Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

PTS Patch Notes v2.1

  • Mix
    Muadyb wrote: »
    After reading all the patch notes, didint find any info on Eidetic Memory.

    This matter will be fixed some point in the future?

    Cant find any news on this matter (since Beta the Eidetic Memory is broken) and i want to complete my collection (have +2100).

    Any news?

    I would also like to hear about Eidetic Memory, I have been hunting a lot of my missing books lately and have found that any quest-related book hasn't counted, but I have done the quest "looted" the book/page at some point. I report each one I find that I can confirm bugged.

    I do have to point out that at least it isn't as broken as it was in beta and near launch!
  • Glantir
    Sorcerer are still worst DPS class in PvE and i didnt see any changes wichever increase Sorc dps in raids. I dont belief that the pets changes make them more valuable in raids. 50% less incoming AoE dmg, yeah it lives 3 seconds instead of 2 ^^ and its still target for the mages chainlightning or mantikora spears?
    Edited by Glantir on 30 July 2015 20:53
    Glantir Sorcerer ~ Ebonheart Pact (EU)
  • Dreddnawt

    ^ Coming from someone who helped launch the original Everquest (bug and crash fest that it was). At least with the original EQ the flaws were due to ground breaking new systems and features and not from Sony intentionally screwing us over just for fun.

    Are we players seriously going to let these devs force us to collect 140 tiny pieces of toilet paper just to learn a single motif? ALL RARER THAN RARE DROPS, OF COURSE, AND ONLY FOUND IN THE MOST DIFFICULT TO REACH AND NON-FARMABLE LOCATIONS!!

    If you think having to find, buy, loot hundreds upon hundreds of tiny little pieces of trash just to have access to the newest styles is ridiculous, chime in on this thread to let them know:
    Dreddnawt - Orsimer Aedric Crusader
    Alexstrasza Drogon - Imperial Infernal Dragon
    Daggerfall Covenant

    TESO / PC / NA Server
  • dsalter
    Sha_dow wrote: »

    why has the werewolf not gained any significent update?

    You have ignored over 400 comments on the Dev developement area for months, evne though we have specifically asked you for feedback and information and now even with the Imperial City on its way the werewolf has been overlooked again

    " We value your feedback" - Really?

    " we listen to our player base" Really?

    nice to see my hopes have been yet again let down.


    even as a vampire i agree, the pups need an ulti cost reduction and to be made 70% damage resistant while transforming. this will give them alot more use, still not perfect or AMAZING, but buffed enough they aren't easy kills.
    PLEASE REPLY TO ME WITH @dsalter otherwise i'm likely to miss the reply if its not my own thread

    EU - [Arch Mage Dave] Altmer Sorcerer
    Fight back at the crates and boxes, together we can change things.

  • revonine
    I've been reading on the PTS forums that the TTK may have been increased too much. With so many people for and against. Wish I could test myself (console only). If decide to go full spell damage build (Magicka NB) I feel wailing on someone for 15-20 secs in 1v1 before they die to not be much fun. Anyone with thoughts on this that got to test the new Cyrodill buffs?
    Edited by revonine on 30 July 2015 23:45
  • Domander
    charlmgn wrote: »
    To all those who are in an uproar about the nerf to Supernatural Recovery, do you know any vampire who's not going to have Drain Essence on his bar with its restrictions lifted? From the description, you can continually drain an enemy while healing yourself 10% every second. I think that's worth putting it on your bar, which will keep your passive.
    Reduced the fire damage you receive to 25% from 40%.
    Drain Essence: This ability now restores 10% of your health every second, and stuns your target on activation. It can be used on CC-immune targets, and can be used all the time (it no longer activates the Feed debuff).
    Supernatural Recovery (passive): This passive now only works while any Vampire ability is slotted in your ability bar.
    My only question to what's in the PTS patch notes goes right along with the Vampire changes.

    Drain Essence before this change: Does **** Damage/sec over 5sec. Essence Drain heals you 150% of the damage inflicted/sec over the duration.

