Looking for a casually active guild? The OBSIDIAN GUARD wants you. {NA/XB1}

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
· [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
  • dexilay
    Soul Shriven
    I'm honestly pretty new to the whole guild thing, so a stress free one sounds like a great idea. My main character is an EP level 6 dragon knight. My gamertag is Dexilay, can I get an invite?
    Edited by dexilay on July 28, 2015 12:53AM
  • clouren
    Soul Shriven
    Hi, I am new to the game, I just got it while it was on sale. I would definitely like to play with other people who are laid back and relaxed. I would appreciate an invite, my gamertag is TomobogiriKiller.
  • Epicgeezr117
    Soul Shriven
    Just bought the game a few days ago. I'm enjoying it. Worked all weekend but I'd like to join. Gamertag-EpicGeezr
  • Wyt3Rabbit
    This sounds right up my alley. I have a main EP Nightblade at VR4, a secondary EP Sorcerer at 10, an AD Templar at 10 and a newly made DC Dragonknight I'd be willing to play with anyone on any faction.

    I'm really just looking to PVE, craft, and end-game with like minded people. I will PVP occasionally, but it's not my preference.

    I have a mic and am rather sociable! I'd love to join you guys!
  • ArielleJureaux
    I am new to MMOs, but have been playing ESO since Beta on the PC. I transferred to Xbox One with Craftsmen (women, actually, LOL) in every category. I level my characters very slowly and am looking for a relaxed guild without a long list of mandatory rules. My crafters can make food/drinks to level 50, with one or two recipes for levels VR1and VR5. Weapons and Armor can be made up to level 44, with 8 traits known. Potions up to VR5, Glyphs up to level 40. I enjoy sharing and would love to be able to make and share such items with guild mates. I play almost every day, for a few hours in the late evening. I am not that great at combat, and mostly just PvE. I enjoy hunting/gathering and crafting the most.

    My GT is: Ariel35611

    May I have an invite, please?
  • RandallFrost
    Absolutely! I'm excited to have so many people interested in our guild, thank you. I will get those invites out tonight.
  • Henchman
    Soul Shriven
    I would totally appreciate an invite to your guild, relaxed player looking for questers and wanderers, dungeon delivers and werewolf shenanigans, my GT is Henchman 4 ( space in between name and number )
  • thekingfruit
    Soul Shriven
    My guilds name is forsaken infidels if intrested meessage gt TheKing Fruit
  • Romp3rStomp3r69
    So i added arielle and also epicgeezr tonight to the guild.

    Clouren i tried to add you but your account couldn't be found.

    Mikey we would need your gamertag so we can add you to the guild :)

    Henchman love to have you join the guild, Randall will add you when he gets on later as its 8:47pm for me and i have work in the morning lol
  • camokitten_ESO
    Like some that have posted, I am fairly new to ESO Xbox. It has taken a little time but I've finally settled on a main character. She is currently level 17, assassin, daggerfell. I don't use a mic and keep voice chat turned off - my kids don't need to hear all the cursing that tends to happen all too often in voice chat. I will consider voice for group events assuming there's a way to wear headset with the Xbox and not have it coming from my TV (if you know how to do this, let me know!!)

    My main focus in the game is exploring and crafting. I do not care for PvP.

    I do not mind helping others when/if I can. I play throughout the day anywhere from 10am EST to 10pm EST. Do you have a website or FB or such for out-of-game communications?

    GT: desiianowor
    character name: kinxi (pronounced Ken-Zee)
  • Fingers
    Soul Shriven
    Gt Fingeress
  • RandallFrost
    Outstanding! Been a busy night. Thanks RomperStomper for the assist, much appreciated. I will send out those invites today, thank you all for you interest in our guild.
  • CentrumSilver
    Send me an invite, GamerTag is: CentrumSilver

    (Yes, I'm an old gamer)
  • Spinkicks
    Soul Shriven
    I just started yesterday and im a level 12 dragonknight please add me and send me friend requests I have a mic my gt is skironerocks
    skironerocks on xbox one, 360 and youtube, twitch.tv/usedtobespinkicks @spinkicks on instagram
  • RandallFrost
    Absolutely! I haven't been on today yet, I have this annoying thing called work. Lol! But I will get all those invites out as soon as I can. Centrum Silver, your never too old to be a gamer. I'm proof of that, been gaming since the Atari 2600. I'm an old gamer too. Lol! Everyone else, thanks for your interest in our guild. Please be patient, those invites are coming.
  • RandallFrost
    Alright everyone, those invites have been sent. Thank you for your interest in our guild.
  • bluv78741
    Soul Shriven

    Use your brain and understand the joke
  • RandallFrost
    I'm too tired to use my brain. Lol! But that invite will be sent shortly. Thanks for your interest in our guild.
  • MeerkatWarlord
    May I join?
    GT is MeerkatWarlord
    Current character is a level 36 Ebonheart Khajiit Templar, though I do have characters in the other alliances.
    Edited by MeerkatWarlord on July 29, 2015 11:35AM
    I play on the XBOX ONE

    Zanaam-ri - AD Khajiit DPS MagBlade (Grand Master Crafter)
    Haldrion - AD High Elf DPS MagSorc
    Gedryn - EP Dark Elf DPS StamBlade
    Amalene - DC Imperial Stamplar
    Jeebo the Mad - AD Argonian Tank Dragonknight
  • urtubesrclogged
    Soul Shriven
    lvl 8 AD nightblade
    gamertag - UrTubesRClogged
  • RandallFrost
    Absolutely! I'll get those invites sent soon. Thanks for your interest.
  • Lockesythe
    Soul Shriven
    Hello! I would like to join ih8covnantbabys is my gamertag ill be on most of the day today. Thanks!
  • Jeewadj
    Soul Shriven
    send me a invite please

    easy going i have 2 kids so il be on most nights when the kids go to sleep im on australian time

    gt - SHD0WZ

    all uppercase and thats is a zero
  • RandallFrost
    Thanks to everyone for their interest in our guild. Those invites have been sent.
  • Jeewadj
    Soul Shriven
    hi also got a warewolf bite to give away :smile:
  • MaGoogles
    Soul Shriven
    Hey. Just started playing about a week ago. Been looking for a laid back guild will people to chat with and run dungeons. Pretty new to the elder scrolls franchise, but a long time mmorpg player. History from guild wars to wow to ffxiv and others. Have raid experience(not sure if there are any in this). Mainly just looking for a place with people willing to help answer questions and have fun playing.

    Gamer tag is: MaGoogles MD

    Toss me an invite if willing.

  • Jeewadj
    Soul Shriven
    MaGoogles wrote: »
    Hey. Just started playing about a week ago. Been looking for a laid back guild will people to chat with and run dungeons. Pretty new to the elder scrolls franchise, but a long time mmorpg player. History from guild wars to wow to ffxiv and others. Have raid experience(not sure if there are any in this). Mainly just looking for a place with people willing to help answer questions and have fun playing.

    Gamer tag is: MaGoogles MD

    Toss me an invite if willing.


    hey added you as a friend xb

    we can help you out
  • qImNickp
    Soul Shriven
    my friend and I would like to join if possible
    My gamer tag is: qImNickp
    my friend's: BomberproofCoot3
  • dwhitey
    Soul Shriven
    I want in character name is Dwhitey
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