Maintenance for the week of September 16:
• [COMPLETE] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 16, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) – 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here:


  • Soris
    she officially said "see you in 7 months later"
    Welkynd [Templar/AD/EU]
  • Ishammael
    The change to Talons now being blockable was intended; apologies for the undocumented change. That said, we are considering reverting this change in a future patch to make it not blockable again. What do you guys think?

    Hello Gina!

    In addition to reverting this change, will you pass on the following list to the combat team:
    1. DKs need a gap closer
    2. DKs need an execute
    3. Please completely redesign the following DK skills which are either redundant or useless in PvP: Obsidian shield, Fiery grip (both morphs), Inferno (both morphs), Dragon Blood (both morphs), Stone Fist (both morphs), Magma Armor (both morphs), hardened armor, molten weapons (both morphs).
    4. Projectiles shot from stealth bypass flappy flaps.
    5. Please add Major Evasion to Ash Cloud and its morphs (like it used to have).
    6. Add minor and/or major heroism to a DK skill or two (maybe to a magicka-based gap closer?!).
    7. Remove the 5% health regen bonus passive and replace with something (anything) else.

    I'll just stop there. @Armitas, @vortexman11 can you continue this list?
  • Lava_Croft
    Magicka Nightvlade Vampire here. I don't like enemy Dragon Knights at all, but please make Talons' CC unblockable again.
  • Hope499
    Roots should not be blockable...thats all there is to it....

    Every ability should be blockable if thats the case.....
    Tripped over my friends bra.....
    ..she is always setting booby traps!
  • WebBull
    The change to Talons now being blockable was intended; apologies for the undocumented change. That said, we are considering reverting this change in a future patch to make it not blockable again. What do you guys think?

    It's pretty obvious what we think paged on the 6 pages of this thread :smile:
  • FireCowCommando
    Hopefully Dk's get this change reverted quickly. Theres no reason to nerf the effectiveness of talons

    And im saying this as a Templar, fix this unnecessary change!
  • Teiji
    The change to Talons now being blockable was intended; apologies for the undocumented change. That said, we are considering reverting this change in a future patch to make it not blockable again. What do you guys think?

    If you're making Talons blockable, an ability which is iconic to the Dragonknight class; what is your stance on blocking iconic abilities for all classes?

    Blockable petrify, blockable fear, blockable velocious curse, blockable eclipse and amplifying light thing and so on.

    They all go hand-in-hand with the aesthetics of each class, unblockable velocious curse looks and feels like it makes sense, same with all class abilities, yes even fear not being blockable. Why completely smash your design and creative philosophies by doing huge blanket changes but then in the second breath doing minor changes which have huge effect on a large number of your player base? Talons is essential to the typical Dragonknight archetype, all their passives augment being a warrior that can take hits and excels in close range, talons is essential to that end and it has counterplay plus you may still heal and do damage whilst in talons.

    I've got no problem with talons being blocakable as long as you intend to do the same to all of the classes in The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited. If you're not interested in augmenting your creative and design philosophies as well as your design culture, make it unblockable again and please stop confusing the playerbase as huge changes like this communicate to the community your intentions as well as what do expect from your development team in the future.

    Not communicating such changes speaks very loudly and inspires worry too, it's all give and take but stuff like this feels like it's take and take.
    "Serving Boethiah is Freedom, embracing heroism is Liberty, existing solely for noxiphilic sanguivoria is truth." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

    European megaserver Fallout 4

    Loyalist of Boethiah, heroism enthusiast, exposer of secrets, bless'ed of noxiphilic sanguivoria.

    Nerf one grind, two more take its place; hail Gryndra!

    I am a dank memer and satire enthusiast
  • Lamiai
    This really does need to be changed back, previously all classes paled to DK, now over time all classes have surpassed DKs and yet they continue to get nerfed to below a sub par class. Almost embarrassing being a DK at times now
    R.I.P patch 1.5 ~ Never Forget.
  • Personofsecrets
    The change to Talons now being blockable was intended; apologies for the undocumented change. That said, we are considering reverting this change in a future patch to make it not blockable again. What do you guys think?


    Please revert the change.

