Maintenance for the week of July 8:
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• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Time to speak about balance.Shield bash spam.

  • arnaldomoraleseb17_ESO
    Andy22 wrote: »
    driosketch wrote: »
    OP, who exactly did you hear this rumor from?

    Just to answer this -> "Steeler" second page at

    Seems u have to test every little thing yourself and can trust no one :)

    OK this su**s....... Zenimax have nerffed only the interrupt capability not the output damage. You can continue doing bashes each 0.6 secs. This is the worst "fix" I have seen in a MMO.
    Debon Templar VR14 Thorn Blade (EU)
    Gaunnes DK VR14 Haderus (EU)
  • Zeeed
    *** sake people. Dont ask for Bash nerf... Ask for other weapon buff !!!
    As DW player I see how *** damage of skills is its just to weak. Bash is what sort of damage rest of weapons should do !!!
  • beravinprb19_ESO
    Zeeed wrote: »
    *** sake people. Dont ask for Bash nerf... Ask for other weapon buff !!!
    As DW player I see how *** damage of skills is its just to weak. Bash is what sort of damage rest of weapons should do !!!
    Other weapons do need a buff. However, even if they were buffed, they would still lose to sword and board in a PvP situation as the basher will block most of the damage.
    Edited by beravinprb19_ESO on May 10, 2014 3:55AM
  • Therium104
    Its called tactics, get behind him flank him etc. If your pissed because your getting stomped 1 v 1.......

    Come on man. This game is not about tactics. It is about whining until every ability that works from another class is garbage so I can feel awesome!!!

    Well... just as long as the abilities I use in my main class are not nerfed. I mean seriously. I need a buff. When I die the game is broken. I should never die. I mean this is about skill right?
  • mar1ano1987nrb18_ESO
    Im a Tank who currently uses Sword and shield for main weapon and two handed for secondary weapon. I must say that shield bash is overpowered a lot more burst damage than two handed power attacks, and you also have the blocking status so you are not only doing more dps, you are also defending yourself !!.
    Now ....Im agre with all the other comments about puncture and crilliping slash , if you are going to nerf shield bash ,those other skills should be buffed, otherwise shield and sword doesnt have any dps at all !.

    In my personal opinion .....They should make Power bash active skill (the real and true shield bash ) the only option when it comes to shield bash, this is the skill who must gain the bonus from the passive "deathly bash" because right now ...having power bash equiped in your skill bar its just a waste of space when you can use a passive wich gives you far more dps ...for very little stamina cost.

    Dont get me wrong.

    Im totally agree that tanks SHOULD have dps ...where is it written that they are only good for defense? but shield bash its op, We sword and shield users cant deny it.

    Stukha - Dragon Knight - Ebonheart Pact
    Bazhinga - Nightblade - Ebonheart Pact
  • Drachenfier
    I know that when i power bash and shield smash spam a good player, i end up with not enough stamina to breakout and then i get cc'd and smashed.

    You won't find any of those here. They'd rather cry about it. I can tell you this: if Bash gets nerfed, 1h/s will be completely useless. And a lot of this massive over-exaggeration. Bash damage glyphs need to be toned down, and maybe lower the non glyphed damage some.

    I've made the same observation as you: bash spam only works on bad players, and its very, very easy to completely drain your stamina bar in a matter of seconds with this single target ability.
    Edited by Drachenfier on May 9, 2014 7:31PM
  • mar1ano1987nrb18_ESO
    In pvp ..only works against bad players, but what about Pve? I can shield bash my way into any dungeon without using any other skill. Like I say...its pointless to use a two handed weapon (In my case ) if I have shield bash on the main weapon.

