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Dark Convergence is still totally out of balance, totally unreasonable set to exist in PvP

  • Crimsonwolf666
    Ishtharo wrote: »
    As the title says, Dark Convergence still breaks PvP for everyone trying to play the game using actual skills.

    It's only used by ball groups and trolls who think ranged bombing from stealth should be something that exists in a video game.

    The free pull and the OP damage eliminates all player skill gaps and that just shouldn't be possible.

    Hold block, sovled your problem for you.

    Sorry but block when the lag is well so bad you can only Light Attack effectively, this doesn't help and it gives D.C users a HUGE advantage. ONly when they are geared correctly and normally as a Necro, maybe NB ( just from what I have seen, not many sorcs I personally have seen using, but might be cuz Necro bomb is MUCH more obvious than sorc stuff).
  • Cuddlypuff
    Ishtharo wrote: »
    As the title says, Dark Convergence still breaks PvP for everyone trying to play the game using actual skills.

    It's only used by ball groups and trolls who think ranged bombing from stealth should be something that exists in a video game.

    The free pull and the OP damage eliminates all player skill gaps and that just shouldn't be possible.

    Hold block, sovled your problem for you.

    Sorry but block when the lag is well so bad you can only Light Attack effectively, this doesn't help and it gives D.C users a HUGE advantage. ONly when they are geared correctly and normally as a Necro, maybe NB ( just from what I have seen, not many sorcs I personally have seen using, but might be cuz Necro bomb is MUCH more obvious than sorc stuff).

    You can proc Dcon with negate on stamsorc and then brawl/carve inside for a massive bomb too...
  • xDeusEJRx
    All the peeps using it will disagree. I have to say Dark Convergence on someone who doesn't have Necro or NB bomb seems to not be as effective, but damn, have I been outside of the so called DC circle and still been hit by it many times and died. But lag is still not great in PVP Cyrodiil soooooo, maybe I only saw myself outside of it?. Welp....will likely be 7+ months before they decide to nerf it once a new OP set comes out lol.

    The set is not getting nerfed. It came out in september 2021, it's been 10 months now. I don't think they have intentions to change the set, especially since zos said that it's succeeding in doing what they released the set to do(zerg wipe). Maybe they'll change the set to better fit the agenda in the future, but it's not getting nerfed. It's been almost a year since it released, I think they have no intentions of nerfing it now
    Solo PvP'er PS5 NA player

    90% of my body is made of Magblade
  • FannyWarden
    Well, with the buff to occult overload, I think you will see more and more DC/VD bombing builds, so get used to it. After playing the past few days, you have to be even more careful where you are standing (or who you are standing next to). I was getting hit more and more by bombing combinations where 1 weak player sets off a major chain reaction. It appears that Occult Overload is stackable also as one of my death reports had 4 different 12.8k Occult Overloads along with the DC and VD explosions.

    I mean the future of PVP seems to be ball groups running around with stackable heals and damage shield sets along with a few bombers wearing DC spamming graveyard, etc. And the pull you are probably getting outside of DC range into DC range (or range of the bomber) is probably beckoning armor - if you range attack them, you will be pulled to them, so careful.

    And on the subject of "weak" players, I do not know what you can do to manage it, but anyone coming into Cyro with 20k health and a paper thin build trying to engage opponents in crowded areas is either a complete noob or a spy trying to intentionally set off bombs against his own team. It is complete b.s. that, for whatever reason, these types of players can be allowed to cause so many deaths in their own faction just by being present. Same with people still purging without regard for plaguebreak.
  • EdmondDontes
    Ball groups running this set still suck the fun out of PvP. The set still lands on the wrong side of doors and occasionally sucks defenders off walls/roofs too. The set is still super broken and does exactly the opposite of what ZOS says they designed it to do. Yet no adjustments have been made to fix it's god mode strength.

    I think they should change the set so it pulls to the wearer. That would solve most of the balance issues with the set, and make it perform the function ZOS says they created it to perform; break up ball groups.