    Talons is one of the few skills that allows DK to potentially keep up with players that are streaking, disappearing, and just running faster. Considering how broken and unresponsive Dragon Knight chains is and how costly, in a no stamina regeneration while blocking world, that Shield Rush is, Talons has a very important role in the metagame that helps even the power of the classes and strategies.

    Just look at stamina DPS, which is actually insane in PVP now. Talons is one of the few ways to keep stamina users at bay - blocking stamina based attacks just leads to inevitability of death (regen stamina while attacking, but not blocking), but using talons on the stamina user allows the talons user to back up and try to gain initiative in a fight.

    This skill is also a very important skill for tanks, a role that shouldn't be nerfd any further than it has already been nerfd.

    Again, please revert the change

    Edited by Personofsecrets on 21 September 2015 17:31
    Don't tank

    "In future content we will probably adjust this model somewhat (The BOP model). It's definitely nice to be able to find a cool item that you don't need and trade it to someone who can't wait to get their hands on it." - Wrobel
  • Armitas
    Ardent Flame.
    • Fiery Grip. Due to the change to Y axis this skill is unreliable as a gap closer or a tanking mechanic. Sometimes it just will not work when it should work. When it does work in PvE it's disorienting because you don't know if you will come to the target or the target will come to you. Depending on the situation in a dungeon that can be catastrophic as you get pulled into a ground nuke. In PvP the pull/push is actually amazing so I'd like to see that stay and make the other morph a pull only for PvE.
    • Inferno - It's basically a clone of Magelight with a small difference, you can either hit something with a small fire ball every 5 seconds or have 7% max magicka and 2% magicka recovery. A class skill should always be better, but I'm better off taking ML if I have high magicka and Inferno if I have low magicka. DK's are using inferno, but they are using it with mage light just for the free turret damage.
    • Inferno - Sea of Flames - The chance that the measly fire ball every 5 seconds will get a killing blow is too slim, the amount of magicka it can give seems to have been written in 1.5 before the inflated stats. It's not a valuable or even a noticeable morph.
    • Kindling - The nerf to secondary effect proc chance has really made this a wasted passive. 66% more burning isn't helpful when the chance to apply burning is so low.

    Draconic Power
    • Dragon Blood - Due the 50% healing nerf this skill is a dangerous heal. To get any heal output at all you have to fall below execute range. With the 50% heal nerf you have to be near dead to get anything out of it. It's a terrible heal right now because it's completely ineffective till you are at 1 shot range execute range and the heal won't even take you out of execute range
    • Dragon Blood - Green dragon blood - With Tripots the stamina recovery on this is useless. I would like majors to provide minors if a major is already active. So if a tripots has been consumed and you pop GDB it should give you a minor stamina recovery.

    Earthen Heart
    • Corrosive Armor - This needs to actually penetrate armor, not just physical mitigation. There is no reason to make an ultimate so divisive between stamina and magicka builds. Edit: Given that light armor already gives penetration it would be a shame to see that overlapped by this. Maybe make it physical pen and direct spell crit or +x% damage from magicka based dots.
    • Obsidian Shard - I would not use this to heal someone, I would use healing ward if I needed to save them. It doesn't heal for much, even less at 50% healing, it does less damage than the other morph and the situation where the guy next to enemy X would need this tiny heal and the enemy CC'd are limited. I really don't know why this exists. It is incomplete.
    • Fragmented Shield - This was an amazing skill. I successfully used it to combat several impulse spam zergs with a small group. It was an insane damage multiplier and it needed adjustment...but it wasn't adjusted it was just squashed like a bug and then left for dead. Right now it's a terrible shield and terrible damage, the worst of both worlds. Return this skill to some of it's former glory, or at least make it competitive to igneous shield.
    • Molten Weapons - This is a bad execute in PvP as it requires a cast, a GCD, then a fully charged heavy attack which can just be dodge rolled, blocked, healed out of execute range, or you can get CC'd while casting it. There is too much hassle and things that can go wrong here for an execute. It completely ignores the entire purpose of an execute, which is to quickly take advantage of an opponents low health. In PvE the full heavy requirement gives you wasted seconds. If you are charging your heavy attack and have to dodge roll, then you lost the buff entirely when you release the shot. If you have 2 seconds remaining but need 3 seconds to finish a heavy attack then 2 seconds of the skill have just been wasted. All ability to self modulate it was taken in 1.7. There is no reason for this skill to be so complicated and restrictive. Both Morphs are currently a DPS loss in PvE, and people are reporting that molten armaments is only working 40% of the time.
    • Battle roar - Should reference your highest stat for the replenishment. We don't have straight recovery on a DK, this is our resource management tool. Making it based on each stat individually leaves you in a magicka build not getting enough stamina, or a stamina build not getting enough magicka from it. If I'm in a magicka build I will more likely need stamina, not my primary stat. You had the right idea, just have it reference the highest stat.

