Necrotech_Master wrote: »
im pretty sure thats supposed to be the "unnamed elven hero" based on the armor and such
ArchangelIsraphel wrote: »Britney Spears x Cher +
= Ithelia
Oh. That actually never occurred to me.... Well, I'm occasionally a total space cadet, you know!
Yes I think its the elven hero that's appeared in most of the trailers since the beginning
When I was fishing on Vvardenfell today, I was very relieved that I didn't accently pull Ithelia out of the ocean.
Just in the middle of Ithelia's quest. Not quite sure what I'm looking at...
colossalvoids wrote: »Looks like a wealthy nibeneese princess that went on a spiritual journey to elsweyr for only 9.99k septims/month.
Kinda looks like a female version of Snoop Dogg. Maybe in next year's expansion we'll get the man himself to complement this lady.
Elvenheart wrote: »
If I could turn back time….
CameraBeardThePirate wrote: »
It certainly doesn't look like the redheaded woman on the login screen - though perhaps it was wrongly assumed (by me) that she is Ithelia?
That's the High Elf Hero thats been in all of the cinematic trailers.
Ithelia's character design doesn't fit the Elder Scrolls universe. That, I believe, is the core issue. She looks like your average Southern Californian model, balayage included.
SickleCider wrote: »She looks fine. I think everyone's gotten a bit Stockholm continuously looking at the same dozen or so uncanny face presets.
There's objective problems with her face. I pointed this out on a PTS feedback thread: there's no light in her eyes, her eyelids are wiggly (they should be "(" shaped, there's no other shape for an eyelid crease to be), and her lips don't move correctly with her mouth.
Edit: not to mention her eyeliner goes down way too far unless she prefers to wear it that way. It's not even at the top of her lower eyelid.
SickleCider wrote: »
To be fair, I don't have access to PTS, so I'm going by screenshots. Based on what you said it sounds like there may be animation anchoring issues. 🤔 That would be an objective problem!
To me, it looks like the thing with her eyeliner is that she didn't fill in the wet line. But, if you've got a better view of it and can attest the texture is misaligned, fair enough.
I tend to be a bit taciturn with my comments. To clarify, I disagree with the people who just don't like her face because her features aren't narrow enough or something.