Letters being sent out to streamers in advance of the reveal

  • Seraphayel
    Uh, Hermaeus Mora sounds amazing, he's definitely one of the most interesting Daedric Princes. Lord of Knowledge, Keeper of Forbidden Knowledge, "The riddle unsolveable. The door unopenable. The book unreadable. The question unanswerable."

    All of this would perfectly fit Spellcrafting as a new feature, maybe we're even heading to Apocrypha to learn the secrets of Spellcrafting. And it would fit the "uncover" ZOS used to announced the upcoming stream.

    I just don't want to get my hopes up, because I'm waiting for Spellcrafting ever since it's QuakeCon presentation.
    Aldmeri Dominion
    - Khajiit Arcanist -
  • Darkstorne
    Trinotops wrote: »
    There is a Maormer cult dedicated to Hermaeus Mora mentioned in ESO
    Also Leramil seems like more of an Altmer or perhaps Maormer name to me.
    So maybe we'll get Pyandonea and the new feature will be playable Maormer.
    So, while I still think this is unlikely, there are a few more clues that could hint at this being the case.
    1. During a stream introducing the new loremaster last year, as part of the High Isle hype train, he was asked by Gina to suggest a word for chat to use in order to enter a give-away. Without even a second of hesitation he shouted out "Pyandonea!" and that always struck me as interesting. Was that just instantly reaching for a difficult word for people to type? Or was that because Pyandonea was his primary focus at the time, and something he was really excited to be working on? Could also just have been because of the Moarmer focus of Firesong but...
    2. Firesong added a WHOLE lot of new Moarmer assets. Even little things like candlesticks with sea serpent designs. Was that exclusively for Firesong, or to help spread the load of asset creation required for a Pyandonea Chapter out across an additional year?
    3. Firesong also had a lot of water magic on display from various NPCs, such as Dhulef. Maybe that's hinting at a new class focused on water magic coming? We know previous classes like Wardens and Necros drew upon existing spells and effects in the game. If so, Pyandonea is the perfect place to introduce a water class.
    Again, I still think Telvanni Isles are the most likely location, but I'd love to see Pyandonea one day. Maybe all of the above are still true but for 2024's Chapter, and we'll get even more Pyandonea hints this year?
  • agelonestar
    What's not to like about a floating eye with squid tentacles who's into books...?

    Love me some Hermadoodles.
    GM of Sunfire's Sect trading guild on PC/EU. All that is gold does not glitter; not all those who wander are lost...... some of us are just looking for trouble.
    GM of Sunfire's Sect (Open) & Dark Star Rising (Priv) | Retired GM of several trade guilds | Trader | Here since the beta
  • Supreme_Atromancer
    Alright, while the US is asleep, let me post my ridiculously unlikely, but "wouldn't it be awesome if...":

    The two worlds are Apocrypha and Shivering Isles.

    Its actually a power struggle between the two Daedra that you get to choose a side, and a patron in .

    "But there's absolutely no evidence of Sheogorath in any of this", I hear you say.

    True. Its just ridiculous speculation and fancy.

    But *IF* we were going to get spellcrafting FINALLY, and *IF* the Mage's Guild were still intended to serve a role in its return (as per the 2014 video describing spellcrafting), GIVEN that Sheo served as the primary antagonist during the original Mages Guild questline AND the repeatable MG dailies written later, and given that KNOWLEDGE and MADNESS go hand-in-hand in a deliciously Lovecraftian way, then... maybe?

    I don't know but making 2023's world be explorable Apocrypha AND Shivering Isles would be pretty cool.
  • Seraphayel
    Damn, those letters just ignited a little spark of hope and I'm rooting for Spellcrafting. I mean everything about Mora seems just perfect for a feature like this:

    Black Books are Daedric artifacts created by Hermaeus Mora, the Daedric Prince of Fate and Knowledge. Each book contains some manner of forbidden knowledge. Some books are from the ancient past; some are from the future. The thick tomes are bound in black covers, with a symbol representing Mora on the front, and emit a black mist. They are comparable to the Oghma Infinium, another tome of knowledge created by Mora. The books were spread across Tamriel by Mora, and are usually located in the depths of ancient dungeons.[1]

    Through reading a Black Book, the reader will enter Apocrypha, the realm of Oblivion created and ruled over by Hermaeus Mora. Tentacles will emerge from the tome and envelop the reader. An apparition of the reader's body remains in Mundus, tethering their life force. Most mortals who read a Black Book are driven insane, but those who successfully journey through Apocrypha are known to discover powerful knowledge.

