Profit's guide to Leveling Enchanting quickly.‏

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Welcome to Profit's Enchanting guide 101

So before we get started, I need to ask a few questions!

• Are you tired of collecting Rune-stones, creating glyphs and extracting them to get minimal experience?

• Are you stuck between levels 12-16 having learned all the current runes available?

• Are you collecting Rune-stones waiting for Enchanting to get patched, fixed/addressed?

If the answer to all of these is YES then I have some bad news for you, YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG.

But do-not fret I am here to help.

As I type this, I'm currently sat at level 28 Enchanting, same level as my Character, I can create Purple Veteran 1-3 Glyphs. Not only this I'm sat on enough materials to easily level up-to level 34+

So how can you level up enchanting quickly?

Well first off, if you're new to Enchanting let's quickly cover the basics.

You need one each of the following Runestones

Creating glyphs

• Potency Runestones [Square] - These determine the level of the Glyph created Level 1-10, 10-20 and also what item the glyph can be attached to i.e. Weapon, armour jewellery.

• Essence Runestones [Triangle] - These determine the type of Glyph created, Magika, Fire Resistance etc.

• Aspect Runestones [Circle] - These determine the quality of the glyph, and the experience generated from extraction, This is a really Important point but I'll cover that later.

Creating Glyphs generates amazing experience but only when learning a new translation, after this it is sub par and not advised unless creating a glyph to use on a item and NOT EXTRACTION. Which brings me nicely to.

Extracting glyphs

Extracting glyphs generates the highest amount of experience, and is VITAL to levelling.

The glyphs must be crafted, and they must be crafted by someone else, so having a fellow enchanter is VITAL.

A level 40-50 Purple Glyph generates 5-7k Enchanting XP per Glyph!

If you don't have a fellow enchanter, buying these glyphs will pay off this early into the game as usually the first group of people to max a craft are the first ones to cash in, as in all businesses, you have to spend money to make money.

End Game enchanting is going to be huge.

So armed with this information how do we level up enchanting fast.

Once you've learned all the translations stop creating glyphs for that tier, just stop it!

But if we stop creating glyphs, we'll have all these materials. Good.

Potency runestones have a Potency level 1-9, once you've leveled up to a higher tier, stop using the previous tier potency, {don't worry these will get used eventually, and I'll cover that later} otherwise this is a complete waste of Aspect runestones, which are your bread and butter to leveling up. The more you have the more you can make.

So you now have mat's you've learned all the translations for that tier but you need experiance to level up, what you need now is a fellow enchanter at the same level as you or above.

Now you give him all your materials, have him craft the highest tier glyphs he can create using the best aspect runes you can afford, at early levels this is going to be :

• Ta - Level 1 White (Base) Glyphs

• Jejota - Level 2 Green (Fine) Glyphs

• Denata - Level 3 Blue (Superior) Glyphs

(TIP) Always use the highest tier Potency with the best Aspect you can :

• x1 level 3 Potency used with a Denata will give better XP than
• x3 level two Potencys with Ta even tho there is more of them.

The Better the aspect and the higher the potency, the better the experiance you are going to get back from extracting, and don't worry about using all your best aspects, you may get some back in this process which = free XP.

So he's used all your materials and created you lot's of glyphs and got XP for doing so, great.

Have him trade you all the crafted glyphs back to you, now before you extract, hover your mouse over the Enchanting XP bar. Make a note of how much experience you have/need to level up. I do this in group chat etc. ie 34056/89000

Start extracting and watch that XP roll in, it's insane how much you get. Now if you've leveled up enough to use a higher potency, have your enchanter friend pass you all his materials, create the best glyphs you can make.

If you did this properly and pre planned you should be able to create him a higher tier potency and learning the new translation from this tier will grant you huge amounts of experience.

Pass him back his glyphs, have him extract and level up, make sure to continue to make new glyphs with items you got back from extracting, rinse and repeat until neither of you can make anymore glyphs.

Congrats, at this rate you should now both be leveling steadily, not getting pathetic XP from extracting your own glyphs.

Rinse, repeat. Put skill points into it use a higher tier, at some point someone will ask you for help, use your lower tier Potency that you no longer use to create glyphs for them. If the potency is still higher than they can use, they will get loads of XP and love you forever.

Remember help each other and you will all level up fast, if you try to do this craft solo. You're already failing.

Hope this helps, bit long winded, feel free to ask any questions, and sorry in advance for any spelling errors or mistakes. I will review and keep this upto date.

Good luck crafting!