    Core Problems
      Our class has no built in escape mechanics, it survives on heals and defense. For heals it relies on DragonBlood which has been ruined by the global healing nerf such that to use it efficiently at all you have to be on deaths doorstep and even then one use won't even pull you out of execute range. For defense it relies on armor, shielding, and blocking. Damage shields, which we already sacrificed dps for have been cut in half while skills are still hitting for 20k. Our shields can no longer cover the damage we are taking. While armor has been improved in light armor, blocking was destroyed as a light armor option. This leaves us stuck in whatever fight we encounter with none of our core class focuses (heals and defense)to rely on but armor which can still be highly penetrated. Our flame whip has a terribly low base damage, only slightly higher than deepslash from s/b. This is fine in PvE because we can couple it with 2 of our dots for competitive dps. However in PvP Dots are trivialized by cloaks and cleanses. So I have to waste 3 precious skill slots to make up for the lack of whip dps, and even then they can effortlessly be removed or even result in a very powerful heal through cleanse. We have 4 classes to face out there, wasting 3 of those skill slots just to do competative damage is not an option. So we are stuck spamming a single skill that is not competitive with the other classes. This is why stamina DK is so popular, they can escape all of our class limitations and get the tools they need to succeed through WB, Crit Rush, and Vigor. With the exception of Stam DK's we are unable to do high damage and be survivable. NB's can pump everything into damage and rely on cloak for defense, sorcs can pump everything into magicka and rely on BE and bubbles to do dps and survive. Their Damage and Defense is parallel, or at the very least they don't interfere with each other. There is no longer any way for the DK to achieve the same feat in a magicka build. We lost that in 1.6 and 1.7.
    Edited by Armitas on 24 September 2015 17:28
    Nord mDK
  • Huckdabuck
    The change to Talons now being blockable was intended; apologies for the undocumented change. That said, we are considering reverting this change in a future patch to make it not blockable again. What do you guys think?

    There is just so much bad here. I mean it only took a freaking week for someone to come here and say "Oppsie we forgot to document a change to one single AoE root in the last patch eventhough we didn't touch any others but we already are not sure if we want it to stay put or not because yeah ummmm ZOS." WTB actual Devs!
    Edited by Huckdabuck on 21 September 2015 18:01
    Texashighelf - VR16 Sorcerer EP NA - FILTHY BARBARIAN
    Texasimperial - VR16 Dragonknight EP NA - How do you like your DK?
    Texas'Imperial - VR16 Dragonknight DC NA - How do you like your DK?
    Texas-Imperial - VR16 Templar DC NA - Queue Clogging Lagsploitter
    Texas Highelf - VR16 Sorcerer DC NA - Queue Clogging Lagsploitter
    Texas Imperial - VR16 Nightblade DC NA - Queue Clogging Lagsploitter
    It's a very grey area.
  • notimetocare
    Leave the change. Gets tiring to be infinitely rooted unless you spam dodge roll.
  • thelordoffelines
    Teiji wrote: »
    The change to Talons now being blockable was intended; apologies for the undocumented change. That said, we are considering reverting this change in a future patch to make it not blockable again. What do you guys think?

    If you're making Talons blockable, an ability which is iconic to the Dragonknight class; what is your stance on blocking iconic abilities for all classes?

    Blockable petrify, blockable fear, blockable velocious curse, blockable eclipse and amplifying light thing and so on.

