Edit* This bug has been fixed as of the PTS release of Thieves Guild. If this somehow breaks before/after launch I will begin using this thread again. End edit*
So I've been doing a lot of testing today and I noticed that I haven't been critting much on PTS. Currently the character I'm on has 73.6% weapon critical, but all of my attacks are reporting roughly somewhere between 40%-50% crit strike on my recount. I've tried narrowing it down to certain sources but I can't get anything truly solid. It could be broken passives, weird battle leveling mechanics, or something completely different. Here's some of my testing, I've decided not to use pictures since I have over 30 and don't want to spend the time uploading/sizing them all.
While naked I'm at 30% crit, which is accurate when I did the testing for that. Then I put on Major Savagery (10%) and saw ~40% crit chance. After that I activated one critical set bonus on jewelry and noticed the jump as well (46.5% crit chance over 200 attacks with 43% tooltip critical strike). Then I started putting Assassination abilities on my bars (2% per skill slotted and 3% when I crit, a total of 7% crit chance with my bar setup) and saw the increase as well. Up to here everything works, my character is at 50% crit chance in combat and the the average of the past 1682 light attacks is 47.6% which is pretty close.
This is where it starts to get funky. I put on two sharpened maelstrom daggers, which activates the twin blade and blunt 10% bonus. I then proceeded to kill three giants with only light attacks.
Test 1 - 64 Light attacks, 51.6% crit
Test 2- 67 Light attacks, 47.8% crit
Test 3 68 Light attacks, 44.1% crit
Average 47.83% crit chance, extremely similar to my testing without the daggers.
Then I proceeded to put on all of my armor/jewelry, 5 piece Briarheart and 5 piece Essence Thief, (10.5% crit from medium armor passive), which activated an additional crit set bonus (3% per) and remove the daggers. Character sheet crit is 60.6, so 63.6% in combat. For my sanity's sake I decided to use 3 giants/mammoths for each test since each kill takes roughly 1 minute and respawn timers are on 2 minutes.
Test 1- 65 Light attacks, 49.2% crit
Test 2- 67 Light attacks, 40.3% crit
Test 3- 62 Light attacks, 53.2% crit
Average 47.57% crit. Sound familiar?
Then I put on all my gear, 5 piece essence 5 piece briar heart, 2 maelstrom sharpened daggers. I am a total of 73.6% crit in combat. I decided to do 4 tests for this one since stuff started dying faster.
Test 1- 51 Light attacks, 49% crit
Test 2- 49 Light attacks, 46.9% crit
Test 3- 51 Light attacks, 41.2% crit
Test 4- 48 Light attacks, 52.1% crit
Average 47.3% crit. I was really upset at this point.
So either Medium armor and Dual wield passives are completely broken, Battle Leveling increases the overall amount of crit rating needed to get 1% (v16 it takes 219 rating to get 1%), Orsinium mobs are resistant to crit, or there's a new hardcap of 50% crit chance. I won't place any bets knowing this game, but this is extremely frustrating. All of my testing was done on a v16 template character, with all template gear on PTS. I tested on Mammoths and Giants in Orsinium.
Any insight is greatly appreciated.
Old member of The Order of Mundus, Mostly Harmless, Hostile, and Genesis Elite. Avid theorycrafter. Herald to competitive stamina DPS
pre 1.5. How far we've come!
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