Should they nerv the Sorcerer Teleport

  • Grim13
    lol seems to me this poll has had 48% of it's responses from sorcerers!
  • Memnock
    Still_Mind wrote: »
    Obscure wrote: »
    there's not much a Stamina specialized player can do that a Magicka specialized player can't do better, and without the risks.
    One of the core issues of the game. Stamina utility takes too much of a toll for it not to have access to cost reduction mechanics (aside the semi-broken feat cost reduction jewelry), comparable to the broad array of sources for magicka cost reduction.

    Not even mentioning that Magicka skills are, on the average, both, more powerful and more cost-efficient than Stamina.

    This is interesting... wondering if maybe they could shift some of the things into the magicka category.

    I'm thinking dodging and sprinting remains stamina, but CC break could become a magicka based activity instead.

    Mix it up a bit, they would have to tweak animations but then it becomes a drain on both and you can't simply compartmentalize.

    Maybe a better option for this would be to make Dodge , Roll and CC break have a separate resource all together ( lets call it mind over matter , MoM for short ) , similar to Stamina or Magicka and to have its resource regen be derived from the stat that the character lean more towards , basically if you have a magicka orineted character , with say 2k magicka , and a magicka regen of 90 , then your character's MoM regen would be 90 as well. The only difference between MoM and the rest of the stats , is that you can't have gear or items/consumables , influence its total amount , you have a set amount , say... 1k and the only thing that helps this stat is how much regen have for your resource.

    This way , magicka users gets to enjoy their stuff , stamina users get to do the same without having to worry about CC breaks if they dig in too deep into their stamina , everybody wins as far as i can see.

    Of course , numbers would be left to the devs for balancing and stuff.
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