Should they nerv the Sorcerer Teleport

at least in PvP
Edited by TheRealSkippy on April 28, 2014 10:30PM

Should they nerv the Sorcerer Teleport 513 votes

Necromethodofmind_ESOmark.coogan_ESOrophez_ESOGwarokcasselna_ESOArgonianAssassinCreslian7ComaInducedNivzruo_ESOchimneyswift_ESOtimothywnugent_ESOWolfaenfrwinters_ESOSinisterJointdaveben007b14a_ESOZafuWraithAzraielAltDeLeetarkbound 215 votes
FENGRUSHTerminusKowalzkylimeli8ImryllAffrayerCiedocfernikfurradahl.lucas_ESOTitusFdtere1_ESODaenerysSek0nZephericLaurabryan.rose_ESOjsacc55_ESOIronblazehuntgod_ESOMasterFUNG_ESO 245 votes
I haven't seen something special about it
Daemonkewlflintstonejge_ESOkevlarto_ESOmlscott0dannymcgr81b14_ESOcalamityjared0169b14_ESOmaneatingmonkeyIvoryFoxkoettyjerome.demyttenaereb16_ESOmontgomery.luke07b16_ESOSandhyaBleakravenBarazEMacedo72ub17_ESOjoseph.zhu.jzrwb17_ESOleandro.800ub17_ESO 53 votes
  • Ragnar_Lodbrok
    Seriously? You do realize they are not balancing to pvp right?
  • lajnus86b16_ESO
    Should cost % of mana so you can do it less often or worse case scenario ability.
  • Varivox9
    In PvP, yes. PvE, no.

    My first run in with this was when a sorc tried to single me out, I almost had him (1-2 more hits and he would have died) and then all of a sudden the sorc disappeared off my screen and I watched him port 7-8 times with no hope of ever catching him. If nothing else, just increase the mana requirement.
  • Nox_Aeterna
    I play a templar and i still think that would be silly.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • jeradlub17_ESO
    Varivox9 wrote: »
    In PvP, yes. PvE, no.

    My first run in with this was when a sorc tried to single me out, I almost had him (1-2 more hits and he would have died) and then all of a sudden the sorc disappeared off my screen and I watched him port 7-8 times with no hope of ever catching him. If nothing else, just increase the mana requirement.
    This complaint makes no sense. You are complaining that it worked as intended as a means of escape from a losing situation. It already has a huge mana cost, it does not need increased. What they do need to investigate and fix though are some hacks I have seen. I myself play a sorc and about 7-8 teles after a fight is all you are going to get even dropping a potion. However, I have chased some other sorcs that obviously were hacking cause even I couldn't keep up. Watched one tele 15 times. When you do the math even with a pot there is simply no way to do that legit. I have all the same reduction they do. It isn't the ability you all want fixed it is whatever exploit they have found to go with it that you really want fixed. Bolt escape itself is fine as is. The cheat they have found though that is what needs to go.
    - Dallamar, Sorc, EP
    - Krushim of KrushimTV on Youtube and Twitch
  • rjgoinsub17_ESO
    I love the ability and think it fits well with the sorcerer skill line. I do feel that being able to spam this ability six or more times in a row without much penalty or cost is a little much. I don't think an added cost in magicka or shortening of distance traveled with each additional use, in a certain period of time would be crippling. The ability will remain very effective as an escape for the sorcerer class. They could still escape from pvp/pve combat situations they feel at a disadvantage, which is how I feel the ability was meant to be used. Not as a probing/taunting ability, which is how it is currently being used by some players. If you want to probe, scout or taunt with this ability then go for it. But your ability to attack from it will be more difficult with less magicka to use and a shorter distance traveled when/if you really need to escape. Thanks for this forum to express our opinions.
  • Varivox9
    Varivox9 wrote: »
    In PvP, yes. PvE, no.

    My first run in with this was when a sorc tried to single me out, I almost had him (1-2 more hits and he would have died) and then all of a sudden the sorc disappeared off my screen and I watched him port 7-8 times with no hope of ever catching him. If nothing else, just increase the mana requirement.
    This complaint makes no sense. You are complaining that it worked as intended as a means of escape from a losing situation. It already has a huge mana cost, it does not need increased. What they do need to investigate and fix though are some hacks I have seen. I myself play a sorc and about 7-8 teles after a fight is all you are going to get even dropping a potion. However, I have chased some other sorcs that obviously were hacking cause even I couldn't keep up. Watched one tele 15 times. When you do the math even with a pot there is simply no way to do that legit. I have all the same reduction they do. It isn't the ability you all want fixed it is whatever exploit they have found to go with it that you really want fixed. Bolt escape itself is fine as is. The cheat they have found though that is what needs to go.