    I just had a friend who came back after a year of taking a break from the game because performance was so bad. His first comment was "I am disgusted by how out of balance PvP is now". He cited Dark Convergence and Oakenshield as the two main reasons for his disgust.
  • xDeusEJRx
    Ball groups running this set still suck the fun out of PvP. The set still lands on the wrong side of doors and occasionally sucks defenders off walls/roofs too. The set is still super broken and does exactly the opposite of what ZOS says they designed it to do. Yet no adjustments have been made to fix it's god mode strength.

    I think they should change the set so it pulls to the wearer. That would solve most of the balance issues with the set, and make it perform the function ZOS says they created it to perform; break up ball groups.

    I just had a friend who came back after a year of taking a break from the game because performance was so bad. His first comment was "I am disgusted by how out of balance PvP is now". He cited Dark Convergence and Oakenshield as the two main reasons for his disgust.

    It's not a ball group breaking up set, it's a zerg breaking up set lol. Zos literally stated DC is doing it's job of killing large groups (aka zergs). It IS performing the way zos intended it to, I have no idea why players have this narrative that every update for pvp is made because of ball groups, when it isn't. They literally changed the damage and scaling of the set so it hurt large groups more and not solos because it's a ZERG BUSTER set, not a "ball group control set". Same as VD is.

    But I do agree this set sucks the fun out of pvp, I don't even play in groups in pvp and I get zerged down by large groups who are all running Dark convergence and constantly pull me continuously. As someone who can't rely on other people to down players, it's absurdly annoying trying to burst someone down just for you to get yanked away mid combo and the player lives. I hate proc PVP and players having sets do the work for them all the time and as a byproduct I hate Dark convergence, especially when a group of 10-20+ people use it to try to kill one person(me).
    Solo PvP'er PS5 NA player

    90% of my body is made of Magblade
  • Mazbt
    I came back to PVP and this set was all over the place. Nice return to game present. It's a zerg killer for sure, but really hard to recover if you get pulled in. So much damage. Working as intended I guess.
    Edited by Mazbt on June 28, 2022 7:33PM
    Mazari the Resurrected (AD)- PVP stamplar main
    Maz the Druid - PVP group stam warden
    - many others
  • TheGeordieKitten
    Whats unbalanced about a a set that creates a huge undodgeable AOE that does a huge bursts of damage, cant be broken free from, snares everyone and only has a 15 second cooldown?... Oh wait

    aka - The Tyne Tart - Big Tick Energy - Lidl Quality Gameplay
  • Holycannoli
    Whats unbalanced about a a set that creates a huge undodgeable AOE that does a huge bursts of damage, cant be broken free from, snares everyone and only has a 15 second cooldown?... Oh wait

    We had a "fun" battle last night in Ales keep, DC vs AD with the doors closed, the enemy hammer running around inside, everyone respawning in the keep and everyone constantly being pulled with DC and then exploding from VD and Occult.

    It was mayhem lol. I was on one of my low level characters so I didn't care, I was just amused by it all.
    Edited by Holycannoli on June 29, 2022 12:32PM
  • KiltMaster
    once you get used to d-con it's easy to get out of and counter

    since it's came out, it's like 2nd nature now to just not panic, hold block, throw a negate on it, etc.

    shouldn't be stacking too, too tight anyways, what with NB bombers and PB bombers still very relevant
    GM of "Kilts for Sale"
  • EdmondDontes
    KiltMaster wrote: »
    once you get used to d-con it's easy to get out of and counter

    since it's came out, it's like 2nd nature now to just not panic, hold block, throw a negate on it, etc.

    shouldn't be stacking too, too tight anyways, what with NB bombers and PB bombers still very relevant

    Ya, this suggestion does not work when a ball group drops three or more Dark Convergence procs with ulti's on top of it. There is nothing you can do except die. The set is totally out of balance and you can not defend against a ball group running Dark Convergence. That's the problem ZOS refuses to admit exists or just don't give a hoot about because it's a PvP issue that doesn't affect casual players.
  • CameraBeardThePirate
    I think a lot of people here are confused. DC is extremely easy to counter. You see it come down, you hold block.
    That is not a counter, as your opponent already won by making you move slow for 5 - 7 seconds... simply by wearing a set lol. Anyway, what often happens is that it is used as a combo with fear. So even if I break free BEFORE I got pulled, then I have a CC immunity on me (since I broke free from orher cc), but DC ignores that & still pulls me in.

