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Perfected gear from normal maelstrom arena

  • Luke_Flamesword
    Geez, just chill. Nobody will ban you for doing normal content in normal way. Exploiting in definition needs making special, unnatural actions to get some result. In this case you can't even avoid collecting these weapons, because they are bound automatically. You just playing a game, participate in event. There is no reason to ban anyone, it's 100% their mistake and responsibility.
    PC | EU | DC |Stam Dk Breton
  • Cruxanero
    Geez, just chill. Nobody will ban you for doing normal content in normal way. Exploiting in definition needs making special, unnatural actions to get some result. In this case you can't even avoid collecting these weapons, because they are bound automatically. You just playing a game, participate in event. There is no reason to ban anyone, it's 100% their mistake and responsibility.

    That would be the logical thing to think, but unfortunately they set other precedents in the past...
  • sarahthes
    Cruxanero wrote: »
    Geez, just chill. Nobody will ban you for doing normal content in normal way. Exploiting in definition needs making special, unnatural actions to get some result. In this case you can't even avoid collecting these weapons, because they are bound automatically. You just playing a game, participate in event. There is no reason to ban anyone, it's 100% their mistake and responsibility.

    That would be the logical thing to think, but unfortunately they set other precedents in the past...

    Wrong drops from 8 year old content isn't the same as exploiting crown store adjacent currency...
  • Cruxanero
    sarahthes wrote: »
    Wrong drops from 8 year old content isn't the same as exploiting crown store adjacent currency...

    I was more thinking about the mob XP exploit in the Imperial sewers from a couple years ago. They did ban people exploiting that too much (whereas "too much" was their definition).
  • Valzan1a
    With the event going on the amount of ppl running Maelstrom arena is massive. They would have to ban more than 50percent of their player base, and I think I'm low balling actually. No way they will do that over mistake they made. Just enjoy the event.
  • Jerrold
    Fixed on ps5
    Edited by Jerrold on January 19, 2024 8:18PM
  • Cruxanero
    Valzan1a wrote: »
    With the event going on the amount of ppl running Maelstrom arena is massive. They would have to ban more than 50percent of their player base, and I think I'm low balling actually. No way they will do that over mistake they made. Just enjoy the event.

    I mean, I am. I'm doing my "usual event routine", in this case one IC daily per toon and one run of nMA per day (only my main). It still leaves a slightly uneasy feeling, wich is not what I want to have in an event.
  • Galeriano
    Cruxanero wrote: »
    Geez, just chill. Nobody will ban you for doing normal content in normal way. Exploiting in definition needs making special, unnatural actions to get some result. In this case you can't even avoid collecting these weapons, because they are bound automatically. You just playing a game, participate in event. There is no reason to ban anyone, it's 100% their mistake and responsibility.

    That would be the logical thing to think, but unfortunately they set other precedents in the past...

    Any examples of said precedents?
  • Galeriano
    Cruxanero wrote: »
    sarahthes wrote: »
    Wrong drops from 8 year old content isn't the same as exploiting crown store adjacent currency...

    I was more thinking about the mob XP exploit in the Imperial sewers from a couple years ago. They did ban people exploiting that too much (whereas "too much" was their definition).

    That mob required specific set of actions to be repeated without any reasonable explanation. Nobody that was just running and doing whatever they would be doing normally was banned.
    Edited by Galeriano on January 19, 2024 9:11PM
  • Cruxanero
    Galeriano wrote: »
    That mob required specific set of actions to be repeated. Nobody just running and doing whatever they would be doing normally was banned.

    It didn't require any specific actions. It was every single mob group in IC that dropped literal millions of XP. Everyone in the IC sewers at this time was unwillingly participating, even the ones that only wanted to farm TV etc.

    Which is why they also didn't ban everyone that went into IC, only the ones "undoubtedly exploiting" (which meant, I guess, spending a couple hours there, gaining hundreds of CP, leveling a couple toons to 50 etc.)
    Edited by Cruxanero on January 19, 2024 8:46PM
  • polaris86
    This must be fixed on PCNA, cause I just completed nMA at 12:50pm PT no perfected item. Bummer, I was afraid to run it more than once yesterday in case they decided to ban.
    Edited by polaris86 on January 19, 2024 9:11PM
  • ZOS_Kevin
    Community Manager
    Hi All, thank you for updating us on this issue. The team has figured out a solution and pushed a hotfix to resolve any issues here. Perfected gear should no longer be dropping in normal Maelstrom Arena
    Community Manager for ZeniMax Online Studio and Elder Scrolls OnlineDev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Galeriano
    Cruxanero wrote: »
    Galeriano wrote: »
    That mob required specific set of actions to be repeated. Nobody just running and doing whatever they would be doing normally was banned.

