Cuddlypuff wrote: »It's such a trash set now, doesn't even pull at point blank range. Probably time to change to rush of agony.
This. I just wrote this comment on another thread but it's definitely not working as intended lately. Animation still works but no matter the AoE skill you use to proc it, the pull just isn't there right now. I can barely get it to pull NPC's at resources. They need to either remove it completely or fix it
Cuddlypuff wrote: »
Yes I only noticed it after coming back from my Anniversary Jubilee box opening / cake break. It's not the known bug where it doesn't pull outside of melee range. It just doesn't pull at all most of the time, usually during lag. Guess performance has hit yet another low.
EdmondDontes wrote: »Ranged bombing from stealth SHOULD NOT BE POSSIBLE in a PvP environment. That the devs at ZOS promote this as a thing sends a horrible message regarding their competence.
EdmondDontes wrote: »As the title says, Dark Convergence still breaks PvP for everyone trying to play the game using actual skills.
It's only used by ball groups and trolls who think ranged bombing from stealth should be something that exists in a video game.
The free pull and the OP damage eliminates all player skill gaps and that just shouldn't be possible.
Gaeliannas wrote: »
That was easy, thanks! Now solve the lag issue so the game actually registers my block when I do it. Thanks again in advance!
CameraBeardThePirate wrote: »
It looks like he solved the lag issue for you
Gaeliannas wrote: »
WordsOfPower wrote: »Boycott Dark Convergence. Yeah, you.
And Plaguebreak.
They are completely overtuned and frankly silly.
No place in this great game
WordsOfPower wrote: »Boycott Dark Convergence. Yeah, you.
And Plaguebreak.
They are completely overtuned and frankly silly.
No place in this great game
EdmondDontes wrote: »
I won't play with sets as out of balance as Dark Convergence and Plaguebreak. It feels like cheating to me. So I've already boycotted them. But then again I won't play an NB either in PvP because cloak during a fight feels even more like cheating to me, and it practically is cheating. Whoever thought a player being able to engage in a long term fight while also being invisible was fair in a PvP situation needs a stern talking to about what is fair game play and what is not.
Cuddlypuff wrote: »
Are you boycotting detection potions too?
Cuddlypuff wrote: »The trend I've noticed in all these complaint threads is casual players really hate dark convergence but vet players really hate plaguebreak. Just some food for thought.
Cuddlypuff wrote: »The trend I've noticed in all these complaint threads is casual players really hate dark convergence but vet players really hate plaguebreak. Just some food for thought.
TechMaybeHic wrote: »
DC is easy to deal with while not in terrible lag. Plaguebreak is easy to deal with when not around Squishies. Neither really should bother a decent player that's not in a zerg if things work right. Both are still overloaded in what they do. And things have only recently started working right.
Cuddlypuff wrote: »
DC is completely ignored by immovable or snow treaders which any good player or ball group uses. It is purely a zerg stomper set. The one use case where you might get lucky with it against optimized groups is if you manage to yoink in some pugs into the ball group's path and use the aforementioned pugs to VD + PB the ball.
Plaguebreak is actually ridiculously OP but most people don't seem to understand how to use it or defend against it. Outside of negate, it is the only equalizer against HP and healing that exists in the game. It is single handedly the reason why ball groups have lost so much power (no purge crutching). On top of that, a plagued group will just explode to the next burst.
Cuddlypuff wrote: »
DC is completely ignored by immovable or snow treaders which any good player or ball group uses. It is purely a zerg stomper set. The one use case where you might get lucky with it against optimized groups is if you manage to yoink in some pugs into the ball group's path and use the aforementioned pugs to VD + PB the ball.
Plaguebreak is actually ridiculously OP but most people don't seem to understand how to use it or defend against it. Outside of negate, it is the only equalizer against HP and healing that exists in the game. It is single handedly the reason why ball groups have lost so much power (no purge crutching). On top of that, a plagued group will just explode to the next burst.