    DC does not ignore CC immunity and I have no idea where people are getting that notion from.
  • EdmondDontes
    Now that High Isle has been added to the mix Dark Convergence is once again not obeying the rules ZOS says it does. It has a usually unbreakable, unblockable stun, it pulls from outside it's designated radius and is a super toxic/frustrating set to exist in Cyrodiil. It does nothing to control ball groups and is instead used almost exclusively to make ball groups god mode strength.

    Most people are not at all happy about how this set breaks and sucks the fun out of PvP.

    I still think the easiest fix is to make the set pull to the wearer.
    Edited by EdmondDontes on July 3, 2022 3:41PM
  • TechMaybeHic
    It keeps pulling from outside its ring again, which I think is too big to begin with. And the game seems to be struggling with break free again; not just DC, but I noticed I get KDed and Im breaking free, but my guy goes through the standing up animation of recovering without breaking free, then break free animation.
  • Fidget1302
    xDeusEJRx wrote: »
    Ball groups running this set still suck the fun out of PvP. The set still lands on the wrong side of doors and occasionally sucks defenders off walls/roofs too. The set is still super broken and does exactly the opposite of what ZOS says they designed it to do. Yet no adjustments have been made to fix it's god mode strength.

    I think they should change the set so it pulls to the wearer. That would solve most of the balance issues with the set, and make it perform the function ZOS says they created it to perform; break up ball groups.

    I just had a friend who came back after a year of taking a break from the game because performance was so bad. His first comment was "I am disgusted by how out of balance PvP is now". He cited Dark Convergence and Oakenshield as the two main reasons for his disgust.

    It's not a ball group breaking up set, it's a zerg breaking up set lol. Zos literally stated DC is doing it's job of killing large groups (aka zergs). It IS performing the way zos intended it to, I have no idea why players have this narrative that every update for pvp is made because of ball groups, when it isn't. They literally changed the damage and scaling of the set so it hurt large groups more and not solos because it's a ZERG BUSTER set, not a "ball group control set". Same as VD is.

    But I do agree this set sucks the fun out of pvp, I don't even play in groups in pvp and I get zerged down by large groups who are all running Dark convergence and constantly pull me continuously. As someone who can't rely on other people to down players, it's absurdly annoying trying to burst someone down just for you to get yanked away mid combo and the player lives. I hate proc PVP and players having sets do the work for them all the time and as a byproduct I hate Dark convergence, especially when a group of 10-20+ people use it to try to kill one person(me).

    Ball Groups are also large groups, so they fit the criteria of what DC is supposed to stop, only it doesn't and therein lies the problem. For me, I actually like the premise of the set and I don't think it should be removed or have too many changes made to it. However, if I were in charge I'd most surely reduce the damage by a flat amount or by a percentage for every grouped member you're with. ZOS already does this with some mythics and other sets. This would allow Ball Groups to still use it and be effective but not be untouchable. I'd probably also lessen the radius since it's way too big right now. There's pulling zergs into a tight space but then there's DC which pulls everyone within the damn hemisphere into the kill zone. The area is supposed to only be 10 meters but you can clearly tell by any video you see of it that it's larger than that area.

    The biggest problem is that only ball groups can use the set effectively. Random solos' can't use it against a zerg because there's so much OP cross healing going on even with random blob zergs, unless they do it as a bomb after the enemy zerg has already won the keep and is repping doors.

    Easy fixes:

    1. Narrow the radius down by 3 meters or so.
    2. Prohibit multiple DCs to proc on top of each other.
    3. Remove either the snare or the stun. Having both is absurd and isn't needed since nobody other than ball groups run treaders.
    4. Make the pulls origin happen on the caster like most of the other pull sets do.
    5. Reduce the damage it does by a little bit. Not a whole lot.. but dang... enough so that if only two people get caught in it they don't blow up for 20k damage
    6. Keep the insane radius but make it a pull only set.

