Should they nerv the Sorcerer Teleport

  • SuperScrubby
    Raiden across the horizon is a good way to put it. The skill should be more situtional. People can currently use it as a less broken most form, and we all know how broken that is. The skill should be situational like everything else and it should be expensive to use like everything else.

    People complaining about broken talons should know that skill is getting patched and uses a ridiculous amount of magicka. It is not something you can easily spam.

    In its current iteration you can use BoL too casually in both pve and pvp with no repercussions. And for whoever said the sorc lost their opportunity for a kill that's simply not true since it's always used as a form of escape. Someone might initiate with it, but they'll sure as hell run away using it.
  • Makkir
    Don't chase a porting Sorcerer...
    To quote Admiral Ackbar, "It's a trap!"
  • Crescent
    Raiden across the horizon is a good way to put it. The skill should be more situtional. People can currently use it as a less broken most form, and we all know how broken that is. The skill should be situational like everything else and it should be expensive to use like everything else.

    People complaining about broken talons should know that skill is getting patched and uses a ridiculous amount of magicka. It is not something you can easily spam.

    In its current iteration you can use BoL too casually in both pve and pvp with no repercussions. And for whoever said the sorc lost their opportunity for a kill that's simply not true since it's always used as a form of escape. Someone might initiate with it, but they'll sure as hell run away using it.

    Yeah, and in the process break the skill for any sorcerer that isn't stacking light armor and magicka recovery.

    Thank you for nerfing my Bolt Escape on my melee sorc, god knows it's the only charge dual wield has and it's aimed, it doesn't even bring you to your target like teleport strike does.

    And you can nerf my bolt escape when you give my sorcerer a spike heal that doesn't rely on RNG crits and speccing critical surge or a 4 sec self CC channel.

    Because last I checked sorcs can't just press a button and recover half of their HP in one press on demand or have any good AoE outside a destro staff, which melee sorcerers don't use because they're stamina based.
    Edited by Crescent on April 30, 2014 2:55AM
  • jmoore59
    Yes it needs to be changed, the fact that a sorc can disregard all snares/roots and hit and run until they win is not defendable as a low cost spammable ability.

    Can't mount and chase either since your in combat.

    So we have one class in the game has the ability to always win unless they really screw up. All he has to do is run away heal up try again until he wins.
    Hell you can't run from a sorc either it works both ways.
    Added to the fact that it stuns you can chain it as a cc as well.

    No class should always have a get out of jail free card.
    So yeah it needs to be changed.
  • M.M.Fuchsb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Its impossible that a sorc can kill everything and still has enough mana to port away. Instead of nerving things, which aren´t broken, because i haven´t seen anyone die because of bolt escape, lets try to get some counterplay.
    Actually i would even wait. Maybe we get some new Skilllines which provides some help in this issue. A Silence woot be enough. Silent itself is already implemented, there is however a lack of skills that provide it (i think the only one right now is the Sorc Ult?)

    There are way more broken things like beeing unkillable because of unlimited vampult/mistform. Then again i dont think this works as intended(where bolt escape does)
  • jmoore59
    Its impossible that a sorc can kill everything and still has enough mana to port away. Instead of nerving things, which aren´t broken, because i haven´t seen anyone die because of bolt escape, lets try to get some counterplay.
    Actually i would even wait. Maybe we get some new Skilllines which provides some help in this issue. A Silence woot be enough. Silent itself is already implemented, there is however a lack of skills that provide it (i think the only one right now is the Sorc Ult?)

    There are way more broken things like beeing unkillable because of unlimited vampult/mistform. Then again i dont think this works as intended(where bolt escape does)

    Vamps can be rooted and slowed. Vamps can be chased down if you spam root/slow on them since it will cast even if they then go into mist form.
    All they need to do with vamps is fix the targeting issue.

    Sorcs cannot be stopped since they just blink out of it. (yes I know they "keep" the snare/root but since it doesnt stop forward movement it doesn't mean anything)
  • SexyVette07
    LadyChaos wrote: »
    Varivox9 wrote: »
    In PvP, yes. PvE, no.

    My first run in with this was when a sorc tried to single me out, I almost had him (1-2 more hits and he would have died) and then all of a sudden the sorc disappeared off my screen and I watched him port 7-8 times with no hope of ever catching him. If nothing else, just increase the mana requirement.

    he had enough mana to port that many times, you didn't "almost have him". He just decided he no longer had you IMO.
    Quoted for truth.

