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Which MMO is the best?

  • digitalprowlerb14_ESO
    I choose none of the above, and nothing that has came out in the past decade. The studios cater to the deep pockets (cant really blame them) and just continually churn out piles of garbage to capitalize on the ignorance of the mass population of casual gamers.
  • ub17_ESO
    Phantax wrote: »
    Can't even see that this is a legitimate question?
    Anyway, I'm a self confessed ES fanboy but that does not change the facts.

    WoW has been around for longer than any other MMO. It has the largest number of subs/players achieved by any MMO. It has taken more money than any MMO in existence. It is played in more countries around the world than any other MMO. (need we go on?)

    People are too quick to dismiss WoW, but when ESO can claim even half of what WoW has done then they will have achieved the mighty !


    Miller Light makes more sales annually than Alaskan Amber or any other micro-brew for that matter but the better beer is a "no brainer". Simple point that total sales does not always equal better quality. The poll is which do you think is better not which has more sales to date.

  • Anath_Q
    My top pick will be explained in the comment section.
    ESO may take this spot some day, but for now Everquest is my top MMO.
    | GM Cheesemongers of Nirn |
  • MTS
    My top pick will be explained in the comment section.
    LORD OF THE RINGS ONLINE! Was my favorite and Might always be.
    ESO reminds me in many ways of Lord of the rings online. And LotRO was and is one of the higher rated MMOs out there. So why the [snip] wouldnt it be on your list. How insulting.

    Moderator Edit: Removed swearing.
    Edited by ZOS_LeroyW on 22 May 2014 16:29
  • ub17_ESO
    ESO is a jumbled mess. I didn't expect unbiased results from this poll, it's clear that everyone here are fanboys.

    You must go to the pepsi website and expect them to tell you coke is better... yeah and don't forget WoW launched with a laundry list of problems.
  • etupa
    Soul Shriven
    My top pick will be explained in the comment section.
  • Warlordgreebo
    My top pick will be explained in the comment section.
    Please feel free to compare and contrast below. Add your favorite if it's not an option. I added an other option for those who hate my choices.

    Ultima Online was the origional. Pre-trammel servers still exist and are player run. I often return when the 'mmo world' continues to be a bunch of spoiled carebears.

    Everquest was definitely the best pve wise.... although man.. it had some freaking REDICULOUS hard rules.

    Dark Ages of Camelot cannot be denied to be the first Realm v Realm big boy on the block. Where you could enjoy pve raids AS WELL AS pvp in realm v realm. The gank server on Mordred could be BRUTAL until/unless you had a guild to roll with.
    Edited by Warlordgreebo on 22 May 2014 16:09
  • Catches_the_Sun
    The fact that you did not even include DAOC speaks to your lack of credibility.
    Catches-the-Sun - Argonian Templar - Master Smith, Provisioner, Chemist & Tailor
    Valaren Arobone - Dunmer Flamewalker - Master Woodworker, Provisioner, Assassin
    Kazahad - Khajiiti Arcane Archer - Master Thief
    V'orkten - Redguard Swordmaster
    Finnvardr the Frenzied - Werewolf Berzerker
  • ZiRM
    ESO could squash all others but for gawds sake fix your CORE GAME, eradicate bots, fix the loot system and punish exploiters instead of rewarding them.
    Want to become Vampire? 5k @ZiRM in game.
    ESO Server Status. ( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ ) SkåL!!!!!
  • Dirtybyrd
    My top pick will be explained in the comment section.
    I have to say! I have two games, WoW & ESO.. Eso is new and needs some time to grow! I think it has a chance to become top MMO! For me anyhow. But WoW has done it for me for so long, I have to give it to them First and for most joy had. But in the upcoming months I think ESO will pass them with flying colors. And it is not always the game itself for me, But the people in it. Player Housing will top anything in gaming history if its done right in ESO.Many smiles in our future.
    Edited by Dirtybyrd on 22 May 2014 16:28
  • Getorix
    My top pick will be explained in the comment section.
    I used to think the "wowification" of the mmo genre was fine, it let people play more casually and brought more players to the genre.

    Ive changed my mind, the benefits don't out way the detriments, horrible player base, fast leveling, no consequences for bad decisions leading to no investment in your character. No real progression ( solo game until you reach end game) the list goes on.

    So I think Eq1 is still the best mmo, it took me what seems like forever to get to level 50 in eq1. But when I got to level 50 I was a grizzled veteran, I knew my class and role inside and out and I knew the game mechanics like id been raiding for 5 years.

    And the road to level 50 wasn't boring or lonely, I had to group to get it done, I made a lot of friends and they were close friends because we had fought and leveled together during the many months it took to get to 50 and we needed each other to do it.

