Recently, the game was patched to allow players to share the Wayward Guardian daily quest, even with players that don't have the appropriate zone quests completed. However, even though they the quest can be shared now, there are a couple of the Wayward Guardian quests that are unable to be completed UNTIL certain Reach zone quests are completed first.
- Defenders of the Reach - Requires the player to travel to Nchuand-Zel, which doesn't get unlocked until completing the quest A Feast of Souls
- To Burn Away Evil - Requires the player to travel to Bthar-Zel, which doesn't get unlocked until completing the quest Blood of the Reach.
Several of the Wayward Guardian quests are fine because they utilize common areas with no restrictions. But these two are annoying because of the limited access someone has who hasn't completed any zone quests in the first place; which I thought was the point of opening up the Wayward Guardian quests to share with players that haven't unlocked it yet. Can we open
Nchuand-Zel and
Bthar-Zel to the general public?
Also, attempting to access
Nchuand-Zel and
Bthar-Zel from Blackreach did not work.