Maintenance for the week of June 10:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 10

Why I fake tank

  • Fester82
    I have no problem with fake tanking, BUT you need to slot a dang taunt at least!
  • Gaebriel0410
    If you queue for a random as a tank while being a dps with the attitude of "I know best what's good for them", you are incredibly arrogant. No one cares how much damage you do or how much better you are than the majority of players. Get in line like everybody else.

    If you queue as a tank, you're expected to do that role. No matter if it's an easymode dungeon, no matter if you are a super jaded cynical dungeon runner who is tired of bad players while doing 100 dungeons a day, it's just common courtesy.

    If you're intending to speedrun a dungeon to farm a set, it's not that much effort to just say that at the start and ask if others are fine with it. And sure maybe they don't answer, but at least you tried.

    It's again a common courtesy thing, just like saying hi at the start. It takes so little effort to do it, and yet it can do so much to break the ice for other players, some of which might feel nervous doing a dungeon for the first time or whatever.
  • Pet
    Why do people even care what others do in normal difficulty 4 man content? None of it is remotely difficult anyway.
    Fester82 wrote: »
    I have no problem with fake tanking, BUT you need to slot a dang taunt at least!

    So.. you DO have a problem with it.. lmao..
    Edited by Pet on July 16, 2022 5:21PM
  • Androrix
    I am not a top 1% parser, but I can parse a solid 90k. And to be honest most people who play this game can't even parse 50k+. If I were to honestly tank with the group doing 15k damage altogether then dungeons would take FOREVER. When I fake tank, I end up doing like 70-80% of the group's damage and we finish the dungeon in under 10 minutes. If anything, I am doing the other people in the group a favor. I suggest Random normal dungeons 4 people can queue up regardless of role because they are so easy anyway.

    I just hope everyone remembers to thank you at the end. It is also quite possible that you do such a high percentage of the damage because the other players are simply watching in awestruck wonder!
  • oldbobdude
    Androrix wrote: »
    I am not a top 1% parser, but I can parse a solid 90k. And to be honest most people who play this game can't even parse 50k+. If I were to honestly tank with the group doing 15k damage altogether then dungeons would take FOREVER. When I fake tank, I end up doing like 70-80% of the group's damage and we finish the dungeon in under 10 minutes. If anything, I am doing the other people in the group a favor. I suggest Random normal dungeons 4 people can queue up regardless of role because they are so easy anyway.

    I just hope everyone remembers to thank you at the end. It is also quite possible that you do such a high percentage of the damage because the other players are simply watching in awestruck wonder!

    The rest of the group is probably dead.
  • Androrix
    oldbobdude wrote: »
    Androrix wrote: »
    I am not a top 1% parser, but I can parse a solid 90k. And to be honest most people who play this game can't even parse 50k+. If I were to honestly tank with the group doing 15k damage altogether then dungeons would take FOREVER. When I fake tank, I end up doing like 70-80% of the group's damage and we finish the dungeon in under 10 minutes. If anything, I am doing the other people in the group a favor. I suggest Random normal dungeons 4 people can queue up regardless of role because they are so easy anyway.

    I just hope everyone remembers to thank you at the end. It is also quite possible that you do such a high percentage of the damage because the other players are simply watching in awestruck wonder!

    The rest of the group is probably dead.

    Also a possibility LOL!
  • etchedpixels
    Drammanoth wrote: »
    AdamLAD wrote: »
    (...). There will ALWAYS be a big number of players who are extremely casual and can't do much at all besides craft and roleplay, simply due to the fact its an Elder Scrolls Game, which all its previous entries are literally based on role-playing(...).
    Those 'casuals' that you descibed are the so called toxic casuals - "I play the way I want because I can, and noone will tell me how to play, you toxic elitist!"

    Check Nefas' vid on those individuals suffering from entitlementitis:

    A tiny number of them only. Many of the casual players don't do dungeons in the first place, don't want to do group content and are just happily enjoying the game which they paid for just like you did. Most of the rest don't expect or want to do vet content either. It's a tiny tiny minority of players who do all the moaning Nefas and co complain about and have the "I bought guitar hero I'm entitled to be Jimi Hendrix" mindset.