    Source: https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Black_Books

    Back from the Spellcrafting presentation we know that delves and dungeons were meant to be the places were tomes and recipes are uncovered by the player. Mora hid the Black Books in the depths of ancient dungeons...
    Aldmeri Dominion
    - Khajiit Arcanist -
  • TX12001rwb17_ESO
    I wonder if this means we are getting Apocrypha as well.
  • Supreme_Atromancer
    Seraphayel wrote: »
    Damn, those letters just ignited a little spark of hope and I'm rooting for Spellcrafting. I mean everything about Mora seems just perfect for a feature like this:

    Black Books are Daedric artifacts created by Hermaeus Mora, the Daedric Prince of Fate and Knowledge. Each book contains some manner of forbidden knowledge. Some books are from the ancient past; some are from the future. The thick tomes are bound in black covers, with a symbol representing Mora on the front, and emit a black mist. They are comparable to the Oghma Infinium, another tome of knowledge created by Mora. The books were spread across Tamriel by Mora, and are usually located in the depths of ancient dungeons.[1]

    Through reading a Black Book, the reader will enter Apocrypha, the realm of Oblivion created and ruled over by Hermaeus Mora. Tentacles will emerge from the tome and envelop the reader. An apparition of the reader's body remains in Mundus, tethering their life force. Most mortals who read a Black Book are driven insane, but those who successfully journey through Apocrypha are known to discover powerful knowledge.

    Source: https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Black_Books

    Back from the Spellcrafting presentation we know that delves and dungeons were meant to be the places were tomes and recipes are uncovered by the player. Mora hid the Black Books in the depths of ancient dungeons...

    Yeah, I can see it. Like, they started with the original idea they showcased in '14, you still have to search out delves, dungeons etc., but then said we can go one better than a boring classroom- you find the hidden book and travel to apocrypha to acquire the plaque/fragment whatever.
  • Jaimeh
    Elsonso wrote: »

    Personally, this all feels a lot like the extension of a storyline that started in Blackreach.

    Agreed! There were some connections with Hermaeus Mora that year: the book in BDV, the side-quest with the watchling...

    There was also an unresolved part in the Blackreach storyline about Lyranth stealing the Ambitions powers, so I wonder if she might make an appearance again (though I suppose it might be too soon for her to return as a character), but she mentions something very interesting, location-wise, in her parting dialogue: ''Where I walk next, no mortal has even ventured. Possibly no Daedra, either, for that matter''. Even if it's not this year, I really want to know what it meant.
  • colossalvoids
    Jaimeh wrote: »
    Elsonso wrote: »

    Personally, this all feels a lot like the extension of a storyline that started in Blackreach.

    Agreed! There were some connections with Hermaeus Mora that year: the book in BDV, the side-quest with the watchling...

    There was also an unresolved part in the Blackreach storyline about Lyranth stealing the Ambitions powers, so I wonder if she might make an appearance again (though I suppose it might be too soon for her to return as a character), but she mentions something very interesting, location-wise, in her parting dialogue: ''Where I walk next, no mortal has even ventured. Possibly no Daedra, either, for that matter''. Even if it's not this year, I really want to know what it meant.

    Thought it was related to Aetherius for 2022, was ultimately wrong there though.
    But seeing Mora's markings from Ascending Tide and new Mythic gave some thoughts about 2023 being his year, at least this part delivered no matter the map region we're going (or just some of us, depending on announcement and features lmao).
    Edited by colossalvoids on January 18, 2023 10:31AM
  • alternatelder
    I'm glad majority of us are the last to see some marketing on here from "content creators"...
    I wonder if Wes Johnson will be reprising his role as HM, or will they keep David Shaughnessy. I think I actually like David's version better.
  • kinguardian
    I loved the hermeus mora quests in skyrim, going in that library with those monsters.

