Maintenance for the week of September 16:
• [IN PROGRESS] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 16, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) – 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Time to speak about balance.Shield bash spam.

  • Drachenfier
    Arreyanne wrote: »
    I still think it's hilarious that the most powerful weapon set in the game is 1hd sword and shield

    It's not. Destruction Staff is by far the most powerful weapon set in the game.
  • Nooblet
    Destruction staff is pretty useless except for one skill. And the passives only effect dest staff skills, making healing staff better for single target dps due to passive and using class abilities. Needs more synergy with casting imo.

    But yes.. almost all weapon lines could use some serious adjustments.
  • Maverick827
    Nooblet wrote: »
    Destruction staff is pretty useless except for one skill. And the passives only effect dest staff skills, making healing staff better for single target dps due to passive and using class abilities. Needs more synergy with casting imo.

    But yes.. almost all weapon lines could use some serious adjustments.
    The passives for all weapons only affect skills from that weapon.
  • Cogo
    And you're dead wrong about nerfing being the "right" way. The actual right way would be to buff weapons across the board, since they all suck compared to class skills. Most successful builds don't even use weapon skills because they're so bad.

    Useful weapon skills:
    - Shield/Critical Charge for PvP mobility
    - Impulse for PvE AoE
    - Hidden Blade for DPS (getting a Nerf, no longer useful after 1.1)

    That's it

    Ok, I wount say you are wrong, cause everyone is entitled to their opinion-

    But have you consider the balance impact on the game if you buff skills?
    Not only do you have a powerstruggle and even more unbalanced classes/builds, but Tamriel is set for the player builds right now.

    What do you think would happen in PvE if we all of a sudden buffed weapon sklills? Level 10 will solo 10 lvl 15s?

    And I do not agree that all weapon skills are useless. Maybe YOU see them as useless and they are no good for you. Well, sorry to tell you dude, but this is one of the MAIN Core things about ESO. Choose whatever you want, you get good at what you are good at.

    And instead of whining about everything needing a nerf. Have you even tried other things? Or is dying against people in PvP or not being the hugely damage dealer in any group the only reason for you negative post?

    Classes, builds, skills and lots more need fixing, but not to be rude, but if you cant get much done in your play, have you even considered that it might be you who needs to improve? YES, so what if another build is better then you. If you beat are a better player then them!
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Maverick827
    I'm not asking for anything to be nerfed. You are. You just made a post saying Shield Bash should be nerfed.

    What is this, I don't I being trolled?
  • Nooblet
    Nooblet wrote: »
    Destruction staff is pretty useless except for one skill. And the passives only effect dest staff skills, making healing staff better for single target dps due to passive and using class abilities. Needs more synergy with casting imo.

    But yes.. almost all weapon lines could use some serious adjustments.
    The passives for all weapons only affect skills from that weapon.

    Restoration staff provides a dmg buff based on your current health % up to +10%, making it the weapon of choice for any sorc single target. Perhaps this might need a change.. I dunno. I think it would be far less of an issue if the weapon specs were brought in line with class lines.
    Edited by Nooblet on May 14, 2014 10:41PM
  • Maverick827
    Nooblet wrote: »
    Nooblet wrote: »
    Destruction staff is pretty useless except for one skill. And the passives only effect dest staff skills, making healing staff better for single target dps due to passive and using class abilities. Needs more synergy with casting imo.

    But yes.. almost all weapon lines could use some serious adjustments.
    The passives for all weapons only affect skills from that weapon.

    Restoration staff provides a dmg buff based on your current health % up to +10%, making it the weapon of choice for any sorc single target. Perhaps this might need a change.. I dunno. I think it would be far less of an issue if the weapon specs were brought in line with class lines.
    Yeah, but that's only with a Restoration Staff equipped.

  • Cogo
    I'm not asking for anything to be nerfed. You are. You just made a post saying Shield Bash should be nerfed.

    What is this, I don't I being trolled?

    Then you have my applogize. I thought most people would have bothered to read patch 1.1 by now.

    I am gonna be evil and spoil it for you. Shield bash is one of the many things that gets fixed.
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Reinitz
    Boo hoo...guy's with shields can bash me and kill me. Nerf it so I can kill them.


    Carry around a bow or destruction staff as your secondary weapon. When you run across a player who just wants to hide behind a shield and bash you, switch to ranged attacks and use your greater mobility to attack them on the sides and from behind where the shield can't protect them. It's pretty easy since the movement of a character blocking with a shield is restricted.

