Please add gt on Xbox so I can add youNostromo1956 wrote: »Count me in...just what I was looking for
XThunderReconX wrote: »GT - XThunderReconX
I new to the game
spamandmash wrote: »Sounds perfect!
Please add me
Gamertag= SpamAndMash
Sing me up.
GT: Immortalbs
spamandmash wrote: »
Would love an invite. 40+ casual player mainly weekends. Currently lvl20 and still learning the ropes
GT Mrfr0sty
invite please
40+ newcomer to ESO
looking for like minded casual and easy going people
GT: markyb0y (with a zero)
Sounds good. I would like an invitation please. GT: Baardig
Pricey1600 wrote: »Hey. I'd like to join if it's still active.
GT: Pricey1600
I'd love to join, I've just returned and could use some help.
GT: Nintenzo64