Maintenance for the week of June 3:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 3, 2:00AM EDT (6:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)

Crown Store Item Wish List

  • ThyIronFist

    Anything, so long as it stays to cosmetic stuff, mounts and pets.
    The Elder Zergs Online
    Sainur Ironfist - DK - EU - Ebonheart Pact
  • Runefell
    Things I would like to see:
    Name Change
    Appearance Change
    Stat/Attribute repecs (in addition to the gold ones)
    Perhaps hairstyles, colors, and additional tattoos.

    Pets/Mounts I'd like to see
    This lizard I saw in one of the deserts in the game:
    This thing:

    Things I absolutely don't want to see...
    RNG items like lockboxes
    Armor and Gear
    Skill lines and Classes
    Rune Fell- Dunmer Mag Sorcerer (DC)~The Adventurer
    Runed Claws- Khajiit Stam Dragonknight (DC) ~The Tank
    Rain Fell- Argonian Mag Templar (EP)~ The Healer
    Dragon Talon- Bosmer Stam Nightblade (AD) ~ The DPS

  • SG_Celerrimus
    What I want:

    MINOR MINOR potions
    Soul Gem Packs (The ability to get Soul Gems in game to remain the same however)
    Character Name Changes
    Geat that scales with the character as it levels up, but is not OP in any way shape or form.
    Content DLCs
    Character slots

    What I don't want:

    Character Appearance Changes
    EXP Boosters (keep is a flat 10% subscriber only increase)
    OP Armor
    Levels (Don't EVER do what WoW did)
    Bag Space/Bank Space
    RNG packs
    Things that are rare in the game.

  • Akiija
    Please do not include the following:
    • Any and all Motifs. Crafters should not be able to gain significant advantage over game players by being able to purchase purple or gold-tier motifs where they normally would have had to trade or hunt for them.
    • Lore-breaking mounts or costumes. You've worked hard to build up a believable aesthetic in the game. The jester outfit pushes very close up to the line. Know your thematic borders and don't push it to the point of breaking.
    • Any packages of materials or raw resources. Doubly so about chances to get rare items like Dwemer Scrap or Nirncrux. Even if these items are non-tradeable, this would undermine the crafting economy and provide means for those with money to essentially set prices or undercut dedicated crafters.
    • Any means to fast-track research or complete research entirely. You want to make this an item that drops incredibly rarely from writs or somesuch? Fine. But do not provide a means for the time-sink of the crafting system to be circumvented by such a degree that it devalues the work and research done by dedicated crafters.
    • Champion Points. This goes without saying.
    • The Imperial City and the PvP Aspects of the Justice System. Regardless of the degree of completion, Update 6 is an in-progress update. You will earn much more good faith for the payment model transition by allowing *all* aspects of the Justice System to apply to all players. Furthermore, attempting to charge PvP players (some of the most patient and frustratingly sidelined players you have) for the Imperial City will cost you dearly in both PR and customer faith. This update is long-owed content that all PvP players should be granted as recompense for the still unstable state of PvP nearly a year into the game.
    • Any consumables that increase movement speed. Even if this was restricted to PvE, this would have an unintended side effect of allowing ESO+ and paying players to gather resources much faster than non-paying players. This could potentially make resource harvesting difficult depending on size of shard/megaserver population at certain times in the day.

    Please include the following:
    • Faction-restricted mounts. I understand, for a whole host of reasons, that the Soulless One is meant to be above the conflict of the Alliances. That said, there is remarkably little in the game that reinforces the Alliance choice of the player outside of the PvP system. Any number of special items, mounts, or clothes restricted to characters of specific factions would allow those of us who believe in the notion of "faction pride" to show it. As a particularly important, personal example, the senche-raht mount (if/when it comes) should be restricted to the Dominion for a whole host of practical and lore-based reasons. I understand this may not be a popular opinion, but it is my opinion nonetheless.
    • Emote Packs based upon community-requested emotes. Please keep within the context and "realistic" setting of the world thus established.
    • A Scroll of Summoning for a Dremora Barterer. One of the nicest features of the Dragonborn expansion in Skyrim was the availability of a vendor through which to sell off excess goods. Especially for long dungeon runs/grinds, this is something that I would purchase frequently as an ESO+ member.
    • A Scroll of Summoning for Crafting Stations. On numerous occasions, I've had guildmates request armor or weapons for research. I'd love the option to be able to address their concerns wherever I'm at, rather than dropping everything I'm doing to get back to a crafting station.

