OrphanHelgen wrote: »
Its not that easy to test. It might be programmed that 100% is 100%, but as soon as you are below that, its wrong. But its worth testing ofcourse. I can confirm I get lower crit then normal. I have 85% crit chance and in long boss fights, only 70-75% of my attacks did a critical strike. If it worked correct, I should usually get 1 or 2 percentage more then my crit chance, since its above 50%. (sry if you dont understand why, Im to lazy to write it).
Is this both affecting both spell and weapon crit or just one?
And @Gilliamtherogue
Could You pick Thief instead of shadow and buff yourself up to 100% crit and see if you have noncrits there?
Unfortunately I do not have a Khajiit Nightblade to achieve that.
Then people cannot explain your results with RNG. 100% is 100%. And if it is not, then it's proven broken.
Gilliamtherogue wrote: »
I just picked up thief as well as put on a few more crit bonuses. 103.6% crit chance and I still don't crit on my attacks. Here's some pictures.
Truly amazing, never seen such a quality bug in my life. The fact that this has been known since I submitted a ticket and opened this thread and it's still in game is just beyond me. Now pet critical is broken as well and is stuck at the 10% base, I opened a thread about that too but it has been ignored. I'd appreciate additional testing on the pet crit though as I only tested with the Morkuldin set, so head over to it and post some results and I'd be grateful.
DanielWinterborn wrote: »
Could you please share with the rest of us how you do this tests? I am interesten in that detailed window you keep sharing screenshots of, i also am a huge tester of skilsl and that thing would be VERY usefull, so please take your time to explain to us how to do what you dopeace out!
Statistically speaking the probability of 6 failures in 6 attempts with an 85% chance of success is .00001139.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hey guys, apologies for the delay. Been waiting for an ETA on this fix, but unfortunately don't have one at the moment. Just trying to figure out if this is something that can go into an incremental patch, or if it needs to go in the next update for whatever reason. We'll try and get something nailed down and will let you know.
Even if they found the issue and resolved it today they would have to wait for Q/A testing before putting into the patch maint cycle. If you want this done right it is going to take a bit of time.
@xantaria still waiting?
I found a workaround!
Just stacking up to 110% crit does fix the issue.
Gilliamtherogue wrote: »
Cuz khajiit crit is what's broken, not anything else. At least, that's what all my testing has shown. I have yet to have a non khajiit post me conflicting results.
That actually makes a lot of sense because I never ran into the issue you describe here. After people told me about your thread, I was rewatching all my recent DPS Screenshots of boss fights and my Crit Chance was always pretty much correct.
but how? ...
Gilliamtherogue wrote: »
Yeah if you can find any other evidence otherwise on a non khajiit, namely NEVER going above your listed character screen crit in high volume scenarios (~100-300 attacks) then I guess it would show that there's something else, but all of the sources I've had sent to me were all within .1% averages of their listed crit (sometimes higher sometimes lower/total) compared to me/other khajiits where its always like 6-10% lower, never higher.
Gilliamtherogue wrote: »pre 2.2 i ran with a 2h on my off bar and now i run with a bow as you can see, the loss of crit between them actually has bow being higher crit than 2h, so the loss when i swap to my offbar to recast would be less punishing than it was with the 2h, AND there is a higher testing pool post 2.2 (higher volume of total hits, the higher the number, the closer to true % you will get) yet the crit disparity is even larger.
Base: 10%
Thief with Divines: 16,7%
Medium Armor: 10,5%%
CP System: 12%
Major Savagery: 10%
Minor Savagery: 3%
Double Dagger: 10%
Precise: 7%
4x Hunding's Rage: 6,2%
4x Briarheart: 6,2%
4x Night Mother: 6,2%
6x Assassination Skills: 12%
I've autohitted 5 Mammoths to death and my crit chance was always as expected - I will make my guildmates do the same this we.