Campaign Performance

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
· [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
  • Rylana
    frozywozy wrote: »
    Again, please reduce the population cap by 20% and open another 30days campaign.


    We actually need 2 campaigns, Haderus is getting just as bad as trueflame in prime.

    We also NEED to keep the number above three so its not just buffserver roulette again like it was back when Chillrend still existed.

    @rylanadionysis == Closed Beta Tester October 2013 == Retired October 2016 == Uninstalled @ One Tamriel Release == Inactive Indefinitely
    Ebonheart Pact: Lyzara Dionysis - Sorc - AR 37 (Former Empress of Blackwater Blade and Haderus) == Shondra Dionysis - Temp - AR 23 == Arrianaya Dionysis - DK - AR 17
    Aldmeri Dominion: Rylana Dionysis - DK - AR 25 == Kailiana - NB - AR 21 == Minerva Dionysis - Temp - AR 21 == Victoria Dionysis - Sorc - AR 13
    Daggerfall Covenant: Dannika Dionysis - DK - AR 21 == The Catman Rises - Temp - AR 15 (Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade)
    Forum LOL Champion (retired) == Black Belt in Ballista-Fu == The Last Vice Member == Praise Cheesus == Electro-Goblin
  • Toc de Malsvi
    Toc de Malsvi
    For xbox NA population caps should also be reduced but there is no need for another campaign, most are not even close to full. However reducing the population should help with performance while also effectively working to help encourage players to play on other campaigns outside of Haderus and Scourge.
    Legendary Archer of Valenwood
    Bosmer Dragon Knight Archer. XBox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Bosmer Nightblade Archer. Xbox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Bosmer Sorcerer Archer. Xbox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Bosmer Warden Archer. Xbox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Templar's are evil..
  • Lava_Croft
    Constant 20 fps and 300+ ping.

    Great performance improvements!
  • ZOS_BrianWheeler
    PvP & Combat Lead
    There are discussions internally about opening another Campaign on NA and EU PC servers. We are looking at the performance changes from this update and will keep you all posted!
    ESO PVP Lead & Combat Lead
    Staff Post
  • Lord_Draevan
    Yeah, we definitely needs another 30 day/CP enabled/1 point per objective campaign.
    Bring back Wabbajack!
    I'm a man of few words. Any questions?
    NA/PC server
  • Bashev
    There are discussions internally about opening another Campaign on NA and EU PC servers. We are looking at the performance changes from this update and will keep you all posted!

    This will not change anything. In eu the only balanced campaign is TF and Azura. All the rest are nightcapped and dead if it is not prime time. The system needs changes. Emperor should be removed, then player will not take all keeps during the night.

    Or even better we need dynamic population caps. It is not fun when you have 1 bar from your faction to play against 3 bars who has all the keeps and when you attack all of the come at once because they are hungry for AP.
    Edited by Bashev on August 1, 2016 1:23PM
    Because I can!
  • nikolaj.lemcheb16_ESO
    There are discussions internally about opening another Campaign on NA and EU PC servers. We are looking at the performance changes from this update and will keep you all posted!

    Please make it a time locked one, that on US is open from 3 pm eastern until midnight pacific and outside that time frame points are not counted and you cannot take any objectives or scrolls.

    Make it from 15.00 polish time until midnight british time for the EU.

    That way at least ONE server is not won by whoever can nightcap the best.
  • Asmael

    Please make it a time locked one, that on US is open from 3 pm eastern until midnight pacific and outside that time frame points are not counted and you cannot take any objectives or scrolls.

    Make it from 15.00 polish time until midnight british time for the EU.

    That way at least ONE server is not won by whoever can nightcap the best.

    Australia would like to have a word with you.
    PC EU - Zahraji of the Void, aka "Kitty", the fluffiest salmon genocider in town.
    Poke @AsmaeI (last letter is uppercase "i") on PC EU or Asmael#9325 on Discord and receive a meow today.
  • Bashev
    Asmael wrote: »

    Australia would like to have a word with you.
    ZoS can make other campaigns which are for Oceanic players.
    Because I can!
  • Mustard

    Please add a 3rd CP campaign to NA - PC and lower the population on all 3 to spread everyone out.
  • Solariken
    @ZOS_BrianWheeler this is good news. WTB 2-week/CP-enabled/normal-objective-scoring.

    Also, can we PLEASE have Imperial City servers moved into an independent/separate campaign(s)? I know you said it would be difficult to untie from Cyrodiil, but it's the best decision for the continued health of the DLC.
    Edited by Solariken on August 1, 2016 3:22PM
  • runagate
    Solariken wrote: »
    @ZOS_BrianWheeler this is good news. WTB 2-week/CP-enabled/normal-objective-scoring.

    Also, can we PLEASE have Imperial City servers moved into an independent/separate campaign(s)? I know you said it would be difficult to untie from Cyrodiil, but it's the best decision for the continued health of the DLC.

    Couldn't agree more.

