Looking for a casually active guild? The OBSIDIAN GUARD wants you. {NA/XB1}

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
· [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
  • vtfisherman802
    Soul Shriven
    VTfisherman802 lvl 21 argonian night blade
  • RandallFrost
    Thanks for your interest. I've sent that invite.
  • vtfisherman802
    Soul Shriven
    Thanks for the invite
  • Khanshus
    Soul Shriven
    I'm new to guilds and I'd like to try your relaxed-fit guild. GT: LIVETODREAM
  • Gunslinger_D
    Soul Shriven
    I am new to the game but not the world of Elder Scrolls. I would like to enjoy this as much as the other installments, and have waited a long time for it to include multiplayer, but I am struggling getting used to the pace. I would like to join a guild that enjoys gaming cooperatively.

    I started a Nord Templar and enjoy the healing support role. I am currently level 8 and located in Stonefalls. I do not mind starting over if the guild would like more of a certain character build. I am opened to playing under any concept. Gamertag: GUNSLING3R D.
  • Romp3rStomp3r69
    All characters are welcome as it is a stress free guild and we don't force people to play certain roles.

    I'm not on atm but I'm sure someone who is can add you to the guild
  • Gunslinger_D
    Soul Shriven
  • RandallFrost
    Hey everyone who's post interest, I'll get those invites out tonight. Thanks for your patience and your interest in our guild. And thanks RomperStomper for your help, I appreciate it.
  • RandallFrost
    Ok, I've sent out those invites. Thanks for your interest in our guild, if you have friends or know anyone looking for a guild like ours, send them an invite. The store and bank are opened for all.
  • BenjamintheMad
    Soul Shriven
    I'd love an invite! GT: BenjaminTheMad
  • RandallFrost
    Outstanding! I'll send that invite in a few minutes. Thanks for your interest.
  • cajun_duck
    Relaxed is my middle name (really its Anthony, but you get the idea) and I would like to join a guild. I am level 19 dark elf dragonknight. Name is cajunduck. Thanks.
    Edited by cajun_duck on July 26, 2015 6:01PM
    Come into my parlor said the spider to the fly.
  • PrisonedHorizon
    Soul Shriven
    Please invite me, Xbox one gamertag: PrisonedHorizon Character: Jugorin
  • RandallFrost
    Excellent! I'm sending those invites out in a few minutes. Thanks for your interest.
  • cinnamonbooty
    I would be interested in joining... lvl 22 dunmer dragon guard "Cinnamon Booty"
  • RandallFrost
    Absolutely! I'll send that invite in a minute. Thanks and welcome.
  • PrisonedHorizon
    Soul Shriven
    Thanks for the invite!
  • PrisonedHorizon
    Soul Shriven
    Where is the EB store?
  • RandallFrost
    We don't have a guild trader yet but you can access our store at any of the banks. We just our store up and running but we're going to have to decide which alliance will benefit the most from a guild trader. But any bank had access to our store.
  • Acaryia
    Soul Shriven
    Love to get in on this as it seems the guild will fit my play style well- GT SilverFox2368
  • RandallFrost
    Glad to hear that. I'll send that invite out tonight. Thanks for your interest.
  • KillerRabbit35
    Soul Shriven
    I'm a new to ESO and MMO's in particular and would love to be apart of a casual atmosphere to learn the ropes and get the full experience. My access to the game can be sporadic due to job requirements unfortunately. GT- KillerRabbit35
  • lewminous
    Soul Shriven
    I'm interested in joining! gt lewminous
  • WarPhoenix75
    Soul Shriven
    Just hit level 10 sounds like fun! GT- WarPhoenix75
    NA XB1
    Ebonheart Pact
    Lieutenant in Arctic Empire
  • ddrakmire
    Soul Shriven
    Gamertag ddrakmire
    Character drakmire ad alliance
    Invite pls and thx
  • thunderskeet
    Soul Shriven
    Add me, sounds fun. Thunderskeet
  • RandallFrost
    Outstanding! Thanks everyone for your interest in our guild. Those invites will be sent shortly. Make sure to check out all the guild and member notes for the latest info.
  • Biggity_068
    Soul Shriven
    Lvl 14 Argonian NB in Ebonheart.
    Gamertag is: Biggity 068
    28 y/o father, active military, so my time is somewhat limited, but most of the people that begged me to join so we could play together now won't touch the game. Would love a guild invite
    On Xbox One. Gamertag: Biggity 068
  • RandallFrost
    That a bummer. Too bad for them, I'm going to be playing this game for quite some time. Your schedule is perfect for this guild, play when you can, we'll still be here in full support. Thanks for your interest, your invite is being sent.
  • Romp3rStomp3r69
    Welcome to all the new members of the obsidian guard :)
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