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Which MMO is the best?

  • lioslinn
    My top pick will be explained in the comment section.
    Cogo wrote: »
    Please feel free to compare and contrast below. Add your favorite if it's not an option. I added an other option for those who hate my choices.

    Everquest. Best MMO ever made. Longest lived. Had WAY to hardest challenges. Huge difference in classes and a lot of races with each having a useful racial ability. Factions in cities depending on your actions or your race.

    And the most beautiful thing ever in any MMO. Raiding. NOTHING beats Everquest raids. 50-70 people to control, work together, unite and then ALL loot was public, hence the DKP system was born and worked quite well.

    Today EQ is to old and not what it once was. But nothing even comes close to the detail, difficulty, different roles and tactics needed in EQ raids. For you who are not familiar with Everquest class system, there was a HELL of a lot more then Tank/healer/dps. And each class had "epic" quests they could quest for....and these where EPIC. Not every single damn highlvl had them.

    I wish I had a timemachine and went back to 1999. Memory wipe and started EQ all over again.

    I couldnt agree more. Though I played ultima online before it, and tons of other MMOs after, EQ will always have a special place in my heart. Best fun, best guild,best community aaaand I met my wonderful husband on there ;)
    reality.sys corrupted-reboot universe [y/n] _
  • Mortelus
    Star Wars Galaxies
    You missed some names off this list, EQ1 & EQ2, LoTRO, EVE, MxO (not huge even in it's day, but still worthy of a mention).

    I Voted SWG because it had such a great community. I loved it in the days when it was so rare to see a Jedi or Sith, when it was impossibly hard to become one.

    It was how MMO's should made, with freedom, difficulty, and real sandbox elements.

    As a poster mentioned above me EQ1, I didn't play that but played EQ2 and I was a blast, I remember getting a loot drop that was a first serverwide. I think they also had drops that were once per server.

    I also miss the days of not everyone having access. MMO's today just don't feel as rewarding as the old ones because everyone can have everything.
    Edited by Mortelus on 23 May 2014 01:40
    Who has time? But if we never take time how can we ever have time?
  • kasain
    My top pick will be explained in the comment section.
    Napkins wrote: »
    Phantax wrote: »
    Can't even see that this is a legitimate question?
    Anyway, I'm a self confessed ES fanboy but that does not change the facts.

    WoW has been around for longer than any other MMO. It has the largest number of subs/players achieved by any MMO. It has taken more money than any MMO in existence. It is played in more countries around the world than any other MMO. (need we go on?)

    People are too quick to dismiss WoW, but when ESO can claim even half of what WoW has done then they will have achieved the mighty !


    So highest player base = the best game? I guess by this logic we should label China as the best country in the world since they have the largest population.
    Also I can think of 3 MMO that were released before WoW.

    Ffxi and everquest were out before wow. Maybe daoc too.
  • Vepac
    My top pick will be explained in the comment section.
  • driosketch
    I've only played one of these, but I won't say which one.
    Main: Drio Azul ~ DC, Redguard, Healer/Magicka Templar ~ NA-PC
    ●The Psijic Order●The Sidekick Order●Great House Hlaalu●Bal-Busters●
  • Phaedryn
    My top pick will be explained in the comment section.
    kasain wrote: »
    Napkins wrote: »
    Phantax wrote: »
    Can't even see that this is a legitimate question?
    Anyway, I'm a self confessed ES fanboy but that does not change the facts.

    WoW has been around for longer than any other MMO. It has the largest number of subs/players achieved by any MMO. It has taken more money than any MMO in existence. It is played in more countries around the world than any other MMO. (need we go on?)

    People are too quick to dismiss WoW, but when ESO can claim even half of what WoW has done then they will have achieved the mighty !


    So highest player base = the best game? I guess by this logic we should label China as the best country in the world since they have the largest population.
    Also I can think of 3 MMO that were released before WoW.

    Ffxi and everquest were out before wow. Maybe daoc too.

    UO, EQ1, DAoC all launched before WoW did. All are still around today.
  • Vlaxitov
    My top pick will be explained in the comment section.
    AO might have gfx that are hard to look at come this point. The mechanics might be horrible and slow for today's standards. That said, I've never seen another mmo have as much overall depth. I rate mmos for their day and for its day no other game even comes close to AO IMHO.
  • AgriyaTheGrey
    My top pick will be explained in the comment section.
    Aett_Thorn wrote: »
    City of Heroes. Still mad it's gone.