    Stukha - Dragon Knight - Ebonheart Pact
    Bazhinga - Nightblade - Ebonheart Pact
  • Drachenfier
    I can do the same thing with biting jabs, and its aoe. what's your point
    Edited by Drachenfier on May 9, 2014 10:40PM
  • Sakiri
    I can do the same thing with biting jabs, and its aoe. what's your point

    Biting jabs isnt a weapon skill, and class skills > weapon skills right now
  • Drachenfier
    Sakiri wrote: »
    I can do the same thing with biting jabs, and its aoe. what's your point

    Biting jabs isnt a weapon skill, and class skills > weapon skills right now

  • Sakiri
    Sakiri wrote: »
    I can do the same thing with biting jabs, and its aoe. what's your point

    Biting jabs isnt a weapon skill, and class skills > weapon skills right now


    The point is, were comparing weapon skills not weapon skills to class skills.

    Compared to all other damage abilities inthe weapons lines, bashing can be bumped up to be ridiculous. Smashing someones skull in with a 2h hammer should do more damage; youre giving up defense for offense.

    Not here. You get the block miti from shield and smashinga face with it does better damage.

    Youre comparing apples to oranges. Im comparing Fuji to Granny Smith.
  • Crescent
    Sakiri wrote: »
    I can do the same thing with biting jabs, and its aoe. what's your point

    Biting jabs isnt a weapon skill, and class skills > weapon skills right now


    Not everyone has access to biting jabs. Not every melee player has instant cast class skills they can spam for powerful single target and aoe.
    Edited by ZOS_LeroyW on May 11, 2014 3:20AM
  • Still_Mind
    Personally, I'm a huge fan of the whole "no cooldown" combat system. I sincerely hope that ZOE doesn't implement cooldown on bashes - this would severely hamper the utility of each and every melee weapon style (and, to an extent, ranged). Sure, it'll hit 1h+shield the hardest, but I'd rather have them nerf the damage component.
    "I'm not *giving* him cake, I'm *assaulting* him with cake!"
  • Drachenfier
    Sakiri wrote: »
    Sakiri wrote: »
    I can do the same thing with biting jabs, and its aoe. what's your point

    Biting jabs isnt a weapon skill, and class skills > weapon skills right now


    The point is, were comparing weapon skills not weapon skills to class skills.

    Compared to all other damage abilities inthe weapons lines, bashing can be bumped up to be ridiculous. Smashing someones skull in with a 2h hammer should do more damage; youre giving up defense for offense.

    Not here. You get the block miti from shield and smashinga face with it does better damage.

    Youre comparing apples to oranges. Im comparing Fuji to Granny Smith.

    So you're making a selective argument. The guy I quoted said bash was op because he could spam it to 50. Does that mean biting jabs is op?
  • Crescent
    Sakiri wrote: »
    Sakiri wrote: »
    I can do the same thing with biting jabs, and its aoe. what's your point

    Biting jabs isnt a weapon skill, and class skills > weapon skills right now


    The point is, were comparing weapon skills not weapon skills to class skills.

    Compared to all other damage abilities inthe weapons lines, bashing can be bumped up to be ridiculous. Smashing someones skull in with a 2h hammer should do more damage; youre giving up defense for offense.

    Not here. You get the block miti from shield and smashinga face with it does better damage.

    Youre comparing apples to oranges. Im comparing Fuji to Granny Smith.

    So you're making a selective argument. The guy I quoted said bash was op because he could spam it to 50. Does that mean biting jabs is op?

    Biting jabs doesn't block and you certainly can't spam it as much as shield bash and it doesn't even interrupt skills.
  • Still_Mind
    Crescent wrote: »
    Sakiri wrote: »
    Sakiri wrote: »
    I can do the same thing with biting jabs, and its aoe. what's your point

    Biting jabs isnt a weapon skill, and class skills > weapon skills right now


    The point is, were comparing weapon skills not weapon skills to class skills.

    Compared to all other damage abilities inthe weapons lines, bashing can be bumped up to be ridiculous. Smashing someones skull in with a 2h hammer should do more damage; youre giving up defense for offense.

    Not here. You get the block miti from shield and smashinga face with it does better damage.

