial guild I think I’ll have to wait to do trials. Probably be hunting world bosses at some point too
No Problem, I would love to sign up for trials but I've literally just redone all of my characters on hitting end game because all my builds were garbageGive me a week or so to get them up to spec & I'll always be up for doing something!
There are three other guilds that I see regularly running pledges and trials (from the top of my head):
- Remnants -
- Tamriel Circle -
- Knights Of The Blade -
I'll have to check what else I'm part of & have a look at the schedules later when I'm on.
I tried applying for Tamriel Circle but heard nothing back yet, but I’ll look into the others thanks
I would be interested in joining the guild based on the OP, had the game a while but only recently started playing it (after morrowind update) as was originally laggy and unplayable
I'm only a casual player and may not always be online, so won't be as good as most players out there
And I'm not really into PvP either, just PvE
GT: Mirdragon
For reference I've also applied to Remnants
Dariablast wrote: »I would like to join!
my GT is Dariablast
Sorry for the late reply, had a busy weekend. I'll send over an invite later today.
No worries about being a casual player, most of us are here
Morningrise wrote: »I'd love to join! Please invite
Gt: Morningrise89
TheMuffinMan wrote: »Thanks for the quick invite
GritBiscuit wrote: »Can I join? Lvl 35 newbie soloist
Tag: BusyUnicorn2738
Can I have an invite please? GT: ONeill1983
Hi, may i get an invite to please? GT : codedsteve
LVL 28 newbie