    The change will make Drain Essence heal yourself 10% every second for the duration; but is that 10% of the damage inflicted per second? Or is that 10% of your PC's maximum health per second?

    That's my only real question about these changes that are in testing.

    Damage is based on magicka/spellpower I believe.

    The real shame in this change is the removal of stamina return, which is the reason I used to use it.
  • Zephyr01
    Will there ever be a Patch that allows both types of Provisioning to be consumed at once: ie: Eat to Boost and Drink to Recharge?

    Talking about Provisioning; will Seasonings - Flour, Saltrice, Millet, Seasoning ever be as frequently found as other items? I find 1 Seasoning to 15 Potatoes, Melons or Corn. It's extremely frustrating.

    Also, higher good recipes are much needed. I'm able to craft Purple recipes but I've never seen anything above Green.


  • Pyr0xyrecuprotite
    Zephyr01 wrote: »
    Talking about Provisioning; will Seasonings - Flour, Saltrice, Millet, Seasoning ever be as frequently found as other items? I find 1 Seasoning to 15 Potatoes, Melons or Corn. It's extremely frustrating.

    Also, higher good recipes are much needed. I'm able to craft Purple recipes but I've never seen anything above Green.
    1. Flour, Saltrice and Millet are found in specific bags in specific locations. Keep an eye out for them in your travels, and revisit those spots regularly. The top floor of the enchanter's shop in Belkarth is a good spot for Greens and Millet, for example, and easy to vendor with the Outlaw Refuge nearby. (The dragonstar trading caravan location in Belkarth also has a few bags). You should also consider getting provisioner Hirelings on a few characters for more ingredients.
    2. Again, loot containers everywhere, but also do the daily Provisioner writs. Purple recipes are rare but do appear occasionally.
  • Knootewoot
    Combat & Gameplay
    [*] Arrows are now easier to see while they’re traveling to your knee.


    "I am a nightblade. Blending the disciplines of the stealthy agent and subtle wizard, I move unseen and undetected, foil locks and traps, and teleport to safety when threatened, or strike like a viper from ambush. The College of Illusion hides me and fuddles or pacifies my opponents. The College of Mysticism detects my object, reflects and dispels enemy spells, and makes good my escape. The key to a nightblade's success is avoidance, by spell or by stealth; with these skills, all things are possible."
  • Gamertaglemieux
    This Imperial City test server on just PC? Or on Xbox too?
    Queen Ayrenn build that wall around Summerset.

    Make Shimmerene great again!
  • Leandor
    This Imperial City test server on just PC? Or on Xbox too?
    Only PC.
  • amgame308_ESO
    Played on the PTS, I really enjoyed the feel of the combat. Seemed more fluid and flee flowing than just button mashing. I don't know what it is or read anything that made this happen but the combact mechanics seem they were improved. This was after about an hour of gameplay in Imperial City. I'll have to try it out in the old dungeons.
  • Glantir
    Why the change to the Apprentice Mundus Stone? Now you make the Mage stone complete useless, because spell power and max magicka increase magicka based dmg but spell power > max magicka.
    Glantir Sorcerer ~ Ebonheart Pact (EU)
  • olsborg
    Just edited the note for Bolt Escape, which previously made no sense. It now reads as follows:
    • Bolt Escape: This ability no longer reduces out-of-combat Magicka recovery after casting. We have also increased the cost for Bolt Escape by 50%, which stacks with each cast within four seconds.

    Increased the base cost by 50% in addition to a stacking increased cost of 50% per cast within 4 seconds? In that case, how about you delete this whole skills and give us something else, because this wont be good for anything now. Its supposed to be an escape, but now its just a mana consumption because you cant escape anything with it, bol being nerfd so hard its useless too and streak has so low dmg you might aswell slot something else. Why cant you ever balance something right instead of killing things.

