This set is total trash in PvP. It needs to do something besides pull. It's fine as is for PvE.
The biggest problem I have with the set is 99% of the time when I get pulled into the epicenter all my actions get locked out. Dodge roll, break free, skills, potions, movement keys, etc get completely shutdown. It’s that zero counter play to it that is the issue for me.
And size of it is too large for the short time frame given to react before the pull begins. If players are in the center when it goes down it’s almost impossible to dodge roll out of the area before the pull starts.
The double pull was too much but the single is sooo easily avoidable unless yur dead or afk its hard not to. The dmg is respectable but if your afk you were gonna die anyway
EdmondDontes wrote: »
But in severe lag it's still nearly impossible to counter or respond to. You've already been unti bombed because you've lost all your stamina trying to block and break free. Dark Convergence will never be a balanced set as is until when and if there are very significant performance upgrades.
Please check out my thread on a suggestion to change the set to turn it into a fun and fair set that would actually achieve the goals ZOS stated it had for the set.
As someone who uses DC at the moment in Cyrodiil, it's been incredibly unreliable lately so I'm not sure what issues everyone is having with it. I can barely get it to pull most of the time anymore and even when it does pull, it's barely putting out any kind of stun/damage
starlizard70ub17_ESO wrote: »
They just showed that they could with the Rallying Cry set, which procs when Battle Spirit is active. Just make battle spirit disable it? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
and you
Ive used it alot and it is a fun set but I can assure you that kills with it are rare. Its more of an annoyance to them than anything. Its always something else killing you and dcon just put you in position for it
Minnesinger wrote: »The set is outperforming any other set in lag. Can not even break free from its pull let alone notice the supposed 1 seceond time. When it is not lagging I can pretty easily block or just move away.
EdmondDontes wrote: »As the title says, Dark Convergence still breaks PvP for everyone trying to play the game using actual skills.
It's only used by ball groups and trolls who think ranged bombing from stealth should be something that exists in a video game.
The free pull and the OP damage eliminates all player skill gaps and that just shouldn't be possible.
Hold block, sovled your problem for you.
Hold block, sovled your problem for you.