    They all go hand-in-hand with the aesthetics of each class, unblockable velocious curse looks and feels like it makes sense, same with all class abilities, yes even fear not being blockable. Why completely smash your design and creative philosophies by doing huge blanket changes but then in the second breath doing minor changes which have huge effect on a large number of your player base? Talons is essential to the typical Dragonknight archetype, all their passives augment being a warrior that can take hits and excels in close range, talons is essential to that end and it has counterplay plus you may still heal and do damage whilst in talons.

    I've got no problem with talons being blocakable as long as you intend to do the same to all of the classes in The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited. If you're not interested in augmenting your creative and design philosophies as well as your design culture, make it unblockable again and please stop confusing the playerbase as huge changes like this communicate to the community your intentions as well as what do expect from your development team in the future.

    Not communicating such changes speaks very loudly and inspires worry too, it's all give and take but stuff like this feels like it's take and take.

    Velacious curse is blockable.
  • ToRelax
    There's an old thread of mine with a suggestion I feel would help magicka DK the most...

    And yes, revert this change. Srsly what were you thinking again. If there is no clear reason for a change (or even then) why not ask the players.
    The Covenant is broken. The Enemy has won...

    Elo'dryel - Sorc - AR 50 - Hopesfire - EP EU
  • WebBull
    Add a Stam morph to Talons when you fix it please :)
  • Joy_Division
    The change to Talons now being blockable was intended; apologies for the undocumented change. That said, we are considering reverting this change in a future patch to make it not blockable again. What do you guys think?

    While I appreciate the response, the very fact that ZoS has to ask us what we think really makes me question its ability to make this game fun or balanced.

    I mean, in case it was somehow missed, it is September 2015, not 2014. Any objective viewing of the forums or counting the few brave DKs the solo roam in Cyrodiil could quickly and accurately ascertain that DKs, specifically magicka DKs, have become more and more marginalized ever since 1.6 was released and are especially hurting in the IC patch. Even some prominent non-DK players are saying this is a bad idea.
    Edited by Joy_Division on 21 September 2015 18:00
  • CitraBenzoet_ESO
    *face palm*

    DC- Sir Citra Benzoet v15
    The Psijic Order - 0.016%
    Mara's Moxie
  • Lamiai
    ToRelax wrote: »
    There's an old thread of mine with a suggestion I feel would help magicka DK the most...

    And yes, revert this change. Srsly what were you thinking again. If there is no clear reason for a change (or even then) why not ask the players.

    Exactly, we hear that changes are made due to players voices being heard...I have never seen anyone suggest that talons need to become blockable or nerfed at all. I'm glad it seems Gina has suggested they are listening to us here, if that is the case then A LOT warrants change or at least discussing it with the player base who spend time of these forums.

    The game is good fun to play, but I just don't understand how the PVP player base ( which mainly choose here to talk ) gets passed by on the official forums by the devs. Do we really need to spam /feedback in order to get our point of view across ( /feedback which grants us 0 interaction from devs/ advisors )

    Why bother having these forums if the real changes we discuss never gets anywhere, why does it take us to flame like a bunch of children to get a response? This can be avoided if you speak with the player base before you make changes that dont need to happen, surprisingly enough we are the people who play this game day in and day out, we have an idea of what works now in the game and doesnt, one thing for certain, nerfing everything without talking with players, or caring for that matter is pretty petty on ZOS' part.

    Tl:DR Talk to us, the players about skills/ changes before you make them
    R.I.P patch 1.5 ~ Never Forget.
  • Huckdabuck
    Lamiai wrote: »
    ToRelax wrote: »
    There's an old thread of mine with a suggestion I feel would help magicka DK the most...

    And yes, revert this change. Srsly what were you thinking again. If there is no clear reason for a change (or even then) why not ask the players.

    Exactly, we hear that changes are made due to players voices being heard...I have never seen anyone suggest that talons need to become blockable or nerfed at all. I'm glad it seems Gina has suggested they are listening to us here, if that is the case then A LOT warrants change or at least discussing it with the player base who spend time of these forums.

    The game is good fun to play, but I just don't understand how the PVP player base ( which mainly choose here to talk ) gets passed by on the official forums by the devs. Do we really need to spam /feedback in order to get our point of view across ( /feedback which grants us 0 interaction from devs/ advisors )

    Why bother having these forums if the real changes we discuss never gets anywhere, why does it take us to flame like a bunch of children to get a response? This can be avoided if you speak with the player base before you make changes that dont need to happen, surprisingly enough we are the people who play this game day in and day out, we have an idea of what works now in the game and doesnt, one thing for certain, nerfing everything without talking with players, or caring for that matter is pretty petty on ZOS' part.