    I don't think any mmo today can say they do any of those things.
  • Reevster
    My top pick will be explained in the comment section.
    EQ1 for the win....don't know why its not on the list...stupid poll...
  • Blade_07
    Zionysus wrote: »
    ESO? Really? Already? How can you know?

    Let's examine this. Are you just teenagers too young to ever have played other mmos or even old ES games?

    Some said it has good quests. You must have never played a previous ES game. The quests are too fast with little to no development. You don't have time to get to know the characters and you're done. You still fetch crap.

    Dungeons? Sure Oblivion's dungeons weren't great, but this game goes backwards from Skyrim's dungeons. They're worse than Oblivion's and they use a lot of the same meshes (yes the textures look better), of the ruins. They're short, tiny and obvious. You see the exit tunnel every time you go in. Look at Tom's hardware review. They're all copies of each other.

    Grouping, you like the grouping in ESO? You can't group! That's not an MMO.

    Textures and immersion: The NPC talking is a major step back. They move their mouths like they are "gibberishing." Where's the great facial expressions and mouth movements. No head tracking either. I don't think my character even knows he's in the world. Many of the textures in the game look like crap. Washed out. Overall the world is pretty, but it's also much of the same area: forests or slight swampy. The volcano areas... well, I fell asleep. Had to go back to the forest area. Ok I'm a little older and need my nap. lol. I'm not that old dang it!

    Almost every other game listed is better than ESO at something. Quests, grouping, pvp etc. and many games that weren't listed. Zmax has a lot of work to do.

    I'm guessing, and I maybe wrong, but the ESO fanboys will get bored quick. When you get to level 50 and there's nothing more to do, or when you start seeing how dull the questing is and that you can't play with your friends in groups because you can't see them unless you are at the exact same moment in the quest, you will move on.

    I've noticed that about the younger generations and that they will defend whatever they are into at the time with viciousness until they get bored. Then off to defend the next thing when the "new" wears off. I'm not putting down teenagers, as you are our future. Just making an observation. The game is new, and like all teenagers (yes stats show teens are the biggest pop in games) you jump on new stuff like a fat kid on cake. You're quick to impress but also quick to turn off.

    The many bad reviews for this game are bad for a reason. Folks this game has problems. Not just the bots and bugs...It's like the developers didn't look at previous MMOs and what made them good or bad. They didn't listen to fan forums on what players wanted. Without the voice acting and pretty graphics (the meshes suck really bad by the way but you'd have to be a modder to see that), this game is an old worn carpet of pre 2010 MMOs.

    I want it too succeed. I really do. My favorite gaming franchise is ES. God I loved Oblivion.

    Many really good points and sadly ever so true. But I still love the out side maps. its the dungeons & caves that suck cuz they are all cookie cutter for the most part! Been in one and you been in them all! >...> Skyrim was way better with there dungeons and caves! Should at least followed their example if not made an attempt to improve on it and I just dont see that at all!!!
    “Man can live about forty days without food, about three days without water, about eight minutes without air, but only for one second without hope.”

  • Getorix
    My top pick will be explained in the comment section.
    etupa wrote: »

    Vanguard was a really great game, More like eq1 than eq2 was in just about every way. If that game would have launched in the state it was a year after release it would have been a powerhouse for real mmo players.
  • SDZald
    I didn't vote, you should of had a selection for "None, they are all the same, big time sinks that require you to endlessly grind for some 'special' rare item you just have to have."
  • kasain
    My top pick will be explained in the comment section.
    Getorix wrote: »
    etupa wrote: »

    Vanguard was a really great game, More like eq1 than eq2 was in just about every way. If that game would have launched in the state it was a year after release it would have been a powerhouse for real mmo players.

    Funny, when I play ESO I think of vanguard in all ways. Same weapons, about the same graphics. Close to same skills and jobs. Even the world looks so similar. The sad part is Vangaurd is 10x years old and now we re in 2014 with a 2004 game mechanics and graphics.
  • Lkory
    Star Wars Galaxies
    In those choices, ya SWG.

    The best part is that you can still play the old school version of it:


    Moderator Edit: advertising other games
    Edited by ZOS_UlyssesW on 22 May 2014 17:51
  • kaosodin
    My top pick will be explained in the comment section.
    Dark Age of Camelot still my favorite. you cannot fight the RvR - PvP
  • MistryssNite
    ESO. It's the only one I've ever played.
    Current main: Pe'tra
    Female Khajiit Templar of the Aldmeri Dominion
    Feel free to join her in questing ^.^
    It's just been a morning of death
  • Getorix
    My top pick will be explained in the comment section.
    Cogo wrote: »
    Please feel free to compare and contrast below. Add your favorite if it's not an option. I added an other option for those who hate my choices.

    For you who are not familiar with Everquest class system, there was a HELL of a lot more then Tank/healer/dps. And each class had "epic" quests they could quest for....and these where EPIC. Not every single damn highlvl had them.