    Also he low key creeps me out with his eyes and bubbly voice.

    I like it.
  • TinyDragon
    I think the Hermaeus Mora connection is super apparent; but there are 2 other parts that grab my attention.

    @Syldras pointed out "the thread that keeps reality from unraveling"; I agree that Mephala fits, but I think Vaermina fits a little better. Vaermina, the weaver of dreams, the mistress of nightmares, the weaver of the panoply, the dreamweaver etc

    It says "at least two worlds hang in the balance" - what if these worlds are the waking worlds, and the realm of sleep; the dream world?
    Edited by TinyDragon on January 18, 2023 1:20PM
  • Elsonso
    This letter gives me vibes of time travel to the future and the past (two worlds) if there is a hidden sigil of Hermaeus Mora on this letter. I guess we will see.

    Same here. The phrase "the thread that keeps reality itself from unraveling" is a classic time travel paradox theme. Also, HM is the one who tossed all the lore books back from the 3rd era and scattered them across 2nd Era Tamriel.
    Trinotops wrote: »
    So maybe we'll get Pyandonea and the new feature will be playable Maormer.

    I hope not, but the "two worlds" reference goes on to specify "Nirn" rather than "Tamriel". That suggests that it is Nirn and somewhere else, not Tamriel and Pyandonea.
    Darkstorne wrote: »
    [*] Firesong added a WHOLE lot of new Moarmer assets. Even little things like candlesticks with sea serpent designs. Was that exclusively for Firesong, or to help spread the load of asset creation required for a Pyandonea Chapter out across an additional year?

    While doing Firesong, I got a serious vibe where ZOS was normalizing Sea Elves and making them "people" rather than "enemies". This immediately made me think that Sea Elves will be a playable race. The Firesong story was really weak, and maybe that was why.

    ZOS would not call them "Moarmer" if they were a playable race. They would call them "Sea Elves" because apparently the Elven race names introduced in previous games are too much for a fantasy world like ESO to handle. :neutral:
    I wonder if this means we are getting Apocrypha as well.

    This is where reality sets in. No one has been there, other than very briefly. I don't want to see a brand new Oblivion plane introduced in an average, unimaginative, manner because they lack resources, time, or staffing to do it justice. ZOS will end up cutting it to the bone, creatively, to squeeze it into their Chapter mold. Blech.

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Kevlar501
    I shall summon you as soon as the inescapable fortunes of consequence show me where we are headed most.

    This really had me wondering, he(or she, we don't know yet) says MOST and not next, which leads me to believe that we might have a secondary location where maybe a portion of the content will take place. Not entirely sure, but I just thought the wording was interesting.
  • DMuehlhausen
    Spellcrafting would give ESO undying longevity. As long as the feature would be supported, there will be people hanging on every patch note looking to see what new spells are getting revealed.

    Meh, just like everything else 1 or 2 spells could become meta and all anybody used really.
  • DMuehlhausen
    MajThorax wrote: »
    Saving Nirn again? I say let it burn for once.

    I mean...basically TES games are saving Nirn from Daedra....

    I admit even if defeat they should have a larger impact on the world. Like zones changed forever, or cities destroyed etc, but if you hate the "Save the world from a Daedric prince schtick" maybe don't play TES games.
  • emilyhyoyeon
    I feel a little iffy about the end of the world language again for the story, but this year I'm more interested in the feature+system they're bringing so I don't really mind regardless. I hope it's spellcrafting and I can make a summon wraith spell.

    I also don't have anything against well done divine threat stories, but I do prefer small scale ones. I do actually have some hope with the story knowing that they aren't doing the year model anymore though.
    IGN @ emilypumpkin
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  • TinyDragon
    Spellcrafting would give ESO undying longevity. As long as the feature would be supported, there will be people hanging on every patch note looking to see what new spells are getting revealed.

    Meh, just like everything else 1 or 2 spells could become meta and all anybody used really.

    You really look at all these posts excited about spellcrafting and think the consensus is meh? That seeems to be isolated to your opinion.

    With all the work they put into evening out the damage and duration of dots/aoes, I can see the opposite honestly.

