Lone Wolf Help - new Xbox EU branch for solo players needing occasional help

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 17
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
  • Davevahkiin
    Soul Shriven
    You have my sword.

    GT - dwa1979
  • Malorey45738

    New Xbox player here and really like the sound of this guild!

    My GT is: AtomicUniverse

    Thanks! :smiley:
  • UnityChronicler
    Invitations sent! Thanks guys.
  • TheImperfect
    My Husband would like to join (he isn't registered on the forums yet), please add the account:

  • UnityChronicler
    @mrsrobot "Account not found" - I tried it twice in case I'd spelt it wrong. Are you sure that's the right gamertag?
  • Voradore
    Soul Shriven
    Hi looking for a guild to get me up to speed after being away for awhile. Could i get an invite please?

    GT: V0radore (first o is a zero)

  • QuiddityofQuern
    Great idea. New to TESO but ES vet since Arena
    Edited by QuiddityofQuern on 9 January 2017 01:57
    Quiddity: essence of; Quern: millstone. Grind down all opposition. Great scrabble scores too, dovakin;)
  • QuiddityofQuern
    Unity Chronicler:
    Great idea. New to TESO but an ES vet since Arena
    Quiddity: essence of; Quern: millstone. Grind down all opposition. Great scrabble scores too, dovakin;)
  • QuiddityofQuern
    Unity Chronicler: GT: QuiddityofQuern cant see full post so not sure what has posted
    Quiddity: essence of; Quern: millstone. Grind down all opposition. Great scrabble scores too, dovakin;)
  • QuiddityofQuern
    Unity Chronicler: ( trying without images)
    Great idea. New to TESO but an ES vet since Arena. Getting used to online but still a solitary witch at heart. Busy with 3 character builds, a dark elf sorcerer, a khajiit thief assassin for my niece and an Ork berserker for my son so will take time to level up, providing I don't take an arrow to the knee Whilst committing random acts of alchemy.
    GT: QuiddityofQuern
    Born in England, made in Tamriel
    Quiddity: essence of; Quern: millstone. Grind down all opposition. Great scrabble scores too, dovakin;)
  • UnityChronicler
    Thanks guys - invitations sent!
  • jkmllr
    Returning player, just ordered my Eso gold edition. Would love an active guild to join when I log on! Gt - jkmllr
  • larycoco
    Hi, I Would like to join if any free spaces. GT: Larycoco
  • F4llenPaladin
    Sound like my kind of guild.
    Am level 42, in ravenspire, I think......
    F4llen paladin.

    Will be on later....

  • F4llenPaladin
    Sorry am in daggerfall..... hahaha
  • benge026fb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Gamer Tag: benge026f
    Daggerfall Covenant
  • UnityChronicler
    Thanks all; invitations sent!
  • IrishClutchness
    Hi long time player just need help with those pesky dungeons for some end game apparel!

    main - 370- champ points

    GT- IrishClutchness
  • PlasmaCube
    Soul Shriven
    GT: PlasmaCube
  • Boomter12
    Soul Shriven
    very new to the game, but really loving it.
    would really like an invite. this guild sounds just right for me.
    game tag Boomter12

  • Hvutty
    Soul Shriven
    Hey. Still pretty new to the game, but doing alright. Would love to join this guild.

    GT: Hvutty
  • UnityChronicler
    Invitations sent - thanks!
  • H3llion_King

    Please add me, I'm Looking for a guild to help max out my Crafting Skill Lines ready for Housing when it drops.


  • L1ttlelegz
    Soul Shriven
    Hi, is there room for another? Your guild sounds ideal for me!! GT L1ttlelegz
  • FlyingDutch92

    Returning player, would like to get into this game and do dungeons and trials again.
    Currently working on a healer.

    An invite will be much appreciated.

    GT: Exexutioner
  • UnityChronicler
    Invitations sent! Thanks all.
  • PaulJD88
    Soul Shriven
    Hey. I tried joining a few months ago, but there was a problem with my gamertag.
    I had a little break, and am now back with a mind to stick around to do some group content with you guys.
    My gamer tag is either:
    Paulie Babes

    I'd really like to join, so if you have any more problems let me know!

    Thanks again
  • smitha10
    Soul Shriven
    Hi I'm new to all this, and am curious as to what is involved in being part of a group like this? I've pretty much always been a solo player, but it has become apparent to me that some areas of Tamriel require a little help. Just wondering how it all works is all.
  • TheMissingLyric
    Soul Shriven
    just what im looking for , can i have invite
  • TheMissingLyric
    Soul Shriven
    just what im looking for , can i have invite

    Sorry gamer tag is HugoAgogo74
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