The tide of fate swirls around you with glorious fury and has chosen you to serve as its surrogate in a crisis most perilous. The future of at least two worlds hangs in the balance. Your talent for changing destiny has been noticed, hence the reason for this letter.
Many paths lead forward, but only one ends with the survival of Nirn. At this particular moment, in this specific instance, you must be the thread that keeps reality itself from unraveling.
I shall summon you as soon as the inescapable fortunes of consequence show me where we are needed most.
Leramil the Wise
sigil of Hermaeus Mora
VaranisArano wrote: »I see we're saving the world for the...oh, what are we up to now...fourth or fifth time?
LonePirate wrote: »In one of the ESO Live streams from early 2015 (maybe 2016), Gina said that Hermaeus Mora was connected to the disappearance of all children from Tamriel. Perhaps that mystery will finally be solved this year.
HappyTheCamper wrote: »Plus “The Tides of Fate”
Wondering if the name of the writer might also be a small hint (of course it doesn't necessarily have to be). The name Leramil is either Altmer or Dunmer.
The Dunmer and Hermaeus Mora connection could also be pointing towards Solstheim being the new zone as they both are heavily tied to the Island (although I'm not sure to what extend during ESO's era).
The Dunmer and Hermaeus Mora connection could also be pointing towards Solstheim being the new zone as they both are heavily tied to the Island (although I'm not sure to what extend during ESO's era).
I don't see him having a special connection to that place. And at this time, there are probably only the Skaal on Solstheim.
colossalvoids wrote: »Well his current champion's rest is there, plus he's been striving for that Skaal "101 ways to skin a horker" lesson for quite a while there it seems.
Which champion? I think the last keeper of the Oghma Infinium was Graccus, an Imperial. Also I'm not sure if the Skaal were ever mentioned somewhere in ESO yet (except for a costume or outfit or something like that).
colossalvoids wrote: »The first dragonborn one, which place we're taking in fourth era. His temple and the black book is still underground at the very centre of Solstheim.
HappyTheCamper wrote: »Plus “The Tides of Fate”
Oh, you mean the one from the Skaal myths? Well, okay, that one exists. But there are many cultures of Nirn, recent and historic, who had somehow come across Hermaeus Mora, if not all. They all have their specific names for him - for example the Khajiit call him Hermorah, the Ayleids Hyrma Mora - and there are cultists of him basically everywhere. The Skaal are only one culture within many that had to do with him, they're not special in that aspect.
colossalvoids wrote: »They are special in a way ESO trying to monetize nostalgia
Also Leramil seems like more of an Altmer or perhaps Maormer name to me.
Okay, from the marketing perspective, this makes sense. But Solstheim as a whole Q2 chapter would seem rather small to me, to be honest. And there isn't much according to lore, if they don't make up new settlements for this chapter.
Another thing, although that's basically a shot in the dark: In the first paragraph of the letter, the "tide of fate" is mentioned, which 100% related to Hermaeus Mora. I've been wondering if the 2nd paragraph could tell more about another force involved. What caught my attention is "the thread that keeps reality from unraveling". That sounds quite specific. Might it be related to the webspinner Mephala somehow? She's also a Daedra of hidden secrets and both Hermaeus Mora and Mephala play a role in Morag Tong history (and Mephala being important for Dunmer altogether, still being one of the "Good Daedra" of Dunmer religion).
SilverIce58 wrote: »Highly doubt it. Mephala was already part of a Daedric plot where she got her just desserts and then some. I'm sure she knows better than to bother the Vestige so soon after her last failed attempt.