    Isnt this horse beaten to death yet? Why dont we nerf nightblades stealth ability, because that actually drops combat, which was the OP's chief complaint....
  • lajnus86b16_ESO
    ppl saying that this one and mist form should not get nerfed, are godamn morons, and have no clue what skill is.

    There is no cooldowns in eso, this is basicly a blink on mage in wow without any penlity and no cooldown.

    Are you *** kidding me that you think this is balanced?

    you will always be able to choose the fight to take and you should never die if you know how to handle your magicka.

    and there are no counters to this, unless you wanna pick up mistform and stampede, or be sorc with the blink aswell.

    Problem is even if you chase him, as a sorc and do this you will go oom aswell as he will go oom. so you cannot kill eachother.

    this is just stupid, and this is also why there are cooldowns in other mmo:s
    or make them really godamn expensive or have a huge drawback to it.

    Where is here there is none, ppl defending this are (yes i am serious, stupid self defending liars, that want to keep their op ability, just like burning talons dks defending its op ness i play dk myself and want it nerfed.)

    You see the diffrence between you and me? i know what balance is, i can see when an ability is broken, and ask for some fix wihtout nerfing it to the ground.

    increase its mana cost, and place a debuff once you use it that you cannot use it again for 3-5 seconds again.
  • Griffus
    Its hilarious so much hate for the teleport. when in every MMO caster classes generally have said ability. and most RPGs. I mean seriously you didn't expect this ability for sorcerers?
  • LadyChaos
    ppl saying that this one and mist form should not get nerfed, are godamn morons, and have no clue what skill is.

    There is no cooldowns in eso, this is basicly a blink on mage in wow without any penlity and no cooldown.

    Are you *** kidding me that you think this is balanced?

    you will always be able to choose the fight to take and you should never die if you know how to handle your magicka.

    and there are no counters to this, unless you wanna pick up mistform and stampede, or be sorc with the blink aswell.

    Problem is even if you chase him, as a sorc and do this you will go oom aswell as he will go oom. so you cannot kill eachother.

    this is just stupid, and this is also why there are cooldowns in other mmo:s
    or make them really godamn expensive or have a huge drawback to it.

    Where is here there is none, ppl defending this are (yes i am serious, stupid self defending liars, that want to keep their op ability, just like burning talons dks defending its op ness i play dk myself and want it nerfed.)

    You see the diffrence between you and me? i know what balance is, i can see when an ability is broken, and ask for some fix wihtout nerfing it to the ground.

    increase its mana cost, and place a debuff once you use it that you cannot use it again for 3-5 seconds again.

    I'm guessing you don't play a sorcerer and you are pulling your theories from theory-craft land? This isn't even close to how it works but the uncalled for jabs and sprinkled unsettling anger was worth the read.
    VR2 Ataxia - [NA] Veteran Dominion Sorcerer [Auriel's Bow]
    PvP, PvE, Crafting, and General Shenanigans
    >:) Sorcery and Mayhem online since 1999 >:)
    Current PvP Class/Supernatural Census
  • Semel
    Please, BUFF OP's NERVed mentally challenged state of mind.

    Thank you.
  • Xael
    jmoore59 wrote: »

    Sorcs cannot be stopped since they just blink out of it. (yes I know they "keep" the snare/root but since it doesnt stop forward movement it doesn't mean anything)

    ^This is a complete load of sh*t.
    Sorcerer's get cc'd by cc trains like there is no tomorrow against intelligent players. Cut the bullsh*t... seriously.

    I can't believe how many whiney bad players are crying about this or that in order to dumb down pvp to a level which incompetent players can get boosted up a notch (or several). The countless posts of crying and videos showing ignorant morons not using the proper skills or map awareness blows my damn mind.

