How do you feel about the recent increase to siege damage?

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Hopefully this covers the range of people's feelings on the matter.
Edited by GorraShatan on March 25, 2015 3:37AM

How do you feel about the recent increase to siege damage? 271 votes

Great change, but I'd like to see siege damage bumped up even more!
TaonnorAranitaCuddlerkrimCastanamereNukeAllTheThingsAhPook_Is_HereCMG138XKamikazeXCyantific87BossTugglesKing Bozo 12 votes
Great change, the current siege damage strikes just the right balance
FENGRUSHcozmon3c_ESOakredon_ESOPoxheartPirhana7_ESOwhiteboxxjnjdun_ESOSweetroll-Banditeventide03b14a_ESOErock25IllumousForestd16b14_ESOHypertionb14_ESOKovajohndawntb14_ESONheris76Kevinmonlogsplitter69b14_ESOEfficientrevcasy 105 votes
Good change, but I'd like to see siege damaged reduced a tiny bit
TintinabulaThe_Drexillkevlarto_ESOSoul_DemonWolfaenSythiasYolokin_SwagonbornArmitasdjnapstyb14_ESOKilandrosSentinelTelelAreziusdavidjournotb16_ESOmontgomery.luke07b16_ESOkwisatzSeptimus_MagnaAproditeObservantAshanne 60 votes
Siege damage needed an increase, but not nearly this much
Joy_Divisiontrimsic_ESOglakPerphectionTakutoLionxoftskarvikaAnnraKasRhoenScarfacemartin.ollandb16_ESOthemdogesbiteCrowAra_Valleriadylanjaygrobbelaarb16_ESOCervanteseric85ub17_ESOJaurielPaulhewhewriaindigobladesZoM_Head 66 votes
The old siege damage was fine and should have been left alone
GilvothLiverWurstfilmoretub17_ESOEIGHTSEdTerrakitsinniGravordDaurInfinite196reftenFruity_NinjaSphinx2318XiphylaKeplerMGDigital_Frontier 15 votes
Siege was OP before the change and is even more OP now. Boo!
Kagheivultarnormster11 3 votes
All siege is bad and you should feel bad.
ObscureKhyrasJorj1388MojomonkeymanAbraXuSeXile 5 votes
Meh. Don't care either way.
MorHawkValmondHead.hunterStreegaFaugaun 5 votes
  • Galalin
    Love it.... what else would you expect from a 1ton flamming boulder?

  • Kevinmon
    Great change, the current siege damage strikes just the right balance
    Siege damage is perfect as is, it actually looks like a war now. The only people complaining are those who only know how to zerg bomb keeps and don't know how to dodge red circles while standing in massive clumps. Of course you will die if you don't use siege bubbles, purges, and adapt to the game.
  • jaebdub
    Siege damage needed an increase, but not nearly this much
    Galalin wrote: »
    Love it.... what else would you expect from a 1ton flamming boulder?


    I'd expect you not to be able to carry around 100s of 1 ton flaming boulders in your backpack. This is realism we're going for, right?
    Jagermeister - v14 NB
  • GorraShatan
    Great change, the current siege damage strikes just the right balance
    jaebdub wrote: »

    I'd expect you not to be able to carry around 100s of 1 ton flaming boulders in your backpack. This is realism we're going for, right?

  • Rylana
    Great change, the current siege damage strikes just the right balance
    They hit the nail on the head.

    Siege damage is lethal to players, can only be countered by investment (siege shield, heavy heals, purges, situational awareness and movement), and actually allows for REAL defenses of keeps and objectives.

    You have to think about strategy now, you cant just "blob and spam" to win every time.

    Change nothing, this is perfect.
    @rylanadionysis == Closed Beta Tester October 2013 == Retired October 2016 == Uninstalled @ One Tamriel Release == Inactive Indefinitely
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  • Tintinabula
    Good change, but I'd like to see siege damaged reduced a tiny bit
    Im not against a siege increase..I want to see siege be relevant..a slight decrease of a few K in dps would suffice for me. But this one shotted stuff is just dumb.
  • Kevinmon
    Great change, the current siege damage strikes just the right balance
    Im not against a siege increase..I want to see siege be relevant..a slight decrease of a few K in dps would suffice for me. But this one shotted stuff is just dumb.

    Nobody is getting 1-shot. If you don't purge a fire ballista shot after the initial hit, you will die after the fire damage procs 3 times. Learn situational awareness and adapt, instead of screaming on the forums for nerfs.
  • GorraShatan
    Great change, the current siege damage strikes just the right balance
    I wonder if moving the Alliance War healing skill up would be a good idea. I could see there being a beef if you're in a class that doesn't have a good self heal and you don't want to be forced to run resto.
  • Tintinabula
    Good change, but I'd like to see siege damaged reduced a tiny bit
    Kevinmon wrote: »

    Nobody is getting 1-shot. If you don't purge a fire ballista shot after the initial hit, you will die after the fire damage procs 3 times. Learn situational awareness and adapt, instead of screaming on the forums for nerfs.

    speak of what you know..Im on a fireballista at full health 24000 and I get hit and drop dead in an instant and my death recap reads 24333. Are you trying to tell me I dont know what a one shot is?..I do have a damage meter as well.
  • Huntler
    Siege damage needed an increase, but not nearly this much

    speak of what you know..Im on a fireballista at full health 24000 and I get hit and drop dead in an instant and my death recap reads 24333. Are you trying to tell me I dont know what a one shot is?..I do have a damage meter as well.