    Any one of these fixes, or even all of them, would make things a little better. We do need a heavy duty set like DC to counter groups but when only a specific large group like ball groups or ball zergs cna use them with any sort of consistent success then there's a problem. It can bust a zerg, sure, but it can't bust a coordinated group unless it's another coordinated group doing it.

  • CameraBeardThePirate
    Fidget1302 wrote: »
    xDeusEJRx wrote: »
    Ball groups running this set still suck the fun out of PvP. The set still lands on the wrong side of doors and occasionally sucks defenders off walls/roofs too. The set is still super broken and does exactly the opposite of what ZOS says they designed it to do. Yet no adjustments have been made to fix it's god mode strength.

    I think they should change the set so it pulls to the wearer. That would solve most of the balance issues with the set, and make it perform the function ZOS says they created it to perform; break up ball groups.

    I just had a friend who came back after a year of taking a break from the game because performance was so bad. His first comment was "I am disgusted by how out of balance PvP is now". He cited Dark Convergence and Oakenshield as the two main reasons for his disgust.

    It's not a ball group breaking up set, it's a zerg breaking up set lol. Zos literally stated DC is doing it's job of killing large groups (aka zergs). It IS performing the way zos intended it to, I have no idea why players have this narrative that every update for pvp is made because of ball groups, when it isn't. They literally changed the damage and scaling of the set so it hurt large groups more and not solos because it's a ZERG BUSTER set, not a "ball group control set". Same as VD is.

    But I do agree this set sucks the fun out of pvp, I don't even play in groups in pvp and I get zerged down by large groups who are all running Dark convergence and constantly pull me continuously. As someone who can't rely on other people to down players, it's absurdly annoying trying to burst someone down just for you to get yanked away mid combo and the player lives. I hate proc PVP and players having sets do the work for them all the time and as a byproduct I hate Dark convergence, especially when a group of 10-20+ people use it to try to kill one person(me).

    Ball Groups are also large groups, so they fit the criteria of what DC is supposed to stop, only it doesn't and therein lies the problem. For me, I actually like the premise of the set and I don't think it should be removed or have too many changes made to it. However, if I were in charge I'd most surely reduce the damage by a flat amount or by a percentage for every grouped member you're with. ZOS already does this with some mythics and other sets. This would allow Ball Groups to still use it and be effective but not be untouchable. I'd probably also lessen the radius since it's way too big right now. There's pulling zergs into a tight space but then there's DC which pulls everyone within the damn hemisphere into the kill zone. The area is supposed to only be 10 meters but you can clearly tell by any video you see of it that it's larger than that area.

    The biggest problem is that only ball groups can use the set effectively. Random solos' can't use it against a zerg because there's so much OP cross healing going on even with random blob zergs, unless they do it as a bomb after the enemy zerg has already won the keep and is repping doors.

    Easy fixes:

    1. Narrow the radius down by 3 meters or so.
    2. Prohibit multiple DCs to proc on top of each other.
    3. Remove either the snare or the stun. Having both is absurd and isn't needed since nobody other than ball groups run treaders.
    4. Make the pulls origin happen on the caster like most of the other pull sets do.
    5. Reduce the damage it does by a little bit. Not a whole lot.. but dang... enough so that if only two people get caught in it they don't blow up for 20k damage
    6. Keep the insane radius but make it a pull only set.

    Any one of these fixes, or even all of them, would make things a little better. We do need a heavy duty set like DC to counter groups but when only a specific large group like ball groups or ball zergs cna use them with any sort of consistent success then there's a problem. It can bust a zerg, sure, but it can't bust a coordinated group unless it's another coordinated group doing it.