    Every single mmo I have played, the forums have the been the pulpit for endless floods of prattling idiots demanding classes or abilities be nerfed. Sadly they are too myopic have too high an opinion of themselves to realize the problem is them, not the class or ability. These fartbrained dunderheads are the reason games become an endless cycle of nerfs and broken classes / abilities.
    Edited by Xael on April 30, 2014 8:22PM
    I got killed in pvp, nerf everything...
  • grim6falcon
    Soul Shriven
    On one of the loading screen tips it said fleeing is a valid tactic.
  • Ironblaze
    Sorcerer teleport in PvE in decent, but is mostly useful as a sprinting alternative for magicka builds. In PvP, there are plenty of counters. If a NB/DK is fairly close, their gap closers can still render that distance-gain null. Not to mention any Magicka build in PvP isn't guarenteed to have enough left in the blue-bar to get away, let alone the time to turn away.
    Iron Shadowscale: VR10 EP Greatsword-slinging, stamina focused, werewolf, self-healing Argonian sorcerer.
    Sensible build? No. Hilariously fun build? Yup!
  • FegefeueR
    This Voting is useless, there are much more Sorcerer in ESO than anything else - people want to keep their completely unbalanced Class. And it's not only this crappy Teleport, Sorcerer needs a complete rework.
  • Reykice
    If they nerf the teleport i expect them to also nerf things like the DK pull, the roots, the slows, the mist and so on.

    Why nerf an escape skill for doing the jobs its supposed to do? If he has magicka to use it a few times it would mean he is a magicka based build so without that escape he will be charged or outrun by any medium armor user... having no chance to escape.

  • LadyChaos
    FegefeueR wrote: »
    This Voting is useless, there are much more Sorcerer in ESO than anything else - people want to keep their completely unbalanced Class. And it's not only this crappy Teleport, Sorcerer needs a complete rework.

    So, which class did you choose? 1947 votes
    • Sorcerer 22% 444 votes
    • Dragonknight 22% 447 votes
    • Nightblade 29% 572 votes
    • Templar 24% 484 votes

    VR2 Ataxia - [NA] Veteran Dominion Sorcerer [Auriel's Bow]
    PvP, PvE, Crafting, and General Shenanigans
    >:) Sorcery and Mayhem online since 1999 >:)
    Current PvP Class/Supernatural Census
  • DGVish
    This is the one ability I found to be very OP and unbalanced in PvP. It is essentially the "You can't kill me" button. Sure they aren't winning the fight but they are sticking around for another one. I think something should be done to make it more of a choice rather than a "I'm in trouble" button people hopelessly smash.

    I've played my Sorcerer in PvP with teleport and I found myself smiling and having too much fun. That's when I know an ability is OP and needs a nerf.
  • vince131nub18_ESO
    maybe make it cost a little more. but other than that i dont see an issue
    There is no safty to be found in a sword. a sword brings death. it does not give life. it is a responsibility... a burden... this is no gift. it is a curse. i hope one day... you will forgive me.
  • Obscure
    Oh stahp it.

    If anything the skill needs a buff. More damage, a better stun duration, a root, something. It's a positioning skill which players like to spam to get away, big f***ing deal. Getting away doesn't win you any fights, it literally does the opposite when you are already losing them. Most of these scrub sorcs end up port spamming away from combat. There are only ever a few good Sorcs I see using the skill properly, and they're already unnecessarily nerfed due to the volume of children that like to cry because bad Sorcs can spam it to prevent said crying children from getting a kill because their build is incapable of catching them.

    There are gap closers (Invasion), ranged CC's (Extended Chains), and other teleports available for players to use to catch a fleeing target. Learn to use them and use them intelligently. Mobility counter play exists and makes any argument for nerfing bolt escape the short sighted whinings of bad players who instead of seeking to improve their skill or their builds would rather childishly cry and scream "not fair!". You build a rock, you get beat by paper. Don't like it? Build scissors...but watch out for rocks.

    The only changes that need to be made is bolting drops the scroll in Cyrodiil, and removal of the ridiculous Nerf they already did to the skill via reduction to magicka recovery on use. Hell they could make the Nerf offset itself by improving spell damage, or spell crit or spell resist, or just something to make the magicka regen reduction worth while.
  • Liquidus
    I don't think anything should be nerv'd .. I mean , think of the children.
  • nimrauko.valruthb16_ESO
    Oooh poor nigthblade or vamp or werewolf, he could not hunt sorcs easily, because they too powerfull. They can flee away!! What?! Are Bethesda crazy!?... Stop cry, and learn to play, learn to use your skills better, and learn that: sometimes you couldn't do everthing you want and they aren't easy...