    Imagine you can spell craft a DoT; it can be fire, lightning, ice, void magic, illusion based (some sort of fear/hallucinogenic effect). They make all these options equal or similar to entropy, for example.

    Now how do you choose the exact meta skill, if they all do similar damage? Sure, fire might be meta because burning damage, but what if they work around that by the spellcrafting dots don't cause status effects/get their damage effected by that?

    Then all these "flavours" of different spells are viable, and people could use what they like.

    In the end, I don't care if there is a meta anyway- I don't need to follow hardcore, exact meta in dungeons/overland, close enough is more than good enough, and this way I could enjoy my RP some more.

    Besides, oakensorcs sort of make me feel like people will find a way to make things work, where they want to.
    Edited by TinyDragon on January 18, 2023 1:50PM
  • Holycannoli
    Spellcrafting would give ESO undying longevity. As long as the feature would be supported, there will be people hanging on every patch note looking to see what new spells are getting revealed.

    To make it balanced would be a nightmare, to make it fun would be easy.

    I'm also of a mind that thinks if everything is overpowered, is anything really overpowered? Or is it the new standard?

    Signs seem to point to something related to spellcrafting or spell customization in some form. True spellcrafting like we had in Daggerfall and Morrowind would be laughably overpowered but there is so much room for customization and I'm not just talking effect cosmetics. How about more summons than just a familiar, clannfear or twilight? More than just a storm atronach? Dead thralls like in Skyrim? Turn your Dizzying Swing into a Ground Slam?

    Things like that.
  • DMuehlhausen
    TinyDragon wrote: »
    Spellcrafting would give ESO undying longevity. As long as the feature would be supported, there will be people hanging on every patch note looking to see what new spells are getting revealed.

    Meh, just like everything else 1 or 2 spells could become meta and all anybody used really.

    You really look at all these posts excited about spellcrafting and think the consensus is meh? That seeems to be isolated to your opinion.

    With all the work they put into evening out the damage and duration of dots/aoes, I can see the opposite honestly.

    Imagine you can spell craft a DoT; it can be fire, lightning, ice, void magic, illusion based (some sort of fear/hallucinogenic effect). They make all these options equal or similar to entropy, for example.

    Now how do you choose the exact meta skill, if they all do similar damage? Sure, fire might be meta because burning damage, but what if they work around that by the spellcrafting dots don't cause status effects/get their damage effected by that?

    Then all these "flavours" of different spells are viable, and people could use what they like.

    In the end, I don't care if there is a meta anyway- I don't need to follow hardcore, exact meta in dungeons/overland, close enough is more than good enough, and this way I could enjoy my RP some more.

    Besides, oakensorcs sort of make me feel like people will find a way to make things work, where they want to.

    Because just like with the current gear you will get people that will go out and find the combination that does .000000001% damage and put out content on it and it will become the meta. Then if you are looking to anything around trials and HM achievements etc groups will require you to have that .000000001% more damage cause having only .000001% just won't cut it.

    So yeah pretty meh on the idea of spellcrafting. Could it be cool yes, is it something people have wanted (including me at times) yes. Will it become something watered down and nerfed and then reduced to only a couple options due to meta almost 1000% yes.
  • Ragnarok0130
    Sounds like more end of the world stuff that ZoS said they were taking a break from. I like end of the world stuff but I’m seeing a pattern of saying one thing and doing the opposite like they said about moving to using a scalpel instead of a sledgehammer for balance and then a short time later using a wrecking ball in U35.
  • Olauron
    Elsonso wrote: »
    LonePirate wrote: »
    In one of the ESO Live streams from early 2015 (maybe 2016), Gina said that Hermaeus Mora was connected to the disappearance of all children from Tamriel. Perhaps that mystery will finally be solved this year.

    What if that is the new feature. Children.

    A new crafting skill :D
    The Three Storm Sharks, episode 8 released on january the 8th.
    One mer to rule them all,
    one mer to find them,
    One mer to bring them all
    and in the darkness bind them.
  • HappyTheCamper
    TinyDragon wrote: »
    I think the Hermaeus Mora connection is super apparent; but there are 2 other parts that grab my attention.

