Gilliamtherogue wrote: »
10% Base, 12% Champion Points, 10% Major Savagery, 3% Minor Savagery, 7.5% if 5/7 medium armor, 10.5 if 7/7. We're already at 45.5. Now Khajiits and Nightblades by default have 57.5% crit chance, meaning 7.5% crit is useless and there's nothing we can do. Then precise becomes a dead trait, thief becomes a dead mundus stone, daggers become a dead weapon choice, crit bonuses on gear is wasted. This effectively kills tons of options and forces all builds to follow the same boring path. This is not "cool" nor is it a smart choice to make on their part, especially when they always try to emphasis choice making in character progression/build creation.
The next major update??? This is getting way past out of hand. What happens when you guys destroy a sorcs overload? Hotfix it within a day... What happens when an argonians swim passive isnt working correctly? HOTFIX!!! What happens when skills get nerfed or changed? You get your points back to change your choice. Sadly when it comes to a racial passive, this is not the case. Its bad enough that you guys completely nerfed this race... With NO OPTIONS at all for anyone who rolled cat at launch to change, other than rerolling another character. It is literally offensive at this point to your player base that you have been aware of this MAJOR ISSUE for a third of a year and still have not done anything about it. ISSUES LIKE THIS are why we only have a tiny fraction of the population we did at launch. Let me please remind you @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_KaiSchober @ZOS_RichLambert @ZOS_MattFiror @ZOS_BrianWheeler THIS IS A MAJOR ISSUE.
Khajiit characters are currently UNABLE to even come close to comparing to every other race in the game right now. REMINDER... This is the only class without an attribute bonus...we don't get the 10 or 6-6 percent bonus to stamina, health or magicka... Currently we have the STEALTH BONUS AND SOME RECOVERY, THATS IT!!! Please fix this passive, or change it back to where it affects crit and damage... OR make the race change possible so people can have an option on what to play pending on how broken some races are! Seriously, everyone knows you guys are all about the crown store, make it 10k crowns for a race change. People will pay it.
HOTFIX THIS PLEASE, was reported to you guys IN THE LAST PTS... now we have to wait until maybe March or April??? Ok cool, no worries there. Khajiits have been completely destroyed for a third of a year... Lets just fix it next patch, all good. Hopefully we wont keep losing our player base because of GAME BREAKING bugs and issues that are set aside for later dates. SADLY I'm pretty sure if adren rush, or spellcharge passives were not working they would be fixed inside a week... No clue where your priorities are at ZOS, but I want this game to succeed. You should listen to your people.
So just a thought, because I have a devious sneaky mind, albeit rather slow at times lol. Are they dragging their feet on fixing the crit passive because there's going to be a crit passive as part of the Thieves Guild DLC and it would be too op for Khajiit to have both? Maybe Khajiit are going to have a reworked racial instead?
Disclaimer: Total, unsupported and complete guesswork on my part based on nothing official whatsoever. Not a theory, not a hypothesis, just a guess and one that's got traces of conspiracy theory in it to boot. Y'know the fun kind!
Seriously, try argonian. At least you have a 20% health recovery and a 10% stamina recovery. What do we have? Swimming, and a passive that is useful only each 45 secs and that is useless when you are out of pots. Ah, and a nicel 10% healing receive bonus that magicaly turns into 5% when jumping into cyrodiil....
The next major update??? This is getting way past out of hand. What happens when you guys destroy a sorcs overload? Hotfix it within a day... What happens when an argonians swim passive isnt working correctly? HOTFIX!!! What happens when skills get nerfed or changed? You get your points back to change your choice. Sadly when it comes to a racial passive, this is not the case. Its bad enough that you guys completely nerfed this race... With NO OPTIONS at all for anyone who rolled cat at launch to change, other than rerolling another character. It is literally offensive at this point to your player base that you have been aware of this MAJOR ISSUE for a third of a year and still have not done anything about it. ISSUES LIKE THIS are why we only have a tiny fraction of the population we did at launch. Let me please remind you @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_KaiSchober @ZOS_RichLambert @ZOS_MattFiror @ZOS_BrianWheeler THIS IS A MAJOR ISSUE.
Khajiit characters are currently UNABLE to even come close to comparing to every other race in the game right now. REMINDER... This is the only class without an attribute bonus...we don't get the 10 or 6-6 percent bonus to stamina, health or magicka... Currently we have the STEALTH BONUS AND SOME RECOVERY, THATS IT!!! Please fix this passive, or change it back to where it affects crit and damage... OR make the race change possible so people can have an option on what to play pending on how broken some races are! Seriously, everyone knows you guys are all about the crown store, make it 10k crowns for a race change. People will pay it.
HOTFIX THIS PLEASE, was reported to you guys IN THE LAST PTS... now we have to wait until maybe March or April??? Ok cool, no worries there. Khajiits have been completely destroyed for a third of a year... Lets just fix it next patch, all good. Hopefully we wont keep losing our player base because of GAME BREAKING bugs and issues that are set aside for later dates. SADLY I'm pretty sure if adren rush, or spellcharge passives were not working they would be fixed inside a week... No clue where your priorities are at ZOS, but I want this game to succeed. You should listen to your people.
ColtPython wrote: »Will this passive be fixed with the thieves guild dlc?
They will be looking at no eta or details.
i don't know much about programming, but there's no way this is that difficult to fix. Especially when the passive was working before.
Wait, was it working before?
i don't know much about programming, but there's no way this is that difficult to fix. Especially when the passive was working before.
Wait, was it working before?
I think its one of those things that not a ton of people know about, therefore ZOS just doesn't really care. If adren rush, or an imperials stam/health bonuses were not working properly... You can bet they would fix that within the week. We need to start asking more friends to post on this forum, make a bit more of an uprising then we already are. @Gilliamtherogue whats your opinion? I myself am also not huge into programming or developing... Can it be possible ZOS legitimately cannot find a solution?
Gilliamtherogue wrote: »Just awful dev decision making is all.
Shader_Shibes wrote: »
This in a nutshell.
Also, for them to nonchalantly dismiss this bug like "meh well do it whenever, no big deal", which is how i interpreted their last quote regarding Carnage, just plain stinks. Really, really awful attitude from ZOS.
Gilliamtherogue wrote: »The patch notes mention something being fixed with Dexterity (medium armor passive applying 1.5% crit chance per item worn) as well as the Nightblade passive Pressure Points (2% per assassination ability). It doesn't really add up that these are the issue since all non Khajiit tests I've done seemed fine, but the second they're done on Khajiit crit numbers don't line up. I will do some testing on the PTS when it finally hits and post results here.
Let's try not to get upset before we even get to test.
Gilliamtherogue wrote: »Alright, all of the issues with critical strike are now fixed from the testing I gathered. With a 83.9% crit chance I hit 562 mobs with Steel Tornado and had a 85.1% crit rate. If I find anything in the future that goes against that I'll post again but for now I'm going to say case closed.