    As a general point of feedback, from someone who adores what you've done with the Khajiit nine out of ten times, I'd like to make a request for the eventual Senche/-raht mount:

    Please give the mount a more distinct appearance than a large, reskinned Bengal tiger.

    My biggest complaint about the Khajiit was how absolutely sloppy you were with the senche as a whole. Their design is completely uninspired, dull, and frankly insulting given the massive amount of descriptions and fan-created works detailing this subspecies of the Khajiit. Given your work on Murkmire, you're clearly able and aware of the distinctions between subspecies in the Argonians. Please, please show some care and tact when dealing with the Khajiit.
  • Roneth
    Armor for horses would be awesome!!!
  • Greycats
    Ebonwind wrote: »
    My Crown Store wish list would include:

    Town Outfits for Role players
    Wardrobe UI to place all your nice new outfits
    Music Shop
    New Instrument emotes (bowed strings, shawms, panpipes, etc..)
    New Song Emotes
    New Dance Emotes
    Faction Changes/Race Changes

    I agree with all of these!
  • Igax
    No lotto type items, ever. Nothing like motifs or recipes. I would also like to see any custume have an ingame means to aquire as well. I truly hope to never see anything exclusive to the cash shop. Also no spider, Dragon's, unicorn, flying horses, no gain tiger mounts or anything else that is not common place within the lore.

    Experience boosts SHOULD stack with subscriber perks or there would be no need for me to buy them... This will also serve to I read the appeal of a sub.

    Keep the costumes real please. Do not really need to see a skeleton custume. But should others really want things like that than sell scrolls of skeleton form from the school of illusion (or form of anything for that matter).
  • Siluen
    I have another one, not sure if this has been mentioned before but there are so many pages already!

    I would like the option to gift my friends things with my crowns. :)
  • UrQuan
    Greycats wrote: »
    Would be great to have:

    -experience halters
    So you and a few others have asked for this, and I'm a little confused. What's the purpose of an XP halter? Why would you want to forgo gaining XP?

    I mean, if people want it I don't see any reason not to have it in the store, I just don't understand why people want it, so I'm curious...
    Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC)
    Bragg Ironhand Orc Temp (DC)
    Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP)
    Falidir Altmer Sorcr (AD)
    J'zharka Khajiit NB (AD)
    Isabeau Runeseer Breton Sorc (DC)
    Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP)
    Manut Redguard Temp (AD)
    Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP)
    Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD)
    Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP)
    Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC)
    Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP)
    Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC)
    Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp
    Someone stole my sweetroll
  • eseguin
    Soul Shriven
    one thing i think could work out would be a short term boost to mount speed for the convenience of getting around cyrodiil easier, like 20% or something.

    another could be the ability to buy something titled along the lines of "advertisement" that gives you a couple more crafting writs for a single profession so you dont have to wait for the next day.

    if you were to do this for pledges as well it would give the more 24/7 gamers a means by which to pay you for more game time a day. i do feel like it should be more expensive than the crafting writ version however since there is a gear reward on par with the best attainable items now.

    this seems like a better idea to allow extra attempts at something that was previously limited lie daily quests than to put something like "x can only be done y times a week before a paywall". this way everyone can play as much as they like but people will pay for an extra shot at rewards

    i also like doing it this way rather than right out selling undaunted keys.

    so that is three things which is really more like 9 when you split it up for each key proffession and i think it will make you money so the game can be funded for better developement/servers.

    you could make ability appearance alterations.
    an example is selling an item you apply to standard that turns the color scheme from red/orange to blue/green/purple/black/white/etc.
    dont affect the radius or damage or any combat important parts of an ability though.