    Too many toons not enough time
  • Darcwolf
    The problem with fake tanks is that they don't aggo, so then bosses randomly attack people and run all over. This completly destroys rotations and DPS. I don't care how good you think your DPS is, if you can't get your rotation in or even hit the boss because it's running all over then you are absolutly worthless and doing nothing but hurting the group.
  • AnnetteW
    I am not a top 1% parser, but I can parse a solid 90k. And to be honest most people who play this game can't even parse 50k+. If I were to honestly tank with the group doing 15k damage altogether then dungeons would take FOREVER. When I fake tank, I end up doing like 70-80% of the group's damage and we finish the dungeon in under 10 minutes. If anything, I am doing the other people in the group a favor. I suggest Random normal dungeons 4 people can queue up regardless of role because they are so easy anyway.

    Yeah, I have the best dmg so I'll go as fake ppl...
  • AnnetteW
    For people like U most players (new) just quit with game.
    And this is reason:
    I joined to random dungeons as healer (cp), tank was **** guy like U (cp), and two new players with low dps. We got FG1.

    His sight: He skipped all adds and just runned to first room, there he killed boss, soo he goes throw door, skipped all bosses, swimmed to main boss and killed him that completed dungeon under 3 mins.

    Healer (my sight): I stayed with these low players and keep them alive, while they are trying to kill adds near start, while tank is **** and just runned away. Before we get to first boss, we got dungeon reward.

    DPS (new players) sight: They got their first dungeons, accepted quest and with big troubles (there were without tank) killed all ads and reached their first boss... and asked me why they cannot complete their quest.

    After this dungeon they added me as friend. They were online another month.... well, now they are both offline (they were online 2 years ago). Soo they totally quited game after this. Well, my friends (AnnetteW - me, Akheira,... etc. quieted game from same reason). U cannot tell new players if U would like to have "normal" dungeon find a guild and find your "own" group. And like I wroted up, I quited with game too, because I farmed gear and I totally hated these fake roles,... my old guildmates can tell U.

    Be healer/tank is big responsibility, because U are keeping other players out of adds sight/alive. If I'm in dungeon and tank/healer is fake then I cannot focus on my own DPS, but on keeping myself alive/out of boss sight - dodge.So if my rotation is 110k and I must use my whole time to healing/roll then I have no time for DPS. Keep it in our small mind.
  • AnnetteW
  • Alchemical
    My solution to fake tanks is to simply run ahead of them so they are the one who gets a million uncontrolled mobs to attack them all at once instead of me. It's just self preservation at this point, who can blame me?
  • SapAndFury
    I’ll admit it. I’m a real tank and I fake tank for normal dungeons (even DLC). Certain base game vet dungeons can easily be fake tanked as well. I don’t even slot a taunt, just Ele drain. We are 7 years since Maelstrom Arena dropped. Self heals and the ability to keep adds in the ground dots are kind of an expectation of dps in casual content.

    If ZOS wants to “fix” this, they should really just create a separate queue for those that have hard and fast expectations for roles.
  • Runesong
    I have a solution.
    In a PUG...every non-tank player in the group should have a pop-up skill that only becomes active when there is no taunt being used by the tank. After 3 flags the 'tank' should be auto-booted and all gains removed from his/her pack. No discussion.
    Give that power to the players and they will take care of business.
  • Vulkunne
    This is a reason, why I retired from Tanking. Before the Mythic items came out it was a different game and roles were essential. You actually needed to add value to the group and I found unique ways to do this as Tank. But this wasn't good enough for some people so they chipped away at this too, complaining on here about sets Tanks used to usually help make up for the lack of dmg in a group or otherwise be more apart of the solution rather than standing in one place gently swinging a sword around and aggroing once in a seldom while.

    So now they have the mythic items and the net affect of this is the group cohesion is mostly dead aside from larger more complicated Trial runs. And many times when I joined a group some joker would very rudely run ahead of everyone, flaming all the mobs and inciting general chaos. You cannot have order in a group if there is no discipline and you cannot justify bringing a group if one item does the job of no less than 4 players. I also cannot justify allowing some clown to waste -my time- recklessly and again, rather rudely, running around doing their own thing rather than work as a Team. And I will not allow people to keep doing this to me or support them doing the same and not being considerate of other people in the group.