    PvP is PvP, everyone use their skills in better way to survive. Like sorc is hard to kill someone in 1vs1 battle, do you really think it should be more hard to flee away? So, sorcs should go PvP to be sparrings.
  • Creslian7
    Cyrodiil has sparked many balancing issues. I hope the devs take a heavy handed approach when looking at skills like this and beat it hard with the nerf bat.
  • Varivox9
    Oooh poor nigthblade or vamp or werewolf, he could not hunt sorcs easily, because they too powerfull. They can flee away!! What?! Are Bethesda crazy!?... Stop cry, and learn to play, learn to use your skills better, and learn that: sometimes you couldn't do everthing you want and they aren't easy...

    PvP is PvP, everyone use their skills in better way to survive. Like sorc is hard to kill someone in 1vs1 battle, do you really think it should be more hard to flee away? So, sorcs should go PvP to be sparrings.

    The problem isn't that they are hard to kill in 1v1 (at least not because of the port they get), but because they can port away from a zerg if they want to. They have an instant, 100% guaranteed get out of jail card. CC them? Nope. The only way to stop them is by getting a sorc with the same skill to catch them a mile away. Get on your horse to catch them? Nope. They port faster than any horse since there is no CD.

    How do you propose to "learn to use your kills better" and catch them? Aside from building your own sorc JUST to catch them, how?

    It's not that they have an escape. It's that they have the perfect escape.
  • Excyte
    Seems like noone see the op-ness of skirmishing sorcerers.

    1. Kill people
    2. They want to fight back? Nope teleport away
    3. A:They give up chasing or B: They keep chasing

    3A: Repeat step 1
    3B: They're better off chasing you than actually being useful. If they give up return to step 1.
    4. ????
    5. PROFIT!!
  • Kililin
    Majority is pro nerf: See, it is overpowered!
    Majority is anti nerf: Useless Poll everyone is Sorc.

    Balancing for PvP will not happen. Sad as it is.
    We can hope for Camelot Unchained.

  • nez
    I used to overreact to BoL but with time i noticed that it is what it need to be, tho they it might've been lil bit less spamable. Now, actual problem is, as stated many times before, vampires mist form with bats, and yes, shield bash is something only zenimax could thought of.
    Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na Batmaaaan
  • Memnock
    I play a sorcerer and to be honest , the game was not very enjoyable to be more i was given the option to actually escape a battle. being pulled and intercepted by a DK with 2H weapon who has the ability to stay on you like glue is not fun at all.
    Also , the skill costs a lot of magicka and while doing that , you aren't able to do anything else. I am sorry , but i like my class to have the ability to escape a situation where i am being dragged around like a rag doll , or bashed on the head with a 2h or a shield because you find it hard to cope with a mechanic that allows a sorc to escape a no win situation.
    I mean , the NB has a teleport strike built into his class , DK has a scorpion style pull , Templar has a charge. All of them magicka based, all of them spamable , all of them with the ability to have a range of 22 meters and this is just from the class skill lines and not counting 2H and sword and shield charges that also have max range.
    Please keep in mind that in Cyrodiil the range of all the skills is upgraded by default with another 5-6 meters , can't remember exactly , so you have gap closers that are spamable and an escape that is spamable. I fail to see the problem , since i don't see myself being able to teleport longer than the range of the charges and pulls. I tried this out with a friend , with the help of some NPCs , his DK chain pulled a mob that was at the same distance that i was able to cover in 1 teleport.
  • LadyChaos
    I found myself smiling and having too much fun. That's when I know an ability is OP and needs a nerf.

    Most lol ever... that a class is actually enjoyable means it's time to crush it. How about if everyone was happy and enjoyed their class... that would just be horrible for a .. game.. meant for fun...
    VR2 Ataxia - [NA] Veteran Dominion Sorcerer [Auriel's Bow]
    PvP, PvE, Crafting, and General Shenanigans
    >:) Sorcery and Mayhem online since 1999 >:)
    Current PvP Class/Supernatural Census
  • KoooZ
    LadyChaos wrote: »
    I found myself smiling and having too much fun. That's when I know an ability is OP and needs a nerf.

    Most lol ever... that a class is actually enjoyable means it's time to crush it. How about if everyone was happy and enjoyed their class... that would just be horrible for a .. game.. meant for fun...

    But in PvP, if you have fun it means someone else had less fun. Its like the lion king circle of fun, or a zero sum gain , or the highlander where there can be only one and if I kill you I gain your fun.

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