    No, its just that guy is too much of a lemming to realize you can self buff your siege damage to 1 shot people without the use of the dot. He'll learn... or maybe he won't. You don't have to with the siege change.
  • Karamis_Vimardon
    Great change, the current siege damage strikes just the right balance

    speak of what you know..Im on a fireballista at full health 24000 and I get hit and drop dead in an instant and my death recap reads 24333. Are you trying to tell me I dont know what a one shot is?..I do have a damage meter as well.

    Le tick stacks up on the initial hit of 17K :smile:
    PC NA

    Karamis Vimardon, DC Templar (Magplar)
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    plural noun: games
    1. a form of competitive activity or sport played according to rules.
    2. an activity that one engages in for amusement.
  • Suntzu1414
    Siege damage needed an increase, but not nearly this much
    i believe the changes to siege are-- quite good.

    But, they should have been restricted to vet ONLY campaigns.
    Non-vet players don't have access to all the AVA skills necessary, nor the armors (Heartland only drops at VR1).

    Kill Well
    DC - NB VR15 - Khajit - DW / S+B / Bow
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    DC - TP VR 15 - Brenton - Resto / Dual Wield
    DC - SC VR 12 - High Elf - Desto / Dual Wield
    EP - TP VR 5 - Nord - 2hd / 2hd
    EP - DK 20 - Imperial - S+B / Desto / Bow
  • Tintinabula
    Good change, but I'd like to see siege damaged reduced a tiny bit

    Le tick stacks up on the initial hit of 17K :smile:

    you know what a tick implies yea?..a second. That aint damage meters tells me that aint happening..there are NO "seconds" after the fireballista hits. Cant make it anymore clear.
  • akredon_ESO
    Great change, the current siege damage strikes just the right balance
    An amazing change to PVP i love it
  • Hookgrin
    Good change, but I'd like to see siege damaged reduced a tiny bit
    At the current level of damage, a few other things need some attention:

    Several times I've been hit with a ballista and saw no red circle, they should look into that.

    Since one of the advantages of a ballista is its speed, providing very little reaction time, perhaps its damage could be just a bit lower than the others.

    One reason newcomers are not so quick to get out of the red is because friendly fire appears as red circles around us all the time with no damage. There does not appear to be any need to see your own side's red circles. Maybe eliminate them and it would be a lot less for the client to have to render.

    Other than that I'm loving the changes. Especially as a Healer, everyone loves the bubbles, purges and health restore. Instead of waiting for rezzes that never come, I am usually one of the first rezzed now!
  • Tintinabula
    Good change, but I'd like to see siege damaged reduced a tiny bit
    Hookgrin wrote: »
    At the current level of damage, a few other things need some attention:

    Several times I've been hit with a ballista and saw no red circle, they should look into that.

    Since one of the advantages of a ballista is its speed, providing very little reaction time, perhaps its damage could be just a bit lower than the others.

    One reason newcomers are not so quick to get out of the red is because friendly fire appears as red circles around us all the time with no damage. There does not appear to be any need to see your own side's red circles. Maybe eliminate them and it would be a lot less for the client to have to render.

    Other than that I'm loving the changes. Especially as a Healer, everyone loves the bubbles, purges and health restore. Instead of waiting for rezzes that never come, I am usually one of the first rezzed now!

    and this. I wondered if it was just me..Its happened two or three times.
  • civilizedsavage
    Good change, but I'd like to see siege damaged reduced a tiny bit
    I wanted siege damage to be raised, but :s WOW.

    I was 1 shotted many times, no chance to purge or heal on a veteran level character. I really don't care to hear L2P because I was playing just fine in skill vs skill, not doing quite as well in siege vs siege.

    I'll adapt, this has become a game of adaptation to be sure, which would have been great if this had come to the PTS beforehand. ~20k HP doesn't cut it anymore and I suspect it's going to revert to an all HP investment for PvP'ers again. I'm a stamina build my stamina is being unnecessarily drained from roll dodging out of friendly fire....either make the friendly siege circles green, invis, or make friendly fire a thing....not much you can do when everyone that doesn't want to front line it jumps on siege and you've got red circles overlapping on the entire field.