    Don't worry about the shield player's tactics, worry about your own and quit whining for a nerf on someone else's abilities. It just makes you look like a petty child.
  • beravinprb19_ESO
    Stop defending something that is so obviously broken. Shields make for the best offensive and defensive weapons right now, as far as melee combat is concerned. Why should I even bother with a 2 handed weapon when shields have a better gap closer, better mitigation, an extra item for enchantments and set bonuses, more damage, and plenty of other bonuses? They break balance, and you would have to be clueless or biased not to see that.
    Edited by beravinprb19_ESO on May 18, 2014 3:46PM
  • Maverick827
    You would have to be clueless or biased not to see that without shield bash, the 1H/Shield line becomes absolutely worthless.
  • beravinprb19_ESO
    You would have to be clueless or biased not to see that without shield bash, the 1H/Shield line becomes absolutely worthless.
    My god, how many times will I have to say the same damn thing? Yes, we all know the skill line is broken. It being broken does not justify the weapon being the best weapon for both offence AND defence. Buff the damn skill line, but get this bash nonsense out of PvP.
    Edited by beravinprb19_ESO on May 18, 2014 11:25PM
  • Maverick827
    You would have to be clueless or biased not to see that without shield bash, the 1H/Shield line becomes absolutely worthless.
    My god, how many times will I have to say the same damn thing? Yes, we all know the skill line is broken. It being broken does not justify the weapon being the best weapon for both offence AND defence. Buff the damn skill line, but get this bash nonsense out of PvP.
    So you can spam the same complaints about shield bash over and over, but I can't spam the same things about 1H/Shield needing buffs in other areas at the same time as a nerf? As long as you guys keep on making posts about how Shield Bash needs a nerf, I'll keep making them about how 1H/Shield needs a buff.

    We're all just repeating ourselves until ZOS actually makes a decision and responds, which will be never.
  • Wifeaggro13
    Nooblet wrote: »
    Therium104 wrote: »
    LOL, if you can get close enough to use it :) I really think the shield bash whine train is without merit. I know that without it, 1h/s will be completely useless. I know that it takes a crapload of stamina, especially when getting hit, and I know that it only does single target damage, and can be blocked. Really not sure what all the whining's about.

    Good post. I have been playing these games for years and never seen a whine thread this pathetic.

    Got it, You are just one of the sword/shield users abusing mechanics that were not intended(which is why changes are incoming). If you can't see that it is working beyond what was intended for it.. well I don't know what to tell you... But feel sorry for you.
    You should feel sorry for people whose entire PvE builds are being destroyed because of PvP. Now I need to pay 20k for a respec because Zenimax is only refunding the two points into Deadly Bash and not all of my 1H/Shield points, because 1H/Shield will no longer be viable for leveling in veteran zones.

    Now that I think of it, leveling a new weapon from scratch in veteran zones will be too painful. I'll probably just have to abandon the character or quit the game.
    But there buffing destro staff lol. The exdus will began now. Not because the game sucks. Because the bassackwards balance team has no clue on how to fix melle lines so they deciede to break them more
  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    This discussion is still going? Shield bash is getting nerfed in 1.1 regardless. More precisely their unintended greatly increased effect when coupled with shield bash jewelry enchants.
  • Drachenfier
    You would have to be clueless or biased not to see that without shield bash, the 1H/Shield line becomes absolutely worthless.
    My god, how many times will I have to say the same damn thing? Yes, we all know the skill line is broken. It being broken does not justify the weapon being the best weapon for both offence AND defence. Buff the damn skill line, but get this bash nonsense out of PvP.

    It's a single target stamina hog that can be blocked. I honestly can't fathom the friggin ocean of tears being generated by this one ability.
  • deathcoyrwb17_ESO
    This discussion is still going? Shield bash is getting nerfed in 1.1 regardless. More precisely their unintended greatly increased effect when coupled with shield bash jewelry enchants.

    Basically this, the reason for Shield Bash being OP. I do support nerfing Shield Bash but by decreasing the dmg bonus instead of its cost. Honestly i see Shield Bash as a tactical attack rather than an all out DPS attack. Decreasing its dmg and buffing its reduced cost makes more sense.
  • beravinprb19_ESO
    You would have to be clueless or biased not to see that without shield bash, the 1H/Shield line becomes absolutely worthless.
    My god, how many times will I have to say the same damn thing? Yes, we all know the skill line is broken. It being broken does not justify the weapon being the best weapon for both offence AND defence. Buff the damn skill line, but get this bash nonsense out of PvP.