    Tl:DR Talk to us, the players about skills/ changes before you make them

    Isn't it obvious by now that either they are incompetent or just don't care. GG ZOS!
    Texashighelf - VR16 Sorcerer EP NA - FILTHY BARBARIAN
    Texasimperial - VR16 Dragonknight EP NA - How do you like your DK?
    Texas'Imperial - VR16 Dragonknight DC NA - How do you like your DK?
    Texas-Imperial - VR16 Templar DC NA - Queue Clogging Lagsploitter
    Texas Highelf - VR16 Sorcerer DC NA - Queue Clogging Lagsploitter
    Texas Imperial - VR16 Nightblade DC NA - Queue Clogging Lagsploitter
    It's a very grey area.
  • Personofsecrets
    WebBull wrote: »
    Add a Stam morph to Talons when you fix it please :)

    No, please don't ruin the magic version of talons.
    Edited by Personofsecrets on 21 September 2015 18:34
    Don't tank

    "In future content we will probably adjust this model somewhat (The BOP model). It's definitely nice to be able to find a cool item that you don't need and trade it to someone who can't wait to get their hands on it." - Wrobel
  • Personofsecrets
    Lamiai wrote: »
    ToRelax wrote: »
    There's an old thread of mine with a suggestion I feel would help magicka DK the most...

    And yes, revert this change. Srsly what were you thinking again. If there is no clear reason for a change (or even then) why not ask the players.

    Exactly, we hear that changes are made due to players voices being heard...I have never seen anyone suggest that talons need to become blockable or nerfed at all. I'm glad it seems Gina has suggested they are listening to us here, if that is the case then A LOT warrants change or at least discussing it with the player base who spend time of these forums.

    The game is good fun to play, but I just don't understand how the PVP player base ( which mainly choose here to talk ) gets passed by on the official forums by the devs. Do we really need to spam /feedback in order to get our point of view across ( /feedback which grants us 0 interaction from devs/ advisors )

    Why bother having these forums if the real changes we discuss never gets anywhere, why does it take us to flame like a bunch of children to get a response? This can be avoided if you speak with the player base before you make changes that dont need to happen, surprisingly enough we are the people who play this game day in and day out, we have an idea of what works now in the game and doesnt, one thing for certain, nerfing everything without talking with players, or caring for that matter is pretty petty on ZOS' part.

    Tl:DR Talk to us, the players about skills/ changes before you make them

    Well, in my opinion it was streamers that ruined stam regen while blocking and it was probably streamers that got this change to.
    Don't tank

    "In future content we will probably adjust this model somewhat (The BOP model). It's definitely nice to be able to find a cool item that you don't need and trade it to someone who can't wait to get their hands on it." - Wrobel
  • Master_Kas
    Lamiai wrote: »
    This really does need to be changed back, previously all classes paled to DK, now over time all classes have surpassed DKs and yet they continue to get nerfed to below a sub par class. Almost embarrassing being a DK at times now

    I sometimes watch old DK videos. Tbh I prefer them over the sorcs and nightblades running around atm.
    Edited by Master_Kas on 21 September 2015 18:10
    EU | PC
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    WebBull wrote: »
    The change to Talons now being blockable was intended; apologies for the undocumented change. That said, we are considering reverting this change in a future patch to make it not blockable again. What do you guys think?

    It's pretty obvious what we think paged on the 6 pages of this thread :smile:

    Touche. Just wanted to see if you all felt the same after confirming that it was indeed intended.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Personofsecrets
    FYI, Obsidian Shard is really good right now and I would hate to see it be useless again.
    Don't tank

    "In future content we will probably adjust this model somewhat (The BOP model). It's definitely nice to be able to find a cool item that you don't need and trade it to someone who can't wait to get their hands on it." - Wrobel
  • RoamingRiverElk
    In addition to reverting this talons nerf...