  • Tendrielle
    I think an easy way to balance campaigns would be to provide incentives to join a campaign less populated by your faction. So, if your population bar is lower than those of your foes, you receive extra AP. Simple as that. Most people would distribute out even I assume.
    Edited by Tendrielle on August 1, 2016 4:44PM
  • ZOS_BrianWheeler
    PvP & Combat Lead
    "if your population bar is lower than those of your foes, you receive extra AP" <-- This already happens at a rate of 20% bonus to AP if you're Alliance is noted as underpopulated. You also get another 20% if you're alliance is losing that campaign by a significant amount as noted in the Under-scoring bonus.
    ESO PVP Lead & Combat Lead
    Staff Post
  • Niaver
    Add capmaign with smaller max population. I want to play in balanced campaigns without lags.
    PC EU - Daggerfall Covenant - @Niaver
    Erazar (main) - Khajit DK tank

    Proud owner of Maelstrom Sharpened Bow
  • arkansas_ESO
    There are discussions internally about opening another Campaign on NA and EU PC servers. We are looking at the performance changes from this update and will keep you all posted!

    Awesome to hear, as all CP-enabled campaigns on NA are nearly unplayable during prime time, especially during weekends. The issue is that, during the week, there's not enough activity to prevent the third campaign from becoming dominated by one side. Maybe consider having third CP-enabled campaign that lasts a weekend? This takes the strain off of TF and Had and prevents there being a one-sided campaign during the week.
    Edited by arkansas_ESO on August 1, 2016 5:10PM

    Grand Overlord 25/8/17
  • ManDraKE
    "if your population bar is lower than those of your foes, you receive extra AP" <-- This already happens at a rate of 20% bonus to AP if you're Alliance is noted as underpopulated. You also get another 20% if you're alliance is losing that campaign by a significant amount as noted in the Under-scoring bonus.

    PvP players dont care too much about farming AP, most of them are sitting over millons of AP. People play cyrodril on daily basics to win campaings vs rival guilds, to get emperor, etc, and all that is runied by nightcapping and lag, AP bonuses are irrelevant to the flow of cyrodril.

    Dynamic population limits are needed. We also need to do something with IC, there is too many instances of it and too little people playing it, is dead for most part of the day. Also new things to the Telvar vendors is needed on every major patch, to keep alive the need of going there.
    Edited by ManDraKE on August 1, 2016 5:16PM
  • Tendrielle
    @ZOS_BrianWheeler Well, that's great! But maybe it should be more clearly communicated in the PvP-Campaign interface, so it is visible to you when you choose the campaign you want to attend. Or is it there and I did not notice?
    Edited by Tendrielle on August 1, 2016 5:43PM
  • Cydone
    "if your population bar is lower than those of your foes, you receive extra AP" <-- This already happens at a rate of 20% bonus to AP if you're Alliance is noted as underpopulated. You also get another 20% if you're alliance is losing that campaign by a significant amount as noted in the Under-scoring bonus.

    Doesn't seem to work right. What is considered to be underpop? Cause it seems like the only time that bonus is even noticeable is when your faction has 1 bar and everyone else is pop locked. Should be if any of the factions are pop locked and you aren't, there should be that bonus. But again, it doesn't seem like this is working as intended.
  • Mustard
    "if your population bar is lower than those of your foes, you receive extra AP" <-- This already happens at a rate of 20% bonus to AP if you're Alliance is noted as underpopulated. You also get another 20% if you're alliance is losing that campaign by a significant amount as noted in the Under-scoring bonus.


    You just need to add a 3rd CP campaign and lower the population on all 3 since the lag cant be fixed during big fights.

    Also move IC in a separate single instance / server since its dead most the of the time and have it not impact population.

    Edited by Mustard on August 1, 2016 5:32PM
  • Docmandu
    There are discussions internally about opening another Campaign on NA and EU PC servers. We are looking at the performance changes from this update and will keep you all posted!

    There are actual performance changes?! Or is that just a reference to the Town capture mechanism?

  • Lord_Draevan
    Niaver wrote: »
    Add capmaign with smaller max population. I want to play in balanced campaigns without lags.

    I'd like to know what the current max population is. I know it was 600 vs 600 vs 600 back at launch, but it's been reduced since then yet ZOS won't tell us the new numbers :/
    Edited by Lord_Draevan on August 1, 2016 5:31PM
    I'm a man of few words. Any questions?
    NA/PC server
  • Dagoth_Rac
    ManDraKE wrote: »

    PvP players dont care too much about farming AP, most of them are sitting over millons of AP. People play cyrodril on daily basics to win campaings vs rival guilds, to get emperor, etc, and all that is runied by nightcapping and lag, AP bonuses are irrelevant to the flow of cyrodril.