    DC doesn't stop ball groups because they know how to counter it. It's really as simple as that.
  • xDeusEJRx
    Fidget1302 wrote: »
    xDeusEJRx wrote: »
    Ball groups running this set still suck the fun out of PvP. The set still lands on the wrong side of doors and occasionally sucks defenders off walls/roofs too. The set is still super broken and does exactly the opposite of what ZOS says they designed it to do. Yet no adjustments have been made to fix it's god mode strength.

    I think they should change the set so it pulls to the wearer. That would solve most of the balance issues with the set, and make it perform the function ZOS says they created it to perform; break up ball groups.

    I just had a friend who came back after a year of taking a break from the game because performance was so bad. His first comment was "I am disgusted by how out of balance PvP is now". He cited Dark Convergence and Oakenshield as the two main reasons for his disgust.

    It's not a ball group breaking up set, it's a zerg breaking up set lol. Zos literally stated DC is doing it's job of killing large groups (aka zergs). It IS performing the way zos intended it to, I have no idea why players have this narrative that every update for pvp is made because of ball groups, when it isn't. They literally changed the damage and scaling of the set so it hurt large groups more and not solos because it's a ZERG BUSTER set, not a "ball group control set". Same as VD is.

    But I do agree this set sucks the fun out of pvp, I don't even play in groups in pvp and I get zerged down by large groups who are all running Dark convergence and constantly pull me continuously. As someone who can't rely on other people to down players, it's absurdly annoying trying to burst someone down just for you to get yanked away mid combo and the player lives. I hate proc PVP and players having sets do the work for them all the time and as a byproduct I hate Dark convergence, especially when a group of 10-20+ people use it to try to kill one person(me).

    Ball Groups are also large groups, so they fit the criteria of what DC is supposed to stop, only it doesn't and therein lies the problem. For me, I actually like the premise of the set and I don't think it should be removed or have too many changes made to it. However, if I were in charge I'd most surely reduce the damage by a flat amount or by a percentage for every grouped member you're with. ZOS already does this with some mythics and other sets. This would allow Ball Groups to still use it and be effective but not be untouchable. I'd probably also lessen the radius since it's way too big right now. There's pulling zergs into a tight space but then there's DC which pulls everyone within the damn hemisphere into the kill zone. The area is supposed to only be 10 meters but you can clearly tell by any video you see of it that it's larger than that area.

    The biggest problem is that only ball groups can use the set effectively. Random solos' can't use it against a zerg because there's so much OP cross healing going on even with random blob zergs, unless they do it as a bomb after the enemy zerg has already won the keep and is repping doors.

    Easy fixes:

    1. Narrow the radius down by 3 meters or so.
    2. Prohibit multiple DCs to proc on top of each other.
    3. Remove either the snare or the stun. Having both is absurd and isn't needed since nobody other than ball groups run treaders.
    4. Make the pulls origin happen on the caster like most of the other pull sets do.
    5. Reduce the damage it does by a little bit. Not a whole lot.. but dang... enough so that if only two people get caught in it they don't blow up for 20k damage
    6. Keep the insane radius but make it a pull only set.

    Any one of these fixes, or even all of them, would make things a little better. We do need a heavy duty set like DC to counter groups but when only a specific large group like ball groups or ball zergs cna use them with any sort of consistent success then there's a problem. It can bust a zerg, sure, but it can't bust a coordinated group unless it's another coordinated group doing it.

    Ball groups are not large groups. That's a fallacy. Can they be a ball group? Yes, but it's possible to be a ball group with a few players. Theres a PS4 NA guild that can run a ball group with 5-6 players and wipe zergs. Is that a large group? Hardly. For some reason, people like to equate large zerg to ball group when its not always the case.

    Zergs are always large groups in every case but ball groups are not always large groups.