    Youre comparing apples to oranges. Im comparing Fuji to Granny Smith.

    So you're making a selective argument. The guy I quoted said bash was op because he could spam it to 50. Does that mean biting jabs is op?

    Biting jabs doesn't block and you certainly can't spam it as much as shield bash and it doesn't even interrupt skills.
    Pushback does stop anything being in the process of casting.
    "I'm not *giving* him cake, I'm *assaulting* him with cake!"
  • Screenrocker
    I think, if shield bash will be nerfed, there is a chance, that we no longer have the problem to find a healer for groups and dungeons and so on.
  • arnaldomoraleseb17_ESO
    Sakiri wrote: »
    Sakiri wrote: »
    I can do the same thing with biting jabs, and its aoe. what's your point

    Biting jabs isnt a weapon skill, and class skills > weapon skills right now


    The point is, were comparing weapon skills not weapon skills to class skills.

    Compared to all other damage abilities inthe weapons lines, bashing can be bumped up to be ridiculous. Smashing someones skull in with a 2h hammer should do more damage; youre giving up defense for offense.

    Not here. You get the block miti from shield and smashinga face with it does better damage.

    Youre comparing apples to oranges. Im comparing Fuji to Granny Smith.

    So you're making a selective argument. The guy I quoted said bash was op because he could spam it to 50. Does that mean biting jabs is op?

    Shield Bash + Deadly Bash >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Biting Jabs.

    Debon Templar VR14 Thorn Blade (EU)
    Gaunnes DK VR14 Haderus (EU)
  • Drachenfier
    Sakiri wrote: »
    Sakiri wrote: »
    I can do the same thing with biting jabs, and its aoe. what's your point

    Biting jabs isnt a weapon skill, and class skills > weapon skills right now


    The point is, were comparing weapon skills not weapon skills to class skills.

    Compared to all other damage abilities inthe weapons lines, bashing can be bumped up to be ridiculous. Smashing someones skull in with a 2h hammer should do more damage; youre giving up defense for offense.

    Not here. You get the block miti from shield and smashinga face with it does better damage.

    Youre comparing apples to oranges. Im comparing Fuji to Granny Smith.

    So you're making a selective argument. The guy I quoted said bash was op because he could spam it to 50. Does that mean biting jabs is op?

    Shield Bash + Deadly Bash >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Biting Jabs.

    AOE damage with high crit rate >>>>>>>>>>> single target stamina guzzler.
    Crescent wrote: »
    Sakiri wrote: »
    Sakiri wrote: »
    I can do the same thing with biting jabs, and its aoe. what's your point

    Biting jabs isnt a weapon skill, and class skills > weapon skills right now


    The point is, were comparing weapon skills not weapon skills to class skills.

    Compared to all other damage abilities inthe weapons lines, bashing can be bumped up to be ridiculous. Smashing someones skull in with a 2h hammer should do more damage; youre giving up defense for offense.

    Not here. You get the block miti from shield and smashinga face with it does better damage.

    Youre comparing apples to oranges. Im comparing Fuji to Granny Smith.

    So you're making a selective argument. The guy I quoted said bash was op because he could spam it to 50. Does that mean biting jabs is op?

    Biting jabs doesn't block and you certainly can't spam it as much as shield bash and it doesn't even interrupt skills.

    It most certainly does interrupt skills. And not only do I spam it, I destroy entire packs of mobs with it. Stop putting 49 points in health and you can spam it too :)
    Edited by Drachenfier on May 12, 2014 2:11PM
  • arnaldomoraleseb17_ESO
    Sakiri wrote: »
    Sakiri wrote: »
    I can do the same thing with biting jabs, and its aoe. what's your point

    Biting jabs isnt a weapon skill, and class skills > weapon skills right now


    The point is, were comparing weapon skills not weapon skills to class skills.

    Compared to all other damage abilities inthe weapons lines, bashing can be bumped up to be ridiculous. Smashing someones skull in with a 2h hammer should do more damage; youre giving up defense for offense.