    It didn't require any specific actions. It was every single mob group in IC that dropped literal millions of XP. Everyone in the IC sewers at this time was unwillingly participating, even the ones that only wanted to farm TV etc.

    Which is why they also didn't ban everyone that went into IC, only the ones "undoubtedly exploiting" (which meant, I guess, spending a couple hours there, gaining hundreds of CP, leveling a couple toons to 50 etc.)

    it required specific actions to recive a ban. To get to the point where it started to be "too much" and bannable offense You had to repeatadly kill that mob lots of times while You weren't encouraged to do so in any other shape or form which made it more than obvious that You were knowingly abusing the bug. People were literally spawn camping that mob sometimes with the help of another bug that made it to spawn almost immidiately after death. People doing that had literally zero possibilities to defend themselves because their actions proved beyond any doubt they were knowingly exploiting a bug. This is also why people who just killed that mob occasionally while doing other stuff were not banned.

    It is a big difference from current situation with maesltrom drops since right now You are encouraged by devs themselves to do maesltrom multiple times because of ongoing event that they were advertising ahead of time. I don't remember devs advertising that one mob in IC encouraging people to farm it and making it part of the event.

    Edited by Galeriano on January 19, 2024 11:00PM
  • Drinks_from_Ponds
    This is fixed on PC NA, just tried a run on my Arcnaist and got blue weapons on normal. I didn't run it because I didn't want to get banned but someone said it was fixed in a Discord I am in, so finally took my new char in and yeah everyone can relax now.
    FOR THE PACT!!!!!
  • i_azazei_i
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi All, thank you for updating us on this issue. The team has figured out a solution and pushed a hotfix to resolve any issues here. Perfected gear should no longer be dropping in normal Maelstrom Arena

    Gee thanks, now can you answer the question of wether people who did it are gonna get banned. Cause tons of people were simply participating in the event and got the drops
    Edited by i_azazei_i on January 19, 2024 9:15PM
  • Irhak
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi All, thank you for updating us on this issue. The team has figured out a solution and pushed a hotfix to resolve any issues here. Perfected gear should no longer be dropping in normal Maelstrom Arena

    To be honest, instead of just placing this annoucemennt after the fact, many of players would actually apprecieate a heads up earlier that team worked on issue.

    But thx for the info :)
  • ZOS_Kevin
    Community Manager
    Irhak wrote: »
    To be honest, instead of just placing this annoucemennt after the fact, many of players would actually apprecieate a heads up earlier that team worked on issue.

    But thx for the info :)

    Depending on the issue we will tackle notification differently. In this case, we did not want to notify before knowing everything was fixed. That way, more people did not try to take advantage of the issue while we worked on a fix. But we definitely appreciate the sentiment of wanting to know as soon as things are being worked on.
    Community Manager for ZeniMax Online Studio and Elder Scrolls OnlineDev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter
    Staff Post
  • frogthroat
    Dimorphos wrote: »
    Yes, skill first, but I think we can all agree that gear is what makes the numbers after you learn the rotations and what skills to use and how the fight mechanism works and what are the boss/trash tactics. Anyone who says gear does not matter is straight out liar.

    I feel stupid if some gear piece that I worked hard to get, learned the tactics, built optimized setup and so on, and then comes some event where other people can get the same item with random setup, not knowing tactics and just smashing buttons.
    Typically, yes, the gear is very important. That's why people farm the bis sets.

    But in this case it's actually not really a big deal. These are back bar weapons so the perfected bonus is minimal. I think the most use would be from 2h, where the extra pene helps with the initial hit of stampede and carve before you anyway switch to front bar. Two hits. That's it. And with full carve stacks you won't be on your back bar that often.

    Otherwise, yeah, well, maybe some healer could benefit from the extra crit on the resto staff that procs from crits but even then you would want to use DSA resto instead. But maybe, in some 4 people content, mobile fight where you need to use regen, back bar proc set and MA resto front bar you could benefit from the extra crit. So in a highly specific situation. And if you need to optimise for such specific conditions, you have played enough to finish vMA multiple times anyway.

    So yes, you are right, sets are important. And yes, the perfected denotes effort so it's not nice if people get them without "earning" them. But for arena weapons that are typically on back bar... not really a big deal. I mean, if nDSR would drop perfected, then it would be a big deal. But back bar weapons not so much.