    And reason it doesn't do well to bust coordinated groups because it isn't a coordinated group damaging set in the first place. The intention is to discourage faction stack zerging/ blob zerging. So it's not just a matter of mega zergs running over 2 people. We need pvp to be spread out all over campaign and not just one giant zerg pushing 1 keep after 1 keep until they own everything cause you can't beat 50 people with 2
    Solo PvP'er PS5 NA player

    90% of my body is made of Magblade
  • Dem_kitkats1
    KiltMaster wrote: »
    once you get used to d-con it's easy to get out of and counter

    since it's came out, it's like 2nd nature now to just not panic, hold block, throw a negate on it, etc.

    shouldn't be stacking too, too tight anyways, what with NB bombers and PB bombers still very relevant

    Can confirm, holding block and praying for a random negate is not effective.
    Edited by Dem_kitkats1 on July 7, 2022 7:26PM
  • EdmondDontes
    Today I got pulled off the second floor of a keep tower down to the first floor into an unbreakable stun TWICE.

    Dark Convergence is so pathetically broken. It's a set for trolls and superpowers ball groups against singular players. The set does the opposite of what ZOS claims they created the set to do, yet they don't make any effort to fix it or address it's many problems.

    Dark Convergence and the ball groups that crutch on it suck the fun out of PvP.
  • Oakenaxe
    Make it dodgeable and I'll be fine with it.
    a.k.a. Leo
    non-native English speaker
    200-300 ping and low fps player
  • TechMaybeHic
    The CD increase I hope at least makes it less prominent. The dangerous part is still a coordinated group pairing it with ulti dumps, but the obnoxious part is large zergs having a constant huge ground covering. Still think it could be reduced in size 40-50%
    Edited by TechMaybeHic on July 12, 2022 1:54PM
  • AwakeOhSleeper
    Today I got pulled off the second floor of a keep tower down to the first floor into an unbreakable stun TWICE.

    Dark Convergence is so pathetically broken. It's a set for trolls and superpowers ball groups against singular players. The set does the opposite of what ZOS claims they created the set to do, yet they don't make any effort to fix it or address it's many problems.

    Dark Convergence and the ball groups that crutch on it suck the fun out of PvP.

    If a ball group is killing you with dark convergence, then you aren’t solo, you’re zerging. No ball group is going to drop on a solo, unless you’re someone they know (in which case you’re going to expect it).

    DC does little to no dmg if you’re the only one in it, and I realize you maybe saying “I’m solo” as in you’re not in a group, but the point remains if you’re not grouped but standing in a zerg, you’re zerging. And if you’re dying to it, then you’re with too many people in the center.
    Edited by AwakeOhSleeper on July 19, 2022 1:32PM
  • Minnesinger
    Today I got pulled off the second floor of a keep tower down to the first floor into an unbreakable stun TWICE.

    Dark Convergence is so pathetically broken. It's a set for trolls and superpowers ball groups against singular players. The set does the opposite of what ZOS claims they created the set to do, yet they don't make any effort to fix it or address it's many problems.

    Dark Convergence and the ball groups that crutch on it suck the fun out of PvP.

    If a ball group is killing you with dark convergence, then you aren’t solo, you’re zerging. No ball group is going to drop on a solo, unless you’re someone they know (in which case you’re going to expect it).

    DC does little to no dmg if you’re the only one in it, and I realize you maybe saying “I’m solo” as in you’re not in a group, but the point remains if you’re not grouped but standing in a zerg, you’re zerging. And if you’re dying to it, then you’re with too many people in the center.

    In all fairness there are situations you are almost certain to be bombed even if not zergling. Taking flags or repairing makes one an easy target of a bomber.
    The wind is cold where I live,
    The blizzard is my home,
    Snow and ice and loaded dice, the Wizard lives alone.
  • EdmondDontes
    Today I got pulled off the second floor of a keep tower down to the first floor into an unbreakable stun TWICE.

    Dark Convergence is so pathetically broken. It's a set for trolls and superpowers ball groups against singular players. The set does the opposite of what ZOS claims they created the set to do, yet they don't make any effort to fix it or address it's many problems.

    Dark Convergence and the ball groups that crutch on it suck the fun out of PvP.

    If a ball group is killing you with dark convergence, then you aren’t solo, you’re zerging. No ball group is going to drop on a solo, unless you’re someone they know (in which case you’re going to expect it).