    that said you also have a system in spellcrafting in which you could sell "parts" of spells. dont sell parts you cant get in game or ones that are super rare and few people have, sell the ones that are common and you are really just saving them 10-15 minutes of grinding it out themselves.

    the ability to make a single post across the entire server for every person in your faction in every zone everywhere. call it the "group finding booster" and charge whatever amount you think makes it convenient without allowing for too much trolling.. this idea is a little more iffy

    you can make entirely cosmetic items like fireworks or maybe something tactical like a flare, you fire it in the air and everyone in your alliance outside your group will get a waypoint flashy thing on their map as well. also a nice little floaty animation in the sky that people can see and think "show me the way north star"

    emperorship.. jk dont ever sell this

    the ability to authorities and drop your wanted level with crowns as an alternative to gold when the justice system comes out.

    if housing comes out.. a portal you can channel that allows people into your house

    speaking of, a cool way to introduce housing came to me today. make it more of a secret hideout that is phased. you have a "basic contruction kit" of sorts that allows to further customize later on. you can place it anywhere in the world as a door or trap door that is hidden behind or under something and is not seeable and out of phase except for maybe an opt-in by the owner. even then the guarantee they find it without being shown the way by the owner is slim.

    on second thought you could just place a whole building somewhere and it is only in phase for you, it just has to be away from any pathings by mobs/npcs

    okay thats all i got with a bit of sidetrackedness

  • Samuel_Bantien
    What would be great additions to:

    1. Race/Appearance change with Explorer/Imperial Edition restrictions, because I'm still stuck with my first character that had the old Zoom bug during Creation when the Elder Scrolls Online first 5-day official pre-launched. I'm also sure many players still have and play their first character. There is also RPers whose Immersion is being ruined because of the way their character came out and unraveled throughout their journey, but some may also be looking for a different flavor than what they once decided to go through.
    2. Name Changes would be nice addition for the RP community too.
    3. Villager, Town, Noble, and Occupational Disguises/Outfits would add a new sense and style to the community (some are already being added).
    4. Vanity Pets [Farm Animals, Critters, Wamasu (... cause why Wamasu)]

    What I wouldn't like to see:

    1. Armor [of any kind (Sanctum Ophidia, Aetherian Archive, Hel Ra Citadel, PvP Gear)] - besides disguises.
    2. "Pay to Level 50 boost!". Grinding isn't hard, and the faction and main story quests are great.
    3. Skill Points, Attributes, etc... (Anything that gives a superior edge).
    4. Motifs (Although some motifs may be restricted toward a DLC, just because Subscribers or Pay for the Content).
    5. Bags with random drops.
    6. Pay to Win (You get the drift).
    PC NA
    Magicka Dragonknight: Suedoú
    Magicka Nightblade: Suedou
    Magicka Sorcerer: Suedoe
  • Rev Rielle
    Rev Rielle
    Costumes are nice, however the costume system is extremely limited at the moment. Ideally costumes - like armour - would be individual pieces so we can mix and match. This would greatly increase the robustness of the system. Add to this an expanded ability to show/hide shoulders, gauntlets, boots, etc etc, more then just helms.

    If the system was improved it would create a whole lot more opportunities, both in terms of what could be provided in the Crown Store, as well as players being truly able to customise a unique look for their characters; a fact that is often seemingly overlooked by development, but very important to many MMO players.
    Edited by Rev Rielle on January 23, 2015 12:49AM
    If you can be anything, be kind.
  • Enodoc
    Amiarah wrote: »
    What I think would be insane is to have DLC´s in the store. If this is going to happen, f2p is imminent. More ppl might leave, and are already leaving now, because of this. Not even a year after release.
    @Amairah How will I buy my DLC if it's not in the store? That exactly the most logical place for it to be.

    UrQuan wrote: »
    Greycats wrote: »
    Would be great to have:
    -experience halters
    So you and a few others have asked for this, and I'm a little confused. What's the purpose of an XP halter? Why would you want to forgo gaining XP?