    Anyway, it's fixed now so even this comment doesn't really matter any more. Just wanted to write my 2 cents.
  • DinoZavr
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    The team has figured out a solution and pushed a hotfix to resolve any issues here. Perfected gear should no longer be dropping in normal Maelstrom Arena

    Thank you, Kevin,
    that is a relief to get Zenimax' response eventually.
    In any case, early Developer's post like "yes, we are informed and working on the fix" could really help,
    as Events meant to be fun, not the stress and frustration. Also, could Zenimax strengthen theirs QA dept?
    i am still waiting for Zhaj'hassa the Forgotten to be fixed in the Archive.
    in recent stats it was listed as the deadliest boss there, but Zhaj'hassa is that deadly because of them broken pillars.
    any insights on the matter? ETA maybe? (it is easy to verify - enter IA solo or with Companion and get this boss)

    Again, many thanks @ZOS_Kevin, you are a real guardian angel of these Forums. o:)
    Thank you Kevin, thank you.

    PC EU
  • Photosniper89
    DinoZavr wrote: »
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    The team has figured out a solution and pushed a hotfix to resolve any issues here. Perfected gear should no longer be dropping in normal Maelstrom Arena
    Also, could Zenimax strengthen theirs QA dept?

    Bro you funny.
  • Destai
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Irhak wrote: »
    To be honest, instead of just placing this annoucemennt after the fact, many of players would actually apprecieate a heads up earlier that team worked on issue.

    But thx for the info :)

    Depending on the issue we will tackle notification differently. In this case, we did not want to notify before knowing everything was fixed. That way, more people did not try to take advantage of the issue while we worked on a fix. But we definitely appreciate the sentiment of wanting to know as soon as things are being worked on.

    I think the core issue is the uncertainty if running MA would result in a ban because of the bug. IMO, that should have been addressed a little quicker and having some clear language from you would help.

    And on top of that, people already knew by now, so not saying something isn’t the right play IMO. The event was active for two days before an official comment. People talk, in guilds, zone chat, Reddit, you get the idea. Point is, information was out and the only problem was a lack of clarity on what the consequences were. IMO, that should have been a priority from you guys.

    There’s been a few instances where people stumbling upon bugs resulted in bans, like the endeavors fiasco last year. Really hope you guys can get ahead of these kind of things in your overall community management process this year.
    Edited by Destai on January 20, 2024 12:38AM
  • Toxic_Hemlock
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi All, thank you for updating us on this issue. The team has figured out a solution and pushed a hotfix to resolve any issues here. Perfected gear should no longer be dropping in normal Maelstrom Arena

    Thanks for the update. I'll go to go back to never going in there again and will instead do a boss for the quicker tickets...

    Seeing as mythics make them nothing more than set items I will never use anyways, so you might as well take away the ones I got in all fairness...

    Again thanks for nothing...

    P.S. Great event!
  • RaikaNA
    reazea wrote: »
    Those of us that grinded DSA to death already had all the perfected gear. Then ZOS took it away with a single update, along with all our perfected gear from VMA. That was when I quit grinding for gear of any kind in ESO. If ZOS is just going to take it away later and throw all our time and effort into the trash bin, why put in the time?

    I'm happy for those who are getting perfected gear on normal runs due to the history here.

    I'm still salty to this day that ZOS did that. I spent a large chunk of time grinding for those DSA weapons... and for zos to implement the "perfected weapons/armor" system and turn our weapons into regular quality instead of appreciating our time and turning them into perfected.
  • OtarTheMad
    Cruxanero wrote: »
    Galeriano wrote: »
    That mob required specific set of actions to be repeated. Nobody just running and doing whatever they would be doing normally was banned.

    It didn't require any specific actions. It was every single mob group in IC that dropped literal millions of XP. Everyone in the IC sewers at this time was unwillingly participating, even the ones that only wanted to farm TV etc.

    Which is why they also didn't ban everyone that went into IC, only the ones "undoubtedly exploiting" (which meant, I guess, spending a couple hours there, gaining hundreds of CP, leveling a couple toons to 50 etc.)