    - Reliable gap closer with magicka and stamina morphs.
    - Magicka heal that is very efficient at 50% health or lower, or a good magicka heal that works no matter high or low your health is
    - 10% lower ultimate costs (applies to any ultimate, class or otherwise)
    - +20% more max health or class shield to scale better off from max health than it currently does - it's too small a shield currently
    - when blocking, allow stamina to regenerate at 50% of stamina regen
    Dalris Aalr - Magicka (Stamina) DK | Dalfish - Magicka Sorc | Dal Aalr - Magicka Warden | Dalrish - Mag/Stam NB | Irana Aalr - PvE Templar
  • hammayolettuce
    WebBull wrote: »
    The change to Talons now being blockable was intended; apologies for the undocumented change. That said, we are considering reverting this change in a future patch to make it not blockable again. What do you guys think?

    It's pretty obvious what we think paged on the 6 pages of this thread :smile:

    Touche. Just wanted to see if you all felt the same after confirming that it was indeed intended.

    Thank you for being present in this thread, I know it made me feel a lot better about this whole ordeal. I hope that you are forwarding some of these comments to the devs, because frankly, DK is in a very bad place right now. I haven't played either of mine since 1.7 went live.
    Snü (Magicka DK) ♥ Thnu (Stamplar) ♥ Pizza for Breakfast (Magplar) ♥ Sparklefingers (Magicka Sorc) ♥
    Bean and Cheese Burrito (Magicka DK) ♥ Snurrito (Stamplar) ♥
  • Derra
    WebBull wrote: »
    The change to Talons now being blockable was intended; apologies for the undocumented change. That said, we are considering reverting this change in a future patch to make it not blockable again. What do you guys think?

    It's pretty obvious what we think paged on the 6 pages of this thread :smile:

    Touche. Just wanted to see if you all felt the same after confirming that it was indeed intended.

    Personally i feel talons being blockable is a good change. Should it become unblockable it will just be once again the all around better version of the sorcerer root.

    Currently the sorc root is not blockable but the dmg is neglible and only applies after the target was rooted for the whole duration - if it´s purged or rolled out of the dmg is lost (for the shattering prison morph).
    Currently talons is instantdmg either a dot or a dmg debuff and a root BUT it is blockable. Once this change gets reverted the sorc root once again becomes obsolete in any grp because talons will be the all around better spell for every situation like it was from release up to patch 1.7.
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

  • ToRelax
    Derra wrote: »
    WebBull wrote: »
    The change to Talons now being blockable was intended; apologies for the undocumented change. That said, we are considering reverting this change in a future patch to make it not blockable again. What do you guys think?

    It's pretty obvious what we think paged on the 6 pages of this thread :smile:

    Touche. Just wanted to see if you all felt the same after confirming that it was indeed intended.

    Personally i feel talons being blockable is a good change. Should it become unblockable it will just be once again the all around better version of the sorcerer root.

    Currently the sorc root is not blockable but the dmg is neglible and only applies after the target was rooted for the whole duration - if it´s purged or rolled out of the dmg is lost (for the shattering prison morph).
    Currently talons is instantdmg either a dot or a dmg debuff and a root BUT it is blockable. Once this change gets reverted the sorc root once again becomes obsolete in any grp because talons will be the all around better spell for every situation like it was from release up to patch 1.7.

    For a Sorc trying to keep a little distance, I would have taken Encase over Talons ever since 1.6. In outnumbered fights sometimes Encase is better and sometimes Talons are.
    The Covenant is broken. The Enemy has won...

    Elo'dryel - Sorc - AR 50 - Hopesfire - EP EU
  • Darlgon
    WebBull wrote: »
    The change to Talons now being blockable was intended; apologies for the undocumented change. That said, we are considering reverting this change in a future patch to make it not blockable again. What do you guys think?

    It's pretty obvious what we think paged on the 6 pages of this thread :smile:

    Touche. Just wanted to see if you all felt the same after confirming that it was indeed intended.

    Sorry Gina, but that you guys even thought this was a good idea, much less had to ask..twice..

    Power level to CP160 in a week:
    Where is the end game? You just played it.
    Why don't I have 300+ skill points? Because you skipped content along the way.
    Where is new content? Sigh.
  • Night-claw
    Revert change please or have all pvp Dragonknight on your case you already nerfed us enough. :/
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