    I mean, if people want it I don't see any reason not to have it in the store, I just don't understand why people want it, so I'm curious...
    @UrQuan It's quite easy now to over-level the 1-50 content - eg, I finished Glenumbra (top level 15) at Lvl 19, Rivenspire (Lvl 24-31) at 34, Bangkorai (37-43) at 47, and I had hit Lvl 50/VR1 when I was in the Lvl 46 section of Coldharbour. With 10% XP boost to ESO Plus members, that will make it even easier to out-level the content. Sure you could not do the content, but I don't want to miss the stories contained in it. An XP freeze would stop you from gaining XP / levelling up until you are ready to move on to the next content area.
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • Reymas
    **We would like to see the following Mounts:**
    • * Multi-person Silt Strider (Maybe this for the 12-month premium?)
    • * Senche Battle-Cat (Already planned) or Sabre-cat (More lore-friendly)
    • * Mammoth
    • * Bear
    • * Giant Boar
    • * Spider
    • * Shalk
    • * Camel
    • * Wamasu or similar lizard-like creature
    • * Elk/Stag
    • * Multi-person cart/carriage

    **We would like to see the following as Pets:**

    **We would like to see the following as costumes:**
    • * Temple pack (Hands of Almalexia, Ordinators, Priest)
    • * Redoran pack (Sentinels, Defenders, Bouyant Armigers)
    • * Ashlander pack (Ashkahns, Ashlander Warriors, Wise-women)
    • * Hauntings pack (Ghosts of various color, Zombies, Wraiths)
    • * Pirate pack (Captains, Swabbies, Crewmen)
    • * Moarmer Trans-mog
    • * Noble Pack (Formal noble clothes, both genders - use already made NPC high-born clothing)
    • * Middle Class pack (Middle class clothing, both genders - use already made NPC mid-born clothing)
    • * Low-born pack (Working class clothing, both genders - use already made NPC low-born clothing)
    • * Lich Trans-mog (floating)
    • * Capes/Cloaks packs (adds to current armor set - worn in costume slot)
    • * Sload Trans-mog (Submitted by Relas_Aryon)
    • * Various Werebeast Trans-mogs (Were-croc, Were-boar, Were-bear, Were-panther, Were-Wolf variants - submitted by Vating)
    • * Bonemold Pack (Gah-Julan, Armun-An, Cephalopod) (Submitted by Acer)
    • * Dremora, Golden Saint and Dark Seducer trans-mogs (Submitted by Acer)
    • * Soul Shriven trans-mog (Submitted by Acer)
    • * Daedric masks. (Submitted by Acer)
    • * Almalexia, Vivec and Sotha Sil costumes. (Not transmogs, just their clothes) (Submitted by Acer)
    • * Each race gets a set of racial clothing, released in packs of three reskins/recolors or maybe have the packs feature commoner, noble and worker clothes and make them dyeable. (To keep with the pattern of each pack having three sets) (Submitted by Acer)
    • * Thalmor Pack (light, med and heavy altmer in black and gold) (Submitted by Acer)
    • * EP/DC/AD pack (one heavy armor set for each race of that alliance, dyed in the generic alliance pattern that the npcs use) (Submitted by Acer)
    • * Dwemer automaton transmog (changes you into an automaton suited to the player skeleton, probably would derive from the centurion and might be fit for a new type of enemy) (Submitted by Acer)
    • * Corprus stalker, ash zombie and ash ghoul transmog pack (Submitted by Acer)
    • * Imperial mananaut transmog (Submitted by Acer)

    **We would like to see the following miscellaneous items:**
    • * Barber Shop/Face-shifter writ (1 week cooldown)
    • * Name-change writ (1 week cooldown)
    • * Class-change writ (1 week cooldown)
    • * Race-change writ (1 week cooldown)
    • * Faction-change writ (Explorer's pack required) (1 week cooldown)
    • * Emote packs (Gives us all the NPC emotes and more)
    • * Costumer's Gem - turns a currently worn armor set (excluding weapons and jewelry) into a single-slot costume, destroying the pieces in the process.
    • * Weapon/Armor style conversion/trans-mog kits. (Must have intended motif)
    • * Tabard Emblem/Style packs (bought by GM, usable by whole guild)
    • * Musical Instruments - sync-able through group (submitted by Flaeor with more detail below)
    • * Guild Banner/Standard Packs (Submitted by TeijiSenpai, a la
    • * Trophy-like items, that make your character do a specific action with or without fancy effects. Example: Dwemer Cube; your character fiddles with it and it shoots out random holographic dwemer letters with a small chance to make a dwemer hologram appear (Maybe an easter egg?) (Submitted by Acer)

