Hmmm. I don't know.... but somehow I see the mirror imagery as reflecting all the possible paths - those always available, as well as those either not taken, or not available at a given moment in time.
NoticeMeArkay wrote: »
You didn't just put a major main quest spoiler into a thread with no spoiler tag and related to nothing but the visual appearance of character, RIGHT?
True that. I’ll never get over the whole thread about Isobel’s eyebrows…
Btw, I'm still wondering why ZOS chose the mirror design with huge glass wings for her. It seems to (how to put it...) fit more to what happened to her in his story than what her capability and "function" as a Daedric Prince is? Which does seem a bit odd to me. I mean, of course she could decide to manifest in this form after what happened and could have looked completely different in earlier manifestations (before she was forgotten), but still.
NoticeMeArkay wrote: »You didn't just put a major main quest spoiler into a thread with no spoiler tag and related to nothing but the visual appearance of character, RIGHT?
BetweenMidgets wrote: »I must have missed that thread but, to be fair, the eyebrow options for females in the character creator are REALLY awful. Assuming those are the options ZoS had access too for Isobel, I'm not surprised if they looked bad LoL. I don't have her unlocked / never spoken to her so I can't comment.
I think the mirror thing is specifically broken mirrors, how a broken mirror will show distortions of reality from the glass being at different angles, along with the cracks being similar to the Many Paths. The wings, as someone else pointed out, is possibly because she is implied to be a Magne-Ge like Meridia and Meridia has wings. Her being a Magne-Ge is its whole own can of worms haha.
What are the shards of a broken mirror made of, if not glass (I mean normally; I know that you can also polish stone to serve as a mirror, but that's not the standard case)?
I still think it's a weird choice for the Prince of Paths. A mirror reflects, two mirrors facing each other reflect endlessly, but they don't show anything different, but only mirror reality. Unless you use distorting mirrors, but that's again a special case, not what you normally think of when it comes to mirrors.
You could probably make up something about the picture in the mirror being broken and then reassembled in different ways, although that also doesn't really make sense because the picture in a mirror isn't static.
Okay, so I have found her now. Animated, she looks even more creepy. Her facial movements seem really asymmetrical somehow, it has to be botched in some way. I'm also not sure whether her teeth might be, well, placed incorrectly in her mouth and that might cause the perceived asymmetry? At least it looks like one side of her upper row of teeth was missing (or very dark)? And when she bent her head down while taking, the lower row of teeth were reflecting the light strongly, which the upper row did not. I regret I didn't take screenshots. It looked truly bizarre.
I mean, I understand that she is probably supposed to incite pity if we look at her, so it would make sense to give her slightly torn clothing or maybe even damaged teeth, and give her a scared staring impression, but that's not really working out in this case.
Also, in a flashback scene we see that she already had the glass wings before her banishment. I still think the glass theme is a bit weird for the Prince of Paths.
LittlePinkDot wrote: »A gypsy
soldierofzion82 wrote: »I think Ithelia is creepy [snip]. When I saw the statue, I thought she looked too pretty. In game, she really looks evil. She's not a Disney Princess. She's sort of alien and freaked out. She looks like a Daedric Prince, yet unique in a strange way. This whole chapter with the scribing stuff is super cool. I'm getting an old school fantasy vibe with the music and everything. So far, it's my favorite and I've been playing since 2016 off and on. I've been highly critical of some things over the years, but they nailed this one. Fisheyes and bubble lips or whatever you want to call it, she gives me the creeps. Like she could rip off her mask and scare you to death if she wanted to. Don't know how to explain it. CREEPY. Like a doll in a horror movie or the old lady ghost reading the book in the library in Ghostbusters that freaks everyone out the first time they see it. Maybe at some point, we see that evil side unleashed.
kynesgrove wrote: »Agreed.
If anything from some of the casual NPC dialogue in town, they definitely are not involved! I absolutely adore the naive horridness of some of these NPCs. Its as if Skingrad really is trying to get back to old Elder Scrolls roots. Such as Alcuale in the Mages Guild or Legionary Ida Sibassius in the Temple of Julianos.
From what I've read earlier, they're "diversity"-checking stories (among others), but does that include erasing all kinds of intolerance, religious conflict, racism, etc, from the fictional world? Wouldn't make sense to me as a narration might build upon negative aspects of society. Also, no matter how sad that sounds, if there are different groups in a game, it's "realistic" that there would be conflicts of some kind, because bigots exist. It would not make sense that a foreigner in a very gated-off society would be welcomed by everyone (think Summerset Isles) or if people who are at war against or under occupation of another nation would not be suspicious against someone from that nation, no matter if that person is a soldier or not (think 4th era Skyrim). If these kind of things would be erased from stories because of disapproval in the real world, many serious and interesting stories couldn't be told anymore. I don't think fiction should be "sanitized" like that.
Although I see Ida Sibassius more as a humoristic character. She's the one promising hope for the ugly, correct? She probably says the same to Imperial characters? Makes me wonder what she would say to Ithelia, btw
In general I don't see how Ithelia's botched model should be related to diversity at all. I don't even think she has darker skin as some people suggest, because her statue in the store and all official drawn art of her don't look like that - it's probably only the lighting and maybe the hood that obscures her face. And even if she was supposed to look Indian like someone here suggested - how does that change anything about the fact that her facial animations are botched, the mouth and teeth crooked, the eyes completely weird? If she was cliché North European pale, these factors would look awful all the same.
Finedaible wrote: »This does have me wondering if ZoS may be using AI-assisted tools for character creation though.