    I just wish the people that made the games played the games as much as some of us that are trying to be monogamous to the game have, then people wouldn't have to explain their position over and over and over and watch the game go from one extreme to the next then back again and then repeat the process indefinitely. Guess after a year I've finally become jaded.
    Guild Leader | The Ashen Hand
  • Horrum
    Great change, the current siege damage strikes just the right balance
    It's a war, and siege weapons finally have some value other than knocking down walls. Had the best time last night, both defending and attacking. Taking on a keep with enemies on the walls finally felt right. It made me want to watch the battle of minas tirith again xD
  • Sharee
    Good change, but I'd like to see siege damaged reduced a tiny bit
    I believe siege damage should be changed to scale with the amount of targets it hits. 1 target in radius = low damage. More targets = damage keeps increasing, until it hits the current levels. This would allow siege to keep the role of zerg breaker/deterrent without being overpowered in other scenarios.
  • Samadhi
    Great change, the current siege damage strikes just the right balance
    Was one-shotted on one occasion after the patch.
    Went out, respecced all my attribute points to Health, siege has not killed me again since.

    Not playing as a vampire though.

    The new siege does just enough damage to get people spreading out and avoiding it, or at least rethinking builds; however, it does not do so much damage that it destroys the battlefield.

    Siege has counters, and this update has encouraged me to use them rather than write them off as useless.

    It is good where it is now, it does not need to be increased further.
    "If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion." -- the 14th Dalai Lama
    Wisdom is doing Now that which benefits you later.
  • Gravord
    The old siege damage was fine and should have been left alone
    Galalin wrote: »
    Love it.... what else would you expect from a 1ton flamming boulder?


    Maybe, just maybe, not being pull out of pocket in 1 second but take hours to be build and whole crew to operate it if you like realism so much. And not being hidden back to pocket in another 1 second if it need to be moved somewhere else.
  • Observant
    Good change, but I'd like to see siege damaged reduced a tiny bit
    Absolutely love it! Feels much more dynamic.

    I just think that we should keep the damage under 20k
  • Maulkin
    None of the above.

    The damage is fine, I want the place time for sieges increased so they can't be dropped willy nilly in the open field.
    EU | PC | AD
  • MurkMuffin
    Great change, the current siege damage strikes just the right balance
    This makes me happy because I remember being on the keep wall tossing all manner of siege at enemy players and hit them several times but they were still capable of getting away. I can't tell you how frustrating this is.
    Aldmeri Dominion
    Breton Sorcerer - Stria

    For The Queen!
  • Septimus_Magna
    Good change, but I'd like to see siege damaged reduced a tiny bit
    I think the damage should be reduced about 10-15% and it will be fine.
    Its a good way to counter big groups though, 3 fire ballista's will get the job done.
    PC - EU (AD)
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    Septimus Ozurk - Orsimer Sorcerer
  • Septimus_Magna
    Good change, but I'd like to see siege damaged reduced a tiny bit
    Samadhi wrote: »
    Was one-shotted on one occasion after the patch.
    Went out, respecced all my attribute points to Health, siege has not killed me again since.

    All points into health? Only tank builds can pull that off imo. Your resource pools will be very small making healing or dps on a competitive level nearly impossible.

    I have 42 points into magicka and only 25 points into health and Im not getting one-shot by any siege weapons.
    Edited by Septimus_Magna on March 25, 2015 12:48PM
    PC - EU (AD)
    Septimus Mezar - Altmer Sorcerer
    Septimus Rulanir - Orsimer Templar
    Septimus Desmoru - Khajiit Necromancer
    Septimus Iroh - Dunmer Dragon Knight
    Septimus Thragar - Dunmer Nightblade
    Septimus Jah'zar - Khajiit Nightblade
    Septimus Nerox - Redguard Warden
    Septimus Ozurk - Orsimer Sorcerer
  • eliisra
    Good change, but I'd like to see siege damaged reduced a tiny bit
    I like it, but a slight decrease is needed, need to be kept below 20k. There was always ways to buff siege dmg. Right now there's berserk minor and major, can stack up to 33% more siege dmg(35% more if you have former emp buff). This needs to go.

    Siege shield is also the most expensive skill in the game (together with Rapid Maneuver), so you cant just pop it constantly. Even worse for a stam build. Maybe make one of the morphs cost less?

    Also problematic with ally and enemy siege circles. You dont know which red circle to dodge and which one's are cool, unless everyone nearby is sitting in the same VoiP calling it out.
  • Poxheart
    Great change, the current siege damage strikes just the right balance
    I think it's perfect the way it is. Only change I'd like to see is to the color of friendly siege circles.
    Unsubbed and no longer playing, but still checking the Alliance War forum for the lulz.

    Pox Dragon Knight
    Poxheart Nightblade
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  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    Great change, the current siege damage strikes just the right balance
    I think it's wonderful. I actually had a reason to move out of the red circles and use purge. It also allows for much better keep defense.
  • mishimon
    Siege damage needed an increase, but not nearly this much
    too much DMG guys :no_mouth:
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