    Indeed. I only knew it for 8 months, and then they pulled the plug, but it was fun while it lasted and I ran into a lot of cool people just as I'd reached the point of suspecting that gamers were universally dysfunctional and morally-challenged (I'd been playing WoW for a year prior to CoH). Sorely missed, but seeing signs of CoH-like habits & attitudes among players in PVE and in Public Dungeons in ESO: much informal grouping, spontaneous formal grouping, cooperative play & people going out of their way to help each other out simply because they can. (Something I've heard people claim happens in other MMOs, but which I'd never actually seen prior to CoH.)
    Rules are for the guidance of wise men and the obedience of fools.
    -Group Captain Sir Douglas Robert Steuart Bader CBE DSO DFC FRAeS DL
    If a man is correct in his own person, then there will be obedience without orders being given; but if he is not correct in his own person, there will not be obedience even though orders are given.
    -The Lun Yu
  • SFBryan18
    My top pick will be explained in the comment section.
  • TwoScaleSkin
    My top pick will be explained in the comment section.
    Another for City of Heroes. Another still mad. Grr.
  • Reinmard
    My top pick will be explained in the comment section.
    Im not very into de cartoonish graphics (I actually hate it) but ill give wildstar a try, even if I said "OMG Teso is so good I wont even try wildstar, *** that" well, at least Im going to try it, just because it has bg, arenas, and 40 ppl raids. Lets see if it doesnt turn into a lately wow and more vanilla and burning wow.
  • Kyosji
    Star Wars Galaxies
    Star Wars Galaxies. Anyone who didn't vote for it has never played it =D
  • Valerien
    My top pick will be explained in the comment section.
    SWTOR levels 1 to 50/55

    But they used a bad engine, offered no PvP beyond fight clubbing and end game was just mechanics tied to boss fights. What started as great story and companions etc was then basically pushed to one side for a very average end game.
  • Jeremy
    Blade_07 wrote: »
    Other.....FFXI!!! Top notch and nothing will beat it

    Old-school FFXI was something special. Sadly it has been watered down to resemble a more modern approach. But I do think that game achieved a true multi-player RPG experience unlike any other game I ever played.

    A bad economy combined with the utterly boring notorious monster camping mechanic spelled its doom I believe. If it had been able to correct these this game might have been able to become a standard for future MMORPGs. And the genre would be a lot better for it.

    Edited by Jeremy on 23 May 2014 13:47
  • Kyosji
    Star Wars Galaxies
    FFXI was a great game, but it was a very difficult game to solo. LEVEL DOWN FTL!
  • steveb16_ESO46
    My top pick will be explained in the comment section.
    'The MMO That Is Yet To Come.'

    It used to be LOTRO back in its day. I think ArcheAge is going to make a real splash.

    I'd loved to have said ESO but don't think Zenimax have any idea what they are doing or the capability of achieving it.
  • mstout7419b14_ESO
    Star Wars Galaxies
    It really depends on your playstyle... if your big into pvp, crafting, housing, full free roam/exploration etc.... Archeage & the Repopulation... I have been playing AA on the russian server for months and it is one of the best games ive played, and I will be playing the NA version for sure

    But as for games that have been released SWG all the way. Best crafting system ever, great housing, pretty much do what u want when u want. And its Star Wars
    Edited by mstout7419b14_ESO on 23 May 2014 13:56
  • Jeremy
    Kyosji wrote: »
    FFXI was a great game, but it was a very difficult game to solo. LEVEL DOWN FTL!

    I didn't care for the de-leveling either. One of the game's many flaws.

    But it did have the right formula for a multiplayer game. So many MMORPGs feel like solo-player games these days. That game actually felt like a multiplayer game.
    Edited by Jeremy on 23 May 2014 13:54
  • Nijjion
    My top pick will be explained in the comment section.
    How can you not put DAoC on the poll.
    NijjijjioN - DK - AR27
    NijjioN - NB -
    Daggerfall Covenant
    The Nice Guys Guild
    EverQuest -> Dark Age of Camelot -> Ragnarok Online -> Cabal Online -> Guild Wars 1 -> Warhammer Online -> Vindictus -> SWTOR -> Tera -> Guild Wars 2 -> Elder Scrolls Online ->

    Eagerly awaiting Camelot Unchained.
  • Nijjion
    My top pick will be explained in the comment section.
    kasain wrote: »
    Napkins wrote: »
    Phantax wrote: »
    Can't even see that this is a legitimate question?
    Anyway, I'm a self confessed ES fanboy but that does not change the facts.

    WoW has been around for longer than any other MMO. It has the largest number of subs/players achieved by any MMO. It has taken more money than any MMO in existence. It is played in more countries around the world than any other MMO. (need we go on?)

    People are too quick to dismiss WoW, but when ESO can claim even half of what WoW has done then they will have achieved the mighty !


    So highest player base = the best game? I guess by this logic we should label China as the best country in the world since they have the largest population.
    Also I can think of 3 MMO that were released before WoW.

    Ffxi and everquest were out before wow. Maybe daoc too.