    This is why real Tanks are harder to find, this is why people do not take their chosen role seriously now and this is one reason I'm glad I no longer have to deal with all of it.
    Edited by Vulkunne on July 21, 2022 3:23AM
    The ending of the words is ALMSIVI
  • AnnetteW
    Each piece of Heavy Armor does the following:
    Reduces the Movement Speed bonus of Sprint by 1% (with full armor it's -7%)

    Athletics - Increases the Movement Speed bonus of Sprint by 3% for each piece of Medium Armor equipped.
    Full armor +21%.

    Mages don't need stamina for skills.
  • dmnqwk
    Hi, so you want to tank but you also think 'oh but then noone is 'damages producant' because if I don't tank I don't get a queue but if I do tank and go full tank we have no group damage...

    Frontbar: Pucturing Remedy (Master's 1h+s)
    Backbar: Maelstrom Greatsword
    Set 1: Order's Wrath
    Set 2: Spriggans, Tzogvins, anything you like really.

    Why do I mention this? Well, I like messing about with tanking and was having fun trying 5 piece light armor tanking (It was doable, but slightly on the low damage single target). But after looking into things, I realised by giving up monster set I can hit 30k single target by using more medium armor pieces, more offensive sets and relying on the buff provided by Puncturing Remedy (by giving up a monster set) to achieve the goal.

    So for those who are good at dpsing but worry if they tank, the group damage is too bad. Consider the fact that you can hit 30k single target with Sugar Cookies (meaning terrible sustain) and having Pierce Armor as a spammable!

    My DK has been hitting 20-25k for a while (I realised yesterday she's still in purple seventh legion and hundings, so not exactly amazing gear lol) while my Warden (who was wearing permablock aoe focus and only doing 12-14k single target) now has the same stuff as my NB and has hit the same 30k single target.

    It's not going to be great as supportive sets, but if you're doing normal dungeons it doesn't matter - providing the 9-11k penetration and keeping the boss still is all you really need. And if you're also chipping in 25k damage then the group only has to produce... 0 damage for it to be completed in a reasonable amount of time!

    It's easy to make excuses why you want to justify fake tanking, but after 20 years of finding ways to produce dps as a tank, I know it's always nonsense! (Sure it's rougher in ESO, but definitely not impossible. And if I wanted to chug pots constantly I could use a proper spammable and add 5-10k instantly to that number)
  • JustAGoodPlayer
    Drammanoth wrote: »
    AdamLAD wrote: »
    (...). There will ALWAYS be a big number of players who are extremely casual and can't do much at all besides craft and roleplay, simply due to the fact its an Elder Scrolls Game, which all its previous entries are literally based on role-playing(...).
    Those 'casuals' that you descibed are the so called toxic casuals - "I play the way I want because I can, and noone will tell me how to play, you toxic elitist!"

    Check Nefas' vid on those individuals suffering from entitlementitis:

    A tiny number of them only. Many of the casual players don't do dungeons in the first place, don't want to do group content and are just happily enjoying the game which they paid for just like you did. Most of the rest don't expect or want to do vet content either. It's a tiny tiny minority of players who do all the moaning Nefas and co complain about and have the "I bought guitar hero I'm entitled to be Jimi Hendrix" mindset.

    His video - Do not sounds like truth for me.

    It is like empty words to tell how good or bad some one is.
    Edited by JustAGoodPlayer on July 21, 2022 11:23AM
  • Sarannah
    AnnetteW wrote: »
    For people like U most players (new) just quit with game.
    And this is reason:
    I joined to random dungeons as healer (cp), tank was **** guy like U (cp), and two new players with low dps. We got FG1.

    His sight: He skipped all adds and just runned to first room, there he killed boss, soo he goes throw door, skipped all bosses, swimmed to main boss and killed him that completed dungeon under 3 mins.

    Healer (my sight): I stayed with these low players and keep them alive, while they are trying to kill adds near start, while tank is **** and just runned away. Before we get to first boss, we got dungeon reward.

    DPS (new players) sight: They got their first dungeons, accepted quest and with big troubles (there were without tank) killed all ads and reached their first boss... and asked me why they cannot complete their quest.