    DC does little to no dmg if you’re the only one in it, and I realize you maybe saying “I’m solo” as in you’re not in a group, but the point remains if you’re not grouped but standing in a zerg, you’re zerging. And if you’re dying to it, then you’re with too many people in the center.

    Not true. Dark Convergence is a disgustingly broken set. It doesn't obey the rules ZOS says it does.

    Today I was pulled from well outside the designated range 5 times into an unbreakable stun and was instakilled.....5 times in two hours.

    Dark Convergence is a pathetically broken set for ball groups to crutch on. Solo players don't run it usually. It's only for ball groups to control and pull in solo players primarily. ...so the set is also doing the opposite of what the devs say the set was created to do.

    I think the only reason they keep the broken set in game is because it kills so many people so fast it reduces lag to a degree.
    Edited by EdmondDontes on July 19, 2022 4:38PM
  • TechMaybeHic
    Imagine; being so bold as to take attack and defend keeps and pass anywhere near just a handful of players with just 1 squishy and happen to evade 1 DC only to roll into another and pulled right next to said squishy blowing up already triggered Occult overloads, plague break, and VD. How dare you all doing this. You should be out farming a resource solo. Not only is it not ok to be stacked in a mass, but being in the same keep as a handful of other players is also zerging and you should be punished. And those of you who dare try to group with players who are new, and weaker PvPers; how dare you!
    Edited by TechMaybeHic on July 19, 2022 4:47PM
  • Elendir2am
    If a ball group is killing you with dark convergence, then you aren’t solo, you’re zerging. No ball group is going to drop on a solo, unless you’re someone they know (in which case you’re going to expect it).

    DC does little to no dmg if you’re the only one in it, and I realize you maybe saying “I’m solo” as in you’re not in a group, but the point remains if you’re not grouped but standing in a zerg, you’re zerging. And if you’re dying to it, then you’re with too many people in the center.

    DC can be used for pulling either. If you are 1vs12 and want shot from distance and kite, they can use DC tu pull you to them and kill.
    PvP - Recruit.
    PvE - Dragon food
    RPG - A guy who thought, that he can defeat daedric prince, yet guards still chase him off when he accidentally touches some object during daily writs.
  • xDeusEJRx
    Imagine; being so bold as to take attack and defend keeps and pass anywhere near just a handful of players with just 1 squishy and happen to evade 1 DC only to roll into another and pulled right next to said squishy blowing up already triggered Occult overloads, plague break, and VD. How dare you all doing this. You should be out farming a resource solo. Not only is it not ok to be stacked in a mass, but being in the same keep as a handful of other players is also zerging and you should be punished. And those of you who dare try to group with players who are new, and weaker PvPers; how dare you!

    There's nothing wrong with zerging just be aware that you put a target on your back for people running DC plaguebreak and vicious death to go after. If you choose to zerg or zerg surf a zerg that's the position you put yourself in. I think it's fine to have sets that break up groups like this otherwise we'd have 50 people running over the map continuously.

    Zergs could always split their numbers and push different sides of the map at once but instead decide it's better to 50 man every keep. So it makes these bomb-esque builds easy to pull off. Which is why there's an abundance of these type of players going around.

    It's just putting a target on your back for bombers
    Edited by xDeusEJRx on July 19, 2022 11:15PM
    Solo PvP'er PS5 NA player

    90% of my body is made of Magblade
  • TechMaybeHic
    xDeusEJRx wrote: »
    Imagine; being so bold as to take attack and defend keeps and pass anywhere near just a handful of players with just 1 squishy and happen to evade 1 DC only to roll into another and pulled right next to said squishy blowing up already triggered Occult overloads, plague break, and VD. How dare you all doing this. You should be out farming a resource solo. Not only is it not ok to be stacked in a mass, but being in the same keep as a handful of other players is also zerging and you should be punished. And those of you who dare try to group with players who are new, and weaker PvPers; how dare you!