    Not here. You get the block miti from shield and smashinga face with it does better damage.

    Youre comparing apples to oranges. Im comparing Fuji to Granny Smith.

    So you're making a selective argument. The guy I quoted said bash was op because he could spam it to 50. Does that mean biting jabs is op?

    Shield Bash + Deadly Bash >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Biting Jabs.

    AOE damage with high crit rate >>>>>>>>>>> single target stamina guzzler.
    Crescent wrote: »
    Sakiri wrote: »
    Sakiri wrote: »
    I can do the same thing with biting jabs, and its aoe. what's your point

    Biting jabs isnt a weapon skill, and class skills > weapon skills right now


    The point is, were comparing weapon skills not weapon skills to class skills.

    Compared to all other damage abilities inthe weapons lines, bashing can be bumped up to be ridiculous. Smashing someones skull in with a 2h hammer should do more damage; youre giving up defense for offense.

    Not here. You get the block miti from shield and smashinga face with it does better damage.

    Youre comparing apples to oranges. Im comparing Fuji to Granny Smith.

    So you're making a selective argument. The guy I quoted said bash was op because he could spam it to 50. Does that mean biting jabs is op?

    Biting jabs doesn't block and you certainly can't spam it as much as shield bash and it doesn't even interrupt skills.

    It most certainly does interrupt skills. And not only do I spam it, I destroy entire packs of mobs with it. Stop putting 49 points in health and you can spam it too :)

    I am a PvP player. But yes, Biting Jabs is better in PvE sometimes.

    In PvP, shield bash >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Biting Jabs
    Edited by arnaldomoraleseb17_ESO on May 12, 2014 2:56PM
    Debon Templar VR14 Thorn Blade (EU)
    Gaunnes DK VR14 Haderus (EU)
  • Drachenfier
    LOL, if you can get close enough to use it :) I really think the shield bash whine train is without merit. I know that without it, 1h/s will be completely useless. I know that it takes a crapload of stamina, especially when getting hit, and I know that it only does single target damage, and can be blocked. Really not sure what all the whining's about.
    Edited by Drachenfier on May 12, 2014 3:30PM
  • Therium104
    LOL, if you can get close enough to use it :) I really think the shield bash whine train is without merit. I know that without it, 1h/s will be completely useless. I know that it takes a crapload of stamina, especially when getting hit, and I know that it only does single target damage, and can be blocked. Really not sure what all the whining's about.

    Good post. I have been playing these games for years and never seen a whine thread this pathetic.
  • Nooblet
    Therium104 wrote: »
    LOL, if you can get close enough to use it :) I really think the shield bash whine train is without merit. I know that without it, 1h/s will be completely useless. I know that it takes a crapload of stamina, especially when getting hit, and I know that it only does single target damage, and can be blocked. Really not sure what all the whining's about.

    Good post. I have been playing these games for years and never seen a whine thread this pathetic.

    Got it, You are just one of the sword/shield users abusing mechanics that were not intended(which is why changes are incoming). If you can't see that it is working beyond what was intended for it.. well I don't know what to tell you... But feel sorry for you.
  • Arreyanne
    I still think it's hilarious that the most powerful weapon set in the game is 1hd sword and shield
  • Cogo
    I don't get you people.

    I am a tank. Built with only tank skills, defensive skills and tradeskills.
    I have no damage skills what so ever, other then my taunt attack which isnt big.

    Why are everyone talking about a "nerf" to the shield bash? I can sheldbash a mob, the same level as me to death in 2 or 3 bashes. Thats stilly.

    ESO is FIXING shieldbash, not nerf it.

    At least ESO doing the balancing the correct way. The WRONG way is instead of fixing the problem, they buff everything else. I NEVER understood that.

    Vampires are stupidly overpowered and needed to get fixed, they will.
    Same with shield bash.