    The problem is, imo, that even with "only" 7-8 ports, it's almost impossible to catch them. It is an escape, true, but it shouldn't be an auto escape that completely removes you from the fight.
  • Hail_Sithis
    I have copied and will paste below is a response made in another forum with the same topic, as this is such a stupid, bone-headed question/poll to make that I don't feel as if I should put more effort into the response than the OP has.
    Charging is hard.

    Pulling as a DK is hard.

    Timing CC preemptively is hard

    Hitting him with DoTs is hard.

    NOT chasing the Sorcerer into an obvious trap, and instead recovering your own resources and moving on to do something else is hard.

    Class diversity is overpowered.

    I'll make you a deal, You can nerf Sorc's blink ability if critical charge, mist form, fiery chain, teleport strike, focused charge,shadow cloak and EVERY RANGED ATTACK (Some of which are CC) IN THE GAME are removed entirely.

    If the idea of a class getting a unique ability that other classes don't get seriously is this mind-boggling to you, just get out, You're never going to learn to play, you're always going to be "That guy"

    You know the one. The one that goes "Healers heal too much" or "Tanks take way too much damage." or "I lost a duel against the stealth class when he got the drop on me, NERF STEALTH!"

    Grow the hell up.
    Edited by Hail_Sithis on April 29, 2014 1:56AM
    "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not so sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein

    "What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence." - Christopher Hitchens
  • BrassRazoo
    I think there are a lot more things to worry about than this.
    One players escape /evade skill is not going to save us all from the dreaded shield bashing, AoE spamming blob with added Bat swarm!

  • Lulufia
    As a sorc I feel BoL should at least take a nerf, besides that it's fine.

    You should be more concerned with talons, the shield tards, batswarm and mistform.

    PSA: Mistform can be bashed, it's still silly broken though when someone spams it on top of 4 ult batswarm.
  • Hail_Sithis
    Lulufia wrote: »
    As a sorc I feel BoL should at least take a nerf

    Why? Not only is it basically useless in most situations, It's essentially a giant "Here I am, I am a sorcerer, please focus me and/or track the giant balls of light that in hindsight won't stop you from kicking my ass."

    "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not so sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein

    "What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence." - Christopher Hitchens
  • Lulufia
    Or it's the giant sign that says "LOL good luck killing me unless you give someone who is already mounted rapid maneuver." not sure how being immune to fragment barrage is useless, but ok.
  • bloodenragedb14_ESO
    NO!!!! when you played console games in your youth, did you call and demand the creator to nerf a boss you couldnt beat? no? then play the game and learn to counter it!!!!
  • Vangrave
    Nothing major, it should still be the best ability for getting away, but teleporting half a KM away is pretty silly since it means there's no way to ever effectively catch them. It should still be something where a really good player can almost always avoid being caught, but as it is now, it's like if nightblades had a passive that made it so they couldn't be spotted in stealth period. Hate to compare it to WoW, but mages in WoW could blink once every 15 seconds and had one immobilize on CD and it was still super tough to catch them. I think they should keep it where you can still do consecutive teleports, but maybe make successive casts over a certain period cost more and more magicka.
  • Varivox9
    NO!!!! when you played console games in your youth, did you call and demand the creator to nerf a boss you couldnt beat? no? then play the game and learn to counter it!!!!

    Apples vs. Oranges; FIGHT!!!!!!

    If there was a boss I couldn't beat that was designed in a halfway fair way, it was all on me. However, if they made the first boss literally impossible to beat....yea, I'd have probably called...

    Right now, teleporting away and making it impossible to catch them is BS. The Vamp ulti is also broken, but lets not complain that it can solo kill an entire zerg in 10 seconds because I didn't call the developer of a different game for making a hard boss...

    imbalanced is imbalanced.
  • Gisgo
    They should do NOTHING for at least one month.
    Let players build their characters, and develop tactics and counters, then start collecting data.
    And only when they know what to do, they should start tuning skills and classes.
  • IvoryFox
    I haven't seen something special about it
    Some people are complaining about not catch and killing a player that just flees. Yea.. thats... well.. no, I can't understand it. He doesn't kill me with it. He just flees. There would be no sense in this skill if it can just be used once or twice. The range you are teleported forward isn't that high. Everyone with medium armor, every orc and everyone with a charge would get me and/or at least outrun me.
    It is an escape move for escaping...
  • Erock25
    Leave it as it is. By the way your poll is bias anyways as basically 2 of 3 responses are 'Don't nerf'
    You earned the 500 LOLs badge.
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  • Iniesta
    no because it doesnt hurt anyone directly, and any skilled pvp player will get you anyway....
    Talking bout the ridiculously OP DK skills would make more sense...but im even against that . Because once things get nerfed due community demands and childish polls there will be no end to it.
  • Xael
    Iniesta wrote: »
    no because it doesnt hurt anyone directly, and any skilled pvp player will get you anyway....
    Talking bout the ridiculously OP DK skills would make more sense...but im even against that . Because once things get nerfed due community demands and childish polls there will be no end to it.