    After this dungeon they added me as friend. They were online another month.... well, now they are both offline (they were online 2 years ago). Soo they totally quited game after this. Well, my friends (AnnetteW - me, Akheira,... etc. quieted game from same reason). U cannot tell new players if U would like to have "normal" dungeon find a guild and find your "own" group. And like I wroted up, I quited with game too, because I farmed gear and I totally hated these fake roles,... my old guildmates can tell U.

    Be healer/tank is big responsibility, because U are keeping other players out of adds sight/alive. If I'm in dungeon and tank/healer is fake then I cannot focus on my own DPS, but on keeping myself alive/out of boss sight - dodge.So if my rotation is 110k and I must use my whole time to healing/roll then I have no time for DPS. Keep it in our small mind.
    This is exactly why ZOS should fix fake roles ASAP! Some people are using it as the new norm, not realizing they are destroying the game itself. Doing more dungeons faster is of no use if the servers are taken down due to too few players left.
    AnnetteW wrote: »
    Each piece of Heavy Armor does the following:
    Reduces the Movement Speed bonus of Sprint by 1% (with full armor it's -7%)

    Athletics - Increases the Movement Speed bonus of Sprint by 3% for each piece of Medium Armor equipped.
    Full armor +21%.

    Mages don't need stamina for skills.
    Tanking nerfs is another thing ZOS should fix, every update we lose tankiness and resources/resourceregen due to PvP. My tanks are about 40-50% weaker right now than when I created them. Which is incredibly stupid as tanks are already the least played role, so they do not deserve nerfs!
    These should all be implemented: Remove the heavy armor movement speed reduction/restriction, make wearing a full set of 7/7 heavy armor remove the resistance caps(so being tank, actually makes you a tank), cap the one-shot mechanics to 80% health tops for characters wearing a full set of 7/7 full heavy armor, add auto-taunt to all skills/attacks when using the tank role in the dungeonfinder(one taunt cap per skill/attack, so no aoe-taunts), require a minimum amount of health/resistances/taunt skill equipped to be able to even queue for the tank role, and grant more resources gained from heavy attack when using a full set of 7/7 heavy armor. And for the love of god, separate balancing PvE and PvP. (Note: I only play PvE)
    Edited by Sarannah on July 21, 2022 11:20AM
  • svendf
    Imagine if all against fake roles just stayed away from dungeons or just leave ESO for other MMO. ZOS would have a huge problem on their hands.

    On my account I just do my crafting writs. Have just done my last Ember quest (liked the story good job there).

    I use to be an dungeon runner, at first as dd back, when max cp was 610. Then later on I created a helaer and tank.

    My tank runs was put to an end very fast (runners and fake healers). My tank can heal herself, but the runs was just absurd.

    My activity in ESO is getting lower and lower and playing another mmo, where these fake roles aren´t possible and if a player is running ahead, even tanks, it´s good night sunshine and respawn at star, run the, whole way back to the group.

    The player quality in that mmo is much higher. Not because of the player´s them self, no no. It´s because the roles are there and no one can change that, you can´t fake. Another thing is, that mmo will learn you about how important your role is and there is tutorials, who goes along with it

    ESO is a mighty fine game with good quality. Sad is though, ZOS have not been able to control the part of the community, who just create havoc for most player´s.

    That´s why I spend more time in another mmo
    Edited by svendf on July 21, 2022 11:32AM
  • JustAGoodPlayer
    Not enough tanks. game is not friendly for them. Randoms do not make a lot of damage and some times play not really good, so it is understandable. The same time new tanks can be not respected and can be even kicked from group or get very bad words to there adress - that dissapoint them.

    Starting of what they need to do to what they need to gear.

    It was very popular 4-6 years ago when i only came to the game and after some years and a lot of incedents - it is less such people now. (And better do not ask why - ... but i always can tell it is long and interesting for me storys - that may be will not be interesting to any body else )) )

    A lot of people - like to give "empty useless advises - no one even ask them for" - and as you can understand they will not help. But no one of them will nor really go and help, because other way they see that their advices is nothing more than garbage.

    Starting from "self proclaimed eletists - high end content rulers/makers and etc" ending to casuals.

    What is casual ? It is player who do his daily quests and not a lot of interested in doing some other content sereosly (or may be some times may be show interest to it).