    @Syldras pointed out "the thread that keeps reality from unraveling"; I agree that Mephala fits, but I think Vaermina fits a little better. Vaermina, the weaver of dreams, the mistress of nightmares, the weaver of the panoply, the dreamweaver etc

    It says "at least two worlds hang in the balance" - what if these worlds are the waking worlds, and the realm of sleep; the dream world?

    Interesting since Hermaeus Mora and Vaermina are considered enemies since TES II Daggerfall…
  • Ratzkifal
    "Survival of Nirn" and Hermaeus Mora huh? Yeah, count me out. Not a fan of all these apocalypses constantly happening everywhere. "The thread that keeps reality itself from unraveling" - How are you going to top that next year huh? Sheogorath wants to achieve CHIM and become the Godhead, so you have to be the thread that keeps all realities, possible and impossible, from unraveling? I'm tired of this.
    This Bosmer was tortured to death. There is nothing left to be done.
  • jaws343
    Ratzkifal wrote: »
    "Survival of Nirn" and Hermaeus Mora huh? Yeah, count me out. Not a fan of all these apocalypses constantly happening everywhere. "The thread that keeps reality itself from unraveling" - How are you going to top that next year huh? Sheogorath wants to achieve CHIM and become the Godhead, so you have to be the thread that keeps all realities, possible and impossible, from unraveling? I'm tired of this.

    I mean, that is pretty much elder scrolls games. Be the hero, save the world. Why should ESO be any different.

    Plus, they said this would be a multi year story arc. So next year will likely be the same villain.
  • starlizard70ub17_ESO
    I see we're saving the world for the...oh, what are we up to now...fourth or fifth time?

    You don't save the world from Hermaeus Mora, Hermaeus Mora saves the world from you.

    (Those who've dealt with Hermaeus Mora before will understand)
    Edited by starlizard70ub17_ESO on January 18, 2023 3:13PM
    "We have found a cave, but I don't think there are warm fires and friendly faces inside."
  • Elsonso
    Kevlar501 wrote: »
    This really had me wondering, he(or she, we don't know yet) says MOST and not next, which leads me to believe that we might have a secondary location where maybe a portion of the content will take place. Not entirely sure, but I just thought the wording was interesting.

    Honestly, I think that this is just transitional meta text to indicate "we will reveal the location during the reveal streams".
    I mean...basically TES games are saving Nirn from Daedra....

    They don't have to be. We can be saving Nirn from a non-Daedric influence, like Alduin, too.
    jaws343 wrote: »
    Plus, they said this would be a multi year story arc. So next year will likely be the same villain.

    Yes, but will will know who the villain is at the end of this year? Ok. Yeah, sure, we knew who the villain of High Isle was pretty quickly and had to wait until the end for them to actually reveal it. I mean that maybe they won't tell us until next year, even though we have it figured out in the first 10 minutes.
    Edited by Elsonso on January 18, 2023 3:26PM
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Syldras
    Interesting since Hermaeus Mora and Vaermina are considered enemies since TES II Daggerfall…

    I was just going to write that. They were listed as enemies back then, although I'm not sure if these affiliations might also change sometimes? But it is definitively an interesting possibility to have her involved.
    @Syldras | PC | EU
    The forceful expression of will gives true honor to the Ancestors.
    Sarayn Andrethi, Telvanni mage (Main)
    Darvasa Andrethi, his "I'm NOT a Necromancer!" sister
    Malacar Sunavarlas, Altmer Ayleid vampire
  • Malthorne

    Not only does it reveal Hermaeus Mora but also that we are going to Blacklight. Very clever ZOS
    Edited by Malthorne on January 18, 2023 4:55PM
  • Soarora
    I’m very caught up on the two world thing. Is the wording specific? If so, realms and planets can be counted out. The only other world I know is Lyg, but I don’t know why Lyg would be important to save other than it’s historical connections to gods. And its at least two, not just two.
    PC/NA Dungeoneer (Tank/DPS/Heal), Trialist (DPS/Tank/Heal), and amateur Battlegrounder (DPS) with a passion for The Elder Scrolls lore
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