kynesgrove wrote: »Also I don't mind being the chosen one, but I don't like being put in to the assumption that I enjoy being put on a shining knight pedestal... Like the scribing questline. Base-game had some fun twist dialogue option to some quests which I really appreciated, even just for RP sake. Being the hero because of necessity makes way more sense in order to give players moral flexibility in their minds. Such as the Coldharbour quest-line originally could be described in such a way, all you really want is to get your soul back, no matter what your moral head-canon for your hero is.
kynesgrove wrote: »Although most princes like appearing in different forms depending on the region and race, so I guess they should have made her look Ayleid rather than human-ish, strongly doubt the Heartland Elves would worship a being that looks an awful lot like a well-fed version of their slaves.
kynesgrove wrote: »Oh, you are thinking about Berwadira. She is so incredibly rude, and I love it! (She reminds me of Nazeem from Skyrim)
kynesgrove wrote: »I'm talking about Legionary Ida, close to Berwadira's area, who says: "I don't mean to disparage them. I believe a few are trying their best, but many of them lack the Imperial instinct for combat. The Redguards, for example, have their own combat techniques that clash with our martial traditions."
The way she says it is brutal, the slight pause before "techniques" absolutely encapsulates her opinion so well. Its wonderfully awful and I love murdering her.
In general I already find it a bit unfortunate to link scribing to the Mages Guild. Can characters who are not members start that questline? I know we're probably supposed to join the Mages Guild anyway, but if someone, roleplay-wise, doesn't play a much magically inclined character, how would that even make any sense?
My first thought was that she might look human because she is supposed to wander the West Weald without getting too much attention? I don't know, though, as I've only started the main quest and only met her once.
Just wanted to follow up here. We have passed on your feedback to the dev team and they are looking at ways to improve Ithelia's look. No additional follow up at this time as the team is just beginning conversations on this, but wanted to follow up and let you know that feedback has been heard here.
Just wanted to follow up here. We have passed on your feedback to the dev team and they are looking at ways to improve Ithelia's look. No additional follow up at this time as the team is just beginning conversations on this, but wanted to follow up and let you know that feedback has been heard here.
kynesgrove wrote: »I see how Ida can be seen as simply an impatient snob, but it's her delivery that makes it really seem that she has a distaste for that which is different. But really it's subtle and can definitely be up to interpretation which is great.
It's a Man Baby, a Man!!!
To add to my previous comment: Not only do we now know why she was forgotten, but we also know why every mirror will break in her vicinity.
Joking aside, ZOS will probably never fix her appearance, even though in this case, they really should.
To be fair, as a Daedric Prince, she would be able to manifest in any way she wants.
Rkindaleft wrote: »I wonder why she chose to look like a plastic surgery gone wrong.
xylena_lazarow wrote: »Gamers when an npc isn't white:
Gamers when a female character doesn't get them revved up:
Hello! Sorry, but why Ithelia looks so weird? Her face model doesn't fit into the game at all.
Is there any explanation why she looks so strange? Does it work as it should be?
I took these screenshots from the other players to show you this:
xylena_lazarow wrote: »Gamers when an npc isn't white:
Gamers when a female character doesn't get them revved up:
xylena_lazarow wrote: »Uhh... racism? Half this thread is people complaining "diversity" and some three letter agencies.
colossalvoids wrote: »Actually people did, but gave up as it was met with silence unlike this time. But the issue wasn't the race chosen, but a bland look and going far away from elder scrolls depiction seen previously which people attributed to it.
xylena_lazarow wrote: »Uhh... racism? Half this thread is people complaining "diversity" and some three letter agencies.
I've been following this thread since page 1. Except for maybe 3 or 4 weird comments (over 7 pages) the main complaints were that Ithelia doesn't fit ESO's art style, that the eyes look weird (that's why the Innsmouth and fish jokes were made) and that there seem to be animation issues with her facial movements when she speaks. Except for 2 people no one complained about her being "unattractive" (or claimed she should be "beautified") and "race" was only mentioned once when someone said Ithelia reminds them of an Indian actress (while others feel reminded of Cher, Britney Spears or Billie Eilish, among others). No one complained about Nocturnal being depicted as a Redguard in ESO, btw, so why would people complain about Ithelia looking "non-white" (which, in my opinion, isn't even true, if we look at the merch statue of her, her depiction in cinematics, etc)?