    PC EU
    PvP only
  • Anxileel
    The 0% blocking regen is fine for PVP but it is not fine for PVE.
    Please ZoS just seperate the two by having the 0% blocking regen in PVP and not in PVE.
    The Argonians shall rise and the CHEESE will be endless.
  • Bashev
    Anxileel wrote: »
    The 0% blocking regen is fine for PVP but it is not fine for PVE.
    Please ZoS just seperate the two by having the 0% blocking regen in PVP and not in PVE.
    But there are a lot of PvE in IC too. The big problem will be for Templars and DKs because when they argo some mobs they cannot disengage easily as NBs and Sors and at the same time they cannot block anymore and the healing is reduced so it will be difficult to outheal the mobs damage.
    Because I can!
  • Khivas_Carrick
    Ehh, not feeling these Templar changes, though at the same time, Biting Jabs costing the same as Wrecking Blow is uh, pretty damn special.

    I will that's a rather interesting change to Backlash though. Keep armor pen but now spells can gain a benefit too? Kinda useless to the Templar in question using it, but probably nice for the other casters in the party. We'll see.

    * Damn phone
    Edited by Khivas_Carrick on 1 August 2015 00:44
    Bobbity Boop, this game might become poop, but I'll still play because I'm just a pile of goop!
  • panemetcircenses
    Siluen wrote: »
    Perhaps a trivial thing, but: can we please allow stacking of items in the guildbank? >_<

    That'd be awfully nice, though I consider it part of my service to the Guilds I have Guild Bank access with to occasionally dive in and start stacking the accumulated "stuff" kicking about. ;)

    As to the rest, it really feels like there's a bit of a disconnect as far as Werewolves. There are conflicts between their design concept and gameplay value, and in many ways we keep ending up satisfying neither.

    Skill Points spent on the Werewolf Skill Line are locked behind your Ultimate, meaning that any points invested will be worthless until you transform. Think about that. What actives/passives could you unlock, what bonuses could your character have, if only they cured themselves of Lycanthropy and invested in something else... and what could those bonuses have done to any other Ultimate you chose to use in place of your Werewolf Transformation? Those very things are what you've given up by being a Werewolf. Then there's the other end of that... how many Skill Points do you throw away the moment you transform?

    So, to compensate for all of that, we used to have added Stamina Regeneration in mortal form (Werewolves aren't all human, so "mortal" seems more appropriate). That was tied to Lycanthropy, meaning it worked at the other side of the spectrum, rewarding players that never invested in the Skill Line and never transformed. This allowed players to avoid almost all of the liabilities of being a Werewolf while gaining a welcome boost to their Stamina Regen. It also meant that the most common form of Werewolf was... not a Werewolf.

    What we've settled on now retains the first issue in its entirety, while attempting to address the second. At first blush, that might seem logical that you need to slot Werewolf Transformation, and in truth it works from a conceptual standpoint. Where it doesn't work, however, is a gameplay one. Werewolves retain the bisected Skill Points, and that in turn means that on either side of activating your Ultimate you end up less effective than you could have been slotting a different Ultimate and benefitting from all of your Skill Points. Hircine help you if you like Crafting as well.

    Neither the wasted Skill Points nor the free bonus rewarded actually being a Werewolf, and the changes we're looking at fail to do so as well. We didn't need freebies for possessing a Skill Line, but neither do we need a Skill Line that penalizes players for choosing it. Rather, we need a way of making Werewolves work both conceptually and in actual gameplay. Many suggestions have been made to this effect, and it'd be nice to see a few of those considered in place of where we're going.

    Thanks for reading... and sorry about the wall-o-text.
  • Oldbushie
    You now have the option to hide the visuals from mount upgrades. This can be found in Gameplay Settings.
    Thank you!!!
  • Threemoons
    Heck, I wish I could even download the PTS patch/update. It keeps getting stuck at 82%. No bueno, Zmax.
    Playing on PC/NA---UserID=Threemoons--usually on nights, weekends
  • Ysne58
    I'm wondering why you changed the destro lighting first skill from an aoe to single target? Are you sure you want to do that?
  • Halfwitte
    Did they fix an issue where casters and archers (NPC) are able to still move while under the effects of talons?

