Just allow RNG W/L, since that is all ToT is anyway

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  • IrishOphidia
    Heartrage wrote: »
    Rng is the base of all card games, even manipulated odds rely on rng. You say blue is useless then complain about inability to control the cards you are getting. You control the cards you are getting by raising your gold/turn, by dismissing the cards from your deck and draw pile, by dismissing cards in the tavern and by picking additional cards from your pile.

    Unfortunately, the useability you get out of Psijic deck only applies if you have the other cards to play off of it. Saying RNG is the base of all card games and then ignoring to what extent is a balanced aspect to the game is a very disingenuous response. Everyone knows that RNG is the basis for card games. It's not the fact that there IS RNG that people are irritated with. It's the amount of impact that RNG has on the overall playability of that game and the potential success a player has. Your average game can last around 5-8min the amount of time it generally takes to acquire enough Psijic cards AND core power generating cards is a pipe dream at best. I've won utilizing that exact strategy and the only reason I was able to effectively employ it was due to my opponent's lack of knowledge. A good player isn't going to just let you just have all the Psijic cards AND enough power cards to utilize the strategy consistently. Again, the strategy only works if you are able to collect the cards. The amount that RNG impacts the game is what is unbalanced.

    Tonight, I had a match where one of the first cards in the Tavern was Currency Exchange and a number of the Neutral cards. Essentially, I raced to 7 in order to acquire it while my opponent exchanged for Writ of Coins. I acquired Currency Exchange, we flopped turns not wnating to grab the useless cards until CE came back into my hand. I used it to clear two cards then bought Rally and Siege Weapon Volley. we then went back and forth again until CE came back up. I cleared two more and got Reinforcements and Plunder. This basically happened 2 more times and all my opponent was able to acquire was a couple smaller and less impactful cards. I used a few Ragpicks to thin my deck out a little and annihilated them.

    My point being that there is no counterplay in ToT. Once a player acquires a couple super impactful cards then the game is so one sided that you may as well just concede.... Oh wait...
  • Acetriad
    It's an inarguable FACT that this aspect of the game you may like and I'm too dumb to understand is STUPID.

    Hey! Why did my elegant prose get locked because it's inflammatory and designed to start a flame war?

    Seriously, how has this stayed up this long?
  • Austacker
    So, Tales of Tribute, you can claim that there is strategy, and mechanics, and an ability to win being the better player… but that is simply, blatantly, and unequivocally not true. It’s RNG, plain and simple: And HONESTLY it’s usually who goes second, but definitely who gets the first GOOD card.

    I have to admit, this is pretty much what ToT is.

    I've played hundreds of games of ToT to date, unlocked all the Patrons etc etc but I'll know usually in the first couple turns who's most likely to win

    That's not to say you cannot have a come from behind win - RNG is RNG after all - but that far more often than not you know know when a player gets 'that card' early on and you're struggling to get anything out of the Tavern that game is pretty much over.

    I like ToT in concept. It's a great take on a sub card game (like GWENT) which definitely adds something more to a game like this (and the rewards are good), but in terms of actual strategy?

    Nah, it's far too shallow and prone to RNG + Snowball effects.

    It's even more RNG oriented than Hearthstone and that's not a positive at all.

    GWENT straight up kills ToT in the strategy stakes. It's a real tug of war that one, not a race.

    Once players have worked out what the 'key' win cards are in ToT, it's all just a race to see who can get them first. After that, it's just going through the motions to the conclusion, there's really not much strategy here going on at all IMHO out of selecting the right cards from the Tavern first and racing to 40.

    Edited by Austacker on July 12, 2022 2:32AM
  • Seraphayel
    Or just let the daily quests proceed no matter win or loss. There are days i am spending more than 1 hour to achieve one win because of the randomness of the game.

    This is basically me for the last ~ 10 matches of which all I lost. It‘s mind-numbing how RNG decides the outcome of basically every match either depending on 1) who goes first and gets to pick the good tavern cards or 2) who simply has better luck with what cards are played in the tavern.

    Sure, there is some strategy behind it to shuffle your cards or exchange them for new ones, but everything boils down to RNG when it comes to the tavern. Sometimes you get a string of cheap and strong cards and you just can watch getting the opponent all of them back to back and you‘re like okay, we‘re basically done.

    I never would have thought that I enjoy Tales of Tribute as much, but the reliance on RNG just slowly kills it for me because you basically can’t do anything about it.
    Aldmeri Dominion
    - Khajiit Arcanist -
  • MindOfTheSwarm
    I have to agree with the OP. Yes, if players get an even offering of similar cards the game can be more balanced and interesting. But sometimes the game literally hands cards to one player and gives nothing to the other for like 4 turns in a row. By that point it’s gg before any semblance of a fair game can take place.
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