Yeah I started life as a magicka nb with my Khajiit. It hurt when they changed it.
Gilliamtherogue wrote: »Thanks for all the support everyone, glad to hear that players actually care about this stuff. Shame we care more than ZoS does. Absolutely hilarious that Argonians got a hotfix for one guy who found out spending the points into the swim speed passive within 2 days of reporting it, and this has been broken since Orsinium hit the PTS and affects combat on a large scale, and hits all Khajiit regardless. #priorities
YoloWizard wrote: »
Sigh, its really obvious that Zos doesn't give a flying **** about things that can affect competitiveness between players and guilds. And guess what bug do we have now?
Yes if you look closely see that duel wield heavy attack never crits, what caused this new bug? This is Zos fixing Camo Hunter procing twice on duel wield. Well played Zos, well played
You can find the thread here
Shader_Shibes wrote: »
Next major update? Seriously, why not now? I mean it's been around for ages dammit. You guys are *** hot at addressing miniscule problems, yet fail to immediately fix a very important racial passive.
And also, "looks like" isn't a guarantee it will be fixed in the next patch, unbelievable!!!!
Sallington wrote: »Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Just checked on the status of this, and looks like it will be addressed in our next major update.
Khajiit characters are currently UNABLE to even come close to comparing to every other race in the game right now. REMINDER... This is the only class without an attribute bonus...we don't get the 10 or 6-6 percent bonus to stamina, health or magicka... Currently we have the STEALTH BONUS AND SOME RECOVERY, THATS IT!!! Please fix this passive, or change it back to where it affects crit and damage... OR make the race change possible so people can have an option on what to play pending on how broken some races are! Seriously, everyone knows you guys are all about the crown store, make it 10k crowns for a race change. People will pay it.
Seriously, try argonian. At least you have a 20% health recovery and a 10% stamina recovery. What do we have? Swimming, and a passive that is useful only each 45 secs and that is useless when you are out of pots. Ah, and a nicel 10% healing receive bonus that magicaly turns into 5% when jumping into cyrodiil....
I didn't realize that at the time then! What prompted the change to its current state? (When unbugged of course.)