    Starting from - why a lot of players are not interested ? because in a lot of more older games it was not such a problem.
    Why such problem appear now ?

    Because of "eletists" - i describe it like: "not a high skilled players - that think about them selves to much".
    Such players can have a little more expirience in other games - but can not "achieve" some thing in it - and on start of another game have more EXP in it than players with no exp - or plays the game longer (from start).

    Such players need to pass content when really skilled members of their groups leave. They need replacement - but can not find it. Really skilled players will not play with them, so their next option is try to show how good they are from position of "achivment / better gear / more level / and etc.".

    They not only need new people - they need players with game style they are comfortable with. Because their core players who they play before - plays the same way. So they try to force people play the way they need from them. Try to nerf other players game styles / sets / skills and etc.

    They can not show their skill - because they often do not have it. But it is option to link achivment or show DPS.

    So they often try to make from this their dominance leadership system.

    In games where PVP was part of PVE - such players get revenge from more exp players so they can not exp and leave the game - so game population was more healthy. In games where PVP and PVE is seporated - such players do not often go PVP - i think you understand why ? )

    And i concider my self PVE player - but to even PK other players for me as a player was a normal thing to do.

    More exp players clearly understand that you can not force others to do some thing. But if you as a player are really better in some thing - other players can be interested in it and one day they ask you to learn them for it.

    Look now on current TESO players - "I Have DPS / Use buff sets" it only show that a lot of players do not even see in them some thing valuable - thats why they need in self promotion all the time. And they can not do a lot of thingth - and even can not learn and help people. Because to help - you first need to be able to do it yourself.

    Thats how I see the situation. And if current "end game community" - is so small - than just may be people are not interested enough to play with them. Because if some game really have skilled and good end game community - even including the fact that raids are much harder in some games = people have no problem. A lot of player play it and they not even need for special word to name themselves - like "end game elit super end game community". because a lot of players do it.

    So all I try to show current "elit end game super duper community" - is = ill = a little )))

    So it is not really strange that it is only 1 % and is not a lot of popular.

    --- --- ---

    If you want more tanks - better DD - show first that you deserve it. Help tanks, learn your friends and etc. First learn yourselve first to do thinks you try to learn others ! Than you need not even learn any body - if others will be interested they ask you themselves. Or becomes better just looking and playing with you.

    To just walk and promore DPS / Sets and etc ... it looks like:
    I have bad smartphone that i need to sell for a big prise. I walk everywhere and promote it.

    It is strange that one day people who are smart enough will send you some where ... in a long jorney ) ?
    Edited by JustAGoodPlayer on July 21, 2022 12:42PM
  • Ragnarok0130
    SapAndFury wrote: »
    I don’t even slot a taunt, just Ele drain. We are 7 years since Maelstrom Arena dropped. Self heals and the ability to keep adds in the ground dots are kind of an expectation of dps in casual content.

    What? RNDs are aimed at new players so one can’t expect low level players to have all of the skills, gear, and knowledge regardless of how long ago MA dropped. I can see you possibly doing this if you have 3 other seasoned players but please tell me you slot a taunt and actually tank with low level players since you are a real tank by trade
  • JustAGoodPlayer
    With low lvl players - if you do more DPS - you really will not need taunt because you get agro by doing damage.

    In nRandoms now is even more players with good DPS than in vets - because revard is the same and it is much faster.

    So a lot of players go vets for a reason they need as example monster helmet and are first time their.
  • svendf
    Fake roles create bad player´s and a toxic community. Fake tanks can´t rely on dps as an taunt option with an healer in the group. Simply because the healer will be target number one.
  • JustAGoodPlayer
    Than healer need to have a good HPS, and if so - it sounds a little strange if some one die )))

    But healer becomes + tank to his main role ;)
  • Arphalas
    I have no interest in knowing your ePeen siz...Parse. Save that for the circle jerk.

    Tank queue should be blocked unless you have 5 heavy armor pieces and a taunt equipped.
  • OolongSnakeTea
    I don’t hit those numbers, but when I go as “tank” I’m running hexos and a taunt.
    When I go as “healer” I’m back barring heals with an execute on hand plus damage on front.