  • crusabella
    Seems like solid information. I'm new to the game, but will definitely try to apply what I learned here. Thanks again!
  • Zythos
    I didn't know that you received less xp from deconstructing your own crafted items. :(
    Dunmer Dragonknight - Wabbajack
  • Eris
    That is great information, thanks!
    Side effects of reading messages on forums can cause nausea, head aches, spontaneous fits of rage, urination due to intense laughter, and sometimes the death of your monitor or other object in throwing range. If you find that you are reading forums more than 24 hours a day, please consult your nearest temporal physicist.
  • Khazaad
    Sneakyfool wrote: »
    ... if you try to do this craft solo. You're already failing.

  • Cabot
    Thanks for the tips, I'll be trying this myself, Enchanting is important but frustrating, at the moment. Does the, “Don’t extract your own glyphs…” apply for just that character or the whole account?

    It would be nice if you could bounce back and forth between characters and level both up, for those folks that tend to solo most of the time.
  • Eris
    One question, does the xp reduction on deconstruction apply to account or if I had a main and an alt craft and exchange with one another for decon would that be full xp?
    Side effects of reading messages on forums can cause nausea, head aches, spontaneous fits of rage, urination due to intense laughter, and sometimes the death of your monitor or other object in throwing range. If you find that you are reading forums more than 24 hours a day, please consult your nearest temporal physicist.
  • Sneakyfool
    I can confirm that the XP reduction is only on your "OWN" glyphs, if you pass crafted glyphs to a alt, he will still get the full Xp and likewise if he creates for your main.

    Also this brings up a solid point, so well done guys. If you pass a few glyphs to an alt and have him extract them, the experience will take him past level 3, at this point you can put a skill point into hireling and have more materials coming in per day, 1 bag per alt, per day. :open_mouth:
  • Krym
    Zythos wrote: »
    I didn't know that you received less xp from deconstructing your own crafted items. :(

    yeah, imho they should mention it somewhere. try & error is nice and all, but not always
    Eris wrote: »
    One question, does the xp reduction on deconstruction apply to account or if I had a main and an alt craft and exchange with one another for decon would that be full xp?

    I think account. when I extracted a glyph on an alt I felt I got less xp (genius that I am I forgot to check my xp before extraction)
  • Sharee
    Good post. One point tho:
    Sneakyfool wrote: »
    • Potency Runestones [Square] - These determine the level of the Glyph created Level 1-10, 10-20 and also what item the glyph can be attached to i.e. Weapon, armour jewellery.

    I believe what item type the glyph attaches to is determined as a combination of potency and essence runestones. Changing either can change the type of glyph.

    "add"+"poison" creates a weapon glyph
    "add"+"stamina" creates an armor glyph
    "subtract"+"stamina" creates a weapon glyph

    Edited by Sharee on April 9, 2014 6:43AM
  • Evelyn_Nightingale
    Thanks for the info. I bookmarked this thread for later use when I start my enchanting character. :D
    Ebonheart Pact :: Nord Dragon Knight :: Blacksmith
  • Malediktus
    I am enchanting lvl 12 if someone is looking for an enchanting partner on EU megaserver.
    @Malediktus --- Ebonheart Pact, EU-Megaserver
  • Evelyn_Nightingale
    It might be good to start/join an enchanting guild to help each other out.
    Ebonheart Pact :: Nord Dragon Knight :: Blacksmith
  • MrSourGit
    Yo Sneaky . I'm rank 26 enchant and I have over 200 Ta , a load of jejota and Denata and rank 5 and 6 potency runes. If you wanna trade some blue and green VR1 glyphs , let me know , we could clean up on some nice xp. @MrSourGit , EU server.
  • Bluntski
    Sneakyfool wrote: »

    Remember help each other and you will all level up fast, if you try to do this craft solo. You're already failing.

    This is so false it's not even funny. I am leveling enchanting with zero issue being solo.
    Edited by Bluntski on April 9, 2014 3:32PM
  • Evelyn_Nightingale
    Bluntski wrote: »

    This is so false it's not even funny. I am leveling enchanting with zero issue being solo.

    I do not believe there was any attempt at humor. Anywho, please do tell us the tricks of your trade. If you see any flaws in the advise of others please offer your own suggestions rather than simply shooting down statements you do not agree with. The point of this thread is to help enchanters, and you are welcome to contribute.
    Edited by Evelyn_Nightingale on April 9, 2014 3:39PM
    Ebonheart Pact :: Nord Dragon Knight :: Blacksmith
  • Bluntski

    I do not believe there was any attempt at humor. Anywho, please do tell us the tricks of your trade. If you see any flaws please offer your own suggestions rather than simply shooting down things you do not agree with. The point of this thread is to help enchanters, and you are welcome to contribute.

    You can level enchanting solo easily. That is all there is to it. To say that you are failing if you are solo is disingenuous.
    Edited by Bluntski on April 9, 2014 3:40PM
  • Evelyn_Nightingale
    Bluntski wrote: »

    You can level enchanting solo easily. That is all there is to it. To say that you are failing if you are solo is disingenuous.

