I think she looks fine, she just doesn’t have euro-centric features.
Not sure where people are pulling Britney Spears or Cher from, lawl.
In which region of Earth do fish-eyed people live? I want to avoid it.
(It's mostly the eyes. I don't think lips or any other aspects of her face are the problem, except for that it doesn't look like a typical ESO character's face).
Although I have no clue how Britney Spears looks nowadays, to be honest.
If any of my characters look different one day due to a game update, that will be the last day I login to the game.NeuroticPixels wrote: »
That was my first guess. I’m all for updated NPCs but I know some players will have an absolute meltdown if their characters get touched.
If any of my characters look different one day due to a game update, that will be the last day I login to the game.
I would probably accept it in the end, if they give us free appearance change tokens to fix everything that looks off. And if the characters don't end up looking like Ithelia.
I won't. I went through this twice - and I left both games in the dust because my girls did NOT look like themselves. Not going there again.
NoticeMeArkay wrote: »She looks like a second life avatar on medium settings.
I would be happier if they don't make any changes, but if they did, I'd probably come to terms with it because I like TES lore too much and it would be a pity to miss out on new lore and stories. Which is the main reason I'm here.
It probably helps that I've played some of my characters in different TES games (beginning with TES3 Morrowind), so I'm already used to seeing slightly different versions of them.
spartaxoxo wrote: »
I agree. I personally don't want my character touched, and I'd probably even quit for a bit over it. But then I'd get over it because I'm a sucker for Elder Scrolls games. Like, they'd have to mess up worse than that to lose me as a customer if I'm being so real right now. The actual gameplay would have to suffer, not just my characters' look.
Yes. Absolutely, especially if it's something horrendous like Ithelia.
I hope they redo her face and make it more attractive and more suitable for this character
I don't even think that characters have to look attractive. Quite the opposite, actually: A fictional world needs people of all kinds to be "realistic" or "believable".
The thing I care most is artistic congruency. Characters should fit the overall art style.
And a little less horrid eyes would be nice, too.
True that. I’ll never get over the whole thread about Isobel’s eyebrows…
Gaebriel0410 wrote: »Huh I did the quest where you first see her earlier today and thought she looked very pretty! She gave me Rosaria Dawson vibes. Not sure if you can make that face in the ceator, but to me she looked quite in line with the rest of the game artstyle wise, at least on max settings. I hope we'll get a similar hairstyle though, I love long hair with braids like that!
Art style aside, it seems like it's just the eyes making her look uncanny. If they adjusted their shape and position a bit and retextured the eyeballs to be less dead looking, she would look ok. The lower half of the face seems alright to me.
I don't even think that characters have to look attractive. Quite the opposite, actually: A fictional world needs people of all kinds to be "realistic" or "believable".
The thing I care most is artistic congruency. Characters should fit the overall art style.
And a little less horrid eyes would be nice, too.
There is a contradiction in your post.
The fictional world doesn't require characters in games to be "realistic" and "believable", players demand it because they want reality to transfer into the game.
Of course it's the audience that wants and defines "believability" (and does that by comparing it to what they know from real life). I thought that was clear from what I wrote, as a story has no capability to judge itself, so the term "being believable" has to refer to the audience.
And certainly it is possible to write a story differently, but it is doubtful whether the majority of the audience will find it appealing if it differs too much from what they are used to and perceive as "normal", "realistic" or "relatable".
Also, I never said that Ithelia wasn't "allowed" to be beautiful. I just find the mindset of some players who think that every female character has to meet current beauty standards, or that that would be the most important characteristic, questionable.
SilverBride wrote: »I don't think she has to be beautiful... just not creepy.
Not sure where people are pulling Britney Spears or Cher from, lawl.
I'm definitely getting Billie Eilish vibes from her tho.