    Please learn to play and adapt like the rest of us.
    These threads are seriously dumb and need to stop.

    I got killed in pvp, nerf everything...
  • knaveofengland
    I wonder what scottie would say
  • Khazaad
    No. They shouldn't. I haven't gotten it yet.
  • Zaxq
    Its annoying sometimes when they port away, but I just switch targets and go after someone else (I solo a lot in Cyrodiil).

    What I would like to see though, is a reduction in the time you stay "in-combat" as you are basically detected until it goes away (and therefore cant stealth at all).

    If you kill them its about 10s. If they teleport away you stay in combat for about 30s (and also cant mount to give chase).
  • Hail_Sithis
    Zaxq wrote: »
    Its annoying sometimes when they port away, but I just switch targets and go after someone else (I solo a lot in Cyrodiil).

    What I would like to see though, is a reduction in the time you stay "in-combat" as you are basically detected until it goes away (and therefore cant stealth at all).

    If you kill them its about 10s. If they teleport away you stay in combat for about 30s (and also cant mount to give chase).

    I could get behind this.

    Lulufia wrote: »
    Or it's the giant sign that says "LOL good luck killing me unless you give someone who is already mounted rapid maneuver." not sure how being immune to fragment barrage is useless, but ok.

    Frag barrage is the only ranged attack in the game, clearly.

    Not all ranged attacks are affected by it, The DK Chain and the siphoning attacks, for example, work perfectly fine.
    Edited by Hail_Sithis on April 29, 2014 12:12PM
    "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not so sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein

    "What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence." - Christopher Hitchens
  • TheRealSkippy
    Iniesta wrote: »
    no because it doesnt hurt anyone directly, and any skilled pvp player will get you anyway....
    Talking bout the ridiculously OP DK skills would make more sense...but im even against that . Because once things get nerfed due community demands and childish polls there will be no end to it.

    pretty aggresive and offensive reaction for a simple question out of curiosity what people think about this point.
  • Alestair
    So your telling everyone including me, that the teleport should stay as is?, Like wimps who teleport in "AOE,stun" teleport away to regenerate health and come back, kills a few teleports off screen without any penalty, which is Very high survivability, nearly impossible to kill because once they start spamming that Teleport BOOM, you and the whole faction is just out of luck.. Nerf that and the dragon talons and vampire bats.. Nerf those three things and you will see a better PVP Experiance...
  • Thechemicals
    Its too soon to be nerfing anything. Lets try figuring things out ingame first before thinking something is overpowered.
    Vr14 Templar since release- dual resto
    Vr14 Dk bow/2h

    Brayan Blackthunder
    Daggerfall Covenant

  • monkeymystic
    I agree they should be careful with nerfing skills too soon in general, but escape bolt is OP as hell and we dont need to wait to see it. Its being abused to the maximum at the moment. Scroll carrying + escape bolt for example? or that they can spam escape bolt? its not balanced.
  • LadyChaos
    Varivox9 wrote: »
    In PvP, yes. PvE, no.

    My first run in with this was when a sorc tried to single me out, I almost had him (1-2 more hits and he would have died) and then all of a sudden the sorc disappeared off my screen and I watched him port 7-8 times with no hope of ever catching him. If nothing else, just increase the mana requirement.

    he had enough mana to port that many times, you didn't "almost have him". He just decided he no longer had you IMO.
    VR2 Ataxia - [NA] Veteran Dominion Sorcerer [Auriel's Bow]
    PvP, PvE, Crafting, and General Shenanigans
    >:) Sorcery and Mayhem online since 1999 >:)
    Current PvP Class/Supernatural Census
  • Lulufia
    Frag barrage is the only ranged attack in the game, clearly.

    Not all ranged attacks are affected by it, The DK Chain and the siphoning attacks, for example, work perfectly fine.

    Dk's/NB's can't keep up, another sorc can and BoL makes you immune to their fragments, if you spec streak then eventually you're at the mercy of a full knockdown if you keep trying to block/break out of them allowing the zerg to catch you. :)

    Why I laugh at everyone who makes the "dur dur the ball gives away your position" excuse, it's more of a taunt as you raiden across the horizon.
    Edited by Lulufia on April 29, 2014 10:31PM
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