    Then tell us how you do it. Let your success benefit others. If only for the pleasure of proving someone wrong, at least back yourself up with examples and facts to put some substance into your argument.

    Plus, if you do point out how one can be a successful solo enchanter you may convince the one who started this thread to edit their post with the information you helped provide.
    Edited by Evelyn_Nightingale on April 9, 2014 3:45PM
    Ebonheart Pact :: Nord Dragon Knight :: Blacksmith
  • Evelyn_Nightingale
    Bluntski, I see you mentioned how you did it in another forum. This is the kind of information I was asking for you to provide.
    Ebonheart Pact :: Nord Dragon Knight :: Blacksmith
  • Chalybos
    There's doing it, and doing it efficiently. I am a big fan of doing something more efficiently, rather than burning through resources for a diminished return.
  • andrantos
    One thing players need to keep in mind that the crafted item level tiers aren't consistent between crafts and don't correlate linearly to player level.

    Example, you need to be at least rank 5 or 6 in order to craft up to level 25 enchants (and that is if you've invested in the right trait).
  • Mortuum
    This ''tactic'' with exchanging crafted items with other crafter works for ALL crafts guys, not only enchanting. If you deconstruct items created by another player(even your own alt;p), you will gain about 300% more inspiration, then for deconstructing items crafted by yourself.

    300% is a value i remember from beta, and beta guides, it might have been changed. It is still, no matter what value is, way better way to gain inspiration.
  • Sneakyfool
    Bluntski wrote: »

    This is so false it's not even funny. I am leveling enchanting with zero issue being solo.
    Bluntski wrote: »

    You can level enchanting solo easily. That is all there is to it. To say that you are failing if you are solo is disingenuous.


    It's not disingenuous at all, if you want to solo enchanting you can,
    nobody's stopping you, Deconstruct your own crafted glyphs if you want
    and you will level up....................eventually.

    I didn't create this thread to argue with anyone, I did it to help
    fellow enchanters, because if you read the forums, people think this
    craft is broken, the lack of XP needs fixing and that simply isn't the case.

    So whatever your opinion is I don't really care, and I don't mean to be
    rude by saying that, I just simply base what I'm saying on cold hard facts.

    Here we have 2 of the exact same Glyphs, one made by me and the other made by a friend.



    As follows you can see I've created this Glyph, I crafted it and I will
    extract it for a whopping 329 XP.


    Now this is the exact same glyph, crafted by a friend and from
    extracting it.


    I got exactly 3295 XP


    That's a huge 3000 XP difference, just from extracting someone else's crafted glyphs, rather than your own.

    So yes, please carry on leveling solo while the rest of us level up 3 times as fast with the correct method.
    Edited by Sneakyfool on April 10, 2014 6:51PM
  • GreasedLizard
    Link ]s don't work for me. Also, doing blue enchants for skill will not net you any quantity to trade back and forth. Takes me around 50 dungeon/chest drops per level and it sucks major ass
  • Sneakyfool
    I used blue, to demonstrate the difference in Xp gained from your own crafted glyphs and when deconstructing someone else's.

    As you near level 30, you'll find, blue, green and white aspects worthless. I only trade Purple glyphs now.
  • Bluntski
    I am the same level enchanting as you and I have never traded glyphs. So yes, it is disingenuous to say something like "please continue to level solo while we level 3 times as fast".
    Edited by Bluntski on April 11, 2014 4:42PM
  • Brennan
    Bluntski wrote: »
    I am the same level enchanting as you and I have never traded glyphs. So yes, it is disingenuous.

    No one likes a show off Blunt... :p

  • Bluntski
    Haha I know I know, I didn't mean to come off as bragging! But its the truth.
  • Sneakyfool
    So hang on, I've proven you get 3x the amount of xp from traded glyphs than you do from deconstructing your own, and your saying your the same level as me.

    Congrats, but that means you've used 3 times the materials I have! Do you even understand what disingenuous means?

    Nothing I've said is dishonest at all, it's fact. I also agreed you can solo enchanting. It's just slower. 3 times slower in fact.

    I don't understand the point your trying to make exactly, "Hey guys I am doing this the worst way possible, but it doesn't matter cus I'm still at the same level as you.

    At the end of the day, I created this thread to help people level as fast as possible, as alot of people were struggling with it.

    What exactly are you trying to achieve with your posts, as I'm confused!
  • SDZald
    Bluntski I didn't know you got more exp from deconstructing items made by others until I read this thread. I don't think he meant that you couldn't level solo only that it would be faster and more efficient if you used his method and I think he has clearly proven that to be the case. Therefore I would not call his post disingenuous.
  • Brennan
    I post because I'm an introspective extrovert. I don't know about the rest of these crazies!
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