    I wish I had a timemachine and went back to 1999. Memory wipe and started EQ all over again.

    I think what I miss most from Eq1 in new mmos are the different roles, I miss enchanters(even though I never played one).

    But most of all I miss the art of "pulling". Now days there is no art to it, you hit a mob theyre all linked and the pack attacks. In eq1 a skilled puller was as important as your healer or tank, one bad pull and it was corpse retrieval time.
  • Getorix
    My top pick will be explained in the comment section.
    kasain wrote: »
    Getorix wrote: »
    etupa wrote: »

    Vanguard was a really great game, More like eq1 than eq2 was in just about every way. If that game would have launched in the state it was a year after release it would have been a powerhouse for real mmo players.

    Funny, when I play ESO I think of vanguard in all ways. Same weapons, about the same graphics. Close to same skills and jobs. Even the world looks so similar. The sad part is Vangaurd is 10x years old and now we re in 2014 with a 2004 game mechanics and graphics.

    If you played eq1 you would have seen the similarities, vanguard shared most of its rule set with eq1 although vanguard was significantly dumbed down it was still a lot closer to eq1 than eq2 was. Probably because they were both made by the same guy and eq 2 wasn't :smiley:

    And while I think ESO is great and a start in the right direction it shares very little with vanguard.
    Edited by Getorix on 22 May 2014 16:39
  • rawne1980b16_ESO
    My top pick will be explained in the comment section.
    ESO is a jumbled mess. I didn't expect unbiased results from this poll, it's clear that everyone here are fanboys.

    ESO - 106

    Other - 129

    Yeah, everyone here is a .... I can't use that word. I feel brain cells die every time I see it.

    No, no they aren't.

  • otis67
    My top pick will be explained in the comment section.
    I thought the original EQ up to the Luclin expansion was the best. It is by far my favorite mmo up to this point. I was one that liked the penalties upon death and the fact that travel wasnt instant. It made you think about what you had to do and you were a lot less wreckless.
  • darkweed1977
    Soul Shriven
    My top pick will be explained in the comment section.
    early wow or vanilla wow is probably still the best MMO I have played, thouhg wow got ruined more and more starting for me with Wrath, the Vanilla and burning crusade was good.
  • AbraCadabra
    My top pick will be explained in the comment section.
    Ultima Online - first MMO I ever played. Loved being a red character. Love the pvp, the housing. Only game I ever had multiple accounts of. Think I had 6 at one time.

    edit - I really regret never playing EQ. TBH not sure when it came out or why I never played it.
    Edited by AbraCadabra on 22 May 2014 16:45
  • Nuksuu
    I am going ESO but the best MMO for me of all time was SWG.

    The most incredible crafting system, player housing that would make your head spin with the customisation and Entertainer as a profession. Mmmmm...Twilek dancing girls :P
    @Nuksuu - Werewolf Rights Advocate
    • Ursi Yarsbruk - Nord Night Blade (Rank 10 Berserker Werewolf)
    • Ingrid Tralvheim - Nord Templar (Rank 10 Berserker Werewolf)
    "There is endless humour in seeing a guy in dress, waving a piece of wood around, skip through the daisies leaving an endless trail of corpses whilst I, encased in protective steel from head to toe, sheltering behind a shield with a pointy metal weapon am beaten into oblivion by three enemies."
  • rawne1980b16_ESO
    My top pick will be explained in the comment section.
    Nuksuu wrote: »
    I am going ESO but the best MMO for me of all time was SWG.

    So your picking ESO as your best MMO and then follow up by saying SWG was your best MMO.......

    Words ... I have none.
  • Pppaul
    My top pick will be explained in the comment section.
    Phantax wrote: »
    WoW has been around for longer than any other MMO.


    This one is wrong, sorry!

    That original statement made me laugh.

    I'm also surprised that in a population of so many MMO players, nobody has mentioned Asheron's Call. Still love that game since 1999... and it is STILL running and STILL getting content updates! It looks insanely crappy compared to modern stuff, but the loot system blows anything (that I've tried) over the last 15 years out of the water.

    Sigh... just wish I could find a game where I could grind and farm COOL loot.
  • Warlordgreebo
    My top pick will be explained in the comment section.
    Nuksuu wrote: »
    I am going ESO but the best MMO for me of all time was SWG.

    So your picking ESO as your best MMO and then follow up by saying SWG was your best MMO.......

    Words ... I have none.

    Errm, SWG was their best mmo of all time.

    ESO is their current favorite.

    SWG is not around anymore. Thus of ALL time.

  • Surragard
    You have SWG on here but not LOTRO or CoH? Come now...
    I don't always drink Skooma, but when I do I go to the Southwall Corner Club. May you walk on warm sands my friends.
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