    If you’re going to fake a roll, try to do some of what that roll does 🤫


    You guys can be effective DPS and fake tank! 2 handed tanking is decent DPS and strong! Brawler is a good shield with decent cleave! Caltrops provides fracture for your group, a good soft agro, and tons of fun AOE! You cna do the same with an ice-infero staff set up as well to block and get decent numbers out.

    Its a matter of adjusting your build to sustain, taunt, and make it a better experince for the 3 other players.
    "I try to create sympathy for my characters, then turn the monsters loose."– Stephen King

  • OolongSnakeTea
    dmnqwk wrote: »
    Hi, so you want to tank but you also think 'oh but then noone is 'damages producant' because if I don't tank I don't get a queue but if I do tank and go full tank we have no group damage...

    Frontbar: Pucturing Remedy (Master's 1h+s)
    Backbar: Maelstrom Greatsword
    Set 1: Order's Wrath
    Set 2: Spriggans, Tzogvins, anything you like really.
    Love this idea!

    I'll do you an alternative: 2 handed+ whatever back bar tanking or ice staff/inferno combos work just as good for a Danker (DPS Tanker- hybrid name still pending)

    I tank just fine in 80% of content in my medium armor with 2 pieces of heavy (monster, thuvokun or lady thorn). On easier stuff I just run 6 medium 1 light (IE: Normals, base game vets). But I'm confident, I know my limits and learning curves.

    I've made a few 2 handed tank builds on the hub, and hope that it reaches people to try it out- so they can still get that big speedy que and decent damage, while still providing the expectations of a tank: A taunt, some debuffs and add control!

    All classes can do it, its just a matter of swapping a few things here and there. And honestly if your DPS build is built for solo, you're already halfway there to being a decent tank!

    Making high DPS tank builds is not a bad thing, as it gets people what they are complaining about the most- the dungeon is uncontrolled and no one else is having fun.
    "I try to create sympathy for my characters, then turn the monsters loose."– Stephen King

  • JustAGoodPlayer
    Just as example:

    So if you say that tank need some thing in random - may be you will not just get any or will be kicked from it - because exp player can not even say such nonsence )

    More specially in nRandoms.

    Or better if you want for tank some specifics - go and tank yourselve ))) It will solve all of your problems )
    Edited by JustAGoodPlayer on July 21, 2022 4:45PM
  • JustAGoodPlayer
    dmnqwk wrote: »
    Hi, so you want to tank but you also think 'oh but then noone is 'damages producant' because if I don't tank I don't get a queue but if I do tank and go full tank we have no group damage...

    Frontbar: Pucturing Remedy (Master's 1h+s)
    Backbar: Maelstrom Greatsword
    Set 1: Order's Wrath
    Set 2: Spriggans, Tzogvins, anything you like really.
    Love this idea!

    I'll do you an alternative: 2 handed+ whatever back bar tanking or ice staff/inferno combos work just as good for a Danker (DPS Tanker- hybrid name still pending)

    I tank just fine in 80% of content in my medium armor with 2 pieces of heavy (monster, thuvokun or lady thorn). On easier stuff I just run 6 medium 1 light (IE: Normals, base game vets). But I'm confident, I know my limits and learning curves.

    I've made a few 2 handed tank builds on the hub, and hope that it reaches people to try it out- so they can still get that big speedy que and decent damage, while still providing the expectations of a tank: A taunt, some debuffs and add control!

    All classes can do it, its just a matter of swapping a few things here and there. And honestly if your DPS build is built for solo, you're already halfway there to being a decent tank!

    Making high DPS tank builds is not a bad thing, as it gets people what they are complaining about the most- the dungeon is uncontrolled and no one else is having fun.

    As about DPS tank unfortunatly it is not possible in game on current moment ( because to do damage you need high stats - so unfortunatly - but tanking on DD is much simpler than make DPS tank. It is some builds that can let tank DO good AOE damage - but with small damage to solo target and you rotation becomes more harder than on DD - as example with rotation -

    Skill+Bash+La->Skill+Bash+La->Skill+Bash+La-> you only will get about 17 k DPS (

    But no matter ))) I like to damage on my tank =)
    Edited by JustAGoodPlayer on July 21, 2022 4:28PM
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