Looking for a casually active guild? The OBSIDIAN GUARD wants you. {NA/XB1}

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
· [COMPLETE] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 24, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
· Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
· Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Are you looking for a casual guild? Do you have real life responsibilities that limit your game time? If so, then OBSIDIAN GUARD is the right guild for you.

We are an EP based guild that is open to any alliance. We are an active, but casual guild and have expanded the guild's experience to Discord for all our guild needs. This is where our members organize groups for PvE/Undaunted dailies/dungeons. The guild hosts regular events such as; dolmen and world boss completions, skyshard hunting, Motif farming, Antiquity Leads farming, fishing, PvP nights, social trials, and more. We also hold special events/contests where prizes are awarded. We are also online at Azura's Keep at obsidianguard.com.

Once you've joined the guild in-game or visited Azura's Keep; you can find our Discord info and post an introduction (required for ranking up).

Interested in leveling your crafting? We have master crafters that can help you level your crafting skills or create gear for your characters. We have sister guilds that can help with provisioning, finding recipes, acquiring materials for crafting, or even farming for motifs. A huge benefit is that we do not charge guild fees. However, this means we do not have a trader. We do have a specific channel on Discord where you can post or request items to buy/sell/trade with other members. It is not required that you join Discord to be a guild member.

Our core philosophies have always been to enjoy playing with a laid back crew whenever you can and help out other members when needed.

If you're interested in joining us, please reply to the forum with your Xbox Live GT and we'll get an invite sent ASAP. OBSIDIAN GUARD is one of the longest running active guilds on the Xbox One NA server. Come join a guild where everyone has helped shape it into a home away from home!

Edited by RandallFrost on November 14, 2022 10:18PM
  • RandallFrost
    We are a guild of 400+ casual but active members.
    Edited by RandallFrost on April 3, 2016 7:07PM
  • duwewi
    Soul Shriven
    Sign me up! " RazorYazzZ "
  • Scoth1428
    What is the name of this guild?
  • RandallFrost
    The name of our guild is the Obsidian Guard.
  • Ravens-Sonata
    My Main is a 46 DC Sorceress I have a low char also DC lvl 6 Templar and them one in AD lvl 8 Sorceress

    I mainly PvE, tried PvP not really good at it tho, wish to be able to do group dungeons, but no luck with groups yet.

    I'm Xbox one, do have mic, but usually only use it if in groups.
  • RandallFrost
    Ravens-Sonata, you sound like me. Your the type of player we're looking for, especially on that side of Tamriel. Please send me your gt and I'll invite you next time I'm on.
  • syrcuse05
    Soul Shriven
    I'd like to join. My gt is UnwiseNick. I'm level 16 nightblade.
  • Bastion
    Soul Shriven
    I'd be down to both help new players and learn the Dungeons with a steady group.

    GT is Redtaped, currently main a VR2 Sorcerer, and working on my fresh Nightblade.
  • Flaekingr
    I'm interested. Gt Flaekingr.
  • RandallFrost
    Outstanding! I'll send out those invites later tonight, I should be on to do that. Thanks for being interested and wanting to join our guild. Just to let everyone know, I've been having trouble with the in game chat feature, so if you see Randall Frost but don't hear him, that's the reason.
  • MikeDearth
    Soul Shriven
    I'm in! Please invite me! Gamer tag- Mike Dearth
  • Avail
    Soul Shriven
    GT: IXSwissXI eh
  • dendocast
    Soul Shriven
    I would like to join.
  • dendocast
    Soul Shriven
    Gamertag is dendocast
  • RandallFrost
    Thank you everyone who wants to join this guild. I will be sending those invites out within the hour if all goes well. I just want to let everyone know again about my headset issue. I'm having trouble sometimes connecting to the games chat system, not sure what's up with that. But I may also be experiencing headset issues, not sure so please bear with your guild leader here if I'm not able to communicate with you. I however can hear you and if you need assistance, just ask and I'll help if I can. Thank you again for wanting to join, I and the Guard appreciate it.
  • thejawz
    Xxxthe jawzxxx
  • CrypticEasy
    Interested. I have a level 16 Templar healer. Gamertag: Cryptic Easy
  • RandallFrost
    Sounds good. I'll be sending out those invites in the next few hours. Thanks for wanting to join.
  • RandallFrost
    We're still looking for new players to the game. We've got members from all three guilds here to help if needed. Come join a guild that will grow with you. Just leave your GT and I'll invite you next time I'm on.
  • TaniaSarin
    GT: platypus rawr

    I mainly play In AD.
  • RandallFrost
    Excellent, I'll invite you later today. We have a VR who just started a new character in the AD. I'm looking for more AD players so if there are any out there you know, please invite them.
  • RandallFrost
    We're still looking for players from all over Tamriel. Come join the Obsidian Guard and help build the guild into something you want to be apart of.
  • RandallFrost
    We're looking for Quartermasters; individuals who like to craft, trade, and/or sell their items. We've got a place for you within our ranks. Come join and keep us stocked for the coming challenges.
  • BigdaddyJ369
    Soul Shriven
    i would like to join. GT - BigDaddyJ369
  • predkill29
    I would like to join invite me Tbrg x killer
    -Daggerfall Covenant Xbox NA-
    Class 1 - imperial dragon knight vet 10
    Class 2 - dark elf templar vet 1
    Master crafter
  • Romp3rStomp3r69
    I would like to join but I'm not always on though, I'm lvl 13 bosmer NB bow who is crafting alot in clothing and woodwork for young levels
  • RandallFrost
    Sounds good. Let me have your gamer tag and I'll invite you next time I'm on.
  • Romp3rStomp3r69
    Gamertag is Romp3rStomp3r69 cheers :)
  • RandallFrost
    Gotcha! Invite was sent. Thanks for wanting to join our guild. If you've got friends playing or cross paths with cool players, go ahead and invite them. Thanks.
  • Romp3rStomp3r69
    Will do and thanks :)
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