    Chain ranged dps in and cast talons and they immediately start backing away with talons applied.

    They're like screw talons I'm backing up anyway.
  • Sammyp_94
    So console users can't get access to PTS?
  • Rollan
    Any information about faction skin ?
  • SLy_Kyti
    Halfwitte wrote: »
    Did they fix an issue where casters and archers (NPC) are able to still move while under the effects of talons?

    Chain ranged dps in and cast talons and they immediately start backing away with talons applied.

    They're like screw talons I'm backing up anyway.

    ZOS has repeatedly maintained that this is working as intended, that a npc or player with an escape ability (like a NB jumping to shadow) they can escape talons. It's terrible in PvE to see mobs (not bosses) walk backwards with my talons on their feet now. I wish they would revert this change and fix the perma-stun, perma-CC in PvP another way.
    Master Crafter: Almost all motifs
    GM~ Blades of Old Tamriel NA/AD
    Member~ NZAD
    Member~ Blades of Vengeance NA/AD
    -Tamriel College -Amazing Deals of Nirn-
  • Teiji
    Rollan wrote: »
    Any information about faction skin ?

    If you're referring to the weapons - they are not on PTS and will not be in-game for Imperial City.

    Currently, they are screenshot props. We may have to wait for another update to Imperial City in order to obtain the weapons when they are eventually released unless they remain screenshot props forever, I hope they don't.
    "Serving Boethiah is Freedom, embracing heroism is Liberty, existing solely for noxiphilic sanguivoria is truth." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

    European megaserver Fallout 4

    Loyalist of Boethiah, heroism enthusiast, exposer of secrets, bless'ed of noxiphilic sanguivoria.

    Nerf one grind, two more take its place; hail Gryndra!

    I am a dank memer and satire enthusiast
  • Reckquiem
    "Arrows are now easier to see while they’re traveling to your knee."

    Hahahah this is the fix we have been waiting for, now no knee is safe
  • Alexium
    Drain Essence is useless now. Now it is not vampiric drain but just damage+control spell. Useless for me who active used it in my adventures. I don't want this fix.
  • byrom101b16_ESO
    Freeman wrote: »
    Rydik wrote: »
    So to have v16 equip etc you must buy this DLC, and then play this grind-gunk-fest... GG, bb.


    Not true. You can run any dungeon scaled up to v15 or v16 for the respective level of gear. Any gear you dont want/use, just deconstruct for the materials to use at any crafting location to craft whatever set you want.

    They aren't scaling trails or vDSA and the materials recovery rate is unbelievably low - like 1 in 10. Also Vet 16 gear requires ten times the amount of materials, so doing it this way is a slow boat to nowhere... and designed to make you give up and pay/play the dlc whether you want to or not, until Orsinium...

    ... when new mega grind and other casual player abuses will no doubt be gleefully introduced.
  • Volla
    Freeman wrote: »
    Rydik wrote: »
    So to have v16 equip etc you must buy this DLC, and then play this grind-gunk-fest... GG, bb.


    Not true. You can run any dungeon scaled up to v15 or v16 for the respective level of gear. Any gear you dont want/use, just deconstruct for the materials to use at any crafting location to craft whatever set you want.

    They aren't scaling trails or vDSA and the materials recovery rate is unbelievably low - like 1 in 10. Also Vet 16 gear requires ten times the amount of materials, so doing it this way is a slow boat to nowhere... and designed to make you give up and pay/play the dlc whether you want to or not, until Orsinium...

    ... when new mega grind and other casual player abuses will no doubt be gleefully introduced.

    Well, That's what the Game Devs believes that we think is the most fun aspect of the whole game : G R I N D !!!!
    Thanks Zenimax for all new GRIND No Content for gear etc. I'm not looking forward to the V14 to V16 Grind Fest....
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