    I have always felt that the non-Emperor keeps should be much harder to take for a foreign faction and much easier to re-take for the home faction. So even if you log into a campaign that is completely dominated by another faction, you will feel you can get back a few of your home keeps rather quickly and get a foothold on the map. You can still PvDoor to take the entire map at night, but it will take longer, and will not hold very long. Make it part of Battle Spirit and call it "Strained Supply Lines" or something.
  • DHale
    IC should always have been a separate instance.
    Sorcerna, proud beta sorc. RIP April 2014 to May 31 2016 DArk Brotherhood. Out of retirement for negates and encases. Sorcerna will be going back into retirement to be my main crafter Fall 2018. Because an 8 k shield is f ing useless. Died because of baddies on the forum. Too much qq too little pew pew. 16 AD 2 DC. 0 EP cause they bad, CP 2300 plus 18 level 50 toons. NA, PC, Grey Host#SORCLIVESMATTER actually they don’t or they wouldn’t keep getting nerfed constantly.
  • frozywozy
    @ZOS_BrianWheeler - Thanks for addressing the need of another 30 days campaign. Could it be possible to get more informations about the reasoning behind NOT reducing the population cap just yet or ignoring the posts related to it in this thread? I've played this game enough at different population bars to know that 3 bars pop is the ideal scenario to PvP in with near to no performance issues still with great large fights happening at multiple places on the map.

    EDIT : During latency spikes (above 400ms), the duration of the new mini-snare that got added to the gap closer mechanic is extended by a few seconds making you permanently snared if at least one person is using a gap closer on you every 2-3 seconds. Even in mist form since this snare doesn't seem to be affected by any ability that provide snare immunity.
    Edited by frozywozy on August 1, 2016 8:01PM
    Frozn - Stamdk - AR50
    Frosted - Magplar - AR50
    Frodn - Magden - AR50
    Warmed - Magblade - AR50
    Mmfrozy - Magsorc - AR44
    Necrozn - Magcro - AR32
    PvP Group Builds

    “Small minds discuss people, average minds discuss events, and great minds discuss ideas.” -Eleanor Roosevelt
    • Fix Volendrung (spawn location - weapon white on the map causing the wielder to keep it forever - usable with emperorship)
    • Remove / Change CPs System, remove current CP/noCP campaigns and introduce one 30days with lock, one with no locks
    • Fix crashes when approaching a keep under attack because of bad / wrong rendering prioritization system
    • Change emperorship to value faction score points and not alliance points - see this and this
    • Fix long loading screens (mostly caused by players joining group out of rendering range)
    • Add 2 more quickslots to the wheel or add a different wheel for sieges weaponry only
    • Fix Balista Bolts not dealing damage on walls or doors if deployed at a certain place
    • Release bigger battlegrounds with 8 to 16 players per team and only two teams
    • Fix the permanent block animation - see examples : link1 link2 link3 link4 link5
    • Gives players 10 minutes to get back into Cyrodiil after relogging / crashing
    • Add a function to ignore the Claiming system of useless rewards
    • Improve the Mailing System / Rewards of the Worthy stacking
    • Assign specific group sizes to specific campaigns (24-16-8)
    • Make forward camps impossible to place near objectives
    • Make snares only available from ground effects abilities
    • Change emperorship to last minimum 24hours
    • Fix body sliding after cc breaking too quickly
    • Remove Block Casting through Battle Spirit
    • Fix the speed drop while jumping - see video
    • Fix loading screens when keeps upgrade
    • Fix Rams going crazy (spinning around)
    • Bring back dynamic ulti regeneration
    • Fix speed bug (abilities locked)
    • Introduce dynamic population
    • Lower population cap by 20%
    • Add Snare Immunity potions
    • Bring resurrection sickness
    • Fix character desync
    • Fix cc breaking bug
    • Fix gap closer bug
    • Fix health desync
    • Fix combat bug
    • Fix streak bug
    • Fix server lag
  • SoulScream
    Remove how emp works on all camps or just on some new camps. Make new camps with different rule sets, please.
  • Lava_Croft
    The reason that PvP at prime time is unplayable is because of a broken game. New campaigns do nothing but weaken the PvP experience even further.
  • ZOS_BrianWheeler
    PvP & Combat Lead
    There have been multiple responses about improved performance in this thread the Hist patch.

    While this improvement is promising, we're still monitoring performance and making sure things are still progressing forward and continually improving! The big thing we're looking for is combat responsiveness in battles. Are you pressing action keys and they're not firing for several seconds? Are abilities "storing up" and unleashing all at once because no inputs from you went through? Is chat not taking message inputs for several seconds? All of these bits of information help us nail down server performance. As you're reporting sometimes that latency meter is acting wonky, so any reports about how combat is going as opposed to "my meter went red" is very helpful!
    ESO PVP Lead & Combat Lead
    Staff Post
  • Lord_Draevan
    I think the Town capture mechanic has helped. People are more spread out now, as opposed to only being near Keeps and Outposts, trying to take the Towns.
    I'm a man of few words. Any questions?
    NA/PC server
  • visionality
    I've been in Trueflame, EU this afternoon with my magica sorc. Lag status is terrible, unfortunately. Whenever heavy damage comes in (.i.e. more than 5 players attacking me at once) the whole screen slows down to 3-5 fps, skills are totally blocked, then slows down even more to 0 fps for 1-2 seconds.Normally when gaming data start flowing again, I'm dead, but sometimes I even survive the havoc. My combat log clearly shows that nothing happend from my side during the "black-out" even when hitting keys like mad.

    This is NOT happening with my stam NB, but I have friends playing magica templars who suffer exactly the same.

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