    It's a single target stamina hog that can be blocked. I honestly can't fathom the friggin ocean of tears being generated by this one ability.
    Bash someone who is blocking. If you have a shield, and they don't, the blocker will run out of stamina long before the basher does. Trust me, it happens pretty damn often... The only counter to shield bash at the moment is to stay the hell out of their bash range.
    Edited by beravinprb19_ESO on May 19, 2014 10:46PM
  • stevar
    Reinitz wrote: »
    Boo hoo...guy's with shields can bash me and kill me. Nerf it so I can kill them.


    Carry around a bow or destruction staff as your secondary weapon. When you run across a player who just wants to hide behind a shield and bash you, switch to ranged attacks and use your greater mobility to attack them on the sides and from behind where the shield can't protect them. It's pretty easy since the movement of a character blocking with a shield is restricted.

    Don't worry about the shield player's tactics, worry about your own and quit whining for a nerf on someone else's abilities. It just makes you look like a petty child.

    Well good suggestion, except most people complaining ( I'll add myself to the list lol, even if i just swear at myself most of the time for being such a noob) have a simple problem, they run into this type of player in PVP, they die. They can t just move nicely away, swap to arc and win the fight. by the time they swap weapon and trigger magnum shot.. well... they are dead.

    Most people complain when they feel really "useless". Losing while "playing" most of the masses understand that as part of the game, casual player will be killed by pro players.
    Now sometimes you fell like being incapable of doing anything else but be the slaughtered mass, that is not fun and broken abilities leading to that are the one to be fixed asap, ( hence I guess the fix to bash in 1.1)

  • stevar
    This discussion is still going? Shield bash is getting nerfed in 1.1 regardless. More precisely their unintended greatly increased effect when coupled with shield bash jewelry enchants.

    Basically this, the reason for Shield Bash being OP. I do support nerfing Shield Bash but by decreasing the dmg bonus instead of its cost. Honestly i see Shield Bash as a tactical attack rather than an all out DPS attack. Decreasing its dmg and buffing its reduced cost makes more sense.

    The 2 issues I have read about shield bash are:
    the animation cancelling issue and the repeated bash DPS.
    Adding a timer after the bash to "recover" before next attack or next ability kind of fixes both. It also gives you time to "react" after being bashed to maybe try an escape path.
  • Drachenfier
    You would have to be clueless or biased not to see that without shield bash, the 1H/Shield line becomes absolutely worthless.
    My god, how many times will I have to say the same damn thing? Yes, we all know the skill line is broken. It being broken does not justify the weapon being the best weapon for both offence AND defence. Buff the damn skill line, but get this bash nonsense out of PvP.

    It's a single target stamina hog that can be blocked. I honestly can't fathom the friggin ocean of tears being generated by this one ability.
    Bash someone who is blocking. If you have a shield, and they don't, the blocker will run out of stamina long before the basher does. Trust me, it happens pretty damn often... The only counter to shield bash at the moment is to stay the hell out of their bash range.

    I don't have any problem shutting down shield bashers, the few that I do see. It's not quite the massive epidemic everyone here makes it out to be. Shield bash spam works on bad players and inexperienced players.

    Animation cancelling is a separate issue and that does need to be addressed.
    Edited by Drachenfier on May 20, 2014 3:10PM
  • Still_Mind
    They are addressing bash in 1.1. Not that I was a huge fan of bash, but now I feel no inclination whatsoever to run with any melee style, ever (aside for pve tanking, I suppose). Hello, 25k respec and restostaff\destrostaff setup.

    Bottomline - all melee needs looking into.
    "I'm not *giving* him cake, I'm *assaulting* him with cake!"
  • Maverick827
    Still_Mind wrote: »
    They are addressing bash in 1.1. Not that I was a huge fan of bash, but now I feel no inclination whatsoever to run with any melee style, ever (aside for pve tanking, I suppose). Hello, 25k respec and restostaff\destrostaff setup.

    Bottomline - all melee needs looking into.
    I'm in the same boat, only I'm not going to pay for a respec.

    Thankfully for Zenimax I have an alt than I can switch to that I enjoy (even though they're nerfing dual wield, too...), because if I didn't I'd probably just quit.
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