    There's nothing wrong with zerging just be aware that you put a target on your back for people running DC plaguebreak and vicious death to go after. If you choose to zerg or zerg surf a zerg that's the position you put yourself in. I think it's fine to have sets that break up groups like this otherwise we'd have 50 people running over the map continuously.

    Zergs could always split their numbers and push different sides of the map at once but instead decide it's better to 50 man every keep. So it makes these bomb-esque builds easy to pull off. Which is why there's an abundance of these type of players going around.

    It's just putting a target on your back for bombers

    Except again; it doesn't require being around a zerg. Just happen into a couple squishies. Wayyyy less than 50.
  • Cuddlypuff
    xDeusEJRx wrote: »
    Imagine; being so bold as to take attack and defend keeps and pass anywhere near just a handful of players with just 1 squishy and happen to evade 1 DC only to roll into another and pulled right next to said squishy blowing up already triggered Occult overloads, plague break, and VD. How dare you all doing this. You should be out farming a resource solo. Not only is it not ok to be stacked in a mass, but being in the same keep as a handful of other players is also zerging and you should be punished. And those of you who dare try to group with players who are new, and weaker PvPers; how dare you!

    There's nothing wrong with zerging just be aware that you put a target on your back for people running DC plaguebreak and vicious death to go after. If you choose to zerg or zerg surf a zerg that's the position you put yourself in. I think it's fine to have sets that break up groups like this otherwise we'd have 50 people running over the map continuously.

    Zergs could always split their numbers and push different sides of the map at once but instead decide it's better to 50 man every keep. So it makes these bomb-esque builds easy to pull off. Which is why there's an abundance of these type of players going around.

    It's just putting a target on your back for bombers

    You can do 4x 12 man pushes and 2 will succeed. The other 2 will wipe. I guess zerglings don't want to be part of the 50% that wipes. Little known fact, solo/duo bombing success drops off heavily when zergling size exceeds 18-24. It's just enough of a critical mass that lag/heals/damage becomes too much to deal with. This is why faction stacks over 50 and consisting of multiple ball zergs can just bulldoze all doors on the map with impunity.
  • xDeusEJRx
    xDeusEJRx wrote: »
    Imagine; being so bold as to take attack and defend keeps and pass anywhere near just a handful of players with just 1 squishy and happen to evade 1 DC only to roll into another and pulled right next to said squishy blowing up already triggered Occult overloads, plague break, and VD. How dare you all doing this. You should be out farming a resource solo. Not only is it not ok to be stacked in a mass, but being in the same keep as a handful of other players is also zerging and you should be punished. And those of you who dare try to group with players who are new, and weaker PvPers; how dare you!

    There's nothing wrong with zerging just be aware that you put a target on your back for people running DC plaguebreak and vicious death to go after. If you choose to zerg or zerg surf a zerg that's the position you put yourself in. I think it's fine to have sets that break up groups like this otherwise we'd have 50 people running over the map continuously.

    Zergs could always split their numbers and push different sides of the map at once but instead decide it's better to 50 man every keep. So it makes these bomb-esque builds easy to pull off. Which is why there's an abundance of these type of players going around.

    It's just putting a target on your back for bombers

    Except again; it doesn't require being around a zerg. Just happen into a couple squishies. Wayyyy less than 50.

    50 was just an example but the idea I was giving off is that it's zerg surging each other. People in this game zerg surf a lot or have zerg surfing mentality. They see other players, they follow them around mindlessly which allows bomb builds to target them.
    Is it a fault of your own?
    Not necessarily but it's a matter of zerg surging, where people just want to follow around what they consider to be a zerg or large group. There's LOTS of people that zerg surf and leech off actual zerg groups but zerg surfing is still zerging nonetheless.
    We need to spread faction population across the map so we don't run into 50 man faction stack situations which is encouraged by these zerg surfing players.

    I play PVP solo primarily and I've never run into these "squishies" that ever proc dark convergence on me to make it a problem. If I see DC or PB or whatever it's a single iteration so it never deals any considerable damage to me only since I never play around other players
    Solo PvP'er PS5 NA player

    90% of my body is made of Magblade
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