    I call BS Everquest and DAoC are WoW clones.... so is Ultima online.
    NijjijjioN - DK - AR27
    NijjioN - NB -
    Daggerfall Covenant
    The Nice Guys Guild
    EverQuest -> Dark Age of Camelot -> Ragnarok Online -> Cabal Online -> Guild Wars 1 -> Warhammer Online -> Vindictus -> SWTOR -> Tera -> Guild Wars 2 -> Elder Scrolls Online ->

    Eagerly awaiting Camelot Unchained.
  • Vendersleigh
    Star Wars Galaxies
    It really depends on your playstyle... if your big into pvp, crafting, housing, full free roam/exploration etc.... Archeage & the Repopulation... I have been playing AA on the russian server for months and it is one of the best games ive played, and I will be playing the NA version for sure

    But as for games that have been released SWG all the way. Best crafting system ever, great housing, pretty much do what u want when u want. And its Star Wars

    Yes, that freedom to roam, that true sandbox of the early game, that is what I miss so much in any game since. (That and housing and deep crafting :) )
    ESO goes a little bit in that direction but so much more would be nice.

    Interesting that despite having 10 or more times the players that SWG ever did, WoW merely ties with SWG in the poll.

    I am enjoying ESO a lot (when I can play which I cannot much since the patch due to CTDs) but still yearn for more freedom to create my own things to do ingame.
    I have roleplayed and written for 35 years now so though the quests here are decent, they still are only on a Ievel I and my friends have created for ourselves over the decades.

    I guess I hope one day for a fantasy world like SWG.
  • Iceman_mat
    Your question is to open to interpretation.

    "Which MMO is the best?"

    To get technical without MUDs (I believe that's what they were called, someone will correct me if I get it wrong) you wouldn't of had games like strife / daggerfall (2d 3d) and without those you wouldn't of had Ultima Online (the first mmo) so the "best" mmo would be Ultima Online because it spawned the genre (in the west).

    As in it made it popular / brought light to it, which Everquest then capitalized on and I believe Aeon strife (I think that was the third one at the time) tried too but didn't do as well as EQ. Though I believe Lineage (the first one) is in there somewhere (maybe as the 4th) though i'm not sure.

    That isn't to say there haven't been bar / trend / game changers the most well known one being WoW as WoW brought the hardcore (Lineage 2 anyone?) and the casual (hello kitty island adventure) onto the same playing field and gave them a equal chance as well as an huge world to explore.

    Though to answer this with my own bias I will have to go with what has been said a lot and that is Star Wars Galaxies (Pre - cu).

    The reason being is that SWG did something that no other MMO had done since the days of UO, EQ and AS which was let players build the game themselves. The cities, trading, weapons, vehicles, buildings, healing, fighting, entertaining, pets, cloths, instruments and *** tools were all made, crafted & sold by players to players.

    Guess what wanted a NPC to help you? you could have 2. Wanted to open world pvp? shoot that guy (TEF's.....omg TEF's). Wanted to run around as the most "op" class? (jedi) better have a *** raid group with you cause your ass getting hunted (yea,,,,,bounty hunters....who were players)

    IMO that is why SWG "was / is" the best mmo cause it let the players make the game. I know someone could argue EvE however I did not get heavy into EvE which speaks for SWG as well as you could log in, pick a "class" (which you could change) and just go.

    It is something today's game designers are trying to do but not do for some reason and the video game nerd inside me doesn't get sad but does do a bit of a sigh.

  • Spryt
    My top pick will be explained in the comment section.
    Some good and some bad things in all game I guess. But one I have enjoyed the most, even with all its flaws is Everquest 2.
  • Inalisss
    My top pick will be explained in the comment section.
    ArcheAge, Black Desert or Everquest Next... guess 'till then its GW2 ^.^
  • PSLAnimal
    Aett_Thorn wrote: »
    City of Heroes. Still mad it's gone.

    Ditto. I'd still be playing that if they hadn't taken it down. Friggin' Lord Recluse never beat us, but NCSoft sure as hell did.

    Animal (Ask me what the PSL stands for. Go on. Ask.)
    @PSLAnimal on the NA Megaserver
    Making people wonder just what the hell is wrong with me since 1961.
  • ers101284b14_ESO
    As of now ESO because its the only one I played that had actual combat that wasnt super spammy. Tera I felt like I was just holding the attack button while running around, I never liked WoW, Rift was just like WoW. DCUO just didn't have that awesome feel, Never Played Star Wars Galaxies or RuneScape, and Final Fantasy XIV is just all scripted with no real skill in the combat.
  • FegefeueR
    My top pick will be explained in the comment section.
    ESO is far away from a good MMO - I wonder why it is even on the List.

    For me, best was AoC from 2010 to 2013 before Funcom took too much Crystal Meth.
  • coreserv

    [/quote] Best PvP Mmo ever was Ultima online.[/quote]

    Wasnt it the best, I still remember the adrenaline rush when I would run up against a PK, Played that game for years :smile:
    >:) Ceridian- High Elf - Sorcerer
  • Stefacle
    Dark Age of Camelot, but ESO is a close second for me
  • coreserv
    Ultima Online & Everquest on Rallos Zek Server.

    Again my 2 favorites of all time. There is a game in progress from creator of Ultima "Lord British" but cant say in forums
    >:) Ceridian- High Elf - Sorcerer
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