    **I will update this list as I think of more things. Please make suggestions for more things below and I will add them!**
    Edited by Reymas on January 23, 2015 7:37AM
    Honor, Duty and Piety for Morrowind
  • takai.kurosawab14_ESO
    I would like to see the following:
    • Costumes to be dyeable; able to be colored by players if they wish
    • Long-coat styled costumes, like those for swordsmen and the like.
    • Mage costumes based on all races that are unique from crafted items. For example: A Nord Mage costume based on TES:V mage robes or Dunmer robes like the TES:V Telvanni Robes
    • A separate Worm Cult/necromancer robes costume
    • Capes for the different factions/NPC groups
    • Kamas or waist capes
  • Aleraon
    Two things I wouldn't like to see off the top of my head are dyes only available through doing high level achievements like trials, or costumes of any form of trials gear. Both need to be worked for and should remain so as their uniqueness is what gives them the appeal and players the incentive to try for them - and the gear stats of course lol. If you see someone running round in a full costume set of Aether gear who's never stepped foot in a trial its gonna be pretty disappointing to say the least. The rest has already been covered by the majority of posts :smile:
    Edited by Aleraon on January 23, 2015 2:19AM
    (EU/AD) CP501 Razum-dah - Khajiiti Templar Healer
    (EU/AD) CP501 J'Kara Silverclaw - Khajiiti Dragonknight tank
    (EU/AD) CP501 Rajhiin - Khajiiti stamina Nightblade
    (EU/AD) CP501 Draven Corvillian - Breton magicka Nightblade
    (EU/AD) CP501 Sinderian Nightflame - High Elf magicka sorcerer
    (EU/AD) CP501 J'zargo Silverclaw - Khajiit stamina Templar
    (EU/AD) CP501 Ariella Nightshade - High Elf Magicka Nightblade
    (EU/AD) CP501 Ri'shada - Khajiit Stamina Sorcerer
    (EU/AD) LVL29 Valeon Indoril - Dark Elf Magicka Dragonknight
    *The Queen stole this one's moonsugar candies lol*
    My personal wish list:

    1. Ability to change race of my character
    2. small Sweet Roll atronach pet
    3. Dwemer machine mount
  • NotSo
    A purchase-able emote that juggles my weapon, like those d&c military groups.
    Or other weapon oriented emotes

    A personal tabard

    Let me buy a different style of khajiit legs, I need cat feet not furry people feet.

    Maybe not crown shop material but could there be a couple weekends every once in a while that allowed players to try out dlc for free?
    Edited by NotSo on January 23, 2015 2:38AM
    Gar'Sol the Wanderer VR14 Khajiit Sorcerer Spellblade
  • MisterBigglesworth
    • Dwemer Spider mount
    • Ability to join more than 5 guilds
    • Classic ES armor styles and weapon/shield skins (e.g. Dwemer shield from Oblivion)
    Really we do it without like, the musical instruments. This is the only musical: the mouth. And hopefully the brain attached to the mouth. Right? The brain, more important than the mouth, is the brain. The brain is much more important.
  • NotSo
    I need a glass armor/weapon transmog or dye or motif or something. Same goes for skyrims style of daedric bound weapons.
    Gar'Sol the Wanderer VR14 Khajiit Sorcerer Spellblade
  • Breg_Magol
    Um ... ok I only want ONE small little inconsequential thing .. hardly worth the trouble really ... I'm almost hesitant to say it .. but would you mind terribly ... making li'l ole-me a magic ring that makes me ..