    Why are you people fighting over this? This is not about who is right or who is wrong. Its about fixing errors.
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Maverick827
    Nooblet wrote: »
    Therium104 wrote: »
    LOL, if you can get close enough to use it :) I really think the shield bash whine train is without merit. I know that without it, 1h/s will be completely useless. I know that it takes a crapload of stamina, especially when getting hit, and I know that it only does single target damage, and can be blocked. Really not sure what all the whining's about.

    Good post. I have been playing these games for years and never seen a whine thread this pathetic.

    Got it, You are just one of the sword/shield users abusing mechanics that were not intended(which is why changes are incoming). If you can't see that it is working beyond what was intended for it.. well I don't know what to tell you... But feel sorry for you.
    You should feel sorry for people whose entire PvE builds are being destroyed because of PvP. Now I need to pay 20k for a respec because Zenimax is only refunding the two points into Deadly Bash and not all of my 1H/Shield points, because 1H/Shield will no longer be viable for leveling in veteran zones.

    Now that I think of it, leveling a new weapon from scratch in veteran zones will be too painful. I'll probably just have to abandon the character or quit the game.
  • Maverick827
    Cogo wrote: »
    I don't get you people.

    I am a tank. Built with only tank skills, defensive skills and tradeskills.
    I have no damage skills what so ever, other then my taunt attack which isnt big.

    Why are everyone talking about a "nerf" to the shield bash? I can sheldbash a mob, the same level as me to death in 2 or 3 bashes. Thats stilly.

    ESO is FIXING shieldbash, not nerf it.

    At least ESO doing the balancing the correct way. The WRONG way is instead of fixing the problem, they buff everything else. I NEVER understood that.

    Vampires are stupidly overpowered and needed to get fixed, they will.
    Same with shield bash.

    Why are you people fighting over this? This is not about who is right or who is wrong. Its about fixing errors.
    When are they going to fix the error that 1H/Shield is garbage without Shield Bash?

    Too late, probably.

    And you're dead wrong about nerfing being the "right" way. The actual right way would be to buff weapons across the board, since they all suck compared to class skills. Most successful builds don't even use weapon skills because they're so bad.

    Useful weapon skills:
    - Shield/Critical Charge for PvP mobility
    - Impulse for PvE AoE
    - Hidden Blade for DPS (getting a Nerf, no longer useful after 1.1)

    That's it
  • Hornex
    I used shield bash, but its not as OP as you think, it does cost stamina and its more like a big punch in the face and your done. It most certainly isn't the type of setup to use for fighting large groups as you run out of stamina.
  • Thechemicals
    In pve it isnt overpowered because its single target. AoE is what kills mobs in PvE, shield bashing is just the finisher when your magicka is spent. If you try spamming shield bashing on a dungeon boss in PvE, youll end up dead. You can pull it off on Mannimarco, but you arent going to do that in veteran dungeons.

    In PvP, Bash is deadly against bad and/or new players. You know what happens when 2 good players engage in combat? They both use block and block attacks because like.....that mitigates dmg and delivers blocking attacks.
    Vr14 Templar since release- dual resto
    Vr14 Dk bow/2h

    Brayan Blackthunder
    Daggerfall Covenant

  • arnaldomoraleseb17_ESO

    In PvP, Bash is deadly against bad and/or new players. You know what happens when 2 good players engage in combat? They both use block and block attacks because like.....that mitigates dmg and delivers blocking attacks.

    Yes, but you are talking about two good players using 1 h + shield. What happen if someone don't want to use 1h + shield forever?.

    The true is 1h + shield is far better than dual wield and two handed. And yes, Zenimax should buff (not nerf) all weapons dmg..... but make a defensive skill (you are blocking while use it) the deadliest weapon skill at this moment is not the way.

    Edited by arnaldomoraleseb17_ESO on May 14, 2014 2:46PM
    Debon Templar VR14 Thorn Blade (EU)
    Gaunnes DK VR14 Haderus (EU)
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