    I remember this, it was so nuts. I walked into IC and killed a mob and saw the XP and my eyes just about exited my skull lol. I immediately left IC, reported it and didn’t go back until I saw it was fixed. I also warned friends who I knew were in IC and don’t pay attention to XP.
  • thejadefalcon
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi All, thank you for updating us on this issue. The team has figured out a solution and pushed a hotfix to resolve any issues here. Perfected gear should no longer be dropping in normal Maelstrom Arena

    Next time you break block, can we expect such a quick and decisive response to the bug or do we only need to wait months for fixes to things that negatively affect players?
  • Kalle_Demos
    Galeriano wrote: »
    Cruxanero wrote: »
    Geez, just chill. Nobody will ban you for doing normal content in normal way. Exploiting in definition needs making special, unnatural actions to get some result. In this case you can't even avoid collecting these weapons, because they are bound automatically. You just playing a game, participate in event. There is no reason to ban anyone, it's 100% their mistake and responsibility.

    That would be the logical thing to think, but unfortunately they set other precedents in the past...

    Any examples of said precedents?

    It was only a few months ago when ZOS was banning players for a supposed Endeavor exploit. The problem being that Endeavors are passive, outside of player control. Many players were simply playing the game as they normally do but they were banned anyway. Accounts were returned and apologies were made but it should have never escalated to that point in the first place. Only the latest example as to why we don't trust ZOS to carefully apply reasonable and thoughtful solutions.

    "If I am to be Queen, I must look fear in the face and conquer it. How can I ask my people to have faith in me if I don't have faith in myself?" - Queen Ayrenn
  • p_tsakirisb16_ESO
    This really is ridiculous.

    Players need to know if these will considered an exploit, and potentially cause them to be banned.

    I would like to farm MA to benefit from the increased drops & fill my sticker book, but after being banned for doing writs in the wrong place last year I am really wary of doing anything that could be considered an exploit.

    Same for increased gold box drops in IC

    So @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_Kevin @ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    Please let us know!

    How's considered an exploit if there is issue with the code? Is not like the players intentionally cheated/hacked the game.

    The chest had perfected gear in it. THE END.
  • Dark_Lord_Kuro
    This really is ridiculous.

    Players need to know if these will considered an exploit, and potentially cause them to be banned.

    I would like to farm MA to benefit from the increased drops & fill my sticker book, but after being banned for doing writs in the wrong place last year I am really wary of doing anything that could be considered an exploit.

    Same for increased gold box drops in IC

    So @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_Kevin @ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    Please let us know!

    How's considered an exploit if there is issue with the code? Is not like the players intentionally cheated/hacked the game.

    The chest had perfected gear in it. THE END.

    The problem lie in abusing it once known.
  • p_tsakirisb16_ESO
    Valzan1a wrote: »
    With the event going on the amount of ppl running Maelstrom arena is massive. They would have to ban more than 50percent of their player base, and I think I'm low balling actually. No way they will do that over mistake they made. Just enjoy the event.
    Dimorphos wrote: »
    People are reporting that they are getting perfected gear from normal maelstrom arena. Is this really intentional or a bug?
    If intentional, I highly recommend you to rethink if it is wise move. If it is a bug, please fix it quickly.

    It really ruins the game if everyone can get bis gear with minimum effort. It is not fair to those who put all the effort in the past to be able to beat the harder content to gain better loot.

    If someone got Perfected Maelstrom weapon means nothing. 1190 Offensive Penetration in PVE how is affecting YOU? How it ruins YOUR GAME?
    Contrary someone average might do bit more damage and the tank doesn't rage quit in nWGT because both DDs dps is on single figures.

    What actually ruins the game is the THOUSANDS of Vampires using Sea-Serpent's Coil bypassing the snare at mist form in PVP.
    THAT IS THE DEFINISION OF AN EXPLOIT and RUINING THE GAME as it affects the rest of the players who are not vampires, and their accounts should be banned en masse, including all the Youtubers who push that exploit.
  • p_tsakirisb16_ESO
    This really is ridiculous.

    Players need to know if these will considered an exploit, and potentially cause them to be banned.

    I would like to farm MA to benefit from the increased drops & fill my sticker book, but after being banned for doing writs in the wrong place last year I am really wary of doing anything that could be considered an exploit.

    Same for increased gold box drops in IC

    So @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_Kevin @ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    Please let us know!

    How's considered an exploit if there is issue with the code? Is not like the players intentionally cheated/hacked the game.

    The chest had perfected gear in it. THE END.

    The problem lie in abusing it once known.

    Once known what?

    Did anyone communicate to the players ingame that is a bug? NO.
    If you hadn't come to this forum, would you have known? No. Neither myself.
    There are millions of people playing ESO, do you see them in the forums? No.

    So how's that an abuse? For the outright significant majority of the player base that was a feature due to the running event and the discussions in 4 guilds was exactly that. During the event nMA drops Perf weapons. That is all.

    Everything else is know to those 10-20 read this discussion, the rest of the millions have no idea.
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