    SUPER POWERFUL with UNLIMITED invisibility and it makes me UN-KILL-ABLE!!!! >:)

    weeevil cackle ... and for this I'll bequeath my neighbors first born (the one who plays rotten music all the time).
    Edited by Breg_Magol on January 23, 2015 3:09AM
  • UrQuan
    Enodoc wrote: »
    UrQuan wrote: »
    Greycats wrote: »
    Would be great to have:
    -experience halters
    So you and a few others have asked for this, and I'm a little confused. What's the purpose of an XP halter? Why would you want to forgo gaining XP?

    I mean, if people want it I don't see any reason not to have it in the store, I just don't understand why people want it, so I'm curious...
    @UrQuan It's quite easy now to over-level the 1-50 content - eg, I finished Glenumbra (top level 15) at Lvl 19, Rivenspire (Lvl 24-31) at 34, Bangkorai (37-43) at 47, and I had hit Lvl 50/VR1 when I was in the Lvl 46 section of Coldharbour. With 10% XP boost to ESO Plus members, that will make it even easier to out-level the content. Sure you could not do the content, but I don't want to miss the stories contained in it. An XP freeze would stop you from gaining XP / levelling up until you are ready to move on to the next content area.
    I agree that it's really easy to over-level the content: I've got 16 characters I play and every single one of them has over-leveled by the time they've completed the first full zone. I just don't really understand the benefit of freezing your XP so that you're not over-leveling it. Is it just to keep things from being too easy, or is there something else I'm missing?
    Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC)
    Bragg Ironhand Orc Temp (DC)
    Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP)
    Falidir Altmer Sorcr (AD)
    J'zharka Khajiit NB (AD)
    Isabeau Runeseer Breton Sorc (DC)
    Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP)
    Manut Redguard Temp (AD)
    Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP)
    Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD)
    Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP)
    Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC)
    Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP)
    Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC)
    Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp
    Someone stole my sweetroll
  • Stickbow
    +1 on horse armor to apply to existing horses that someone mentioned earlier- or just new "skins" for my existing horses (I think this is sorta covered by new mounts, but still)

    +1 on dance lessons mentioned just above this. How about music lessons too?

    +1 on "- Experience halters (zero XP in PvE, zero in RP). Completionists and RPers alike could use them, while you benefit from their sales." I don't want to level faster -- I'm already over level when I leave zones because I'm a completionist/achievement hunter!!!

    +1 on the things already announced: cool pets (I want a b/w spotted pig!!), new mounts, costumes.

    Now my actual new content suggestion Re: Costumes: Many of us would like non-combat costumes. I like the ideas shown in ESOLive, and would like you to continue that - make NPC clothing available as a 'costume' - you could do a whole "Whiterun" or "Auridon" or "Daggerfall" pack with the NPC costumes in each area.

    Also -- let us dye the costumes (Maybe???). That would allow variety for those of us into RP - everybody won't be wearing the same "Red and Black Dress" (or whatever the name in the screenshot)

    You could also go surf the Mod sites for Skyrim, Morrowind and Oblivion for ideas of what people liked in the previous game that fits the lore (I don't mean the R and X rated stuff or the ports from other games -- I really mean the original stuff). There was some pretty good non-armor ("Clothing") there.

    -1 from above: Paid inventory expanders, mercenaries to fight for you, etc. would slide into the "buy to win" side IMO.
  • ChillsSilvertail
    Reymas already clearly listed everything that I wouldn't mind to see in any MMO shop.

    What I really would loath to see is chests dropping from random mobs that can only be opened with keys bought in the in game store. And it won't even matter if the items in said chest only contain cosmetic items. Those chests should not exist in any mmo that has a sub option available.
  • LunaRae
    Here's my wish list that's probably been said a hundred times over
    • Tons of fully customizable costumes. Single pieces to interchange to our hearts content, not as it is now as one costume. Allow us to dye them as well.
    • Mounts
    • Character name change
    • Race change
    • Faction change
    • Barber shop
    • Purchasable additional guild slots to increase guild size.

    I'll edit as I think of things
    Stands-Strong-As-Snow ~ Argonian Templar DC NA V14
    Ytheri ~ Argonian Nightblade EP Thornblade NA V14
    Heals-All-Colours ~ Argonian Templar EP Thornblade NA V14
    Stands-In-Still-Waters~ Argonian Sorcerer EP Thornblade NA V2
  • Tanis-Stormbinder

    ReymasReymas ✭✭✭✭

    8:04PM edited 8:05PM

    I would like to see the following Mounts:
    •Multi-person Silt Strider (Maybe this for the 12-month premium?)
    •Senche Battle-Cat (Already planned) or Sabre-cat
    •Giant Boar
    •Wamasu or similar lizard-like creature
    •Multi-person cart/carriage

    I would like to see the following as Pets:
    •Bantam Guar
    •House Cat/Alfiq
    •Fledgling Cliffracer
    •Hunting Hawk

    I would like to see the following as costumes:
    •Ordinator pack (Hands of Almalexia, Ordinators, High Ordinators)
    •Redoran pack (Sentinels, Defenders, Bouyant Armigers)
    •Ashlander pack (Ashkahns, Ashlander Warriors, Wise-women)
    •Hauntings pack (Ghosts, Zombies, Wraiths)
    •Pirate pack (Captains, Swabbies, Crewmen)
    •Moarmer Trans-mog
    •Noble Pack (Formal noble clothes, both genders - use already made NPC high-born clothing)
    •Middle Class pack (Middle class clothing, both genders - use already made NPC mid-born clothing)
    •Low-born pack (Working class clothing, both genders - use already made NPC low-born clothing)
    •Lich Trans-mog (floating)
    •Capes/Cloaks packs (adds to current armor set - worn in costume slot)

    I would like to see the following miscellaneous items:
    •Barber Shop/Face-shifter ticket (1 week cooldown)
    •Name-change (1 week cooldown)
    •Class-change (1 week cooldown)
    •Race-change (1 week cooldown)
    •Faction-change (Explorer's pack required) (1 week cooldown)
    •Emote packs (Give us all the NPC emotes and more)
    •Costumer's Gem - turns a currently worn armor set (excluding weapons and jewelry) into a single-slot costume, destroying the pieces in the process.
    •Weapon/Armor style conversion kits.

  • tplink3r1
    Appearence change;
    Style conversion kit;
    Emote packs;
    Paul Sage pet.

    DONT want:
    Any lore-breaking mount(i dont remember seeing lots of people riding dwemer spider, elks, mammoths in any TES book/game...);
    Race change;
    Edited by tplink3r1 on January 23, 2015 5:58AM
    VR16 Templar
    VR3 Sorcerer
  • BlueHaze
    Soul Shriven
    Boxing gloves. By that I mean, purchase these and you can spar with other glove owners in non-PvP zones, and without the consequence of actual death, just defeat. That would give 1v1'ers something they want, and also allow better players to show/teach fellow faction members how to fight effectively.
  • osaceeub17_ESO
    Housing items would be nice, if we had a house to store them in.

    I don't want game changing items. Crafting is a big part of this game. Don't make it obsolete.

    I left a game cause they had game changing items that gave and edge to anyone with a big wallet or mommies credit card.

    Cosmetic changes are okay.

  • ChuckyPayne
    Guys! Don't forget this is still a Buy 2 Play game.
    Not really missing the usual things from F2P games. Lots of them that you mention are core elements in a B2P / P2P game. We buy the game, we buy the DLCs (or Premium +). Why we need pay for dyes, barber shop etc etc. This is STILL a B2P game.

    I don't want a new GW2 where the programmers most of them development time thinking about what need to put into item shop. Lots of new items in the shop - what u can buy - but almost nothing new content in the game. Very disappointing.

    The item shop is wrong usually kill the game. The goals, the progress will be lost.

    Wish List
    - Stay true to the original vision
    - Continue to develop your AAA quality game
    - Do not be content with mediocrity. In this game there are big opportunities
    - Do not be too greedy, many game development company takes the mind after impletement item shop.
    - Do not treat mindless customers who buy everything, because we live in a consumer society. Think of us prefer players who are very keen on quality entertainment and believe us we will be grateful.
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